Northern California Dowsers (Nor Cal Dowsers)
Northern California Dowsers (Nor Cal Dowsers) is a unique, small but mighty group founded over three decades ago in Shasta County by Carl Bracy and others. We practice and teach all forms of dowsing, as well as other modalities, for the benefit of the environment and all of its components and constituents.
Letter to Robin
Written by Walt Woods to a beginning dowser, this is a great place to start your dowsing practice.
Digital Dowsers
This website offers many links to dowsing resources.
American Society of Dowsers
Members of the American Society of Dowsers make up the largest organized body of dowsers in the world. Members range from the most experienced to the most eager newcomers and everyone in between. ASD is also home to many of the United States most skilled dowsers, ranging from water dowsers to seekers of minerals and lost objects, energetic dowsers, esoteric dowsers, and a great deal more.
Sharry Hope
Sharry Hope, founder of Gold Country Dowsers and also a member of Nor Cal Dowsers, offers various classes and consultion with dowsing in all areas from water to spiritual consultation.
Flagstaff Dowsing Conference
Sharry Hope, founder of Gold Country Dowsers and also a member of Nor Cal Dowsers, offers various classes and consultion with dowsing in all areas from water to spiritual cons
This conference is held ever other year usually during the 4th of July weekend.
Ozark Research Institute Ozark Research Institute explores the power of the focused mind. Their mission is to serve humanity through education, spiritual awakening and holistic research.
Marsha & Ralph Ring
Ralph Ring says, “Our continuing endeavor is to re-introduce a better and safer form of transportation and habitation. Blue Star Enterprise is devoted and dedicated to bringing about a more peaceful, expedient and affordable way of life through the use of Alternative Energy.”
Light Matters Light Matters is a cooperative organization designed to help the world be more positive and loving.
Ed Dames
If you are interested in remote viewing, you might want to check out this website.
Joey Korn
Joey Korn says “(dowsing) is about tapping into our own God-given ability to explore the world of subtle energies that are everywhere within and around us. It’s about drawing every closer to the Divine in our lives.” His website has many interesting and valuable components.
This the AIM Program of Energetic Balancing: helping you become the first in history of your family with no family history.
Jean Slatter
Author of “Hiring the Heavens”, Jean Slatter’s self-help books and spiritual guidance courses can help you access your intuition and higher wisdom.
Nigel & Maggie Percy
This website has a lot of information about dowsing and how to improve your skills. There is also a related Facebook group with very active diverse members.
Susan Collins
Susan is a Personal Management Consultant who specializes in detecting and transforming Earth, Environmental and Psychic Energies to bring health, prosperity and balance to your home or business through dowsing. She is also a Professional Dowser who provides a variety of “Spiritual Housecleaning” services.
Roxanne Louise
Roxanne Louise is a hypnotheapist, Dowser, Reiki Master, and Stress Management Expert who divides her time between private practice, teaching classes both locally, on the internet, and mulitple national conferences yearly. She’s the past president of the American Society of Dowsers, conducted over 50 informative teleconfernces and has written numerous books and a prodigious blog. She speciallizes in mental and emotional healing, stress management, mind-body healing, and creative problem solving.
Other links: unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter in Hypnosis, Reiki, Dowsing and Self-Help
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Michael Joyce
March 27, 2015
looking for a high end spiritual dowser to rid me of
spiritual beings hurting me greatly. I am in chicago
and Walt Woods used to work on me from time to time
years ago. anyone available?
April 9, 2015
Michael Joyce,
My e-mail is please send me more information like address, and any information I may need and I’ll look at your spiritual enitite and with your permission will remove it. Is there a reason why it or they keep coming back?
Barney Turner 530-474-1938
Deon pollett
August 8, 2021
I added a link to your home page on my research page. Thanks for all you do.
Eva Matthiessen
June 25, 2024
Hi my name is Eva Matthiessen, I live in Nevada City, Ca.
I am interested in finding out if there is any events/gathering in my area I can attend and meet people in the field of dowsing?
It is a relatively new passion of mine, and I want to learn more about this wonderful are/science. If you have any info for me I am eternally grateful!
July 13, 2024
Hello Eva, Congratulations on your new passion of dowsing. Dowsing is spiritual awareness as some would say. Please come and join some of our meetings in person and some virtual. We aim to keep our website update with the most recent activities. Will place you on our email list, which we usually send out 2-4 times a month. We just finished with our annual dowsing conference at beautiful UC Santa Cruz. Thumb drives should be available in the near future. Thanks. We look forward to meeting you. All the best, Jeannette & Nor Cal Dowsing Family