May 3rd Meeting
Northern California Dowsers
American Society of Dowsers’ chapter
“Dowsing and Manifestation”
by Susan McNeill Spuhler
Industrial Engineer, Dowser, Conference Organizer, etc.
Sunday, 3 May 2020 1:30 pm
*NEW ONLINE MEETING: Susan has graciously set us up to meet via computer, tablet or smartphone with her GoTo Meeting account. Please click on the following link: https://www.gotomeet.me/SusanMcNeillSpuhler
You can also dial in using your smart phone. (For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)
- United States: +1 (408) 650-3123
- One-touch: tel:+14086503123,,156207869#
- Access Code: 156-207-869
Donations: $5 or more is greatly appreciated, but not required
Susan McNeill Spuhler will give an online powerpoint presentation on Dowsing and Manifestation. Which she has always been excellent at doing.
Susan McNeill Spuhler is an Industrial Engineer and has been dowsing for nearly 30 years, successfully finding wells for clients throughout the northeastern United States as well as California. She also finds lost items and clears geopathic stress from property. Susan is the President of the Boston Dowsers, a life member of the American Society of Dowsers and a past trustee for American Society of Dowsers. She is the Co-Director of the West Coast Dowser Conference and the newly resurrected Flagstaff Dowser Conference (formerly known as the Southwest Dowser Conference). Susan learned to dowse at Stonehenge (UK) by accident from a group that was near her on a bus tour that had dowsing rods. She tried this activity and could do it. It wasn’t until she returned to work at MIT Lincoln Laboratory and spoke to her fellow engineers that she learned that she was dowsing. Susan has been filmed nationally and internationally for her dowsing. She’s a dynamic energetic speaker and has much to share.
Susan McNeill Spuhler can be contacted via email: Susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com, phone: 978.340.9304, websites: dowserssouthwest.com and/or www.dowserswestcoast.org .
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