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July 19 Dowsers Teleconference
third Monday of the month American Society of Dowsers Chapters: Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville, CA), Greater Boston Dowsers (Westford, MA) & Northern California Dowsers (Redding, CA) present A PANEL DISCUSSION with featured Dowsers’ Margaret VanLaanMartin Roxanne Louise Richard Feather Anderson Dr. Adhi Two Owls Tina Burgan as part of the continuing series “HOW TO…

June 21, 2021 Dowser Video Teleconference Series
DOWSERS VIDEO CONFERENCE CALL Third Mondays Monthly American Society of Dowsers Chapters: The Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville, CA), Greater Boston Dowsers (Westford, MA) & Northern California Dowsers (Redding, CA) HOW TO HAVE A SUCCESSFUL DOWSING EXPERIENCE SERIES featuring Jeanne Gehringer’s “WHAT TO DO AS A DOWSER WHEN SOMEONE IS IN THE HOSPITAL UNEXPECTEDLY” June 21, 2021 5 PM PDT/ 6PM MDT, 7PM CDT,…

March 15, April 19th & May 17 Dowser Video Teleconference Series
DOWSERS VIDEO TELECONFERENCE American Society of Dowsers Chapters The Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville, CA), Greater Boston Dowsers (Westford, MA) & Nor Cal Dowsers (Redding, CA) presents Roxanne Louise’s “HOW TO HAVE…A SUCCESSFUL DOWSING EXPERIENCE: PART III” Monday, 17 May 2021, 5 PM PDT/ 6PM MDT/ 7PM CDT/ 8PM EDT The last of Part III topic discusses successful dowsing for one’s health. “HOW TO HAVE…A SUCCESSFUL DOWSING EXPERIENCE: PART II” Monday, 19 APRIL 2021, 5 PM PDT/ 6PM…

Feb 27 Meeting
Northern California Dowsers CHAPTERS OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF DOWSERS’ PRESENT “DOWSING ACCURATELY IN UNSETTLED TIMES” with Jeanne Gehringer Saturday, 27 February 2021 1:30 PST (2:30pm MST/3:30pm CST/4:30pm EST) Nor Cal Dowsers and Friends welcomes Jeanne Gehringer’s presentation “DOWSING ACCURATELY IN UNSETTLED TIMES”. A charts and a handout of techniques will be e-mailed to all participants before the dowsing class. If you do not receive a handout please email: . *VIRTUAL ONLINE MEETING: Nor Cal Dowsers will be using…

Jan 23 Meeting
Northern California Dowsers in association with Boston Dowsers & Gold Country Dowsers chapters of the American Society of Dowsers’ Present “Connect with Cosmic Mind” with Cynthia Sue Larson Saturday, 23 January 2021 1:30 pm PST/3:30 pm EST Nor Cal Dowsers and Friends welcome back Cynthia Sue Larson for her presentation “Connect with Cosmic Mind”. An important key to conscious living is to glean a deep sense of connection and meaning with everyone and everything—including with Cosmic Mind—the holistic unified…

Dec 10 @ 6pm Pearl’s 98th Birthday Bash
To All who Love Ms. Pearl… Brilliant Renaissance Woman, Dowser, Artist, Humorist, Numerologist, Explorer, etc. Please join us for an online birthday celebration on Thursday, 10 December 2020 6pm PST/ 9pm EST *ONLINE MEETINGS: Nor Cal Dowsers will be using the GotoMeeting (GtM) secure format while we’re unable to meet in person. You can also dial in using your smart phone. (For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.) 💻📱👨🏽💻Please join our meeting from…

October 17 Meeting
Northern California Dowsers American Society of Dowsers’ Chapter Presents “MYSTICAL EXPERIENCES” Saturday, 17 October 2020 1:30 pm PDT *NEW ONLINE MEETING: Nor Cal Dowsers will be using the GotoMeeting (GtM) secure format while we’re unable to meet in person. You can also dial in using your smart phone. (For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.) 💻 📱 👨💻 Please join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. ☎ 📱 You can also dial in using your phone. United…

September 27 Meeting
Northern California Dowsers American Society of Dowsers’ chapter Presents “FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION….. TO ACHIEVE YOUR INTENTION!!!” By Sandee Mac Healer, Dowser, Explorer, etc. Sunday, 27 September 2020 1:30 pm PDT *NEW ONLINE MEETING: Nor Cal Dowsers will be using the GotoMeeting (GtM) secure format while we’re unable to meet in person. You can also dial in using your smart phone. (For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.) 💻📱👨🏽💻Please join our meeting from your computer,…