Dear Dowser Family and Friends,
Wishing you and yours the Very Best this holiday season. Happy everything… Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, & Healthy Happy New Years!!!
With Love and Blessings,
Jeannette & Nor Cal Dowsers Family
Happy Autumnal Equinox Family and Friends,
In a couple of weeks we will have one of my favorite times of the year as we experience the Autumnal Equinox. Attached is a poem from our late Nor Cal Dowsers member and local judge Beth Livezey. As the change of season begins there’s also some signs of cooler temperatures many of us are looking forward to in the Northern hemisphere and the opposite in the Southern hemisphere.
Of course, there’s always Geoengineering that is changing the climate. Our local and global expert on Geoengineering is Dane Wigington who has spent most of his life’s work sharing his personal research work. For those of you who wish to know more about it please visit www.GeoengineeringWatch.org . If it’s new to you, then he explains much of it in his excellent documentary The Dimming.
Beside the change of climate below are a list of events to attend and connect with…find your special community.
COMMUNITY EVENTS starting today and upcoming
Today, Saturday, September 7, 2024 @ 1:30 PM PT, Join Tucson’s Dowser’s Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82722474993 Zoom Meeting ID: 827 2247 4993Featuring special guest Quantum Divining Master, Brandon Dey’s “Quantum Divining”
Quantum Divining is the revolutionary scientific system of navigating human life based on the teachings of Wiley Brooks. This system is unique as it works with specific universal reference points that become established within the practitioner, so that harmonics can be found in our
environment. The nonlinear continuum of Harmony/Disharmony offers the practitioner a lifeline beyond the duality of yes/no, ego-based questioning, into the universal language of creation itself, Truth. Through this system, the Diviner is empowered to identify all things in its creation and bring a new level of consciousness into their lives. Within this world of endless choices, the practitioner can accurately discern the most harmonious path towards their ultimate
human potential. Quantum Divining was developed specifically to assist the Human Family on the quest of Ascension, this system opens the door to manifesting and enlivening your Higher Self into the physical New World and Fifth Dimension.
Bio – Brandon Dey is a Master of the revolutionary science of Quantum Divining. His childhood experiences finding water with a stick and life-long vision questing to heal and repair his deep despair about the human condition ignited a fire in Brandon to free people of needless suffering. Quantum Divining, a system based on reference points and harmonics, is the essential guidance system away from earthly diversions towards recovery of our Original Selves. From his home in the Southwest, Brandon leads Vision Quests reconnecting people with essential energies within and without, and finding solutions to our global food, water and other human challenges.
September 6 – 9, 2024 Ozark Research Institute’s Annual POWER OF THOUGHT SCHOOL. ORI ● Holiday Inn, Springdale, AR ● Phone (479)582-9197 ● ori@OzarkResearch.org ● Featuring Gladys McCoy, Jeanne Gehringer, Cyndy Green, Katharina Spurling-Kaffl, ● https://www.ozarkresearch.org/contact.html
September 21 – 22, 2024. British Society of Dowsers Annual Conference visit www.britishdowsers.org
Saturday, September 21, 2024 The International Peace Day
25th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace. https://internationaldayofpeace.org/
ONE MINUTE OF SILENCE AT NOON in each person’s location. The PeaceWave began on the first observation of the UN International Day of Peace- 21 September 1982, and has continued to spread throughout the world in multiple ways. The PeaceWave is for Humanity to use as a unitive act of Peace on Peace Day & every day.
Sunday, September 22, 2024 Autumnal Equinox
TUESDAYS: Tucson’s Weekly Zoom – Aid in Relief from Fires, Drought, Heatwaves and Floods
Every Tuesday 7:00 PM MST (Arizona Time)
Tucson Dowsers meet on Zoom
Please consider joining us in inviting the Nature Spirits to bring rain in gentle, appropriate amounts to drought-stricken areas around the world. It only takes about 15 minutes!
Here is the Zoom Meeting Link:
Zoom Meeting ID: 827 2247 4993
THURSDAYS: Australia’s Dowser Group Dowse for the Planet every Thursday Night on Zoom!
Every Thursday 7:00 PM PT
This weekly meeting is hosted by our friends from Australia, Heather Wilks and Francis Peterson Dowsing for Healing Australia & Beyond. Here is the Zoom Meeting Link:
Zoom Meeting ID: 822 2882 0878 Passcode: 324825
Saturday, October 5 @ 1:30PM PT Tucson Dowser meeting “Finding and Developing Youth Dowsers” by Jeannette. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82722474993
Zoom Meeting ID: 827 2247 4993
Saturday, October 5 – Sunday, October 6, 2024 69th Annual Gem Show, Saturday hours 9 AM – 5 PM & Sunday hours 9AM – 4PM. 69th Annual GEM SHOW Shasta Gem & MineralSociety — Presents —Free Admission, Door Prizes, Jewelry-Minerals-Crystals-Fossils,
Auction-Exhibits, Raffle-Kids Area, etc. Location: Shasta District Fair Grounds
1890 Briggs St, Anderson, Calif. Contact: sgmsrocksredding@gmail.com or
Facebook: shastagemandmineralsociety
Saturday, October 12, 2024. Redding Holistic Healing, Psychic and Arts Faire 10AM – 4 PM, Location:Win-River Casino Event Center. 1200 Rancheria Road, Redding, CA. Join us for a day-filled with healing, psychic readings and art at the beautiful Win-River resort. Explore a variety of vendors offering holistic products and services, connect with psychic readers and astrologers for insight, and admire artistic creations. Cost is only $5 entry includes $10 casino play. Contact Akaysha if you’d like to be a vendor 530.355.0860
November 3 (Sun.) 1 p.m. – “ACORNS: A NATIVE AMERICAN STAPLE”
Native Wintu herbalist Ted Dawson will discuss the acorn, from harvest to food items. You’ll
be invited to join in grinding acorns with mortar and pestle and be rewarded with the best acorn
dishes in Shasta County. You’re probably aware that acorns were a staple food of the Native
Americans of California, but there’s more — Bring the family. Today’s presentation includes
making a natural poison oak remedy. Bring a jar – take some home.
– Remember Daylight Savings time change –
Northern California Dowsers Tentative Dates:
Nor Cal Dowsers is happy to have volunteers help with meetings. Please let us know what you can assist with. Thanks.
Possibly Sept 28th depending on schedules
October 27 TBD @ 2PM
November 17 TBD @ 2PM
December 1 Youth’s Dowsing meeting (Thanks Carole and Barney Turner for doing the first Nor Cal Dowsers youth program years ago!)
January 12, 2025 TBD @ 2PM
Other Dowsing Chapters
Boston Dowsers – Susan McNeill Spuhler, https://www.facebook.com/pg/bostondowsers susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers – Sharron Hope (Oroville), divininghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers – Karen Burke, karen@wans.com,
(Bi-Monthly / Third Saturday) Corte Madera CA
Idaho Dowsers – Amelia “Amy” Loomis, 208-315-1075Lone Star Dowsers Mary Wilson for Program material, mary@wholelifedesign.net
Newsletter contact Emily Sloan, lonestardowserstx@gmail.com or emily@emilysloan.com
Mile High Dowsers – Denver-Boulder Colorado dowsersmilehigh@gmail.com
Nor Cal Dowsers – Jeannette (Redding), norcaldowsers@gmail.com www.NorCalDowsers.com
San Jose Dowsers – No current information is available. Please let us know.
Santa Cruz Dowsers – Kalena Luxon, Facebook: Santa Cruz County, Dowserskalena2u@yahoo.com
Sierra Dowsers – Donna Ahlers, (Sacramento), donnaahlers@aol.com
Tucson Dowsers – Theresa Gonzalez, (Arizona), Tucsondowsers@gmail.com
Website: TucsonDowsers.net First Saturday of each month
Time: 1:30 -3:00 pm Mountain Standard Time
*Zoom meeting link : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82722474993
*Same link every month
Ozark Research Institute – https://www.ozarkresearch.org
Healing Circle Meditation (Weekly, Tuesday)
Meeting ID: 976 830 746 Meeting Password: 083888
HEIGHTEN AWARENESS Group: Ready to deep dive into heightening awareness with a live in person psychic development class with the hypnotherapist instructor Mr. Roger Gray. If so, get ready for a transformative and intense 8 week course meeting in person twice a week to activate and reactivate your six senses. This class is geared for all levels of development. “FREE MEET AND GREET” time…get to know Roger with questions and answers to explain a more detailed course format. For further information please contact Roger Gray 530.227.3257 CALL/TEXT OR EMAIL : bobbieg22@gmail.com
Have you heard of children in schools being able to use their extra sensory gifts without their sight, essentially while having a blindfold on their eyes? Did you know some schools train how to blindfold children and they are able to ride a bicycle, drive an electric go cart while able to high five another individual, know what picture someone has in their hand or know what type of crystal another person is holding and so much more? Can you imagine a world with giving youths the opportunity to be fully realized and be free to be themselves? If you are interested in this type of certified Teacher Training workshop helping youths and adults with their extra sensory perceptions then this is an OPPORTUNITY to join with Founder, Owner & Operator of Original Sight Karen Osborne (Ottawa, Canada) when she comes to California to instruct a small class size of 8 people. Original Sight Practitioner Training is a 4-day training (9AM – 5 PM) that prepares you to become Certified as an Original Sight Practitioner. Completion of the 4-day training and 3 case studies qualifies you to offer the Original Sight Program to both children and adults. Karen has hundreds of students & teachers in Mexico, United Kingdom, Canada, etc. and online around the globe for nine years. Her new book is due out soon. Please visit her website to see what her work is about http://www.crystalmedicine.ca
Teacher Training’s ideal class size is 8 people with at least two children to practice. I can always find some youthful volunteers for those of you who wish to join who may not know youths in Shasta County. Depending on circumstances she can work with larger groups. Cost $1,200 or possibly less.
If you’re interested in joining this amazing 4 day California training in the near future please contact Jeannette via email: NorCalDowsers@gmail.com (with subject line Original Sight Teacher Training) or call 530.222.2024 (landline)
MEDIUMSHIP with Circle of Love
Have you ever been interested in getting a deeper connection with someone who has passed on, have grief or unresolved issues with a deceased loved one; then this might be a place for you. On Tuesdays 10:05 AM and Thursdays 6:20 PM we have a small group of mediums that work on our skill set online with one recipient/sitter. Many of us mediums are graduates of James Van Praagh Mediumship Level II and/or have other training. There are usually 3-6 mediums who will gather on the internet for an individual who would like to connect with their loved one(s) on the other side. If this is something that you or you know of someone that would like this free service for the remainder of the year please don’t hesitate to reach out to Jeannette via email with Subject line “Circle of Love” at NorCalDowsers@gmail.com .
Thank you!
All the Best to You and Yours in Health, Wellness and Joy,
Jeannette & Nor Cal Dowsers Family
💫🌏Hello Dowser Family and Friends,
First and foremost our hearts and prayers go out to those being effected by the Park fire in Northern California (Butte, Tehama, Shasta County, etc.). Some of our dowser family members have been evacuated and we call upon a stop to this advancing fire and higher powers be able to control and quash it. Visualizing water, protection of plants, animals, infrastructures and of course humans. Thank you for positive visualization for assisting all those in need with the fires immediately.
There are a couple of apps available to find out more about fires and what your zone is:
https://protect.genasys.com (enter in an address and it will let you know)
The above apps could help save your or someone else’s life.
A special thank you to Ted and Laura Dawson’s inspiration as they took groups of people up Mt. Lassen for the full moon hike. We started at the approximately 8,500 elevation and hiked up 2.5 miles with another approximate 2,000 feet in elevation. The mountain was packed with people. We measured our energy before and after the hike. For two of us our energy expanded just from doing the hike. With each adventure there is always a learned lesson and for me I’ll be more rested and start a bit earlier on any hiking excursions. I’ve done that hike before with our Dowsing Family members Barney and Carole with ease and grace, but we were rested and started in the morning. Big difference from starting at 7:15pm. Interestingly there were people who began trekking after midnight during the full moon. The moon and sight was really beautiful, picture above.
In the meantime, we do have some exciting events this weekend and coming up.
Saturday, July 27th, 2024 @ 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. “RELAX and RENEW” A HEALING CONCERT with Phoebe Fazio. Ted and Laura Dawson will be assisting. Shift from 3-D thinking to 5-D connection. This is for anyone who wants to be immersed in channeled sound messages and feel re-connected to their highest vision for their “work” here on Earth. Location: Center for Spiritual Living, Redding 1905 Hartnell Avenue Redding, CA, 96002 in the Sanctuary. Cost $55.00 (cash/check) to $57.00 (credit card) per Person (depending on payment type). Visit link for details:
Sunday, July 28th, 2024 @ 10 am – 1pm PT THE BODY LANGUAGE CLASS @ Gratitude Center, 413 Walnut Street, Red Bluff, CA. This class is ideal for knowing How to Speed Read People Body Language. Cost $40 cash/check or $42 credit card. See details with attachment. A short break will be taken in the middle for you all to eat any food you choose to bring and chat. Please bring exact change. Roger is a second generation dowser and has over 30 years as a hypnotherapist and consultant to other hypnotherapist instructors. Roger is an entertaining and high energy individual who is everyone’s advocate for living the best life! Please call/text Roger Gray 530.227.3257 OR EMAIL: bobbieg22@gmail.com to reserve your spot now!
HEIGHTEN AWARENESS Group: Ready to deep dive into heightening awareness with a live in person psychic development class with the hypnotherapist instructor Mr. Roger Gray. If so, get ready for a transformative and intense 8 week course meeting in person twice a week to activate and reactivate your six senses. This class is geared for all levels of development. “FREE MEET AND GREET” time…get to know Roger with questions and answers to explain a more detailed course format. For further information please contact Roger Gray 530.227.3257 CALL/TEXT OR EMAIL : bobbieg22@gmail.com
Saturday, August 3, 2024 @ 1:30 PM PT Tucson Dowsers Meeting with renowned dowser Sandee Mac and her presentation on “Dowsing for Emotional Health & Wellbeing”. One of the most overlooked & misunderstood aspects of ourselves as total BEINGS, is how to deal with emotions. Equally important as our mind, spirit, or even our body, are our emotions. We already know how to deny, suppress, project or ignore them until they cripple or sicken us in countless ways. See further details with attachment. Zoom Meeting Link:
Zoom Meeting ID: 827 2247 4993
Saturday, September 7, 2024 1:30 PM PT Tucson Dowsers Meeting with Brandon Dey’s presentation “Quantum Divining”. Quantum Divining is the revolutionary scientific system of navigating human life based on the teachings of Wiley Brooks. This system is unique as it works with specific universal reference points that become established within the practitioner, so that harmonics can be found in our environment.
Zoom Meeting Link:
Zoom Meeting ID: 827 2247 4993
September 6 – 9, 2024 Ozark Research Institute’s Annual POWER OF THOUGHT SCHOOL. ORI ● Holiday Inn, Springdale, AR ● Phone (479)582-9197 ● ori@OzarkResearch.org ● Featuring Gladys McCoy, Jeanne Gehringer, Cyndy Green, Katharina Spurling-Kaffl, ● https://www.ozarkresearch.org/contact.html
September 21 – 22, 2024. British Society of Dowsers Annual Conference visit www.britishdowsers.org
Sending Love, Wellness and Creativity Your Way,
Jeannette & Nor Cal Dowsers Family

Picture: Crystal Creek Falls, Whiskeytown, California
Greetings Family and Friends,
Happy International Dowsers Day, Labyrthith Day and Mother’s Day! This breathtaking picture is from a recent hike at Crystal Creek Falls near Whiskeytown, California. I invite you to enjoy the outdoors and the beauty of nature as much as possible. There is so much to learn from nature. I find the closer I’m with nature, then the more I get to know about myself and surroundings, thus more intuition seems to arrise from being relaxed and allowing. Wishing you and yours all the happiness, good health and joy!
Blessings of Love,
2023 Save the Dates
Friday, 5 May 2023 Happy International Dowsers Day! In honor of late dowser Hamish Miller various dowser organizations around the globe are celebrating this weekend to help bring awareness of dowsing. Dowsing is focused intution. Many humans and animals use their intuition for regular survival, but we all have different profeciencies. Many engineers and scientiest regognize the importance of dowsing in their work. Albert Einstein knew the importance of dowsing, imagination, and the urgency for one’s intuition as he said “The only real valuable thing is intuition…..The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the reaction of the human nervous system to certian factors which are unknown to us at this time.” May we all become more proficient in our intution and dowsing!
Friday – Thursday, 5 – 11 May 2023. Harmony Connects us offering FREE Live Online Event “Embodied Awakening Conference” with 40+ experts. The conference is an opportunity to explore how physical and spiritual aspects of our lives can be integrated by using the body’s own intelligence in the process of personal growth, discovery and evolution. Link:
Saturday, 6 May 2023 @ 1:30 PM PDT ucson Dowsers Monthly Zoom meeting “Energy Interference from Absorbed Siblings with Amy Jo Ellis”. Do you know someone who is a drama queen? Who can’t make up their mind? Who feels left out and/or gets their feelings hurt easily? Someone who switches emotions at the drop of a hat? If so, they might have an absorbed sibling. Those who have an unrecognized sibling often have the spirit of their sibling locked inside their energy field. Please join us as Amy Jo shares how to recognize the presence of absorbed siblings and how to release them. Amy Jo started out as a singer-songwriter performing for spiritual living centers and teachers like, Mary Manin Morrissey, Bob Doyle, Neale Donald Walsh, and one time even for the Dalai Llama. Now, the tables have turned and Amy Jo herself is a spiritual teacher and channel who is quickly gaining notoriety for bringing through a process called the Court of Atonement. This simple spiritual idea helps to resolve conflicts at the Soul level. With the single share of her $5 booklet on Facebook, Amy Jo has now sold thousands of e-books to people in over 140 countries. https://www.courtofatonement.com/
Tucson Dowsers Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82722474993
Zoom Meeting ID: 827 2247 4993
Saturday, 6 May World Labyrinth Day (always first Saturday in May). The Boston Dowsers are dedicating a special newly constructed Cjartres Labyrinth at 11:15 PDT in honor of the 15th Annual World Labyrinth Day. If in the Boston area contact Susan at susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com
Sunday, 7 May @ 1:30 pm PDT Northern California Dowsers (Nor Cal Dowsers) meeting presents “Psychic Development” with married couple Roger Gray (Hypnotherapist) and Bobbie G (Spiritual Medium). Join us for Roger Gray and Bobbie G’s “Psychic Development” presentation. Roger will be doing most of the lecture on how the brain process’s subconscious info.; how psychic senses work; how to identify psychic info; how to use bilateral eye movement to access higher understanding to identify and break through blocks. Bobbie will do a brief talk about the Gregory continuum, her spiritual masters and how she uses Gregory information to help people access their guides and some short readings and Q and A time permitting. Location: Shasta County Library, Community Room, 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001. Donation $10 feel free to bring libations or snacks.
Sunday, 7 May @ 11 am PDT United States Psychotronics Association’s Free Masterclass #41 Michael Andron “Stories of Healing with Andrea Puharich & Greta Woodrew”. Dr. Andron will share some remarkable case-studies, experiences of his years spent with Dr. Puharich in the lab and on the road, and amazing stories of both healings and studies with Dr. Greta Woodrew, his teacher and sister. The EnerGenesis Protocol provides a revolutionary approach personal energy effectiveness: breathwork for health and focus, self-pressure energy balancing, and meditation skills to quiet and focus the mind. One of the great problems in health care today is that we equate ‘health’ with non-disease; that is, not having any symptoms. Even when we speak of ‘prevention’, we mean early detection, before a small symptom — or no symptom — becomes a more serious problem. There is another way of looking at things. We can think of ‘being healthy’ as meaning a high level of personal wellness! Zoom registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtcOCqqz4jEtzpQWlWFKmB2B1PgnhVMevC#/registration
Sunday, May 7 NOON PDT International Dowsing Day. Join Susan Collins & Grahame Gardner’s group via Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/internationaldowsingday
Tuesday, 9 May @ 6pm PDT ***Every Tuesday Tucson Dowsers meet for a Weekly Zoom – Aid in Relief from Fires, Drought, Heatwaves and Floods. Please consider joining us in inviting the Nature Spirits to bring rain in gentle, appropriate amounts to drought-stricken areas around the world. It only takes about 15 minutes! Weekly Tuesday Zoom Meetings
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82722474993 Zoom Meeting ID: 827 2247 4993
Tuesday, 9 May 2023 @ 4pm PDT “Clear Your Dirty Genes and THRIVE!” by Anne Bliss via Zoom.
In 9 steps, you will rid your body of “dirty Genes” also known as epigenetics. Our genes can switch on and off in a milli-second. Any toxic exposure, bad food, negative thoughts, and much more can cause the change in your genes and ultimately in your health. Emphasis will be placed on vaccination gene changes. It is hoped that you will take this class often since our environment is so toxic! Email: Anne Bliss for Details: Where: On a zoom call from your phone, computer or laptop. The link will be sent that morning. Offering: $13.13 Paypal funds to youreternalessence@gmail.com Or call (845) 282-0643 with a credit card.
Sunday, 14 May Happy Mother’s Day 🌹
Saturday, 20 May @ 1:30 – 4:30 PM Jeanne Gehringer’s monthly Dowsing Class will focus on “Highlights of the Spring 2023 Ozark Research Institute Conference And TRAUMA: How We Can Use Dowsing To Lessen Its’ Negative Effects”. Location: Wellspring Church 140 W Taylor Road, Dona Ana, NM. www.wellspringnow.com 575-524-2375. Dowsing is more than finding water! It is your connection to your higher self and to Source. We are going to address two topics in this class. We’re going to finish our discussion of Trauma and develop a simple inclusive dowsing protocol to address it. Also, I will address some highlights of the Ozark Research Institutes Spring 2023 conference that I just attended. I’ve got some fun information to share. Bring your dowsing booklets, dowsing tools, your questions, and an open mind. Materials will be. available for those who do not have them and will also be available for purchase. Jeanne’s Bio: About the Instructor… As a dowser for 40 years, Jeanne applies dowsing to health, psychological and spiritual well-being. She has been fortunate to learn
from dowsing mentors and is also blessed with her own healing intuition. Jeanne co-founded the Southwest Dowsing Conference and was also the American Society of Dowsers (ASD) Regional Coordinator for several years. She was a long- time member of ASD and has been a frequent presenter at dowsing chapters, Regional Conferences & ORI She was named the ASD 2015 Dowser of the Year. Jeanne’s contact: mjeanne@zianet.com
Sunday, 28 May @ 12:30 PM – 5 PM PDT: Sierra Dowsers presents “Crop Circle Manifesto” by Sharon Mahany. Join Sharon Mahany in a virtual guided tour of more than twelve crop circles as they were presented to her. These elemental energy art pieces coincided with poetry that Sharon created, appearing synchronistically as illustrations. Rather than using the scientific method, this is a more experiential process. Plan to open your heart to a place where human consciousness meets perhaps a broader consciousness. Location: 4145 BRANCH CENTER RD., SACRAMENTO, CA 95827. More info. Contact Sierra Dowsers’: donnaahlers@aol.com , 916-564-9552 (landline), 916-806-6942 (cell)
Saturday, 3 June 2023 @ 1:30 pm PDT Tucson Dowsers presents Master Dowser and former ASD President Sandee Mac’s “You Can Do What?!?! 3 Ways to Use Dowsing You May Not Have Thought of”. Sandee’s bio Bio – Sandee Mac is a long-time Houston metaphysician. She is a frequent speaker at numerous conferences in the US and abroad including England, Canada, and Bosnia. Sandee has been researching and teaching a vast array of techniques since the ’70s. She has traveled all over the world to places like Peru, China, Tibet, Greece, and Africa to learn from a variety of teachers and masters. As a result, she is certified, trained, or initiated in over 70 different modalities ranging from Black Hat Sect Feng Shui, Dowsing (Past President of American Society of Dowsers), Past Life Regression, Shamanism, NLP, Hypnosis, and much more. Sandee uses a variety of these tools and techniques in her private consultations to help people overcome a range of issues, including physical pain, disease, fatigue, mental illness, depression, and emotional difficulties, to relationship problems and money blockages. She has also worked with UFO abductees and contactees for over
three decades. In addition to her private consultations, she loves to share her knowledge with others. She regularly teaches classes in Dowsing, Psychic Protection, Creating Abundance, Past Life and Regression, and many other topics. She currently resides in the mountains of Arizona. For more information about Sandee, her classes, or private consultations, visit https://www.sandeemac.com/
or call 505-577-5775.
Saturday – Sunday , 10 – 11 June 2023 Golden Gate Dowsers Meeting and Workshop presents Melinda Iverson Inn’s “Dowsing Celestial Wisdom and Restoring Equilibrium to Raise Your Vibration”. Meeting: Saturday, June 10 2023 @ 2 – 4:30 PM & Workshop: Sunday, June 11@ 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM. Location: Sunrise Center, 645 Tamalpias Drive – 1st floor Suite A, Corte Madera CA 94925. Suggested donations $13/$16 ASD members/nomembers & workshop $55 (before 31 May) & $60 (June price) Utilizing our celestial star families, dowsing, working with crystals and the ever-expanding calendar (time) nodal points can bring great blessings for healing, clearing, and thriving amidst tumultuous times. Melinda will explore dowsing these open doorways to the ever-expanding intuition that is available to us. https://melindaiversoninn.com/. Any questions contact Karen: karenbke@gmail.com
Sunday, 11 June 2023 @ 1:30pm PDT Northern California Dowsers presents “Hawaiian Spirituality” by Akasha (Psychic, Dowser, Conference Director) Location: Shasta County Library, Community Rm 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001. Donations: $10 or more is greatly appreciated Feel free to bring snacks & refreshments
Wednesday – Sunday, 7 – 11 June 2023 ASD Convention at SUNY Adirondack Community College, Queensbury, NY. Speakers: Lee Barnes, Brian Besco, John Butler, Jini Cerio, Brandon Dey, Amy Jo Ellis, William Gee, Beth Grace, Jackie Holzel, Sandra Isgro, Roxanne Louise, Marty Lucas, Sandy McKenzie, Sophie Michaud, Kate Rafferty, Rosanne Romiglio-Ashley, Aaron Singleton, Charisse Sisou, Rose Szwed, John Thompson, Atala Dorothy Toy, Deni Van, Joann Vollmer, Linda Warren. Workshops (hosted by) Dowsing Foundation School (Joan Reed, Tick Gaudreau, Richard Roy, Craig James, Leroy Bull), Lee Barnes, Brian Besco, Jini Cerio, Brandon Dey, William Gee, Sandi Isgro, Sophie Michaud, Marty Lucas, Charisse Sisou, Rosanne Romiglio-Ashley, Aaron Singleton, Dr. Michelle Peal, Atala Dorothy Toy, Deni Van, Joan Reid, Linda Warren, Gale West.
Link: https://americansocietyofdowsers.wildapricot.org/page-18147
Sunday, 16 July 2023 @ 1:30 PM Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting. Location: Shasta County Library, Community Room, 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001.
Sunday, 6 August 2023 @ 1:30 PM Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting. Location: Shasta County Library, Community Room, 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001.
Friday – Friday, 1 – 8 September, 2023 Join Jeanne Gehringer with other likeminded Dowsers & metaphysical people on an exiciting voyage to beautiful Alaska. “Sail with Spirit Cruise and Seminar-at-Sea” will be sailing from Seattle to the awe-inspiring beauty of Alaska and British Columbia: Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, and Victoria. “Jeanne will be giving a talk on -no surprise!- Dowsing.” The talk will not only teach the basics for the newcomers and get into fun applications, but also importantly show everyone how dowsing is a valuable key into all areas of metaphysics.” When you sign up let them know that Jeanne inspired you to register. Jeanne’s contact info mjeanne@zianet.com. Check out the cruise website: www.sailwithspirit.com with acknowledgment of Ms. Jeanne Gehringer.
Sunday, 17 September 2023 @ 1:30 PM Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting. Location: Shasta County Library, Community Room, 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001.
Wed. – Wed., 4 – 10 2023 October Flagstaff Dowsers Conference https://dowserssouthwest.com/
Saturday, 14 October 2023 Redding Holistic Healing, Psychic and Arts Faire 10am – 4pm Win River Events Center, Redding CA Contact Akasha for further info via email at akaysha11@yahoo.com
FREE Letter to Robin by Walt Woods visit: https://lettertorobin.wordpress.com/
American Society of Dowseres: https://americansocietyofdowsers
Appalachian Dowsers – https://appalachiandowsers.org
Boston Dowsers – Susan McNeill Spuhler, susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com ,
British Society of Dowsers: https://www.facebook.com/internationaldowsingday
Canadian Society of Dowsers: https://canadiandowsers.org/
Dowsing Society of Victoria Inc (Austrailia): https://www.dsv.org.au/
Geoengineering Watch with Dane Wigington’s regular updates on climate engineering link:
Idaho Dowsers – Amelia “Amy” Loomis – 208-315-1075
Lynne McTaggart’s power of your thoughts experiments & courses visit her website:
More chapter information available at ASD dowsers.org
ORI Ozark Research Institute….2023 Dowsing & Alternative Healing Convention rent online watch until 25 July 2023 $20 per class or $199 for all 12 Classes or dowload entire event for $260. Also, every Tuesday evening the Group comes together via Zoom, to send remote healing energy to those in need, by using a meditative/visualization technique we call “Focused Thought Healing”. Further details visit the following website: https://www.ozarkresearch.org/
Raymon Grace …More live classes have opened up. Visit Raymon and April’s webiste for assistance at Raymon Grace Foundation and web- site offers a very comprehensive amount of wellness and inspirational information. For information, contact Raymon at https://www.raymongrace.us/#/
Roxane Louise’s Unlimited Potential Healing Center at https://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com/
True Vision of Peace is a team of people who are interest in helping the environment and it’s inhabitants. They have regular zoom meetings link www.truevisionofpeace.com/fesig.html
Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Northern California Dowsers, Nor Cal Dowsers, (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com & www.norcaldowsers.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at waterdowsers@gmail.com & https://sharryhope.com/
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen at karenbke@gmail.com & Steve at sorsary@comcast.net
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Joachim (Joe) Wippich
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) with Kalena Luxon at crysatlbortex@yahoo.com
🎶🎵 QUOTES 🎶🎵
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla
“Choose to be healthy, it’s a choice.” -Pearl Nicolino
“Dowsing is universal truth.” – Carl V. Bracy
“My definition of dowsing is to be actively intuitive.” —Alex Champion’s My Exploration of Labyrinths
“If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on it, I would use the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes.” —Al Einstein
“If I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.” ― Albert Einstein
“You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end, each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful.” — Marie Curie
“If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet. Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” – Niels Bohr, a Danish Physicist
“In atomic physics, we can never speak about nature without, at the same time, speaking about ourselves.” -Frijitov Capra
“I know very well that many scientist consider dowsing as a type of ancient superstition. According to my conviction this is, however, unjustified. The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the reaction of the human nervous system to certian factors which are unknown to us at this time.” -Albert Einstein
🙏🏽 Thanks 💐
Sunday, 30 April 2023 at 1PM
Horsetown-Clear Creek Preserve, Redding, CA.
We’re back with regular meetings in person.
January 2022
💞Happy News….Wellness Corner
Relax and Allowing © Jeannette
A type of relaxation is meditation. Meditation is the doorway to our souls. Take the time to relax and rejuvenate with the power of meditation. The best part about this is that everyone can go at their own pace. The more one feels and is conscious of their meditation, then the highest and quickest benefits are immediately reaped. Below are some easy types of meditative practices.
Protocol for Breath Meditations:
1. Find a comfortable spot the same time daily.
2. Focus on breath (Breath in light, love &/or positivity; Exhale negativity or anything that doesn’t resonate with you).
3. If your mind wanders, gently go back to focussing on your breath. Another technique that could help if unable to focus is to count down by one or three digits starting from 300. i.e. 300, 297, 294….. or alternatively 300, 299, 298,….
Protocol for Activity Meditation:
If sitting in a specific spot is not for you, perhaps you might be better at mindful active meditation. Simply put all your efforts into one thing and think of nothing else. For example, if washing dishes one’s mind would just be focused on washing dishes. This is a tough one for me, because there’s so much energy around the water and information just comes in for me & I start thinking about other things. Or, one might work in the garden and focus on the plants that need attention. Another active type of meditation involves exercise from running, swimming, yoga, etc.
Protocol for Verbal &/or Non-Verbal Meditation:
1. Find a comfortable spot, preferably the same time daily.
2. Chant, hum, or sing repeatedly until end of meditation time.
A. Buddhist chant: Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
B. Om chant: O……..m, Om Mani Padme Hum
C. Hawaiian chant: Ho’oponopono
Ho’oponopono translates into I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I LOVE you. This a powerful tool and heals one heart, soul and environment around them.
D. Toning: connect with your voice and breath and emanate sounds out of your body.
E. Choose your own word/phrase(s) and chant
F. Hum
G. Sing
Oftentimes meditation is the time we gain insight and connect with our higher selves, and truer. Happy mediation and good healing vibrations can lead to realizing or reconnecting to your personal power.
Thank you.
In Health, Love & Happiness,
Dowser Community & News
❤️ Sat., 1 Jan 2022 @ 12:30 PST (1:30pm MST, 2:30 CST, 3:30 EST) Tuscan Dowsers Meeting Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82722474993 , Zoom Meeting ID: 827 2247 4993 . Recording of event will be provided later. www.TucsonDowsers.net
🌚 Sun., 2 Jan 2022 @ 10:33 am PDT New Moon. Often times new moons represent the start of “new” beginnings. Great opportunity to try something new and go with the good energy!
❤️ Sat., 15 Jan 2022, 1:15pm (PDT) Golden Gate Dowsers Virtual – Meeting “The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius” with Reverend Tamara Bell. This is our planet’s shift into the place around our Milky Way’s Central Sun’s section which is the astrological area of Aquarius. She will share how this shift changes the background hum of society. Please join early from your computer, tablet or smartphone. Go to the following link: https://www.gotomeet.me/SusanMcNeillSpuhler. Or via phone (408) 650-3123 or one touch mobile with the following tel:+14086503123,,1562
🌝 Mon. 17 Jan 2022 @ 3:48pm PDT. Full moon is a wonderful opportunity to release and finish up projects. Many people are affected by the full moon, also known as lunar cycle. We’re mostly water and the moon has a pulling sensation, similar to the tides of the ocean pull. If you have difficulty sleeping, this is an excellent opportunity to use your creativity to create something and wrap up anything big project. Also, perfect for making your own moon water.
Mon., 17 Jan 2022 @ 5pm (PDT) “2022 Prediction Party” American Society of Dowsers’ Teleconference call with Sharry Hope, Susan Spuhler & Jeannette featuring MargaretAmerican Society of Dowsers’ chapters. If you missed it the recording will be available at dowsers.org under the members only section, click on Mastermind Water Dowsers 17 January 2022 date. Link to connect:
United States: +1 (571) 317-3116 Access Code: 998-075-477
– One-touch: tel:+15713173116,,998075477#
❤️ Wed., 19 Jan – 25 Jan 2022 Hay House Summit. “Over 50,000 of you have signed up so far, and thousands of you have already listened to the quick-start lessons that are available now! This online event starts on Wednesday, January 19, so save your spot for FREE now if you haven’t yet. You’ll hear from the world’s leading experts in spirituality, personal growth, and healing, including Louise Hay, Gabrielle Bernstein, Anthony William, Jim Kwik, Iyanla Vanzant, Esther Hicks, and many more. So, if you’re ready to:
overcome fears and limiting beliefs, consciously attract what you want, create more peace and joy in your life, heal your body from the inside out… then join us for this special event from January 19–25! Remember, when you save your spot now, you’ll get access to four free lessons right away.” Link below:
🌚 Mon., 31 Jan 2022 @ 9:46pm PDT New Moon.
🌍🌈🌎Get your 2022 Astrological Calendars’ The Planetary Calendar Astrology Forecasts for 2022 at the following website: https://www.spaceandtime.com . Drs. Ralph and Lahni DeAmicis have been designing and writing their yearly Planetary Calendars for years. They have a YouTube Channel that you might want to check out. “We keep these short and sweet so you can get right to the details. The monthly Forecasts are recorded a year in advance but the Week-by-Week forecasts are recorded in ‘real-time’, as we are living those transits right along with you so we offer a bit more clarity about current trends. Check in with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter from time to time where we leave pithy little nuggets when the Planets move us! Wishing you all *Good Stars*- Ralph & Lahni”
🦋 Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Northern California Dowsers, Nor Cal Dowsers, (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com, www.norcaldowsers.com.
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divininghope@yahoo.com, www.sharryhope.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Dick Tippett at rtippett@ertechinc.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) with Kalena at kalena2u@yahoo.com
Other Dowser Chapters:
Boston Dowsers – Susan McNeill Spuhler (MA), https://www.facebook.com/pg/bostondowsers susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com
Dona Ana Dowsers- Jeanne Gehringer (NM), mjeanne@zianet.com
Ozark Research Institute: ORI Healing Circle Meditation (Weekly, Tuesday) https://us04web.zoom.us/j/976830746?pwd=V3FVS0cvamVxSENPWUZ6MHlFSkZldz09, Meeting ID: 976 830. https://www.ozarkresearch.org
Idaho Dowsers – Amelia “Amy” Loomis (ID), 208.315.1075
Tucson Dowsers – Teresa Gonzelas, (AZ), tigonzo@hotmail.com (Monthly / First Saturday), Website: TucsonDowsers.net, Email: Tucsondowsers@gmail.com, Date: First Saturday of each month, Time: 1:30 -3:00 pm Mountain Standard Time, *Same Zoom link every month : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8272247499
Mile High Dowsers – (Monthly/ Second Saturday) milehighdowsers.org, dowsersmilehigh@gmail.com, https://www.facebook.com/milehighdowsers
🌌🌎 Dowsing News: Save the Dates for 2022❤️
🌎 April 2, 2022 Redding Holistic, Psychic, Atrs and Craft Faire 10am – 4pm Win-River Event Center. For further info list FB link &/or reach out to Akaysha via email.com akaysha11@yahoo.com https://www.facebook.com/Redding-Holistic-Healing-Psychic-and-Arts-Faire-103580318719080
🌎 June 8 -12, 2022 American Society of Dowsers, Inc. 62nd Dowsing Convention & Metaphysical Expo, Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH. Visit website: www.dowsers.org
🌎 July 1 – 5, 2022 West Coast Dowsers Conference, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA. Dr. Adhi Two Owls is the keynote speaker.
🌍 Nor Cal Dowsers Info.: Interested in Speaking before Nor Cal Dowsers? Contact Jeannette 530.222.2024 or Barney bturner@frontier.net Thanks.
❤️Need Dowsing Assistance with Projects? We have a dowsing support team that works with paranormal, water well location, treasure hunting, energy movement, wellness, instruction, etc. Call/email: bturner@frontier.net or Jeannette 530.222.2024 northerncaliforniadowsers@gmail.com. Other dowsers are available.
🎶🎵 QUOTES 🎶🎵
“Choose to be Healthy!” — Love Pearl
“Know that you are going through a period of testing. Remain true to all that has been committed to you and know that each day is an opportunity and an experience.” —Edgar Cayce’s ECRL 3245-1
“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”
—Lao Tzu
“If you knew everything was really all right, and that it always has a happy ending, then you would not feel trepidacious about your future. Everything is really so very all right! If you could believe and trust that, then, immediately everything would automatically and instantly become all right.” —Esther Hicks(and Abraham and Jerry)
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” — Wayne Dyer
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; & I’m not sure about the universe.” Al Einstein
“Divine Intelligence, Infinite wisdom, we give thanks this day for the Love that is perfect within all. We thank you for Light that radiates from within our Being. We give thanks for our friendships with one another and our strength to allow our differences. “ — Pat Delafield
“Eureka!” -Archimedes
❤️ ️Thanks ❤️
🌍 🎅🏾 Merry Merry & Happy Everything 🎄 🌍
❤️Dear Family and Friends,
Tis the season of celebrations with family, friends and loved ones….there’s always room for gratitude, love and wellness. December catapults holiday blessings and changing seasons. We begin with hopefully cooler, moisture and cleaner weather north of the equator. If it’s not yet, we can always “imagine” what that would feel like, much like the indigenous populations have brought rains around the globe….gentle healing rain at the appropriate amount can be sensed already in the needed places. Think of Dr. Emoto’s work with his crystal slides of love, peace and joy. Mean-while, the southern hemisphere starts their summer months ahead.
Winter Solstice brings an opportunity of harnessing sacred time with yourself and nature. This special time has been honored for centuries in many cultures; the daylight hours are considered to be the shortest in the year if living in the northern hemisphere. At 7:59 am Pacific time (PT) is when the Winter Solstice starts as our sun enters Capricorn.You’re invited to make a special date with yourself and/or others to focus on what you’d like to contribute to this beautiful blue green dot in our universe and yourself. You DO make a difference and know that your consciousness and thoughts help create and manifest energies of great importance.Some sweet manifestations that are taking place are right at my favorite Santa’s workshop in the entire world….theRed Sled Santa Foundation located in the Los Angeles area, California. This foundation has been assisting young and old with presents, gadgets, sweet letters from Santa, gifts for kids, teaching youths about gifting for younger children at Santa’s workshop, gift giving around the globe, helping other Santas with making some really cool gad-gets, and super generous loving beings. You can find out more via website and Instagram link at www.RedSledSan-ta.com. Thanks #1 Santa and team for bringing extra love, joy and magic around the world!
Ways to bring one’s personal joy, love and wellness can be as simple as doing some physical and mental movements…harnessing your personal divine POWER. Some quick wellness “Power” positions might help you and those you love. Many of us know about tapping our thymus gland to balance our chakra energies and centering our-selves. Of course another technique is to tap on our shoulders and raise our hands straight up like a touchdown signal. Keep tapping shoulders and raising arms and hands until your heartbeat and/or you feel that your body is in balance. But wait…there’s more, you can hold POWER positions for two minutes while standing. One POWER position is to place your hands on your hips, think of Wonder Woman or Superman, and feel your sacred divine strength, breathe in your superpower strength and exhale any non beneficial energies. This feels good. Another position is to have your arms raised up for two minutes as if you’ve just finished a marathon and/or like Rocky when he just won his boxing match. A third position, while standing, raise your arms up to shoulder length and point them the same direction. For example, move your left arm 90% to the left and right arm, bend at the elbow and point your hand in the same direction as the left arm. These POWER positions are fun and bring you back to your natural playful state.
As the year comes to a close it’s always a good time for self reflection in between the holiday season. The January of 2021, I wrote a short article of accomplishing 10 projects in the NOW and dowsing for more specifics along with a“Project Probability Table.” The year is not over and if you have something that you wish to accomplish it’s a perfect time to harness the recent eclipse and new moon, December 3, 2021. If something really needs to get done, you have a cycle month of number three (trinity and fun) energy while finishing up our cycle year of 5 (fast and truth). I en-courage you to use this time to set yourself up for success now and also in the next six months to a year.
Enjoy exploring your self awareness and special time with family, friends and loved ones. May you be in good health, good relationships, good work and great compassion towards yourself and those around you. Happy Holidays to you and yours.
🌍Thank you.
❤️Love and Namasté,
🌍Sat., Dec. 4th 2021 @ 12:30 PT (1:30pm MST, 2:30 CST, 3:30 EST) Tuscan Dowsers Meeting featuring special guest Master Geomancer, Feng Shui Practitioner and Dowser Richard Feather Anderson Evolving with the Help of Labyrinths, Dowsing and Metaphysics Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82722474993 , Zoom Meeting ID: 827 2247 4993 . Recording of event will be provided later and can be accessed with Tuscan Dowsers. Richard’s email &website: rfa.geomancer@gmail.com www.richardfeatheranderson.com
🌍Sat., Dec. 4th, 6pm – 8pm PT: “Living In The Miracle Zone” During these turbulent and challenging times, we are all ready for the miraculous to lead the way! That’s why we’re using this sacred Saturday Night Alive space to join together in activating the energy of miracles and opening to receiving them. It is the Holiday (Holy Day) season in which we celebrate miracles. Traditions throughout the world acknowledge this time of year as the powerful time to connect with our inner light in the midst of the darkness. Saturday Night Alive for the Global Peace Tribe Inspirational Virtual Variety Show (Music • Wisdom • Magic • Community • Connection) “This is a high-vibe community of like-minded souls to raise your vibe and enjoy conscious entertainment!” Since 2020 this team has been offering Saturday evening themes to bring conscious heart-centered positive change via the internet. Register early and attend at 5:30pm. To connect & find out more: https://globalpeacetribe.com/register/
🌍Sat., Dec. 11, 12:30pm – 2:30pm PT Mile High Dowsers Chapter virtual meeting. Contact MHD for details.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/milehighdowsers or Email: dowsersmilehigh@gmail.com , or Website: www.milehighdowsers.org
🌍Sun., Dec. 19th at 11:00am PT. In Memoriam: Alex Champion “Please share this with those who loved Alex. This allows for 12 time zones from Hawaii to Germany for Alex’s many friends. Walk a labyrinth, plant a tree, create a meander, send in a memory, make a 30 second video of yourself. We will implement any photos or videos you send into the presentation. You will have an opportunity to share Alex Stories; the event will be recorded. Love, Susan.” Email Susan for questions: susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com
Virtual Link: https://dowserssouthwest.com/speaker/alex-champion-memorial-service/
Alex is remembered as a loving and giving person who brought much joy and creativity to the Dowser community. He is also the original co founder of Labryinth Society. For decades you could find him designing labyrinths at the West Coast Dowsers Conference and other places throughout the United States. “My definition of dowsing is to be actively intuitive.” -Alex Champion’s My Exploration of Labyrinths Alex Champion’s website: http://www.earthsymbols.com/
🌍Flagstaff Dowsing DVDs & CDs Available Now! Contact Charles Wren for details. Check payable to Radiant Media Az, email your DVD/CD Requests to radiantmediaaz@aol.com Note: Orders must be postmarked no later than January 10, 2022 or offer is void. (480) 949-0009.
– Flash Drives Available Soon! Contact Susan Spuhler at susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com for info.
On going events/meetings:
🌍Saturdays, 6pm – 8pm PT: Saturday Night Alive for the Global Peace Tribe Inspirational Virtual Variety Show (Music • Wisdom • Magic • Community • Connection) “This is a high-vibe community of like-minded souls to raise your vibe and enjoy conscious entertainment!” Since 2020 this team has been offering Saturday evening themes to bring conscious heart-centered positive change via the internet. To connect & find out more visit link below:
🌍Tuesdays, (Dec. 7, 14, 21, 28) @ 5:30 PT Ozark Research Institute (ORI) Healing Circle Meditation. “Tuesday Evenings! A guided meditation where we will send remote healing energy through loving intent, to those in need. Many have reported profound, life-changing, healing experiences during this event. You may include the names of your loved ones on the Healing Circle list by using the online FORM or Emailing ORI before 3:30pm.
We have a large group of participants from all over the world. Come and learn what O.R.I. is about and meet the amazing community that has been coming together for almost 30 years. This event is open to everyone.” Virtual meeting with Zoom: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/976830746?pwd=V3FVS0cvamVxSENPWUZ6MHlFSkZldz09
Meeting ID: 976 830 746 Meeting Password: 083888 or One tap mobile+13126266799,,976830746#,,1#,083888# US (Chicago)
🌍Third Monday of the Month 5pm PDT DOWSERS TELECONFERENCE Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville, CA), Greater Boston Dowsers (Westford, MA) & Northern California Dowsers (Redding, CA) is on HOLIDAY BREAK through the end of the year of 2021. See you next year, January 17th.❤️
🌺 Nor Cal Dowsers updated:
Nov. Holiday Break
Dec. Holiday Break
January 9, 2022 TBD
🦋 Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Nor Cal Dowsers, Northern California Dowsers (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at waterdowsers@gmail.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Dick Tippett at rtippett@ertechinc.com
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) with Kalena at kalena2u@yahoo.com
A few other Dowsing Chapters in the U.S.:
Appalachian Dowsers – William Allen, 828-400-7128, https://appalachiandowsers.org
Boston Dowsers – Susan McNeill Spuhler (MA), https://www.facebook.com/pg/bostondowsers or email: susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com
Dona Ana Dowsers – Jeanne Gehringer (NM), mjeanne@zianet.com
Idaho Dowsers – Amelia “Amy” Loomis (ID), 208-315-1075
Manasota Dowsers – Ann Bliss, annbliss1@gmail.com
Mile High Dowsers – Jack Roberts (Monthly/ Second Saturday), milehighdowsers.org, dowsersmilehigh@gmail.com, https:// www.facebook.com/milehighdowsers
Ozark Research Institute: ORI Healing Circle Meditation (Weekly, Tuesday) https://www.ozarkresearch.org
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/976830746? pwd=V3FVS0cvamVxSENPWUZ6MHlFSkZldz09, Meeting ID: 976 830.
Tucson Dowsers – Teresa Gonzalez, (AZ) (First Sat. monthly), Website: TucsonDowsers.net, Email: Tucsondowsers@gmail.com, Time: 1:30 -3:00 pm MDT.
🎶🎵 QUOTES 🎶🎵
“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of the atom to vibration. I must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” —Max Planck
“Each moment of the creative process engages the senses more fully, with richer and more focused awareness. In the art practice we can become transcendence, one with all beings and our world.” -Dianne Bersea
“For the entity, as each soul, is a portion of the whole. Thus, though a soul may be as but a speck upon the earth’s environs, and the earth in turn much less than a mote in the universe, if the spirit of man is so attuned to the Infinite, the music of harmony becomes as the divine love that makes for the awareness in the experience of the Creative Forces working with self for the knowledge of the associations with same.” — Edgar Cayce
“My soul is seized with strength, power, and grace and I am suddenly free of Earthly reigns.” —Laurel Barch
“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.” —His Holiness 14th Dalai Lama
Thanks everyone. Special thanks to G, Barney, Carole, Sharry, Rachel, Laura, Ted, Jana, Linda, Deon, Slim, Jeanne, Robin, Suzy, Tom, Pearl, Kenny, Dar, the late Sky Dowsers (Alex Champion, Irene Healy, Ed Stillman, Pat Delafield, Don Anderson, Ola, Shirley, Carl, Walt, Dr. Gloria, Greg Storozuk, Inez Lindsey, etc.).
Nor Cal Dowsers Mission Statement: The purpose of our group is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects in the field of dowsing.
We’re on holiday break for the rest of the 2021 year. Next tentative meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 9, 2022.
Indago Felix (Fruitful Search)
November 2021
🍁🌍 Gratitude 🌍🍁
Dear Friends,
Happy Holidays…
- Nov. 11: Veterans Day.
- Nov. 04: Diwali.
- Nov. 25: Thanksgiving.
- Nov. 28: Hanukkah.
…this is an amazing time of the year to be filled with much gratitude. Thanks for being a part of this interconnected universe. You plan an important part in creating a better and more sacred place on this beautiful planet. Below are some events that you may find of interest. Wishing you and yours a salubrious holiday season.
🌍Fri., Nov. 19, 11am -12:15pm PT Institute of Noetic Sciences: The Urgent Need for Global Consciousness in Leadership webinar! “We are looking forward to being with you and exploring this exciting topic together. If you can’t attend the live event, don’t worry! All registrants will receive an email with a link to the recording.” Link below:
🌍 Sat., Nov. 20, 10 am – Noon PT Appalachian Dowsers: Dowsing the Geopathic Stress Tragedy
“Are earth energies effecting your health”? Is the location of your home or office contributing to
restless sleep, tiredness and lingering ailments and illness? The speaker is dowser Robert Egby a leading national
expert and author examining the field of Geopathic stress. He will expand on how it can be identified
and then neutralized for improved health and well being. The access code for the talk will be available the day of the presentation on that website: https://appalachiandowsers.org.
🌍Sat., Nov. 20 11am PT United States Psychotronic Association: USPA Masters Class #22 Glen Rein presents “The Role of Longitudinal Scalar Energy and Bio-Energy in the Healing Process.” Link below:
🌍 Sat., Nov. 20 @ Noon PT. Thrive through Ascension with Cynthia Sue Larson’s WORKSHOP: “What Ascension Is And Isn’t How To Recognize It Grow Through It & Thrive!” LIVE webinar. Cost $55. You will receive your exclusive webinar link via email at least 24 hours prior to the start of the workshop. Register https://bit.ly/3q1rU2s
🌍 Sat., Nov. 20, 1:30 – 4:30 MT Jeanne Gehringer’s Pendulum Dowsing for Health & Well-Being. Dona Ana, New Mexico. Contact instructor mjeanne@zignet.com for further info.
🌍 Sat. Nov. 20, 1:15pm – 2:30 pm PT Golden Gate Dowsers Virtual Meeting: The Ancestor-Healing Ripple Effects: Heal Your Ancestors to Heal Yourself,Your Family and Your Future with MaryAnn and Steve Orsary. Please join early from your computer, tablet or smartphone. Go to: https://www.gotomeet.me/SusanMcNeillSpuhler. Make sure you have the app “https://gotomeet.me/” downloaded before you sign in. And/or dial in using your phone. (For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.) United States: +1 (408) 650-3123. For mobile One-touch: tel:+14086503123,,156207869
🌍Sat., Nov. 20. 6pm – 8pm PT: “Living in the Current of Your Purpose:Celebrating Humanity ising” Saturday Night Alive for the Global Peace Tribe Inspirational Virtual Variety Show (Music • Wisdom • Magic • Community • Connection) “This is a high-vibe community of like-minded souls to raise your vibe and enjoy conscious entertainment!” Since 2020 this team has been offering Saturday evening themes to bring conscious heart-centered positive change via the internet. To connect & find out more: https://globalpeacetribe.com/register/
🌍 Sun., Nov 21 12:30 PT Dowsing Boot Camp with Susan Collins. https://dowser.ca
On going events/meetings:
🌍Sat., 6pm – 8pm PT: Saturday Night Alive for the Global Peace Tribe Inspirational Virtual Variety Show (Music • Wisdom • Magic • Community • Connection) “This is a high-vibe community of like-minded souls to raise your vibe and enjoy conscious entertainment!” Since 2020 this team has been offering Saturday evening themes to bring conscious heart-centered positive change via the internet. To connect & find out more visit link below:
🌍Tuesdays, (Nov. 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30) @ 5:30 PT Ozark Research Institute (ORI) Healing Circle Meditation. “Tuesday Evenings! A guided meditation where we will send remote healing energy through loving intent, to those in need. Many have reported profound, life-changing, healing experiences during this event. You may include the names of your loved ones on the Healing Circle list by using the online FORM or Emailing ORI before 3:30pm.
We have a large group of participants from all over the world. Come and learn what O.R.I. is about and meet the amazing community that has been coming together for almost 30 years. This event is open to everyone.” Virtual meeting with Zoom: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/976830746?pwd=V3FVS0cvamVxSENPWUZ6MHlFSkZldz09
Meeting ID: 976 830 746 Meeting Password: 083888 or One tap mobile+13126266799,,976830746#,,1#,083888# US (Chicago)
🌍1st Saturday of the month @ 1:30 PT, Tuscan Dowsers Virtual Meetings
Zoom Meeting Link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82722474993 & Meeting ID: 827 2247 4993
🌍Third Monday of the Month 5pm PDT DOWSERS TELECONFERENCE Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville, CA), Greater Boston Dowsers (Westford, MA) & Northern California Dowsers (Redding, CA) is on HOLIDAY BREAK through the end of the year of 2021. See you next year.❤️
🌺 Nor Cal Dowsers updated:
Nov. Holiday Break
Dec. Holiday Break
First In Person Meeting for 2022
January 9, 2022 with Jana
🦋 Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Nor Cal Dowsers, Northern California Dowsers (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at waterdowsers@gmail.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Dick Tippett at rtippett@ertechinc.com
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) with Kalena at kalena2u@yahoo.com
A few other Dowsing Chapters in the U.S.:
Appalachian Dowsers – William Allen, 828-400-7128, https://appalachiandowsers.org
Boston Dowsers – Susan McNeill Spuhler (MA), https://www.facebook.com/pg/bostondowsers or email: susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com
Dona Ana Dowsers – Jeanne Gehringer (NM), mjeanne@zianet.com
Idaho Dowsers – Amelia “Amy” Loomis (ID), 208-315-1075
Manasota Dowsers – Ann Bliss, annbliss1@gmail.com
Mile High Dowsers – Jack Roberts (Monthly/ Second Saturday), milehighdowsers.org, dowsersmilehigh@gmail.com, https:// www.facebook.com/milehighdowsers
Ozark Research Institute: ORI Healing Circle Meditation (Weekly, Tuesday) https://www.ozarkresearch.org
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/976830746? pwd=V3FVS0cvamVxSENPWUZ6MHlFSkZldz09, Meeting ID: 976 830.
Tucson Dowsers – Teresa Gonzalez, (AZ) (First Sat. monthly), Website: TucsonDowsers.net, Email: Tucsondowsers@gmail.com, Time: 1:30 -3:00 pm MDT. Next meeting Aug. 7
In Memoriam: 🌈Sun., Nov. 21 Alex Champion Celebration of Life being held in Santa Rosa at his home. If unable to make his memorial please save the date for a virtual Celebration of Life created by Susan Spuhler honor of Alex Champion next month. Sunday, December 19th at 11:00 AM California Time. Please share this with those who loved Alex.
This allows for 12 time zones from Hawaii to Germany for Alex’s many friends. Walk a labyrinth, plant a tree, create a meander, send in a memory, make a 30 second video of yourself. We will implement any photos or videos you send into the presentation. You will have an opportunity to share Alex Stories; the event will be recorded. Love, Susan.
Email Susan for questions: susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com
Virtual Link: https://dowserssouthwest.com/speaker/alex-champion-memorial-service/
Alex Champion’s website: http://www.earthsymbols.com/
🎶🎵 QUOTES 🎶🎵
“I know very well that many scientist consider dowsing they do astrology, as a type of ancient superstition. According to my conviction this is, unjustified. The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the uncanny reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time.” —Albert Einstein
“Dowsing is a way to improve our intuition and receive information we might not receive otherwise. It can help us make better decisions in most any part of our life.” —Raymon Grace
“My definition of dowsing is to be actively intuitive.” -Alex Champion’s My Exploration of Labyrinths
“Red wine is good for the blood.” — Pearl
“I don’t have any reason to be sick.” — Pearl
“Whenever the time is right, is the right time.” — Pearl
“Dowsing is universal truth.” – Carl
“Dowsing is tapping into the invisible field of knowledge that is all around us.” – G
“Dowsing is the perfect way to develop your intuition” – Barney
Thanks everyone. Special thanks to G, Barney, Carole, Sharry, Rachel, Laura, Ted, Jana, Linda, Deon, Slim, Jeanne, Robin, Suzy, Tom, Pearl, the late Sky Dowsers (Alex Champion, Irene Healy, Ed Stillman, Pat Delafield, Don Anderson, Ola, Shirley, Carl, Walt, Dr. Gloria, Greg Storozuk, Inez Lindsey, etc.).
Nor Cal Dowsers Mission Statement: The purpose of our group is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects in the field of dowsing.
We’re on holiday break for the rest of the 2021 year. Next meeting in person is scheduled for Sunday, January 9, 2022 at 1:30 pm PT in the Community Room at the Shasta County Library.
Indago Felix (Fruitful Search)
October 2021
Dear Dowsers,
We have some special announcements from Monday’s October 18th Dowsers Teleconference, post Flagstaff Dowsers Conference, Paola Harris UFO conference, Dane Wigington’s The Dimming movie, etc.
Dowsers Teleconference: Monday evening (October 18) 5pm PDT, we have a special tribute to one of the more well known treasure dowsers, Louis Matacia. Please join us along with Louis’ daughter, Ginette Matacia Lucas. If you’d like to find out more about Louis &/or would like to contribute, then please tune in tonight 5pm PDT/ 8 pm EDT. See attachment below. Thanks.
Post Flagstaff Dowsers Conference: It’s not too late….you’re in good fortune as you can view part of the Flagstaff Dowsers Conference through November 11th. If you need help, questions, comments with virtual registering ONLY please contact via email radiantmediaaz@aol.com. Radiant Media of Arizona’s Directions for Post-Live Stream Event: Click on the link below, create an account and pay $49 to see one of the four ballrooms with our four track conference! https://www.tikilive.com/ppv . If you’d like to know more about acquiring future audio/video footage of The Flagstaff Dowsers Conference “A Time to Heal” (October 6 – 12, 2021) visit the following website for information: https://dowserssouthwest.com/
Paola Harris UFO conference with special guest Jacque Vallee:Well known international UFO researcher, Paola Leopizzi Harris is presenting another conference: UFOs All the Above and Beyond November 12-14, 2021 at the Aquarius Casino Resort in Laughlin, Nevada. Her recent book with Jacques F. Vallee’s Trinity The Best-Kept Secret will be a feature of discussion. Jacque is planning on coming to the states from France to present their findings. For more information visit her website to sign up:https://starworksusa.com/2021-registration#sthash.x30vzXSQ.dpbs
Dane Wigington’s The DimmingMany of you may find Dane Wigington’s The Dimming worth investigating and bring clarity on the weather modification. It’s well researched and provides a number of examples of individual’s experiences. For more info visit the following link: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/the-dimming-full-length-climate-engineering-documentary/
“My life has been saved more than 27,000 times in every way known to man through dowsing. If this information can save just one life, then it is worth all the effort.” –Louis Matacia
“Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
“You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.” — Michael Jordan
“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.” — Bruce Lee
“Nothing is impossible no matter how improbable it may seem.” –George Walking Bear
“Dowsing if the KEY to UNIVERSAL TRUTH” –Carl Bracy
“Learn to become a successful dowser through practice.” –Louis J Matacia
Hope you’re doing well. Thanks for being you and making a difference on this beautiful globe.
Blessings of Love,
Jeannette & Dowsers
July 2021
🐋🏖Happy Summer 🌊
📰🗞Sat., July 17 Congratulations California Dowsers: Rob Thompson, Sharry Hope & Larry Bird along withAmerican Society of Dowsers for being recognized for your good dowsing work. Please view the nicely written New York Times article “Two Rods and a ‘Sixth Sense’: In Drought, Water Witches are Swamped” by Livia Albeck-Ripka.Thanks Livia!
Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/17/us/california-drought-water-witches.html
🌍Mon., July 19th 5pm PDT DOWSERS TELECONFERENCE third Monday of the month. Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville, CA), Greater Boston Dowsers (Westford, MA) & Northern California Dowsers (Redding, CA) present “A PANEL DISCUSSION” with Margaret VanLaanMartin, Roxanne Louise, Richard Feather Anderson, Dr. Adhi Two Owls, Tina Burgan as part of the continuing series “HOW TO HAVE A SUCCESSFUL DOWSING EXPERIENCE” Join our free Conference Call to hear from a Panel of Dowsers discussing their successful dowsing experiences. Learn what is working for them. PLEASE POST QUESTIONS IN THE CHAT BOX. These hour conference calls are held monthly on the third Monday and can be listened to live by anyone, who would like to learn from experienced dowsers. ☎️Participant Live Instructions: Call: United States: +1 (571) 317-3116 Access Code: 998-075-477 – One-touch: tel:+15713173116,,998075477 Or If joining the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, please log in 15 minutes prior to the start of the call to be sure you are able to connect: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/998075477 . Archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only and scroll down to find your conference call.
🌏Tues., July 20 5pm PDT “Color Theory for Health” by Hayden Crawford free for ASD members: Dowsers.org
🌎Sun., July 31st noon PDT Nor Cal Dowsers with Gold Country & Boston Dowsers Virtual Meeting Presents “How to Develop Your Clairvoyant and Healing Abilities” by Dr. Gayle Kimball. Practical visualizations to ground, center, achieve goals, get information and protect as you do intuitive and healing work. To answer the question of the science behind this intentional work, Gayle will report on her interviews with 65 visionary scientists. For experiential learning, we’ll do partner exercises and introduce Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping). All are welcome. Please join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone via the following link:
https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/940330141 or call United States (Toll Free): 1 877 309 2073
United States: +1 (571) 317-3129 Access Code: 940-330-141
🌺 Nor Cal Dowsers, mark your calendar:
July 31 noon Dr. Gayle Kimball’ “How to Develop Your Clairvoyant & Healing Abilities”
(Virtual Meeting)
Aug. 21 noon “OEFT” with Roy and dowsing (tentative Library meeting)
First In Person Meeting this year.
Sept. 18 noon TBD
Oct. 23 or 30 noon TBD
Nov. 20 noon TBD
Dec. Holiday Break
🌎 National Dowsing Info., etc.:
August 3, 2021 4pm PDT/7pm EDT American Society of Dowsers Annual Membership Meeting via Zoom. Please join in.
August 27 – 30, 2021: ORI Power of Thought School, Fayetteville Arkansas. Also, make sure to check out their Tuesday healing circle weekly. Website: https://www.ozarkresearch.org
Flagstaff Dowers Conference 6 – 13 October 2021. Over 50 speakers. 5 full days of dowsing adventures and fun. Beginner, Intermediate & Advance classes. Youth Program for school age children. Exclusive Vortex Tours. Labyrinth making and walking. Register early to secure some limited seating. Visit website for more details and to sign up at: www.DowsersSouthwest.com
Flagstaff Dowsing Conference Labyrinth Commercial 2021 link: https://youtu.be/kmSoOOPEKpE
https://youtu.be/a8Ibo8hyrlQ Susan McNeill Spuhler’s is called in for her dowsing services to assist with a dry well. Video (3:52) is demonstrating sublimation with dry ice.
Outside Magazine article “Into the Mystical and Inexplicable World of Dowsing” featuring Leroy Bull & Steve Herbert May 3, 2021.
Link: https://www.outsideonline.com/2422818/dowsing-water-magic-mystery
American Society of Dowsers 2021 Convention “Riding the Crest of Change” has a thumb-drive available: https://dowsers.org/2021-virtual-convetion-registration/
https://youtu.be/uxDYvAxPBVs Heather Wilks’ excellent presentation on Influencing the Weather with Dowsing by Tuscon Dowsers.
Global Interconnection with Communication: Did you know that there’s a non-profit aiming to catalog the worlds languages before they become extinct? Wikitongues was created by co-founder Daniel Bögre Udell, to help insure language documentation via video and audio interviews. UNESCO’s “Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger” lists about 2,500 languages, which 230 have been extinct since 1950. Please check out: https://wikitongues.org/
🦋 Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Nor Cal Dowsers, Northern California Dowsers (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at waterdowsers@gmail.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Dick Tippett at rtippett@ertechinc.com
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) with Kalena at kalena2u@yahoo.com
A few other Dowsing Chapters in the U.S.:
Appalachian Dowsers – William Allen, 828-400-7128, https://appalachiandowsers.org
Boston Dowsers – Susan McNeill Spuhler (MA), https://www.facebook.com/pg/bostondowsers or email: susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com
Dona Ana Dowsers – Jeanne Gehringer (NM), mjeanne@zianet.com
Idaho Dowsers – Amelia “Amy” Loomis (ID), 208-315-1075
Manasota Dowsers – Ann Bliss, annbliss1@gmail.com
Mile High Dowsers – Jack Roberts (Monthly/ Second Saturday), milehighdowsers.org, dowsersmilehigh@gmail.com, https:// www.facebook.com/milehighdowsers
Ozark Research Institute: ORI Healing Circle Meditation (Weekly, Tuesday) https://www.ozarkresearch.org
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/976830746? pwd=V3FVS0cvamVxSENPWUZ6MHlFSkZldz09, Meeting ID: 976 830.
Tucson Dowsers – Teresa Gonzalez, (AZ) (First Sat. monthly), Website: TucsonDowsers.net, Email: Tucsondowsers@gmail.com, Time: 1:30 -3:00 pm MDT. Next meeting Aug. 7
🌍Dowsing Fun
Deviceless Dowsing by Jeannette ©
Carl Bracy was the first instructor to teach me deviceless dowsing. He kept saying, “It’s so easy”. Rub the bottom of your index finger on the top of your thumb nail. Program your “no” dowse to be a smooth or friction free response; with a sticky index finger over the nail representing a “yes”, (or vice versa). This becomes a quick way to get answers without using tools. Carl showed us a few other deviceless techniques, which I’ve used for a number of years. The main reason I prefer deviceless dowsing is because it’s quick and efficient, and can be used anywhere at any time. Whenever we’re learning a new skill it is highly effective to practice daily, even if it’s only for a few minutes. I invite you to incorporate more deviceless dowsing on a regular basis. One might want to dowse for the cost of groceries, checking to see who might be calling on the phone, how hydrated one might be, finding a missing object, etc. Being in a relaxed state and staying positive increases one’s energetic field. For new dowsing techniques, or anything new, getting immediate feedback is a positive approach to faster learning and implementation.
Another deviceless dowse is to place your middle finger on top of your index nail. Program your fingers and muscles test a yes and no response. The “yes” response for me would be that both the middle finger and index fingers remain strong against one another. For a “no” response the middle finger presses against the index finger nail and the index finger moves in a downward motion. This represents a weakness, which indicates a no.
I started implementing more deviceless dowsing simply for convenience, and to save time. I was impressed when one of our guest speakers came to visit our Nor Cal Dowsers chapter from out of town. The speaker got lost in the dark and it was late at night. She decided to dowse her way to safety. She dowsed to turn her car around and get back on another freeway. She followed her dowse to exit Cypress Avenue in Redding, California. Then, dowsed which way to turn to the ideal hotel for the evening. Not only did she get a hotel to stay at, but the price was of high value also!
Like any muscle testing the truth can be found. When the body is strong, then our meridian points, energetic fields and muscles remain in a strong position. Just as when we search and speak truth we gain confidence and strength. When there are partial truths or total untruths then the body becomes weak. Thanks to Carl and all the other dowsers who have donates their time over many hours and years, teaching others. May we all become stronger with speaking, seeing, hearing, sensing and dowsing truth.
Happy Deviceless Dowsing❣️
Jeannette ©
🎶🎵 QUOTES 🎶🎵
“We choose to be sick or be well. It is a choice!!!! Be well.” —Love, Pearl
“It’s a form of ESP and that’s all I can say about it. People try to lay it to radiation or some other force they don’t understand. As far as I’m concerned, it’s not some radiation which is coming out of the ground; it’s what’s in your head.” —Freeman Scott Mitchell
“Intuition is the whisper of the soul.” —Jiddu Krishnamurti “My definition of dowsing is to be actively intuitive.” -Alex Champion’s My Exploration of Labyrinths
“Dowsing is universal truth.” – Carl Bracy
“Dowsing is tapping into the invisible field of knowledge that is all around us.” – G
“Dowsing is the perfect way to develop your intuition” – Barney Turner
Thank you everyone for your help. Special thanks to G, Barney, Carole, Sharry, Lauralyn, Rachel, Laura, Ted, Marianne, Jana, Linda, Deon, Slim, Jeanne, Robin, Suzy, Tom, Jo, Sharon, Al, Pearl, Kristin, Sandra, Dan, Marilyn, Al, Gwen, Jennabeth, Roy, Scott, ASD, the late Sky Dowsers (Irene Healy, Ed Stillman, Pat Delafield, Don Anderson, Ola, Shirley, Carl, Walt, Dr. Gloria, Greg Storozuk, Inez Lindsey, etc.).
Nor Cal Dowsers Mission Statement: The purpose of our group is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects in the field of dowsing.
If people are open to meeting in person, then we have our regular Community Room at the Shasta County Library reserved for next month, August 21st at noon. Please feel free to voice your opinion via email norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Indago Felix (Fruitful Search)
June 2021
June 9 – 13, 2021, American Society of Dowsers’s The American Society of Dowsers Presents the 61st Dowsing Convention and Metaphysical Expo “RIDING THE CREST OF CHANGE” virtually. website: Dowsers.org
Sat., June 12th 1:30pm – 3:30 pm (Mountain Time) Mile High Dowsers Meeting IN PERSON & VIRTUAL. Clements Community Center, 580 Yarrow Street, Lakewood, CO. 80214. Website: www.milehighdowsers.org.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82167629034, Meeting ID: 821 6762 9034 Passcode: 492433
or One tap mobile+12532158782,,82167629034#,,,,*492433# US (Tacoma)
Sat., June 12th Saturday Night Alive for Global Peace Tribe 6pm – 9pm PDT. Featuring: John Kay (Steppenwolf) • Jonny Podell • Maria Muldaur • Raghu Marcus • David Silver (The Compleat Beatles) • Jesse Colin Young • Two of Us • Larissa Stow • Swing 60’s. Featuring world-class luminaries, brilliant musicians, light-hearted comedians and inspirational performances our variety show brings both warmth and wisdom during so much uncertainty. If you’re new to Sat Night Alive please use Promo Code: PEACETRIBE. Saturday Night Alive for the Global Peace Tribe has been the mecca of conscious, heart-centered, transformational community to gather online from across the globe for soul-inspiring talks, music and connection during this unprecedented time. Virtual Link: www.GlobalPeaceTribe.com
Sat., June 19th 1:15 – 3:00 PM PDT Golden Gate Dowsers Virtual – Meeting featuring Sharon Mahany’s “Dowsing Your Belief Garden”. Join Sharon Mahany in a guided tour of a virtual “garden of emotions.” Learn ways that emotions compose belief systems or visa versa and then chart dowse to balance the energy. Imagine plucking out weeds and filling the holes with flowers. Sharon will share her passion of Human Design and I-Ching to explain common fear themes of the Six Lines. The group will dowse to identify and clear the fear beliefs that most affect them. An example would be to clear a sense of abandonment to gain a perspective of security. We will explore themes of confidence, harmony, curiosity, beingness, authenticity and authority in this fun, engaging experience. Participants receive a Belief Garden worksheet and time to practice. HANDOUT needed, email Sharon or click LINK:
Sharon Mahany has been a member of Sierra Dowsers in Sacramento, CA for 16 years and an ASD Editorial Team member since 2015. She now volunteers as its contributing Coordinating Editor of the Digital Digest. Sharon strongly believes that our emotional baggage and misconstrued mindset contribute as source to many of our pain, struggle and illness issues. To relieve this stress is a divine act and human birthright. Sharon works as a Teacher and Lifecoach using Human Design, Reiki, Emotional Processing, bioenergetic tuning forks, and of course, dowsing. Sharon is a poet and crop circle appreciator. Sharon teaches classes at Meetup.com/My-Empowered-Self/. Contact Sharon at 916-759-2043 or by email at insightstotruth@gmail.com for HANDOUT Join virtual via GoTo Meeting link:
https://www.gotomeet.me/SusanMcNeillSpuhler or via phone: United States: +1 (408) 650-3123
One-touch: tel:+14086503123,,156207869#
Third Mondays Monthly American Society of Dowser s Chapters: The Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville, CA), Greater Boston Dowsers (Westford, MA) & Northern California Dowsers (Redding, CA)
“WHAT TO DO AS A DOWSER WHEN SOMEONE IS IN THE HOSPITAL UNEXPECTEDLY”. I am in gratitude that there is so much faith in what comes through me and feel particularly heartened that the magic of the “Hospital Protocol” is well known. In short, it rocks. I have been told time and time again the good results that come from it. As a dowser for 40 years, Jeanne applies dowsing to health, psychological and spiritual well-being. She has been fortunate to learn from dowsing mentors and is also blessed with her own healing intuition. 👨🏽💻💻📲☎️ Participant Live Instructions: Login Information If joining the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, please log in 15 minutes prior to the start of the call to be sure you are able to connect: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/998075477 or call via phone 📲 ☎️ in the United States: +1 (571) 317-3116 Access Code: 998-075-477 – One-touch: tel:+15713173116,,998075477#. Or archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: dowsers.org . For speaker line up & information please visit: SharryHope.com, (Sharry Hope founder), NorCalDowsers.com & Dowsers.org
Mile High Dowsers 2021 Annual Conference: Website: www.milehighdowsers.org.
Sun., June 27th 9:30am – 4:30am If you’re in the area (Lakewood, CO) PANDEMIC PRICING “$70” “Getting Healthy & Staying Healthy: The Healing Protocols That I Use.” Description: If we have learned anything in this past year and a half it’s that being healthy self. Also, I will teach the methodology and protocols that I use to manifest healing. We will use the health concerns that the class brings in to apply these protocols. And if we have learned anything else during these times it’s that the positive energy of being together is greater than what we can do apart. Let’s look forward to an interactive workshop of magical outcomes. Reserve a seat via email: meanne@zianet.net or sign up at the Mile High Dowsers Conference. Also, Jeanne’s available for personal consultation on one 28 & 29 ($100 for 1hour & $150 for 1 1/2hrs). Jeanne’sPlace: Clements Community Center, 1580 Yarrow St., Lakewood, CO 80214-6029.
Sat., June 20th: Summer Solstice (8:32pm PDT). Fantastic day to focus on who you are and where you’re going. Astrologically ground yourself with being outdoors. Enjoy the changing of seasons.
Sun., June 20th 🌺Father’s Day. Happy Father’s Day to ALL❣️
Tuesdays, 6:30pm (PDT) Free Healing Circle Meditation with Gladys via Zoom meeting &/or in person. See website for details: https://www.ozarkresearch.org
🌺 Nor Cal Dowsers 2021 Save the Tentative Dates:
July 17 TBD
Aug. 21 TBD
Sept. 18 TBD
Oct. 23 or 30 TBD
Nov. 20 TBD
🦋 Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Northern California Dowsers, Nor Cal Dowsers, (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divininghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen at karenbke@gmail.com & Steve at sorsary@comcast.net
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Richard Tippett: text: 408-402-1148 or rtippett@ertechinc.com
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) with Kalena Luxon at crysatlbortex@yahoo.com
🌎 2021 Save the Dates:
❤️ June 9 – 13, 2021 ASD’s Annual convention. Watch and order a thumb drive from the virtual conference at: https://dowsers.org/convention-and-conferences/
❤️July 3: Tucson Dowsers (Arizona) First Saturday of the month – Recording available of June 5ths meeting “Influencing the Weather with Dowsing!” with Heather Wilks, Vice President of the Victorian Society of Dowsers, Melbourne Australia via website &/or email Teresa for details. July 3 – “What Events Want to Happen Together? An Exploration through Time, Causality, and Consciousness” with Cynthia Sue Larson. Contact Teresa Gonzales at Tucsondowsers@gmail.com Website: TucsonDowsers.net
❤️August 27 – 30, 2021: ORI Power of Thought School, Fayetteville Arkansas, https://www.ozarkresearch.org
❤️Flagstaff Dowsers Conference Oct. 6 -13, 2021, https://dowserssouthwest.com
🌍 Nor Cal Dowsers Info.: Interested in obtaining Carl V. Bracy’s DVDs? Or Interested in Speaking before Nor Cal Dowsers? Contact Jeannette 530.222.2024 or Barney 530.691.4020. Thanks. ❤️Need Dowsing Assistance with Projects? We have a dowsing support team that works with water well location, paranormal, treasure hunting, energy movement, wellness, instruction, etc. Call/email: Barney 530. 691.4020 bturner@frontier.net or Jeannette 530.222.2024 or norcaldowsers@gmail.com. Other dowsers are available.
💗For further details on dowsing visit Walt Woods Letter to Robin: https://lettertorobin.wordpress.com or www.norcaldowsers.com. We also have Walt’s books available at our meetings.
📖Outside Magazine’s article “Into the Mystical and Inexplicable World of Dowsing” features Master Dowser Leroy Bull dowsing and life experiences. https://www.outsideonline.com/2422818/dowsing-water-magic-mystery
📚📚📚Courtesy of Sharron Hope…..Looking for Dowsing books, including American Society of Water Dowsers Manual visit: http://www.yronwode.org/dowsing-divining-rod-water-witching-bibliography.html
🎶🎵 QUOTES 🎶🎵
“Every morning wake up and be happy.” -Pearl Nicolino
“Dowsing is universal truth.” – Carl V. Bracy
“My definition of dowsing is to be actively intuitive.” -Alex Champion’s My Exploration of Labyrinths
“If light is in your heart, you will find your way home” -Rumi
“I am on a path where positive thinking and an optimistic attitude guide all my choices.” -Louis Hay
Thank you everyone for your help and positive support. Special thanks to G, Barney, Carole, Sharry, Jeanne, Suzy, Tom, Joy, Roger, Pearl, Rachel, Roxanne, Cynthia Sue, Robin, Ted, Laura, Kristin, Sandra, Marianne, Linda, Deon, Dan, Pat, Marilyn, Al, Gwen, Jennabeth, Scott, Jeanne, ASD, the late Sky Dowsers (Irene Healy, Ed Stillman, Pat Delafield, Don Anderson, Ola, Shirley, Carl, Walt, Dr. Gloria, Greg Storozuk, Inez Lindsey, etc.).
March 2021
🌞 🌓 🌱 Vernal Equinox 🌱 🌓 🌞
Dowser Community & News
🌌 💐🎋🌱 Welcome to April’s frequency of a “3” month numerological. It’s all about COMMUNICATION, FUN, TRINITY, & LAUGHTER, with continued FUN of the five vibrational year. People are starting to relax a bit more, and social gatherings are opening up, with more to come. Expand on this wonderful ride of three by strategizing to write things down that are important to you to facilitate execution.
Pythagoras understood and taught the importance of numbers by reducing them to one digit represented by 1 through 9. The year of 2021 represents a “5” cycle year (2+0+2+1= 5). Five represents FUN, TRUTH & FREEDOM. Make sure to write things down to get them done because this five frequency moves FAST…!
🌚 Saturday, March 13th @ 2:21am PDT New Moon. Take time for reflective meditation, and focus on what you’d like to start. Make an appointment with yourself daily to check progress and hyper focus on what you’d like to accomplish.
Monday, March 15 @ 5:00 – 6:00pm PDT/ 6 p.m. MDT, 7 p.m. CDT, 8 p.m. EDT: FREE Dowsers Video Conference call presented by Gold Country Dowsers, Boston Dowsers and Northern California Dowsers on “HOW TO HAVE A SUCCESSFUL DOWSING EXPERIENCE” by Roxanne Louise. CALL-IN INFORMATION: United States: +1 (571) 317-3116 Access Code: 998-075-477 – One-touch: 15713173116,998075477# . If joining the meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Please log in 10 minutes before the start of the call to be sure you can connect https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/998075477 New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/998075477 * Please email your questions to: sharryhope@gmail.com
🌞🌓Saturday, March 20 @ 2:37 am PDT Vernal (Spring) Equinox is where the day and night are of approximate equal length in the Northern Hemisphere, meanwhile Autumnal (Fall) Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. Equinox in Latin means equal night, reflecting 12 hours long of day and night each. During the changing of the season’s it’s an opportunity to reflect on where you’ve been the last quarter and what you’d like to plant mentally, emotionally, physically in the next three months. Love yourself and be the best self you can be. Dream big and know that there are people seen and unseen, & angels wanting you to you to be successful in your endeavors.
Saturday, March 20 @ 1:15 pm PDT Golden Gate Dowsers Virtual – Meeting “PSYCHIC DOWSING” with Sharry Hope. CALL-IN INFORMATION: United States: +1 (571) 317-3116 Access Code: 998-075-477 – One-touch: 15713173116,998075477#
If joining the meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Please log in 10 minutes before the start of the call to be sure you can connect https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/998075477 New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/998075477
CONTACT INFO: Sharry Hope 1-530-570-3697 (Cell), sharry@sharryhope.com, https://sharryhope.com
Saturday, March 20⋅11:00am – 12:00pm PDT: Grahame Gardner – (At least) 10 Ways to Space-Clear your House. Location: Log onto your Members Only page at Dowsers.org to register. Space-clearing is an ancient practice found in many cultural traditions and seeks to balance and enhance the energies within our home and create within it a sanctuary that nurtures our spirit. Based on the premise that everything has consciousness, it allows us to talk to our home and establish a working relationship with it. In this fun and experiential workshop, we look at the development of space clearing techniques through the ages and explore several different techniques that we can use to harmonize our living space. Led by geomancer Grahame Gardner from Scotland. Participants, need a pendulum, floor-plan of their house (hand-drawn on one sheet of paper), a glass of water, any vibrational essences they may have. A handout with pendulum chart will be supplied in advance. Grahame has been dowsing professionally for over 20 years and specializes mostly in geopathic stress work and electromagnetic surveying of properties, and the design and creation of sacred spaces. He is a Professional Member and Past President of the British Society of Dowsers and a regular presenter and workshop leader at international conferences. Grahame is also a member of the Canadian and American dowsing societies, a founder member of The Geomancy Group, and is co-chair (with Susan Collins) of International Dowsers, dedicated to fostering greater links between British and North American dowsing techniques. Watch Promo Video https://youtu.be/YVDHqj53ySU. You can sign in members only section to view the program.
🌝 Sunday, March 28th @ 11:48 PDT Full moon. Fantastic time to release anything that no longer serves a purpose for you, make magical moon water, and finish projects that you’ve started.
🌺 Nor Cal Dowsers (Redding, CA) SAVE THE DATE with Gold Country & Boston Dowsers
Monday, March 15 @ 5:00 – 6:00pm PDT/ 6 p.m. MDT, 7 p.m. CDT, 8 p.m. EDT: FREE Dowsers Video Conference call presented by Gold Country Dowsers, Boston Dowsers and Northern California Dowsers. CALL-IN INFORMATION: United States: +1 (571) 317-3116 Access Code: 998-075-477 – One-touch: 15713173116,998075477#
🌺 Nor Cal Dowsers (Redding, CA) TENTATIVE DATE
April….Holiday Spring Break…🪴👩🏾🌾🦋
May 22, 2021 @ 1:30 PST: TBD
June 26, 2021 @ 1:30 PST: TBD
🌌🌎 Dowsing News:❤️
❤️Need Dowsing Assistance with Projects? We have a dowsing support team that works with paranormal, water well location, treasure hunting, energy movement, wellness, instruction, real estate, questions, etc. Call/email: Barney 530. 691.4020 bturner@frontier.net or Jeannette 530.222.2024 northerncaliforniadowsers@gmail.com . Other dowsers are available.
🦋 Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Northern California Dowsers, Nor Cal Dowsers, (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com, www.norcaldowsers.com. Usually monthly meetings.
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divininghope@yahoo.com, www.sharryhope.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com SAVE THE DATE MARCH 20th 1 -1:15pm PST with Sharry Hope as guest speaker. TO JOIN Golden Gate Dowsers’ MEETING Virtually go to day of event: https://www.gotomeet.me/SusanMcNeillSpuhler
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Dick Tippett at rtippett@ertechinc.com
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) with Kalena at kalena2u@yahoo.com
A few other Dowsing Chapters in the U.S.:
Appalachian Dowsers – William Allen, 828-400-7128, https://appalachiandowsers.org
Boston Dowsers – Susan McNeill Spuhler (MA), https://www.facebook.com/pg/bostondowsers susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com
Dona Ana Dowsers – Jeanne Gehringer (NM), mjeanne@zianet.com
Idaho Dowsers – Amelia “Amy” Loomis (ID), 208-315-1075
Manasota Dowsers – Ann Bliss, annbliss1@gmail.com
Mile High Dowsers – Jack Roberts (Monthly/ Second Saturday), milehighdowsers.org, dowsersmilehigh@gmail.com, https://www.facebook.com/milehighdowsers
Ozark Research Institute: ORI Healing Circle Meditation (Weekly, Tuesday) https://us04web.zoom.us/j/976830746?pwd=V3FVS0cvamVxSENPWUZ6MHlFSkZldz09, Meeting ID: 976 830. https://www.ozarkresearch.org
Tucson Dowsers – Teresa Gonzalez, (AZ) (Monthly / First Saturday), Website: TucsonDowsers.net, Email: Tucsondowsers@gmail.com, Date: First Saturday of each month, Time: 1:30 -3:00 pm MST SAVE THE DATE: March 6th with Gladys McCoy Co-founder of the Ozark Research Institute. “Clearing the Path for Positive Change Using Dowsing and Your Words.” Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82722474993. Save the date: Larry Bird April 3rd talk on “Bosnia Pyramids”.
🌌🌎 Dowsing News: Save the Dates for 2021❤️
🌎 June 9-13, 2021 American Society of Dowsers, Inc. 61st Dowsing Convention & Metaphysical Expo, Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH. Visit website: www.dowsers.org
🌎 October 6-13, 2021 Flagstaff Dowsers Conference, Flagstaff, Arizona. Flagstaff is a 2 1/2 hour drive north of Phoenix. The Grand Canyon is 90 minutes north of Flagstaff, and Sedona is 40 minutes south of Flagstaff. The website is https://www.dowserssouthwest.com/ . Scroll down the website and you’ll see the speakers listed. Click on their name and it will go to their website, email address or phone number. The event will be held at the beautiful Little America Hotel & Resort in Flagstaff, Arizona. https://flagstaff.littleamerica.com/ . O.R.I.’s Gladys McCoy will be the Keynote speaker! Please visit website to sign up and/or let Susan know if you’re interested in attending so she make sure you’re on the conference email list. Any questions? Call or text Susan at 978.340.9304 or email her at susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com .
💞Happy News…. & Wellness Corner ©
Interested in becoming better at your dowsing? Make sure to practice a little bit everyday by relaxing and grounding yourself. Get in a meditative and protective space for yourself. Write your questions down and concentrate. One practical suggestion that Carl Bracy would want his students to follow would be to dowse the number of angels helping you. First question, “How many angels did I have before I started to dowse?” Write the number down. Then your next question who’d be “How many angels do I have now?” Did anything change for you? You will find that you’ll gain insightful knowledge, and assistance when you’re being of service for others.
For those of you who’d like to become better dowsers, then this might be the perfect time to start a game plan for setting up a time and place for meeting with a study buddy once a week. Those of you needing assistance, let me know. Happy Dowsing!
© www.NorCalDowsers.com
🎶🎵 QUOTES 🎶🎵
“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” Cicero
“First, do no harm!” and “Physician, heal thyself!” — Hippocrates (Father of Modern Medicine)
“A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.”—Albert Einstein
“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” ― Audre Lorde
“Blueberries and yogurt for breakfast will keep you healthy.” – Pearl Nicolino (98 year young dowser, artist, musician, author, etc.)
“You need to celebrate your birthday everyday.” – Pearl Nicolino
“A person who knows how to laugh at himself will never ceased to be amused” — Shirley MacLaine
“If we think and feel we are born to suffer, struggle, and succumb, then we can change our thinking and feelings. We can replace them with divine feelings of balance and contentment. We would be feeling what has been there all along. Once we find the feelings, we can hang on to them, then we change. We become more balanced. That is truly channeling one’s own perfectly balanced soul. Once that happens there is no need to fight or be angry about anything. Such negative feelings fall away, and possibly so does our negative DNA.” — Shirley MacLaine (Sage-ing While Age-ing)
“Dowsing is tapping into the invisible field of omniscience that is all around us.” – G
Thank you everyone for your help and positive support. Special thanks to G, Barney, Carole, Sharry, Susan, Tom, Joy, Roger, Pearl, Rachel, Roxanne, Cynthia Sue, Robin, Ted, Laura, Kristin, Sandra, Marianne, Linda, Deon, Dan, Pat, Marilyn, Al, Gwen, Jennabeth, Scott, Jeanne, ASD, the late Sky Dowsers (Ed Stillman, Pat Delafield, Don Anderson, Ola, Shirley, Carl, Walt, Dr. Gloria, Greg Storozuk, Inez Lindsey, etc.).
🧧Happy Chinese New Year 2021🧧
Yin Metal Ox
2021年农历新年快乐 阴金属牛
🧧Chinese New Year or Spring Festival starts with the 🌚 new lunar moon on 12 February 2021. This begins the year of Yin Metal Ox. The Ox is known for hand work and reaping the rewards of their labor. Yin earth energy represents our intuitive, feminine and responsive side; meanwhile, Yang is masculine, bequeathing and analytical. Metal Ox represents more prosperity and abundance, along with wellness for all twelve zodiac signs. Be ready to seize luck and recognize opportunities. This year is going to go fast. I wonder what opportunities will be presented?
🌌 Reminder of this year in numerology (命理学): Pythagoras understood and taught the importance of numbers being reduced to one digit represented with 1 through 9. The year of 2021 makes numerological a “5” cycle year (2+0+2+1= 5). Five represents FUN, TRUTH & FREEDOM. Make sure to write things down to get them done because this five frequency moves FAST…! What a great time to continue to learn better ways of communication with yourself and others. Being a month of two, it’s a perfect time to connect with others. Perhaps virtual meetings are the next best thing until in person social gatherings are more common again. We have a few more days until next month’s frequency starts shifting with a three vibration of communication, trinity and continued fun.
🌝Sat., 27 Feb @ 12:.17am PST Full moon is a wonderful opportunity to release and finish up projects. Many people are affected by the full moon, also known as lunar effect. We’re mostly water and the moon has a pulling sensation, similar to the tides of the ocean pull. If you have difficulty sleeping, this is an excellent opportunity to use your creativity to create something and wrap up any big project. Also, perfect for making your own moon water by placing outside where it can be fed with the moon light and place your positive vibes in the water. Think consciously and you’re making a difference with your thoughts!
🗓 It’s not too late to get your DeAmicis 2021 planetary calendars and understand planetary alignment. Drs. Ralph and Lahni DeAmicis have been designing and producing their Planetary Calendars for years. The Planetary Calendar Astrology Forecasts for 2021 is available now via hardcopy and digitally at website: https://www.spaceandtime.com . You might want to check out their YouTube Channel, as they write, “We keep these short and sweet so you can get right to the details. The monthly Forecasts are recorded a year in advance but the Week-by-Week forecasts are recorded in ‘real-time’, as we are living those transits right along with you so we offer a bit more clarity about current trends. Check in with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter from time to time where we leave pithy little nuggets when the Planets move us! Wishing you all *Good Stars*- Ralph & Lahni”
Fun Radio programs from around the globe 🌏, visit: radio.garden
World – Wide Labyrinth Locator: https://labyrinthlocator.com
Dowser Community & News
Picture is of sweet fresh pomegranate seeds. Interested in a practice dowse? How many pomegranate seeds are pictured? Hint more than 300 and less than 1,600. Answer can be found at the bottom of this newsletter. And yes, they were delicious!
🌺 Nor Cal Dowsers Virtual Meetings (Redding, CA)
*VIRTUAL ONLINE MEETING WITH Nor Cal Dowsers’s GotoMeeting (GtM) format while we’re unable to meet in person.
💻 📱 👨💻 Please join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
or ☎ 📱 Dial using your phone:
United States (Toll Free): 1 877 309 2073
United States: +1 (571) 317-3129
Access Code: 940-330-141
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when the meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/940330141
🌺 Nor Cal Dowsers (Redding, CA) SAVE THE DATES
February 27, 2021 @ 1:30 PST: Jeanne Gehringer (FB, YouTube, email: mjeanne@zianet.com)
March 27, 2021 @ 1:30 PST: TBD
April….Holiday Spring Break…No meeting 🪴👩🏾🌾🦋
May 22, 2021 @ 1:30 PST: TBD
June 26, 2021 @ 1:30 PST: TBD
🌌🌎 Dowsing News:❤️
❤️Need Dowsing Assistance with Projects? We have a dowsing support team that works on paranormal phenomena , water well location, leak finding, elimination of negative influences, treasure hunting, energy movement, wellness, instruction, real estate, questions, etc. Call/email: Barney 530. 691.4020 bturner@frontier.net or Jeannette 530.222.2024 northerncaliforniadowsers@gmail.com . Other dowsers are available.
🦋 Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Northern California Dowsers, Nor Cal Dowsers, (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com, www.norcaldowsers.com. Usually monthly meetings.
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divininghope@yahoo.com, www.sharryhope.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com SAVE THE DATE MARCH 20th 1 -1:15pm PST with Sharry Hope as guest speaker. TO JOIN Golden Gate Dowsers’ MEETING Virtually go to day of event: https://www.gotomeet.me/SusanMcNeillSpuhler
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Dick Tippett at rtippett@ertechinc.com
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) with Kalena at kalena2u@yahoo.com
A few other Dowsing Chapters in the U.S.:
Appalachian Dowsers – William Allen, 828-400-7128, https://appalachiandowsers.org
Boston Dowsers – Susan McNeill Spuhler (MA), https://www.facebook.com/pg/bostondowsers susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com
Dona Ana Dowsers – Jeanne Gehringer (NM), mjeanne@zianet.com
Idaho Dowsers – Amelia “Amy” Loomis (ID), 208-315-1075
Manasota Dowsers – Ann Bliss, annbliss1@gmail.com
Mile High Dowsers – Jack Roberts (Monthly/ Second Saturday), milehighdowsers.org, dowsersmilehigh@gmail.com, https://www.facebook.com/milehighdowsers
Ozark Research Institute: ORI Healing Circle Meditation (Weekly, Tuesday) https://us04web.zoom.us/j/976830746?pwd=V3FVS0cvamVxSENPWUZ6MHlFSkZldz09, Meeting ID: 976 830. https://www.ozarkresearch.org
Tucson Dowsers – Teresa Gonzalez, (AZ) (Monthly / First Saturday), Website: TucsonDowsers.net, Email: Tucsondowsers@gmail.com, Date: First Saturday of each month, Time: 1:30 -3:00 pm MST SAVE THE DATE: March 6th with Master Dowser Gladys McCoy Co-founder of the Ozark Research Institute. “Clearing the Path for Positive Change Using Dowsing and Your Words.” Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82722474993
🌌🌎 Dowsing News: Save the Dates for 2021❤️
🌎 June 9-13, 2021 American Society of Dowsers, Inc. 61st Dowsing Convention & Metaphysical Expo, Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH. Visit website: www.dowsers.org
🌎 October 6-13, 2021 Flagstaff Dowsers Conference, Flagstaff, Arizona. Flagstaff is a 2 1/2 hour drive north of Phoenix. The Grand Canyon is 90 minutes north of Flagstaff and Sedona is 40 minutes south of Flagstaff. The website is https://www.dowserssouthwest.com/ . Scroll down the website and you’ll see the speakers listed. Click on their name and it will go to their website, email address or phone number. The event will be held at the beautiful Little America Hotel & Resort in Flagstaff, Arizona. https://flagstaff.littleamerica.com/ . O.R.I.’s Gladys McCoy will be the Keynote speaker! Please visit website to sign up and/or let Susan know if you’re interested in attending so she make sure you’re on the conference email list. Any questions? Call or text Susan at 978.340.9304 or email her at susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com .
💞Happy News…. ©
The act of LOVE is the grandest of all gifts that we can give or receive. “And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make…” was well said by The Beatles in their 1969 album Abbey Road. Below is a small fraction of the world’s language for LOVE:
Love, amore, 爱, amor, پيار, 愛, aimer, dragoste, kärlek, люблю, milovat, Սեր, ljubav, αγάπη, yêu và quý, ליבע, lanmou, liefde, pag-ibig, maitasuna, ást, حب, სიყვარული, mīlestība, عشق, 사랑, پيار, убов, miłość, माही माही, evîn, upendo, אהבה, cariad, uthando, Aşk, armastus, ప్రేమ, காதல், माया,รัก, aloha…
February is known for the month of Love. Here’s to all the love you and yours can handle.
Jeannette & Nor Cal Dowsers’ Family
Wellness Corner ….LOVE in Action 🐾 ©Jeannette
Sheba our adopted senior dog was to live her life out on the ranch with the other dozen animals. However, as the years passed many of the other animals died or became adopted. She was the last one and needed to live with us. She was happy for awhile and then she just wasn’t doing well. We took her to the veterinarian and they couldn’t find anything really wrong with her, but she was just not interested in food or doing much.
Something inside told me to call our neighborhood teener girls away and tell them that Sheba was going to go to the veterinarian again and was going to probably be put down. The six girls, also my students at the time, came over and were petting her and loving her for maybe 15 or 20 minutes. Sheba was happy to see them and they her. Before G & I knew it, they all wanted to go to the vet’s office with us. So we loaded up the girls and Sheba in two vehicles and got to the vet’s office for her appointment. Sheba was not ill nor sad, but in fact very energized and filled with a surge of youthful puppy energy. What happened?!
Love from the girls and us changed everyone’s lives. We got to have Sheba for many more years. The girls made an impact on her, us, the veterinarian’s office and everyone who was to meet and play with Sheba afterwards. The love in action physically, mentally and spiritually changed one animal’s life who affected many others. I’m so thankful to each and every one of them and for Sheba being a teacher for all of us.
Blessings of Love and Gratitude Always,
🎶🎵 QUOTES 🎶🎵
“Love is the answer. Light is the answer. Our love and the Light can truly transform the world.” -Dianne Morrissey, Ph.D., Anyone Can See The Light The Seven Keys to a Guided Out-Of-Body Experience
“There are no mistakes, only learning experiences.” – G
“Listen to Spirits’ whispers or you will hear your own screams.” — Jeanne Gehringer
“Love is the cement of the universe; it holds all things in place and in eternal keeping; its very nature is celestial peace, its very characteristic is cosmic harmony, permeating all things, boundless, deathless, infinite, eternal. It is everywhere, and is the very heart of the heart of all that is.” — G. De Purucker
“The rational mind is a faithful servant. The intuitive mind is a sacred gift. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” — Albert Einstein
“Love is the most beauteous, the holiest thing known to human beings.” —G. De Purucker
“Don’t live with fear.” – Pearl Nicolino
“Every day you wake up, give thanks for another day to explore life!!!! Choose to be happy. Give thanks for friends and family. Good wine and a warm home to spend time in.”—Pearl Nicolino
“Dowsing is tapping into the invisible field of knowledge that is all around us.” — G
Thank you everyone for your help and positive support. Special thanks to G, Barney, Carole, Joy, Roger, Pearl, Rachel, Jeanne, Cynthia Sue, Ted, Laura, Scott, Sharry, Susan, Tom, Lisa, Kristin, Sandra, Marianne, Linda, Deon, Marilyn, Al, Gwen, Jennabeth, ASD, the late Sky Dowsers (Ed, Pat, Don, Ola, Shirley, Carl, Walt, Dr. Gloria, Greg, Inez, etc.).
Answer for pomegranate seeds shaped in a ❤️heart:
Happy New Year 2021 ❣️
*VIRTUAL ONLINE MEETING: Nor Cal Dowsers will be using the GotoMeeting (GtM) format while we’re unable to meet in person. You can also dial in using your smart phone. (For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)
💻 📱 👨💻 Please join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/940330141
☎ 📱 Dial using your phone:
United States (Toll Free): 1 877 309 2073
United States: +1 (571) 317-3129
Access Code: 940-330-141
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when the meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/940330141
🌺 Nor Cal Dowsers (Redding, CA) Save the Date
Jan 23, 2021 @ 1:30pm PST: Cynthia Sue Larson
Feb 27, 2021 @ 1:30pm PST: TBD
May 22, 2021 @ 1:30pm PST: TBD
June 26, 2021 @ 1:30pm PST: TBD
Here’s to celebrating you and yours and the gifts each of you offer while we play on earth together. Enjoy your adventures you’ve yet to discover as your year unfolds. This is a numerological 5 year ( 2+ 0 + 2 + 1 ). Five represents freedom, fun, adventure…take advantage and make this a great year❣️
🗓 Drs. Ralph and Lahni DeAmicis have been designing and producing their yearly Planetary Calendars for years. The Planetary Calendar Astrology Forecasts for 2021 is available now via hardcopy and digitally at website: https://www.spaceandtime.com . You might want to check out their YouTube Channel, as they write, “We keep these short and sweet so you can get right to the details. The monthly Forecasts are recorded a year in advance but the Week-by-Week forecasts are recorded in ‘real-time’, as we are living those transits right along with you so we offer a bit more clarity about current trends. Check in with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter from time to time where we leave pithy little nuggets when the Planets move us! Wishing you all *Good Stars*- Ralph & Lahni”
🦋 Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Northern California Dowsers, Nor Cal Dowsers, (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com, www.norcaldowsers.com. Usually monthly meetings.
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divininghope@yahoo.com, www.sharryhope.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Dick Tippett at rtippett@ertechinc.com
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) with Kalena at kalena2u@yahoo.com
Other & Incomplete United States of America Dowser Chapters:
Appalachian Dowsers – William Allen, 828-400-7128, https://appalachiandowsers.org
Boston Dowsers – Susan McNeill Spuhler (MA), https://www.facebook.com/pg/bostondowsers susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com
Dona Ana Dowsers – Jeanne Gehringer (NM), mjeanne@zianet.com
Idaho Dowsers – Amelia “Amy” Loomis (ID), 208-315-1075
Manasota Dowsers – Ann Bliss, annbliss1@gmail.com
Los Lunas Willow Benders Dowsers – Gary Plapp, dowsergary@comcast.net
Mile High Dowsers – Jack Roberts (Monthly/ Second Saturday), milehighdowsers.org, dowsersmilehigh@gmail.com, https://www.facebook.com/milehighdowsers
Ozark Research Institute: ORI Healing Circle Meditation (Weekly, Tuesday) https://us04web.zoom.us/j/976830746?pwd=V3FVS0cvamVxSENPWUZ6MHlFSkZldz09, Meeting ID: 976 830. https://www.ozarkresearch.org
Tucson Dowsers – Teresa Gonzalez, (AZ) (Monthly / First Saturday), Website: TucsonDowsers.net, Email: Tucsondowsers@gmail.com, Date: First Saturday of each month, Time: 1:30 -3:00 pm MST
🌌🌎 Dowsing News: Save the Dates for 2021❤️
🌎 June 9-13, 2021 American Society of Dowsers, Inc. 61st Dowsing Convention & Metaphysical Expo, Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH. Visit website: www.dowsers.org
🌎 October 6-13, 2021 Flagstaff Dowsers Conference, Flagstaff, Arizona. Flagstaff is a 2 1/2 hour drive north of Phoenix. The Grand Canyon is 90 minutes north of Flagstaff and Sedona is 40 minutes south of Flagstaff. The website is https://www.dowserssouthwest.com/ . Scroll down the website and you’ll see the speakers listed. Click on their name and it will go to their website, email address or phone number. The event will be held at the beautiful Little America Hotel & Resort in Flagstaff, Arizona. https://flagstaff.littleamerica.com/ Gladys McCoy will be our Keynote speaker! Please visit website to sign up and/or let Susan know if you’re interested in attending so she make sure you’re on the conference email list. Any questions? Call or text Susan at 978.340.9304 or email her at susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com .
🌍 Nor Cal Dowsers Info.: Interested in Speaking before Nor Cal Dowsers? Or obtaining Carl V. Bracy’s DVDs? Or Contact Jeannette 530.222.2024 or Barney 530.691.4020. Thanks.
❤️Need Dowsing Assistance with Projects? We have a dowsing support team that works with paranormal, water well location, treasure hunting, energy movement, wellness, instruction, real estate, questions, etc. Call/email: Barney 530. 691.4020 bturner@frontier.net or Jeannette 530.222.2024 northerncaliforniadowsers@gmail.com . Other dowsers are available.
🎶🎵 QUOTES 🎶🎵
“Love is the answer. Light is the answer. Our love and the Light can truly transform the world.” -Dianne Morrissey, Ph.D., Anyone Can See The Light The Seven Keys to a Guided Out-Of-Body Experience
“When we choose to feel connected, rather than disconnected—we are choosing reverence. When we choose to feel a sense of awe and wonder, rather than jaded cynicism—we are choosing reverence. And best of all, when we choose to see the world and one another with unconditional love—we are choosing reverence.”- Cynthia Sue Larson
“There are no mistakes, only learning experiences.” – G
“You don’t think I’ve lived this long for nothing.” -Pearl Nicolino
“You’ve got to know how to deal and wheel.”- Pearl Nicolino
Thank you everyone for your help and positive support. Special thanks to G, Barney, Carole, Joy, Roger, Pearl, Rachel, Robin, Ted, Laura, Sharry, Susan, Kristin, Sandra, Marianne, Linda, Deon, Dan, Pat, Marilyn, Al, Gwen, Jennabeth, ASD, Roxanne Louise, Scott, Jeanne, ASD, the late Sky Dowsers (Pat Delafield, Don Anderson, Ola, Shirley, Carl, Walt, Dr. Gloria, Greg Storozuk, Inez Lindsey, etc.).
Merry Merry & Happy Everything Dowser Community & News 2020
💙VIRTUAL ONLINE MEETING: Nor Cal Dowsers will be using the GotoMeeting (GtM) format while we’re unable to meet in person. You can also dial in using your smart phone. (For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)
💻 📱 👨💻 Please join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/940330141
☎ 📱 Dial using your phone:
United States (Toll Free): 1 877 309 2073
United States: +1 (571) 317-3129
Access Code: 940-330-141
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when the meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/940330141
❤ Sat., 5 Dec. 2020 @ 12:30 PST (1:30pm MST, 2:30 CST, 3:30 EST) Tuscan Dowsers Meeting featuring Dr. Robert Gilbert’s “French Radiesthesia and Egyptian BioGeometry”. Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82722474993 , Zoom Meeting ID: 827 2247 4993 . Recording of event will be provided later. Dr. Gilbert’s videos are available at the following website: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheVesicaInstitute/videos
7 Dec. 2020 through Friday 11 Dec. 5pm PST/8pmCST Westford Cable Access TV. Visit the following link: https://cbo.io/bidapp/index.php?slug=wcat
Bid on a Dowsing Class for 5 People With Susan McNeil Spuhler: Have you ever wondered what dowsing for a well was all about? Dowsing is focused intuition. Bid on dowsing lessons for yourself and four friends with Susan McNeill Spuhler. Learn how to find water, missing items and trust your gut feelings. There’s more to dowsing than just finding water. Dowsing tools will be provided. Nice work Susan for getting your dowsing talents out on public t.v.
Thur., 10 Dec. 2020 @ 6pm PST Pearl Nicolino’s 98th Birthday Bash…come sing, join in the love fest for our wise Brilliant Renaissance Woman, Dowser, Artist, Humorist, Numerologist, Explorer, etc. Please join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/940330141 or by phone United States: +1 (571) 317-3129 – One-touch: tel:+15713173129,,940330141# Access Code: 940-330-141
❤ Thur., 10 Dec. 2020 @ 10am PST “First-ever Quantum Jumping” event. Five quantum jumping pan- elists sharing some of their favorite tips, techniques and key ideas for success, including Cynthia Sue Larson, Bruce Goldberg, Natasha Senkovich, Joya, and Vanessa Cordieu.” https://quantumjumpingtransform.com
❤ Sat., 12 Dec. 2020 @ 12:30 pm PST (1:30 pm MST/ 3:30 CST) Virtual Mile High Dowsers Chapter meeting. Zoom invitation shall be emailed to you in advance of the meeting. Agenda: 1:30 – 1:45 Business Meeting: Welcome, Thank You from Bo Hanson, & Share Your Knowledge – Developing 2021 Meeting Presentation Schedule, Treasurer’s Report. 1:45 – 3:30 Open Forum: Share your unique dowsing experiences, Do you need help? What are your dowsing questions? & A Holiday Toast, Closing 2020 & Welcoming 2021.
Mon., 14 Dec. 2020 @8:16am PST New Moon. Often times new moons represent the start of “new” beginnings. Great opportunity to try something new and go with the good energy! This also marks the day for a total eclipse.
❤ ☎ Mon., 21 Dec. 2020 @ 5pm (PDT) American Society of Dowsers’ Water Dowsers Mastermind Conference call with Sharry Hope featuring Marty Cain. NEW online/phone meeting with Goto Meeting App: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/998075477 or call United States: +1 (571) 317-3116, Access Code: 998-075-477 (other toll free int’l numbers available). If you miss it and/or would like to listen again, then the recording will be available at dowsers.org under the members only section. Click on Mastermind Water Dowsers 21 December 2020 date. Also, Marty Cain’s videos can be found at the following: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrrN6UYZj38 & How to Find Water with Y-Rods and Bobbers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fUHa8MS2ng Dowsing at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0R6moIY3pjA&t=40 . For further info. & updates visit Sharry Hope’s website: www.SharryHope.com. Email questions to waterdowsers@gmail.com .
⛷ Mon., 21 Dec. 2020 Winter Solstice & Planetary Alignments: Winter Solstice the changing of seasons (Winter in the Northern hemisphere and Summer in the Southern hemisphere) and the Great Transformation (Jupiter ♃ and Saturn ♄ conjunct ☌ at zero degrees). ❄ The sun leaves ♐ Sagittarius (air sign) and moves into ♑ Capricorn (earth sign), thus beginning the changing of seasons. When we have a seasonal change this represents an additional power day to set your attention for the upcoming personal and physical reflection and foundation for the next few months. Winter, in the Northern hemisphere, is often symbolized as a time of hibernation, inward reflection, meditation, review the past year and welcome the year ahead, awesome time for foundational projects and any resolutions you’d like to start; and of course enjoying time with family and those you love. Meanwhile, Summer in the Southern hemisphere symbolizes outdoor activities, playing, fun, relaxing, joy, etc.
✨ The Great Transformation with Jupiter ( ♃ ) and Saturn ( ♄ ) conjunction ( ☌ ) with one degree Aquarius begins a new financial year cycle lasting for the next twenty years. We’ll continue to see how technology is becoming evermore important with communication and interaction with one another. Thus, accepting change and embracing the positive technology will benefit many and some dated practices will make it harder for communications. This ‘Great Mutation’ seems to be a bit more powerful because it occurs on the same day as our sacred Winter Solstice. Furthermore, we’ll have 200 years being in an air sign with Aquarius. Besides this day, we have the power of numerology.
Pythagoras understood and taught the importance of numbers being reduced to one digit represented with 1 through 9. Today (21st) makes a “3” day (21 numerological transfers to 2+1 = 3) which represents strong communication, the holy trinity of mother, father, God. Three represents the most social communicative and happy time to exchange ideas. It’s a three day, a three month and we’re in a four year cycle representing practice, hardworking, serious, etc. If we add the day, month and year we have a one (repre- senting leadership and independence). We have ten days until the start of 2021, numerological a “5” cycle year (2+0+2+1= 5). Five represents FUN, TRUTH & FREEDOM.
✨ 21 Dec. 2020 is a true “power day” make your meditation, prayer and invocations count. This Great Transformation is an opportunity to make a quicken upward shift towards a more successful YOU.
Mon., 21 Dec. 2020 @ 11:11am through Wed Dec 23 @ 11:11pm “Release Revive Realign” Int’l Medita- tion special event: Three day event of 88 hours live streaming and social distancing. Moreover, this event is meant to uplift humanity and collaborate with one another. Live stream with Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube by visit and signing up at the following website: http://rockourworld.com/meditation_event/
Tues., 29 Dec. 2020 @ 7:28 pm PST Full moon is a wonderful opportunity to release and finish up
projects. Many people are affected by the full moon, also known as lunar effect. We’re mostly water and the moon has a pulling sensation, similar to the tides of the ocean pull. If you have difficulty sleeping, this is an excellent opportunity to use your creativity to create something and wrap up any big project. Also, perfect for making your own moon water by placing outside where it can be fed with the moon light and place your positive vibes in the water. Think consciousness and you’re making a difference with your thoughts!
❤ Wed., 30 Dec 2020 @ 3pm PST . Ed Stillman’s Virtual Memorial Link: http://afterword.co/ed-still-man. The Stillman family would love for you to attend and say a few words of remembrance.
🎉 🎊 🎶 ❤ Thurs., 31 Dec. 2020 New Year’s Eve…thank you 2020 for serving us and we welcome a new year ahead.
🗓 Drs. Ralph and Lahni DeAmicis have been designing and producing their yearly Planetary Calendars for years. The Planetary Calendar Astrology Forecasts for 2021 is available now via hardcopy and digitally at website: https://www.spaceandtime.com . You might want to check out their YouTube Channel, as they write, “We keep these short and sweet so you can get right to the details. The monthly Forecasts are recorded a year in advance but the Week-by-Week forecasts are recorded in ‘real-time’, as we are living those transits right along with you so we offer a bit more clarity about current trends. Check in with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter from time to time where we leave pithy little nuggets when the Planets move us! Wishing you all *Good Stars*- Ralph & Lahni”
🌺 Nor Cal Dowsers (Redding, CA)
Dec. 10th @ 6pm: Pearl Nicolino’s 98th Birthday Bash
Dec. Holiday Break… Happy & Merry Everything! Great opportunity to focus on gratitude and being here right now on Earth, an opportunity to live your authentic best self.
Jan 23, 2021 @ 1:30pm PST: Cynthia Sue Larson
🦋 Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Northern California Dowsers, Nor Cal Dowsers, (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com, www.norcaldowsers.com. Usually monthly meetings.
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at waterdowsers@gmail.com, www.sharryhope.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Dick Tippett at rtippett@ertechinc.com
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) with Kalena at kalena2u@yahoo.com
Other & incomplete United States of America Dowser Chapters:
Appalachian Dowsers – William Allen, 828-400-7128, https://appalachiandowsers.org
Boston Dowsers – Susan McNeill Spuhler (MA), https://www.facebook.com/pg/bostondowsers susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com
Dona Ana Dowsers – Jeanne Gehringer (NM), mjeanne@zianet.com
Idaho Dowsers – Amelia “Amy” Loomis (ID), 208-315-1075
Manasota Dowsers – Ann Bliss, annbliss1@gmail.com
Los Lunas Willow Benders Dowsers – Gary Plapp, dowsergary@comcast.net
Mile High Dowsers – Jack Roberts (Monthly/ Second Saturday), milehighdowsers.org, dowsersmilehigh@gmail.com, https://www.facebook.com/milehighdowsers
Ozark Research Institute: ORI Healing Circle Meditation (Weekly, Tuesday) https://us04web.zoom.us/j/976830746?pwd=V3FVS0cvamVxSENPWUZ6MHlFSkZldz09, Meeting ID: 976 830. https://www.ozarkresearch.org
Tucson Dowsers – Teresa Gonzalez, (AZ) (Monthly / First Saturday), Website: TucsonDowsers.net, Email: Tucsondowsers@gmail.com, Date: First Saturday of each month, Time: 1:30 -3:00 pm MST
🌌 🌎 Dowsing News: Save the Dates for 2021❤
🌎 June 9-13, 2021 American Society of Dowsers, Inc. 61st Dowsing Convention & Metaphysical Expo, Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH. Visit website: www.dowsers.org
🌎 October 6-13, 2021 Flagstaff Dowsers Conference, Flagstaff, Arizona. Flagstaff is a 2 1/2 hour drive north of Phoenix. The Grand Canyon is 90 minutes north of Flagstaff and Sedona is 40 minutes south of Flagstaff. The website is https://www.dowserssouthwest.com/ . Scroll down the website and you’ll see the speakers listed. Click on their name and it will go to their website, email address or phone number.
The event will be held at the beautiful Little America Hotel & Resort in Flagstaff, Arizona. https://flagstaff.littleamerica.com/ Gladys McCoy will be our Keynote speaker! Please visit website to sign up and/or let Susan know if you’re interested in attending so she make sure you’re on the conference email list. Any questions? Call or text Susan at 978.340.9304 or email her at susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com .
🌍 Nor Cal Dowsers Info.: Interested in Speaking before Nor Cal Dowsers? Or obtaining Carl V. Bracy’s DVDs? Or Contact Jeannette 530.222.2024 or Barney 530.691.4020. Thanks.
❤ Need Dowsing Assistance with Projects? We have a dowsing support team that works with paranormal, water well location, treasure hunting, energy movement, wellness, instruction, real estate, questions, etc. Call/email: Barney 530. 691.4020 bturner@frontier.net or Jeannette 530.222.2024 northerncaliforniadowsers@gmail.com . Other dowsers are available.
In MemoriamInez Lindsey was the co-founder and President of San Diego Dowsers chapter (CA), astrologer, dowser, numerologist, minister with the Community Church of Religious Science. Inez contributed to the American Society of Dowsers (ASD) as a regional coordinator, participant of ASD Conference Calls over the years, enjoyed being an instructor, and she authored a dowsing book. Below is an except from her Dowsing Your Way to Good Health:
“Chances are, when you hear the word “dowsing.” it conjures up an image of a farmer walking his land with a Y-shaped stick in his hand, searching for underground water so he may drill his well. And this would be a correct picture, but it does not begin to cover the total picture. To dowse is to search, with the aid of a hand-held instrument such as a Y-shaped branch, (used in the olden days). Today Y-rods are made out of plastic and they work just as well (Other instruments that are used are “L” rods (angle rods), bobbers, and pendulums. These instruments can be used to find such items as oil, a buried sewer pipe, a lost wallet, a downed plane, lost persons, treasures, subterranean water flowing beneath the earth’s surface, health research (which will be covered in this book), and many other items. Can any- one be a dowser? Yes. All you need is an open mind and positive mental attitude… as well as a belief that dowsing does work. As far as being successful like most things, you must practice.”
Another contribution from Inez can be found at dowsers.org’s Science Corner in the 17 July 2008 publication. One of Inez’s clients was grateful for her located propane leaks remotely underground and more importantly she had never done this before. I like this because we don’t know what we can do until we actually go and try something new! Except from ASD’s website (https://dowsers.org/ confirmed-dowsing-stories/):
“Inez Lindsey living in Southern California received an email from Louie Dewey at Cave Springs in Dunsmuir northern CA a good 700 miles away saying that he just found out that he lost 1,000 gallons of propane due to a gas leak in old underground piping to 16 cabins. If he couldn’t find the leak he would have to spend a lot of money digging up all the lines. Could Inez help? She said she had never dowsed for propane leaks, but would give it a try if he sent a diagram of his property.. He did. She dowsed and marked the locations and faxed it back. The people with gas detecting equipment discovered she was very accurate.”
Inez Lindsey thanks for sharing stories, and your many contributions to the dowsing community!
💞 Happy News…. ©
Dear Ones,
I might not know many of you who read this, however for the ones I know and the ones yet to be met I thank you from the depths of my heart for being here right now. We all make a difference on and off this globe, even the smallest living creatures. Find something good, happy and healthy about yourself, your neighbors, the globe, and you realize that we are living with much beauty and love. If you can be of assistance to help someone, do so. If you can release something (mental, physical or spiritual), do so. Imagine and dream all things are possible. Aiming for the stars seems to always give us a different perspective. We can adjust our frequency towards love and awareness in just seconds. My sincerest wish is for each of you to find your happy spot and let that thrive within you and yours. Today and always.
💗 Love, Jeannette
Wellness Corner
Accomplishing 10 Projects Right NOW
© Jeannette
Did you know setting aside quiet meditative time can change your entire outlook, even if just for a few minutes? Do you have 10 minutes available to focus on your personal awareness? Did you know saying “thank you” before getting out of bed can literally set your day for success? Being in a state of gratitude has been proven in multiple studies, personal experiences and observations to shift one’s mind, body and spirit, raising the frequency of joy, happiness and wellbeing. When was the last time you said thank you to drinking water before you ingested it? Perhaps you automatically do this, just like breathing. Dr. Emoto’s work of observing beautiful photos of water crystal slides shows the power of energized words such as love, happy, peace, etc. Be kind to yourself because we need you on this globe for a better today and tomorrow. Taking time out and kindness to self is important. Furthermore, this foundational gratitude frequency brings an upward momentum shift and higher vibration.
Now that we’ve set ourselves up for foundational success, what’s next?
Write down the top 10 projects that you’d like to work on at this time that meet your needs. Ready set go. Now you have 10 projects. Good. Get yourself in a dowsing state. It’s different for each person. At this time I sit comfortably, put my pendulum between my hands (Pranan Mudra, Namasté Mudra, or Anjali Mudra, also known as a prayer position) and say a prayer three times, which I learned from the late Dr. Gloria Dodd. My prayer and thought processes, slightly different than Dr. Gloria’s, are along the lines of “I connect with the Divine Mind; I’m a clear and perfect channel; guide me to the Divine light; thank you.” Now, it’s time to dowse each project querying “Is this the best and highest good for me right now?” I dowse with a pendulum over each item and place my less dominant index finger on the number. I’ve programed my pendulum for a yes in a clockwise rotation, no for a counter clockwise and neutral or unknown back in forth for this dowse. If you received a yes response with all of your projects, GREAT. I did not.
Three of my proposed projects received a “no” response. So, I checked in with my higher self and asked to rework and reword those needing attention. For example, one of my projects was “release”, my dowse and higher self did not like that. So, I wondered what would be a better and more successful project for me at this time. I instantly heard the word “resolution”. Resolution is a stronger and more goal oriented word for me, not surprising as that seems to be my mantra since last month. The other “no” response was to scale Mt. Shasta. I was surprised because I love being out- doors and June seems to be a propitious time to hike that majestic mountain. I wondered and became curious what could be better than scaling my favorite mighty mountain? It was something as simple as “clear decision making”. I have so many things I’m involved with that they can become distracting so it’s not surprising that I need to hyper focus on making quicker and clearer decisions these days. I’ve always loved outdoor activities, so it will be with my “clear decision making” that I’ll make the time for hiking Mt. Shasta at some point. The third “no” response was “monies”. I had a feeling that was not ideal for me, but I wanted to go with my top 10 thoughts that came to mind within a 5 to 10 minute time span and not overthink things. So, now I took a breath and got direction to become more “business wise with both my time and energy.” I dowsed and received an affirmative response. Sometimes one has to guard against giving everything away, thus creating imbalances. Okay, now I have 10 YES projects to attend to.
We can bring out a dowsing chart for more specifics if inclined ranging from time needed to apply oneself daily, weekly, monthly, etc. What’s the probability of success within this next month, quarter, half year or completion within the 2021 year cycle? Another question to consider is how much time and energy should one spend with projects from daily, weekly, monthly, etc. Often, when working with charts I prefer to start with recalibrating myself and the known quantity of Yes, No and Neutral. Then I ask show me when both my guides and I are in 100% working order. I start at the ready position, – 45 as seen in chart. When the pendulum moves to a + 100, then I know I’m in a good dowsing space for specific questions. If I’m not using my hand, other chart, or mind’s eye, then I use my favorite handheld laser chart designed by Sharry Hope (Thanks). It feels good, looks good and has positive vibes that she and her son, Dan, created together. (www.SharryHope.com).
I’ve successfully completed my “Project Probability Table’s” top ten projects for success for a myriad of reasons, espe- cially due to this time space continuum with planetary alignments and a sense of quickened energy. The Winter Sol- stice and ‘Great Transformation’ is upon us this 21 December 2020 representing significant astrological events. 1. The sun is leaving Sagittarius and moving into Capricorn, thus creating Winter Solstice, the changing of seasons (winter in the Northern hemisphere and summer in the Southern hemisphere). Personally, it’s imperative that I gather my re- sources and give great thanks for the season ahead and give to the globe in some fashion, from thanks and prayers to being in a state of peace. ‘The Great Transformation’ is the beginning of another planetary alignment with Jupiter (♃) and Saturn (♄🪐 ) conjunct at zero degrees entering Aquarius. This special alignment sets our personal stage for now and the future, particularly if you live in the United States. This planetary alignment is similar to having an opportunity of a spring board towards a more successful you. The “Great Mutation” is a beginning of a new twenty-year economic phase particularly affected with technology. We have ten days until the start of 2021, numerological a “5” cycle year. Five represents FUN, TRUTH & FREEDOM. How do you wish to see yourself fulfilled to be the best you? There is no-one like you and we support your healthiest and best self! Being in a knowingness of awareness about you can start with 10 minutes a day in quiet, reflective stillness. It is within the stillness that an opportunity to see your authentic self arises.
Protocol for Accomplishing 10 projects:
1. Be in a receptive gratitude frequency
2. List 10 projects
3. Dowse probability of projects, time, effort, etc.
4. Implement by taking proactive action
5. Recheck regularly & Know SUCCESS is IMMINENT!
Questions that one might wish to ask themselves while working on their personal project list could vary. What experiences and outcomes do you wish to have? What projects would you like to complete? Are you in a state of exploration like a child, or fearful and distracted? Is there a better way to look at a particular situation? What can I learn from this experience? Which is the best and highest project for me at this moment? What would it feel like to have already accomplished this project? Who has successfully tackled a similar project before? Who supports me in my life experiences? Do I have to make adjustments or am I already positioned for success? If it’s a big project, I personally say I need help right NOW, and thank everything and all for the assistance. Here’s to a terrific YOU, and happy new adventurous projects to come.
Thank you.
With Celebratory Love and Appreciation for YOU,
❤ Thanks ❤
Happy Thanksgiving 2020
Dowser Community & News
❤️ Sat. 7 Nov 2020 @ 12:30 PST/1:30 MST Tucson Dowsers Zoom meeting featuring Raymon Grace’s 2017 “Australian Dowsers” video followed by a live Q/A with Raymon Grace. Zoom link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82722474993 Save the link, it will be the same one every month! Please email Contact Theresa at tucsondowsers@gmail.com & www.tucsondowsers.net for further info.
❤️Sat. 14 Nov. 2020 @ 12:30 PST/ 3:30 EST Mile High Dowser chapter meeting. Website: www.milehighdowsers.org. Email: dowsersmilehigh@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/milehighdowsers. Agenda: 1:30 – 1:45 (MST) Business Meeting, 1:45 – 2:15 Practical Dowsing – Sabrina Nugent, “Something Is Not Right” 2:15 – 2:25 Break. 2:25 – 3:30 Afternoon Program – Ed Hurtado, “Hartmann Gridlines and the 5 W’s”
❤️Mon., 16 Nov. 2020 @ 5pm (PDT) American Society of Dowsers’ Water Dowsers Mastermind Conference call with Sharry Hope featuring Doug Easter. Doug has been dowsing for water wells for nearly five decades. Dial 605-313-5145, and enter Participant access code 175681# smart phone one click 605-313-5145,,175681#. If you missed it the recording will be available at dowsers.org under the members only section, click on Mastermind Water Dowsers 16 Novemeber 2020 date. Updates & details available at Sharry Hope’s website: www.SharryHope.com
❤️Sat., 21 Nov 2020 @ 10am PST/ (1pm EST) Joey Korn’s ”Interference Energy & Covid 19” presented by the Appalachian Dowsers (Asheville, NC). Zoom platform and limited to the first 100 participants. “Interference Energy & Covid 19 Joey discovered what he calls “Interference Energy” (IE) in 2007 and soon realized it as the primary cause of energy problems in homes, such as what dowsers call Geopathic Stress. It’s also the most common cause of paranormal activity in homes and other places. When the Earth Energies are detrimental, they’re not causing our problems: they’re symptoms of the problem. It’s Interference Energy that is typically causing all the problems, as well as much distress in people’s lives.” Joey Korn’s website: www.dowsers.com. Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1ec0GmBlSYualuLTvtx1NA
❤️Sat., 21 Nov 2020 @ 1:15pm – 3pm PST/ (4:15 EST). Golden Gate Dowsers invites you to join their virtual online livestream event “Enlivened Beings Healing” with Brenda Galloway. “Enlivened Beings Healing” is a vibrational healing method that taps into the body’s innate intelligence, identifying the blocks stopping you from achieving your goals and desires, clearing the way to free energy flow and more vibrant health. We all have energetic blocks from our past that prevent us from being, doing, and having what we want in life. The more energetic blocks, the harder it is for us to function and be fully alive, aware, inspired, and enthused. Brenda’s works with clearing these blocks and allow energy to flow on all levels, enlivening our beings! In this class you will learn the “Enlivened Beings Healing” method and receive at least three healings, and give one healing. You will use your dowsing skills to access information for the healing. It will also help expand your intuition. Brenda will be offering several group Enlivened Beings Healings at the end of the session.
To access the above go to: https://www.gotomeet.me/SusanMcNeillSpuhler . You can select to join with video and audio or audio alone. The little up and down arrows in the center of the top of the screen have viewing options. The big bubble in the top, upper right of the screen, opens the text “chat” option. The mute button is at the center of the bottom of the screen and in each participant’s box along with the participant’s name.The positions of these icons may vary if not on a computer.For first time users – Download and install the meeting application before our meeting. Go to gotomeet.me Then use Meeting Access Code: 156-207-869 to join our meeting. You can also dial in using your phone. (For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.) United States: +1 (408) 650-3123 One-touch: tel:+14086503123,,156207869#
❤️Sun., 22 Nov 2020 Susan Collin’s Online Boot Camp; and Sun. 29 Nov. – Workshop – Get Happy and Improve Relationships; Plus Free Bonus Video, “Self Empowerment with Dowsing,” www.susan@dowser.ca
Happy News….
For those of you who appreciate beautiful scenic photos you might want to visit the “Beauty Surrounds You” website: https://www.beautysurroundsyou.com/index
Dec 21 – 23 Monday 11:11am through Wednesday 11:11p.m. “Release, Revive, Realign”: Meditators of all languages and faiths. Michal of Michal and Company is offering a FREE three day live stream “Release, Revive, Realign” from her warehouse in Northridge, CA. This will be 88 hours of various meditation modalities with 88 presenters. Save the date and feel free to watch via Instagram & FB. If you’re interested in participating as a live presenter in the greater Los Angeles area, contact Michal directly via Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, etc. Michal Mael’s website: https://shor.by/michalandcompany
Nor Cal Dowsers
Nov. Happy Thanksgiving….Here’s to a healthy and happy you.
Dec. Holiday Break… Happy Everything! Great opportunity to focus on your authentic self with gratitude for being here right now on Earth.
Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Northern California Dowsers, Nor Cal Dowsers, (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com, www.norcaldowsers.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divininghope@yahoo.com, www.sharryhope.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Dick Tippett at rtippett@ertechinc.com
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) with Kalena at kalena2u@yahoo.com
Dowsing News: ❤️FREE West Coast Dowsers Conference (July 3 – 7 2020) can still be viewed for a little while longer: www.dowerswestcoastdowsers.org Thanks for supporting the West Coast Conference and Speakers. Thumbdrives will hopefully be available in the near future.
Nor Cal Dowsers Info.: Interested in obtaining Carl V. Bracy’s DVDs? Or Interested in Speaking before Nor Cal Dowsers? Contact Jeannette 530.222.2024 or Barney 530.691.4020. Thanks.
❤️Need Dowsing Assistance with Projects? We have a dowsing support team that works with the paranormal, water well location, treasure hunting, energy movement, wellness, instruction, etc. Call/email: Barney 530. 691.4020 bturner@frontier.net or Jeannette 530.222.2024 northerncaliforniadowsers@gmail.com . Other dowsers are available.
Hand Dowsing Chart © Jeannette
We always have a dowsing chart with our personal hand. Open your less dominate hand and visualize a zero with your middle finger, a negative 100 on the left side of hand (finger or thumb) and positive 100 to the right side of hand (finger or thumb). Before you begin to dowse get yourself in a dowsing state of relaxation and alertness. I usually say a prayer with my pendulum first. Some people might begin with the questions May I? Should I? Can I? You do what works best for you. Start your pendulum in the ready position (pictured -45) with swinging it to and fro.
Start asking questions:
Will I need a rain jacket today (yes/no)?
What is the probability of rain on me today (-100 to +100)?
How many minutes/hours will I be able to work on the
computer before law of diminishing returns begins?
How much time will I be able to devote to
_____ work project today?
Am I in harmony with living my life’s purpose?
If so what percentage from -100 to +100 scale?
What’s the probability of _______ occurring in the
next week, day, morning, etc…?
If you will notice, questions will start coming and you will be able to dowse again &/or start hearing the answers within. Perhaps this might be related to “answers lie within”.
Of course, always say thank you at the closing of dowsing. Thanks.
Happy Dowsing & Healthy Life.
Love, Jeannette ©
Grounding and Faucet ©Jeannette
Clearing energy before the end of your day can be done with a pendulum and faucet. Carl Bracy would highly recommend grounding yourself out via dowsing every night before retiring. Carl emphasized to make sure that you are releasing any extra energies that you might have collected throughout the day by simply grabbing a facet in one hand and your pendulum in the other. This is grounding because it connects you to earth. Connect with your dowsing system and move your pendulum in the negative or releasing movement. (ie counter clockwise for me because I’ve programed my pendulum this way, but for Carl it was the opposite). I ground oneself out before retiring in the evening. Once this is complete. I open my hand or visualize in my minds eye the -100 to +100 chart. Where is my energy/health at this moment? I will get a percentage. I ask my dowsing system, higher self to correct my energies appropriately until I get to +100. One could even go further and give your age, gender and use a 500 mile radius to calibrate a reference to a healthy person similar to you. Or you could simply generalize. Then, before retiring, your subconscious is programed to be the healthiest, & you can awaken refreshed ready to advance your life’s purpose. ©Jeannette
TIME by ©Joy
November 10, 2020
Time is the relentless traveler with no destination – she walks with a steady pace disregarding space and the end of a journey. Songs have been written about time being an illusion but for humans, we are slaves to the second hand reminding us how finite life is.
Youth think time goes on forever, for the aged it’s too short.
Imagine time without beginning or end – is this timeless? Many of us live today in the past; our thoughts, beliefs and actions based on the events of yesterday. Today, we are creating the future. What about today, right now?
Today is the urgent present begging us to pay attention – what stands in our way of being with the now? We may miss a beautiful sunrise and serene sunset, the flock of Canadian geese as they fly towards the nearest pond. Nature is all around us, omnipresent and eternally willing to be the unconditional friend who is always dependable. What about the people we take for granted? – acts of kindness, smiles, or just being silent when we need space. They will never be the same tomorrow and their memory will fade with time. Just as our lives fade with time.
In the world of hunger, it’s a level of life condition which is never satisfying. It’s just never enough food, entertainment, sex, distractions, things etc.
Maybe this is the world of hell on earth to thirst for so much of what we don’t need.
Imagine if a doctor prescribed “Be Here Now”, 3-5 times a day, inhale deeply and count to 10, exhale thoughts and feelings detracting us from now. Continue for 21 days and return for a “wellness” visit. Just what the doc ordered. An elixir for emotional and spiritual health -what? You mean doctor visits ought to include more than a physical?
I don’t need a doctor or prescription to be here now. Now, I want to share how much I cherish your friendship and love. May you live in the grace of this day.
– Always with love, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Joy ©
“The future is composed of thoughts not yet materialized. We have the choice to create our future or let it be created by our indecision. We have created our present by our thoughts, decisions and actions or by lack of the same. By the same method or lack of it, we will create our future. We have a choice of which future we create. If there is one single message for people who attend my classes it is this. You are not just victims of the elements and the politicians. You have a choice but having a choice is of little benefit unless you exercise it.” —Raymon Grace
“The fastest way to bring more wonderful examples of abundance into your personal experience is to take constant notice of the wonderful things that are already there. The abundance that you allow is always a perfect match to your expectation.” — Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
“…expand, grow, evolve, become what you are within!” G. de Purucker
“There are no mistakes, only learning experiences.” – G
❤️Thanks ❤️
Happy October 2020

Dowser Community & News
❤️Sat., 17 Oct 2020 1:30pm (PDT) Northern California Dowsers virtual meeting presenting “Mystical Experiences” by Ralph and Marsha Ring. Ralph and Marsha have decades of amazing experiences and they seem to be working on new adventures all the time. There are many videos on youtube, audios and literature available for viewing on their website: https://bluestarenterprise.com . Please visit the Ring’s website to familiarize yourself with their work, especially with Ralph’s work with Otis T. Carr (Nikola Tesla’s protege). See Nor Cal Dowsers’ flyer for further details www.norcaldowsers.com & please familiarize yourself with the Rings’ website https://bluestarenterprise.com
❤️Sat. – Sun, 17-18 Oct 2020 ORI Conference. More than 20 videos from an Amazing community of Heart Centered Energy-Healers, Master Dowsers, Visionaries, Mystics, Shamans, Teachers, and Researchers who have been coming together for over 25 years to share their gifts with the world. All Videos will be hosted on ORI’s YouTube channel. Information and registration available at: https://www.ozarkresearch.org/2020-virtual-conference.html . Two ways to access your FREE content from the Ozark Research Institute
1) Individual video links can be found here: (10/17 – 18 but available and until 11/17)
2) Videos will be available to view Beginning October 17 thru November 18th, 2020.
In 1992, the non-profit, Ozark Research Institute, Inc. (O.R.I.) began as a dream and a vision of Harold McCoy and his wife Gladys McCoy. Today, O.R.I. continues to reach out to the world with a message of hope and healing for all of humanity. 20 Minutes of Love, Light & Learning – is our way of offering a special gift to you and our worldwide community free of charge! Please consider becoming a Member or making a tax deductible donation to O.R.I. The late Carl Bracy (Nor Cal Dowsers founder and president) said he was the first to make the donation.
❤️Mon., 19 October 2020 @ 5pm (PDT) American Society of Dowsers’ Water Dowsers Mastermind Conference call with Sharry Hope and Ed Stillman featuring Clay Smith. Clay will share his perspective on dowsing for anything and everything; e.g. water, oil, gold, underground pipes with electric & gas lines, etc. Dial 605-313-5145, and enter Participant access code 175681# smart phone one click 605-313-5145,,175681#. If you missed it the recording will be available at dowsers.org under the members only section, click on Mastermind Water Dowsers 19 October 2020 date. Updates & details available at Sharry Hope’s website: www.SharryHope.com

1 Oct 2020 @ 7:49am (PDT) Blue Full Moon. This is the second full moon in October, and thus known as a Blue Moon. The moon’s position is Scorpio/Taurus and tied to Uranus in Taurus.
Happy Halloween all day.
✅ VOTE VOTE VOTE: Make your choices now.
Deadline for ASD By-Laws possible changes October 16 October 2020
Voting in the U.S.A. for your local to national candidates and propositions, register and vote.

Happy News….
Congratulations and thanks to Susan & Tom Spuhler and their team for another successful conference! They honored Paul Eno for 50 years of paranormal research as they celebrate their annual UFO Conference. Visit their website for more info:

NewEnglandUFO.com . Visit Boston Dowsers – Susan McNeill Spuhler, https://www.facebook.com/pg/bostondowsers susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com
Interested in reading past British Society of Dowsers journals and getting blogs? Nick has been posting material for years free of charge to share information with all. His aim is to inform the general public about dowsing and how it’s done and what it can do for one. For more info visit Dowsing Research website and sign up to read articles on dowsing at: http://www.dowsing-research.net/
Animal Lovers…..Check out Everglo-Natural Veterinary Services, Inc. The late Dr. Gloria Dodd, DVM’s products and literature is still available from Marlana Dodd at www.everglonaturalvet.com. “Everglo-Natural Veterinary Services, Inc. operates with an experienced, highly trained staff utilizing Dr. Dodd’s successful medical techniques and all facets of holistic modalities for animal health, since 1978. If you are dissatisfied with drugs or surgical treatments for your animals, Dr. Dodd’s treatment protocols will help you learn about apparent causes of illnesses so you can effectively reduce or remove the symptoms and help your animals get healthy again!” There are some nice articles on animals, products, newsletters and check out the cool Kirlian photography. Marlana can be reached at 707.785.9171 or www.everglonaturalvet.com.
Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Northern California Dowsers, Nor Cal Dowsers, (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com, www.norcaldowsers.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divininghope@yahoo.com, www.sharryhope.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Dick Tippett at rtippett@ertechinc.com
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) with Kalena at kalena2u@yahoo.com
Dowsing News: ❤️FREE West Coast Dowsers Conference (July 3 – 7 2020) can still be viewed for a little while longer: www.dowerswestcoastdowsers.org Thanks for supporting the West Coast Conference and Speakers. Thumbdrives will hopefully be available in the near future.
American Society of Dowsers Voting time. Ballots due by 16 Oct 2020.
Nor Cal Dowsers Info.: Interested in obtaining Carl V. Bracy’s DVDs? Or Interested in Speaking before Nor Cal Dowsers? Contact Jeannette 530.222.2024 or Barney 530.691.4020. Thanks.
❤️Need Dowsing Assistance with Projects? We have a dowsing support team that works with paranormal, water well location, treasure hunting, energy movement, wellness, instruction, etc. Call/email: Barney 530. 691.4020 bturner@frontier.net or Jeannette 530.222.2024 northerncaliforniadowsers@gmail.com . Other dowsers are available.
© Self Wellness Care Corner by Jeannette
Dear Ones,
I’m compelled at this time to share what follows; Connecting to our higher, more natural selves is part of this earthly experience. This can lead to becoming the person you were born to be and truly are. Included are some simple techniques I practice.
Some simple daily spiritual hygiene tips might help you, at least it does for me. Before beginning your day, lay in bed in the barely awakened state and take any notes upon dream state or awakening that bring an impression of what is to unfold for you. For decades I’ve written down what I’m to know for that particular moment in time. I simply say thank you and focus on what is best for me to accomplish or work on that day. I can reference the paper later and attend to what could help me or someone else. The basic morning regimen that works for me is to tap my thymus gland until I feel balance. To protect chakras and myself I do an ancient Chinese technique that I learned from Gisela Hoffman. I tap my shoulders and reach my arms up in the air repeatedly this motion of tapping and reaching until my breath &/or heart rate changes. Think of doing a touchdown signal. This has psychically protected me for years. Yoga, meditation and prayer work are next with some breath and mantra work. My day is now set to be golden. To make it more
perfect I fit some sort of daily physical exercise in, preferably outdoors, weather and environmental factors permitting. Practicing spiritual hygiene is like brushing and flossing my teeth or dowsing. It simply is part of my wellness lifestyle. Perhaps you might have a different regimen, as everyone works and thinks differently. The bottom line is to utilize a successful wellness routine regularly to keep your mind, body and spirit in shape. This makes for a happier and more joyful life. Of course, gratitude is essential.
One way to check on yourself is with dowsing three basic questions.
Self Wellness Check: Simply Dowse with Yes & No Questions
- Am I centered and balanced right now?
- Am I connected with my brain and heart right now?
- Am I living my life purpose right now?
If no to any of these, what changes can you make right now (acceptance, set a short term & long term goal, etc. to achieve a better you at any moment). The now is different from the now, now and now. Time and space is in constant change and flow. You are the creator of your universe. What are you creating now? What would you like to create now?!? Are you in alignment with you divine purpose? There are as many realities as there are people. We choose where to put ourselves with our thoughts and actions. We can host thoughts, and feed them and nourish them, or we can let them pass us by as the wind. Where is your reality and is it in alignment with your divine purpose?

For a more advanced dowse, use a chart with a scale with -100 to +100 for percentages first and then use your dowsing tool, to make corrections.
- Right now what percentage am I centered and balanced?
- Use your pendulum for corrections and make sure to relax and breath.
- Right now what percentage am I connected with both my brain and heart?
- Use your pendulum for corrections and make sure to relax and breath.
- Right now what percentage am I living my life purpose?
- Use your pendulum for corrections and make sure to relax and breath.
Reminders of Self Wellness:
Take a break from all technology and be out in nature. Smell, breath, feel the beauty on this beautiful globe. Do something joyful daily. For those new to dowsing perhaps just start dowsing a little every night before retiring to bed. For the more advanced, check yourself multiple times a day. At the end of the day, how did you do? Is there anything you learned during the day to make you do and be better? Say thank you after each dowse. There is nothing more important than having a healthy you, and being the healthiest you can be for those you love.
Thanks, Jeannette
© Jeannette
“If you don’t love what you’re doing, you’re doing the wrong thing.” —Ralph & Marsha Ring
“There are darkness’ in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights.” —Bram Stoker
“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly what is essential is invisible to the eye.” —Antoine De Saint-Exupéry
“Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up.” —Marcus Aurelius
“We are not alone in the universe. They have been coming here for a long time…” —Edgar Mitchell
“Mind is indeed the Builder…what is held in the act of mental vision becomes a reality in the material experience. We are gradually builded to that image created within our own mental being.” —Edgar Cayce
“Peace and plenty through the application of free energy to supply all things for all people.” —Otis T. Carr
“We are living in a sea of energy.” —Ralph Ring
Thank you everyone for your help and donations. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Robin, Ted, Laura, Pearl, Sharron, Joy, Roger, Susan, Kristin, Sandra, Marianne, Linda, Deon, Dan, Pat, Marilyn, Al, ASD, Roxanne, the late Sky Dowsers (Pat, Don, Ola, Shirley, Carl, Walt, Dr. Gloria, etc.). Recently departed Pat Delafield was and remains a good friend of Nor Cal Dowsers, whose physical presence will be missed.
Thank You American Society of Dowsers for honoring Nor Cal Dowsers for “Best Chapter Newsletter” of 2019 and the late Pat Delafield as “Best Chapter Leader” of Energy Dowsers (WA)❣️
September 2020
Happy Autumnal Equinox

Tuesday, September 22 6:30am (PDT). It’s that time of yearly seasonal change. Autumnal equinox, September 22nd. Symbolically and spiritually the change represents a change in mental, physical and spiritual processes. Historically fall represents the air element of the winds. Personally, I welcome a very needed change from the summer heat and fire season. Astrologically the sun enters libra with the new moon to begin fall.
Our hearts and prayers go out to all those affected (especially on the west coast), by fires, pollution, extreme weather patterns, etc. Some dowser members have lost their homes again. We’re are sorry for all those who’ve been adversely affected by the drought and fires, especially these last five years. We need water in the west. Thanks to everyone helping.
Happy News….Congrats to Nor Cal Dowsers Ted and Laura Dawson on your recent wedding❣️ Ted and Laura help out with the dowsers, farmers market, schools, etc. Ted was at the beginning of Nor Cal Dowsers over 30 years ago and has also taught dowsing at the West Coast Dowsers Conference back in the 1980s. Visit their unique one of a kind store Nom Sus Wintu Products, LLC via this
Etsy’s link: https://www.etsy.com/shop/NomSusWintuProducts?ref=search_shop_redirect & their
facebook link: https://m.facebook.com/Nom-Sus-Wintu-Products-LLC-107286370754710/?ref=bookmarks
Ted and Laura are healthy, happy and aware people. Congrats again!
Dowser Community
❤️Monday, 21 September 2020 @ 5pm (PDT) American Society of Dowsers’ Water Dowsers Mastermind Conference call with Sharry Hope and Ed Stillman featuring Bill Henry (Dyke, VA). Mr. Henry will share his perspective on water and map dowsing. Dial 605-313-5145, and enter Participant access code 175681# smart phone one click 605-313-5145,,175681#. If you missed it the recording will be available at dowsers.org under the members only section, click on Mastermind Water Dowsers 21 Sept 2020 date. For details you can also visit: www.SharryHope.com
❤️Sunday, 27 Sept 2020 1:30pm Nor Cal Dowsers meeting with Sandee Mac’s “FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION…..
TO ACHIEVE YOUR INTENTION!!!” “She’s trained and certified in over 70 different modalities and healing systems. Her background in the mental health professions has shown me what doesn’t work, and propelled me to find things that do! She’s drawn information from ancient systems of indigenous cultures as well as the leading research now being developed. Furthermore, she’s uniquely combined a multitude of modalities to help people make powerful, dramatic change … safely, quickly, and easily. ‘I’m here to be of service to you.’ ~Sandee Mac” Please visit her website: www.sandeemac.com for details about Sandee and visit www.norcaldowsers.com for details of meeting.
Animal Lovers…..Check out Everglo-Natural Veterinary Services, Inc. The late Dr. Gloria Dodd, DVM’s products and literature is still available from Marlana Dodd at www.everglonaturalvet.com. “Everglo-Natural Veterinary Services, Inc operates with an experienced, highly trained staff utilizing Dr. Dodd’s successful medical techniques and all facets of holistic modalities for animal health, since 1978. If you are dissatisfied with drugs or surgical treatments for your animals, Dr. Dodd’s treatment protocols will help you learn about apparent causes of illnesses so you can effectively reduce or remove the symptoms and help your animals get healthy again!” There are some nice articles on animals, products, newsletters and check out the cool Kirlian photography. Marlana can be reached at 707.785.9171 or www.everglonaturalvet.com.
Crystal Sage, Master Energy Healer, Best Selling Amazon Author, “Become informed, learn about healing, and REGAIN your POWER! Healing is an INTERNAL journey. You need to be more concerned with your INTERNAL environment (your mindset and immune system…” For further info. visit her website: www.TrueHealingSolutions.com
Katy Redmon, 15th Step Practicioner, did a 15th Step reading and her report in October 2019 can be found on her website. The summary was to visualize and be calm during this unusual virus and “Material world: observe protocols anyway as gets people to believe that everything will be okay. It is calming”. She can be reached at 707-694-2952 & www.redmonhypnosis.com
Kristin Idema has much to share on astrology this month and beginning of the year. Please visit Kristin’s website for inspiration and a glimpse of current planetary alignment; “Those who walk the sacred path of wisdom will give no outward sign of discomfort or duress but will continue to walk bravely through this time and await a change in fortune. We will endure.” For consultation contact Kristin at 530-241-4588, www.stardiviner.com.
Linda Schreiber has a message for all Fellow Dowsers and Orb Lovers; Orbs are plentiful at healing sessions and dowsing. These loving Spirits are here for us to help heal! The patients must initiate healing in order for them to help. (Ask and ye shall receive.) In faith and love, be well and let us begin the Great Healing! Love, Light and Laughter! Thanks Linda the globe and all life forms can use some positive good healing vibes and thoughts. You can access her youtube healing prayer at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEAVXl70NkU
Yasuko is an amazing alchemist. Her business website is the following: https://www.shastica.com. Shastica produces natural beauty products, using the purest of ingredients. Shastica is dedicated to beauty apothecary, personally harvesting herbs and hand making all creations at the base of Mount Shasta in California.
Sandra Jennings runs Chiron Society, an astrological group, which meets two Wednesdays a month at 7pm. This month meetings are via internet on Zoom. Sandra also meets with clients individually. “Every planet, sign and house in an Astrological chart has symbolic meaning and representing archetypal energies. Sandra can be contacted at 530-410-3702 or sandrajennings85@gmail.com
The 2020 – 2021 Planetary Calendar is awesome. Lahni and Ralph have been the authors and publishers for the Planetary Calendars and other books for along time. I’ve been using their calendars for years. Check out their website and see what they offer: http://spaceandtime.com
Nor Cal Dowsers Tentative Virtual (online) 2020 Save the Dates:
Sept 27 @ 1:30pm Sandee Mac
Oct 17 @ 1:30pm Ralph and Marsha Ring
Mark Your Calendar: Saturday, October 17th at 1:30pm (Pacific) Ralph and Marsha Ring will be joining the Nor Cal Dowsers online meeting as the featured guests. They have many life experiences to share and are often working on new projects. If you’d like to get a heads up please visit their website: www.BlueStarEnterprises.com
Nov 14 @ 1:30pm TBD
Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Northern California Dowsers, Nor Cal Dowsers, (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divininghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Dick Tippett at rtippett@ertechinc.com
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) with Kalena at kalena2u@yahoo.com
Dowsing News: ❤️FREE West Coast Dowsers Conference (July 3 – 7 2020) can still be viewed for a little while longer: www.dowerswestcoastdowsers.org Thanks for supporting the West Coast Conference and Speakers. Thumbdrives will hopefully be available in the near future.
Dowsing News: ASD AWARDS
American Society of Dowsers 2019 RECIPIENTS
Dowsers of the Year: Lee Barnes, Appalachian Dowsers (Asheville, North Carolina)
828-452-5716 lbarnes2@earthlink.net
Honors someone whose recent work has contributed significantly to the Society’s mission of preserving, promoting, and expanding the practice of dowsing in the USA
Volunteer of the Year: Peter Voss
Honors someone who has given his or her time selflessly in service to ASD
Register of Recognition/Outstanding Service Award: Sharon Mahany for the American Society of Dowsers Digest and help with the children’s dowsing program.
email: writetosharonb@yahoo.com
Honors a dowser with long-standing or significant service to ASD
Register of Recognition/Outstanding Service Award: Susan Swartz & Shiela Williams for their work with the American Society of Dowsers Convention.
Legend Award: Margaret K. Chaney
Awarded to someone 80 years or over who continues to be an active member of ASD and teaches dowsing. Ms. Chaney can be seen dowsing today in person and in youtube videos, does polarity testing and is known for authoring her Red World Green World book.
Outstanding Chapter: Mile High Dowsers (Lakewood, Colorado)
website: www.milehighdowsers.org
Honoring a chapter for its hard work in recruiting new members, leading exciting meetings and giving service to its community during the previous year
Outstanding Chapter Leader: The late Pat Delafield of Energy Dowsers (Lynnwood, WA) was awarded for her good work as the founder and president of the Energy Dowsers. website: www.energydowsers.org email:dowser.gold@gmail.com
Honoring a person within a chapter whose efforts have made a significant difference to the work of that chapter during the previous year.
Best Website: Appalachian Dowsers (Asheville, North Carolina)
website: https://appalachiandowsers.org For Well Dowsing Services & Environmental Questions: Lee Barnes, President 828-452-5716 lbarnes2@earthlink.net
Best Website: website: https://appalachiandowsers.org
Honoring a Chapter for creating and maintaining an attractive and informative local website with links to the ASD website over the past year
Best Chapter Newsletter: Northern California Dowsers (Nor Cal Dowsers) (Redding, CA)
website: www.norcaldowsers.com email:northerncaliforniadowsers@gmail.com
Honoring a Chapter for publishing an attractive and informative regular printed or electronic newsletter for its members over the past year and promoting ASD activities and memberships
Congrats to all of the newly awarded recipients of 2019❣️
Nor Cal Dowsers Info.: Interested in obtaining Carl V. Bracy’s DVDs? Or Interested in Speaking before Nor Cal Dowsers? Contact Jeannette 530.222.2024 or Barney 530.691.4020. Thanks.
❤️Need Dowsing Assistance with Projects? We have a dowsing support team that works with paranormal, water well location, treasure hunting, energy movement, wellness, instruction, etc. Call/email: Barney 530. 691.4020 bturner@frontier.net or Jeannette 530.222.2024 northerncaliforniadowsers@gmail.com . Other dowsers are available.
In Memoriam
Pat Delafield: President and founder of Energy Dowsers Lynnwood, Washington. Pat consistently promoted Dowsing related activities for over 50 years. She was recently honored with American Society of Dowsers “Outstanding Chapter Leader” of 2019 just before her demise. She was also a featured speaker on a 2019 ASD Water Dowser’s Mastermind Conference Call, and talked about dowsing while having a physical disability. Pat has freely shared her dowsing talents around the globe. She’s known to speak at various American Society of Dowsers chapters, and conferences such as Wesak (Mt. Shasta, CA) and the West Coast Dowsers Conference (Santa Cruz, CA). Nor Cal Dowsers was fortunate to have Pat speak last September on her life’s work of dowsing, and being a facilitator of Walter Russel’s work. It was one of the best presentations she gave. She gave her personal experience of dowsing for gold, water, treasures, consciousness, etc. Pat is a compassionate, loving and strong person. She’s dowsed most of her life and happily shares dowsing. She was one of the few gold dowsers that made a living at it. Her proficiency gave her a life filled with living in Australia and Alaska, finding gold for many years. She also dowsed in other states for people and companies.
Pat started traveling the world as a teenager and became one of a handful of women in the Coast Guard. Later cruise ships and flying were part of her travels and work. She was a co-founder and minister of a church, proficient healer, channeler, astrologer and dowser. She had one of the greatest outlooks on life and overcame many obstacles in life. She passed away two days before her birthday, August 11, of cancer. Pat is survived by a sister Marilyn, nephew Callan, with two brothers Jim and Allyn, and many people who love her. Condolences emails or texts can be sent to Pat Delafield’s sister, Marilyn through Pat’s mobile (425.918.0854) texting/calling and/or email (dowser.water@gmail.com) will be good for the next couple of months.
“It is very important that we re-learn the art of resting and relaxing. Not only does it prevent the onset of many illnesses that develop through chronic tension and worrying, it allows us to clear our minds, focus and find creative solutions to problems.” —Thich Nhat Hanh
“Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed.” —Thich Nhat Hanh
“The people of the Earth shall meet the people of the universe. As we approach the golden age the veils shall be removed and the people of the earth shall become aware of the people of the universe.” —Edgar Cayce
“Treasure your curiosity and nurture your imagination. Have confidence in yourself. Do not let others put limits on you. Dare to imagine the unimaginable.” —Shirley Ann Jackson
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” —Pablo Picasso
“Peace and plenty through the application of free energy to supply all things for all people.” —Otis T. Carr
“We are living in a sea of energy.” —Ralph Ring
Thank you everyone for your help and donations. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Robin, Ted, Laura, Pearl, Sharron, Joy, Roger, Susan, Kristin, Sandra, Marianne, Linda, Deon, Dan, Pat, Marilyn, Al, ASD, Roxanne Louise, the late Sky Dowsers (Pat Delafield, Don Anderson, Ola, Shirley, Carl, Walt, Dr. Gloria, etc.).
Thank You American Society of Dowsers for honoring Nor Cal Dowsers for “Best Chapter Newsletter”❣️
August 2020
Mon., August 17th 5pm (PDT/MT): ASD Water Dowsers Mastermind conference call 5 pm Pacific time occurs every 3rd Monday, Monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) and Ed Stillman (AZ) featuring Larry Bird (Marysville, CA) a “Master Dowsers’ Personal Experience.” To see details visit SharryHope.com
☎️Tuesday, August 18⋅5:00 – 6:00pm (PDT), Discover Dowsing “Let’s Talk EMF and Corona Virus” Monthly on the third Tuesday, Susan Whittaker. I’ve been working with many doctors all over the US and they have a very different idea of what Corona Virus is since they have had patients they have cured. Let’s take a look at what research has to tell us. Sue Whittaker grew up in remote Alaska with primitive love and a closeness to nature few can imagine. Fate had her become a teacher and meet Steve Jobs. He visited her classroom many times and said Sue is gifted with vision and guidance from above as he awarded her the “I changed the world” T-shirt for her innovation and leadership. In 1983 a formaldehyde poisoning cure inspired her to be an activist for alternative medicine. After teaching children for 25 years, she studied identity theft, was a keynote presenter and co-authored Oregon’s law against it. Next, she spent 7 years as Suzie Solar in Costco stores nationwide selling solar powered generators and breaking sales records. Five years ago she was told by a higher guide to become a medical medium. She was led to creating unique vibrational medicine using intention and love, to provide a service with daily bio-energy clearings and EMF protection and to write 14 encyclopedic Dowser’s Guides to Wellness in 5 months. Sue says she is just a simple person who grew-up in remote Alaska and has nothing special to give, except love. But, her out-of-body experiences, psychic channeling, telepathy, time-travel, remote viewing and healing capabilities indicate she’s a bit more than that. Brand new ASD Trustee. Sue Whittaker’s email: sue@wsEnergetics.com Dial (646) 876-9923, enter Participant Code# 126-360-394, & press # at next prompt. (For Video go to zoom.us/join & enter code)
Animal Lovers…..Check out Everglo-Natural Veterinary Services, Inc. The late Dr. Gloria Dodd, DVM’s products and literature is still available with Marlana Dodd at www.everglonaturalvet.com. Everglo-Natural Veterinary Services, Inc operates with an experienced, highly trained staff utilizing Dr. Dodd’s successful medical techniques and all facets of holistic modalities for animal health, since 1978. If you are dissatisfied with drugs or surgical treatments for your animals, Dr. Dodd’s treatment protocols will help you learn about apparent causes of illnesses so you can effectively reduce or remove the symptoms and help your animals get healthy again! There are some nice articles on animals, products, newsletters and check out the cool Kirlian photography. 707.785.9171 or www.everglonaturalvet.com.
Ways to Get a Dowsing Groove On. © Jeannette
- Body, mind and spirit protocol: Breathe and tap your thymus gland to balance. Protect your chakras by tapping your shoulders with your fingers and then reaching your hands up to the sky. Meanwhile, visualize unneeded energy being released and balancing your light into perfect harmony. Once centered and relaxed program your body for a deviceless dowse.
2. Set intention and program your personal deviceless dowse:
- Whole body deviceless dowsing: If standing straight this would be a “neutral” position. If you sway your body forward (or left) this could be your “yes” and the backward (or right) sway could be your “no”, or vice versa as it’s your choice.
- Finger deviceless dowse: interlock both your thumbs with your pinky fingers, now pull and hold for a strong yes by saying yes. Now, try a now and your fingers and thumbs will spread apart for a no response.
- Rub finger deviceless dowse: Your index finger over thumb and rub. A smooth rub response is a no and a sticky rub response would indicate yes.
3. Now, write down a question or say a question. Examples are limitless
- “Is this a good time for me to buy a car?”
- “Is now a good time to buy toilet paper at ______?
- “Is this food good for me at this time?”
- “Is now a good time for me to detoxify?”
- “Is this a good time for me to go outdoors?”
4. Always say “thank you” when finished.
For further details on dowsing visit Walt Woods Letter to Robin: https://lettertorobin.wordpress.com or www.norcaldowsers.com. We also have Walt’s books available at our meetings.
Love and Namasté ,
Wellness 2020 © Jeannette
Meditation and prayer…spiritual bathe
Eat Foods and drink libations that feed your brain, body and spirit.
“We are not alone in the universe. They have been coming here for a long time…” —Edgar Mitchell
“Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed.” —Thich Nhat Hanh
“The people of the Earth shall meet the people of the universe. As we approach the golden age the veils shall be removed and the people of the earth shall become aware of the people of the universe.” —Edgar Cayce
“Do not be limited by what others expect of you, but confidently reach for the stars.” —Shirley Ann Jackson
Thank you everyone for your help and donations. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Robin, Ted, Laura, Pearl, Sharron, Joy, Roger, Susan, Kristin, Sandra, Marianne, Linda, Deon, Dan, Pat, Marilyn, Al, Vicki, ASD, Roxanne Louise, the late Sky Dowsers (Pat Delafield, Don Anderson, Ola, Shirley, Carl, Walt, Dr. Gloria, etc.).
July 2020
Greetings Dowser Friends,
Hopefully, you’ve had a chance to see some of the 2020 West Coast Dowsers Conference this month. Video REPLAYS are still available for the rest of the month at the following website: http://www.dowserswestcoast.org and also the attached document. Below is a partial look to temporary webinars links will direct you to the speaker’s presentation. Fill in your name and email to view, then click register.
As a reminder Rob Thompson (AWARD WINNER PAUL SEVIGNY, over 1,000 successful wells) has a 37 minute video from the WCC replays (see attachment). Furthermore, he will be the guest speaker for Water Dowser Mastermind Teleconference for Monday, 20 July 2020 at 5pm (PDT). Dial 605-313-5145, and enter Participant access code 175681#.
A special Happy 100th to Slim Chapman!!! If you’d like to add a message to his birthday card, please email me soon.
20 July 2020 New Moon at 10:23 am (PDT) is a perfect time to plant seeds of intentions and manifestations.
Finally, keep a look out for the current comet in the Northern Hemisphere.
Here’s to Good Health and Good Fortune,

“I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.”
— Henry David Thoreau, Walden
“If the day and the night are such that you greet them with joy, and life emits a fragrance like flowers and sweet-scented herbs, is more elastic, more starry, more immortal — that is your success. All nature is your congratulation, and you have cause momentarily to bless yourself.”
— Henry David Thoreau, Walden
“I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.” – Henry David Thoreau
Mon., June 15th 5pm (PDT/MT): ASD Water Dowsers Mastermind conference call 5 pm Pacific time occurs every 3rd Monday, Monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) and Ed Stillman (AZ) featuring a Dale Miller who’ll share her “Master Dowsers’ Personal Experiences.” ☎️ Participant Live Instructions: Call: (641) 715-0866 & Enter the access code: 175681#. Or archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only and scroll down to find your conference call.
Tues., June 16th at 5pm PDT/MT: ASD’s Dowsing Support and Continuing Education 646.876.9923, Access code: 984 952 3909# At the prompt, press # again visit dowsers.org for details.
Sat., June 20th: Summer Solstice (2:43pm PDT) with a new moon (11:41pm PDT) in Cancer. This is a big day with the Annular eclipse. This is a powerful day to focus on wellbeing and connecting with what you’d like to create in your personal and surrounding space.
Sat., June 20th-26th: 2020 EAST COAST MANDELA EFFECT CONFERENCE “REVELATIONS of the Mandela Effect” https://imec.world Live Streaming on YouTube Starting at 2:00PM – 9:00PM EST (from Connecticut). LIVESTREAM LINK: youtube.com for viewing.
Sun., May 21st Father’s Day. Happy Father’s Day to ALL❣️
Tuesdays, 6:30pm (PDT) Free Healing Circle Meditation with Gladys via Zoom meeting.
IONS Institute of Noetic Sciences is offering a number of FREE helpful online presentations. Visit their website at https://noetic.org/events-calendar/
Nor Cal Dowsers 2020 Save the Tentative Dates:
June 27th 1:30 pm Dowser Classic Film “West Coast Conference’s 2001
Keynote Speaker Carl Bracy”
July 19th 1:30 pm Review of WCC conference
Aug 2nd 1:30 pm TBD
Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Northern California Dowsers, Nor Cal Dowsers, (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divininghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen at karenbke@gmail.com & Steve at sorsary@comcast.net
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Dick Tippet at (408) 402-1148 (text) rtippett@ertechinc.com
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) with Kalena Luxon at crysatlbortex@yahoo.com
2020 Save the Dates:
❤️If you were unable to attend ASD’s Annual convention June 3 – 7, 2020 , then it’s not too late you can order a thumb drive from the virtual conference at: www.dowsers.org
❤️West Coast Dowsers Conference July 3 – 7 2020 (Fri.-Tues.) FREE 2020 Virtual Streaming event. Stay tune for details as events will be posted as they happen on the website. All Star Cast presenters including:
Classes, Workshops, Keynote Speaker! Meditations, Dowsing Classics! Fun Night! Some Presenters: Carol Assa, Richard Feather Anderson, Susan Collins, Grahame Gardner, Gisela Hoffman (Hannah Kroeger’s daughter), Sharron Hope, Roxanne Louise, Gladys McCoy, Gary Plapp, Sue Trumpfheller, Adhi Two Owls, and Keynote: Maria Wheatley. http://www.dowserswestcoast.org
Nor Cal Dowsers Info.: Interested in obtaining Carl V. Bracy’s DVDs? Or Interested in Speaking before Nor Cal Dowsers? Contact Jeannette 530.222.2024 or Barney 530.691.4020. Thanks.
❤️Need Dowsing Assistance with Projects? We have a dowsing support team that works with water well location, paranormal, treasure hunting, energy movement, wellness, instruction, etc. Call/email: Barney 530. 691.4020 bturner@frontier.net or Jeannette 530.222.2024 or norcaldowsers@gmail.com. Other dowsers are available.
For further details on dowsing visit Walt Woods Letter to Robin: https://lettertorobin.wordpress.com or www.norcaldowsers.com. We also have Walt’s books available at our meetings.
Courtesy of Sharron Hope…..Looking for Dowsing books, including American Society of Water Dowsers Manual visit: http://www.yronwode.org/dowsing-divining-rod-water-witching-bibliography.html
“Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up.” —Marcus Aurelius
“Dowsing is universal truth.” – Carl V. Bracy
“The avenue of dowsing is to give people a sense of self empowerment that will help their self development and a by product is helping the globe.” -Jeannette (Nor Cal Dowsers)
“You can’t know the nature of things without knowing nature.” —G.R.A.
“The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage.” —Thucydides
“Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.” —Ovid
“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” —Francis of Assisi
❤️Thanks..Thank you everyone for your help and donations. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Robin, Ted, Laura, Susan McNeil Spuhler, Tom, Pearl, Sharron, Joy, Roger, Susan, Kristin, Sandra, Marianne, Linda, Deon, Dan, Pat, Al, Vicki, ASD, Roxanne Louise, the late Dowsers: Don Anderson, Ola, Shirley, Carl, Walt, Dr. Gloria, Dr. Diane, George, etc.
❤️ Happy Mother’s Day ❤️ 2020
FREE FREE FREE events are here just for YOU…
Sat., May 2nd 10am (PDT/MT) Boston Dowsers presents FREE LIVE STREAM EVENT “Interference Energy and the Corona Virus” by Joey Korn. Visit Joey’s website for further info at dowser.com . Meeting held via GoToMeeting; email susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com for details. Please sign on for this FREE event 15 min before meeting.
Sun., May 3rd 1:30 (PDT) Nor Cal Dowsers presents “Dowsing and Manifestation” by Susan McNeill Spuhler (Industrial Engineer, Dowser, Conference Organizer, etc.). Susan McNeill Spuhler is an Industrial Engineer and has been dowsing for nearly 30 years, successfully finding wells for clients throughout the northeastern United States as well as California. She also finds lost items and clears geopathic stress from property. Susan is the President of the Boston Dowsers, a life member of the American Society of Dowsers and a past trustee for American Society of Dowsers. She is the Co-Director of the West Coast Dowser Conference and the newly resurrected Flagstaff Dowser Conference (formerly known as the Southwest Dowser Conference). Meeting held via GoTo Meeting; email norcaldowsers@gmail.com for details at the latest by that morning. Please sign on for this FREE event 15 min before meeting.
Tues., May 5th Cinco De Mayo
Tues., May 5th noon PDT/MT International Dowser Day FREE LIVE STREAM EVENT on Face Book. Confirmed speakers: Mike Barwell, Aaron Bray, Susan Collins, Grahame Gardner, Rai Heller, Sharry Hope, Melinda Iverson-Inn, Patrick MacManawary and Susan McNeil-Spuhler. If you do not have Facebook, then Email: susan@dowser.ca
Thurs., May 7 Full Moon Super Moon 3:45am PDT/MT
Sun., May 10th Mother’s Day. Happy Mother’s Day to ALL❣️
Tues., 5pm PDT/MT: ASD’s Dowsing Support and Continuing Education 646.876.9923, Access code: 984 952 3909# At the prompt, press # again visit dowsers.org for details.
Sat., May 16th 1:30pm PDT Golden Gate Dowsers presents FREE LIVE STREAM EVENT “Healing Your Ancestors, Yourself and Your Bloodline” with MaryAnn and Steve Orsary. Email: karenbke@gmail.com for further details. Please sign on for this FREE event 15 min before meeting.
Mon., May 18th 5pm (PDT/MT): ASD Water Dowsers Mastermind conference call 5 pm Pacific time occurs every 3rd Monday, Monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) and Ed Stillman (AZ) featuring a Carol Gator who’ll share her “Master Dowsers’ Personal Experiences.” ☎️ Participant Live Instructions: Call: (641) 715-0866 & Enter the access code: 175681#. Or archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only and scroll down to find your conference call.
Tues., May 19th 5pm (PDT/MT): ASD’s Discover Dowsing Series visit dowsers.org for details.
Fri., May 22nd New Moon 10:38am PST/MT
Nor Cal Dowsers 2020 Save the Dates:
May 3rd 1:30 pm “Dowsing and Manifesting” FREE ONLINE by Susan McNeil Spuhler
June 7th 1:30 pm TBD, July 19th 1:30 pm TBD, Aug 2nd 1:30 pm TBD
Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Northern California Dowsers, Nor Cal Dowsers, (Redding) with Jeannette: norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope: divininghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen: karenbke@gmail.com & Steve: sorsary@comcast.net
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers: donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Wayne: sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam: atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) with Kalena Luxon: crysatlbortex@yahoo.com
2020 Save the Dates:
❤️ASD’s Annual convention June 3 – 7, 2020 at Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH. www.dowsers.org Stay tuned for details as events will be posted as they happen.
❤️West Coast Dowsers Conference July 3 – 7 2020 (Fri.-Tues.) FREE 2020 Virtual Streaming event. Stay tune for details as events will be posted as they happen on the website. All Star Cast presenters including:
Classes, Workshops, Keynote Speaker! Meditations, Dowsing Classics! Fun Night! Some Presenters: Carol Assa, Richard Feather Anderson, Susan Collins, Grahame Gardner, Gisela Hoffman (Hannah Kroeger’s daughter), Sharron Hope, Roxanne Louise, Gladys McCoy, Gary Plapp, Sue Trumpfheller, Adhi Two Owls, and Keynote: Maria Wheatley. http://www.dowserswestcoast.org
Nor Cal Dowsers Info.: Interested in obtaining Carl V. Bracy’s DVDs? Or Interested in Speaking before Nor Cal Dowsers? Contact Jeannette 530.222.2024 or Barney 530.691.4020. Thanks.
❤️Need Dowsing Assistance with Projects? We have a dowsing support team that works with paranormal, water well location, treasure hunting, energy movement, wellness, instruction, etc. Call/email: Barney 530. 691.4020 bturner@frontier.net or Jeannette 530.222.2024. Other dowsers are available.
For further details on dowsing visit Walt Woods Letter to Robin: https://lettertorobin.wordpress.com or www.norcaldowsers.com. We also have Walt’s books available at our meetings.
“We carry within us the wonders we seek outside us.” —Rumi
“There are plenty of difficult obstacles in your path. Don’t allow yourself to become one of them.” – Ralph Marston
“You can’t know the nature of things without knowing nature.” —G.R.A.
“The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage.” —Thucydides
“Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.” —Ovid
“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” —Francis of Assisi
❤️Thanks..Thank you everyone for your help and donations. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Robin, Ted, Laura, Susan McNeil Spuhler, Tom, Pearl, Sharron, Joy, Roger, Susan, Kristin, Sandra, Marianne, Linda, Deon, Dan, Pat, Al, Vicki, ASD, Roxanne Louise, the late Dowsers: Don Anderson, Ola, Shirley, Carl, Walt, Dr. Gloria, Dr. Diane, George, etc.
⏰Daily NOON (PDT/Mountain Time) Meditation: Noon Mediation for Love, Light and Peace for yourself, community and planet. Wherever you are on the globe and if inclined please take a moment to join in a mass consciousness of “Love, Light and Peace”. This is a global effort, please bring your light for yourself, loved ones, and the globe.
Sat., April 4th 10am Boston Dowsers Chapter meets on line….please join Susan McNeill Spuhler’s Go To Meeting group as she and Barney Turner will talk about orgone energy and devices. Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://www.gotomeet.me/SusanMcNeillSpuhler You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (408) 650-3123 & Access Code: 156-207-869 ***If New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/156207869
If you need help with GoToMeeting, please email Or call so I can walk you through the process Before Saturday’s meeting. Stay safe! Susan 978.340.9304
Mon., April 20th 5pm: ASD Water Dowsers Mastermind conference call 5 pm Pacific time occurs every 3rd Monday, Monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) and Ed Stillman (AZ) featuring Gary Plapp’s “Master Dowsers’ Personal Experience.” Gary Plapp is a master dowser of 50 years and is a dowsing instructor, speaker, writer, inventor, workshop leader, tour guide and earth energy researcher. He is also an intuitive channel and reader of 35 years. Gary conducts water/mineral dowsing and earth energy – environmental corrections for homes and businesses. He also conducts archaeological dowsing at sacred sites around the world including Africa, Europe, Latin America and the US. Gary has been an aerospace-research electrical engineer and scientist for 40 years, most recently at NASA – Ames Research Center. He is the founder and president of the Los Lunas ‘Willow Benders’ Dowsing Chapter. Gary Plapp’s contact info.: dowsergary@comcast.net (email) & photonrevelations.com (website). ☎️ Participant Live Instructions: Call: (641) 715-0866 & Enter the access code: 175681#. Or archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only and scroll down to find your conference call.
Wed., April 22 Earth Day
Thank you Roxanne Louise for your dedication of service, time, effort and energy as the recently retired American Society of Dowsers President. If you have not had a chance to listen to Roxanne’s interviews you may want to check ASD’s website for archives available at www.dowsers.org and click on one of the teleconference tabs. Roxanne’s website is www.RoxanneLouise.com and her blog is UnlimitedPotentialHealingCenter.com. For those of you interested in a dowsing protocol for the current Coronavirus click on Roxanne’s link: https://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com/2020/03/15/dowsing-on-the-corona-virus/ . Also see her post on Dowsers Make a Difference: https://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com/2020/03/22/dowsers-can-make-a-difference/
Crystal Sage, Master Energy Healer, Best Selling Amazon Author, “Become informed, learn about healing, and REGAIN your POWER! Healing is an INTERNAL journey. You need to be more concerned with your INTERNAL environment (your mindset and immune system…” For further info. visit her website: www.TrueHealingSolutions.com
Katy Redmon, 15th Step Practicioner, did a 15th Step reading and her report in October 2019 can be found on her website. The summary was to visualize and be calm during this unusual virus and “Material world: observe protocols anyway as gets people to believe that everything will be okay. It is calming”. She can be reached at 707-694-2952 & www.redmonhypnosis.com
Kristin Idema has much to share on astrology this month and beginning of the year. Please visit Kristin’s website for inspiration and a glimpse of current planetary alignment; “Those who walk the sacred path of wisdom will give no outward sign of discomfort or duress but will continue to walk bravely through this time and await a change in fortune. We will endure.” Click here https://mailchi.mp/7337691de68a/happy-real-new-year-and-musings-on-this-world-event to read newsletter further. For consultation contact Kristin at 530-241-4588, www.stardiviner.com.
Linda Schreiber has a message for all Fellow Dowsers and Orb Lovers; Orbs are plentiful at healing sessions and dowsing. These loving Spirits are here for us to help heal! The patients must initiate healing in order for them to help. (Ask and ye shall receive.) In faith and love, be well and let us begin the Great Healing! Love, Light and Laughter! You can access her youtube healing prayer at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEAVXl70NkU
Sandra Jennings runs Chiron Society, an astrological group, which meets the first four Wednesday at 7pm. This month meetings are via internet on Zoom. Sandra also meets with clients individually. “Every planet, sign and house in an Astrological chart has symbolic meaning and representing archetypal energies. The coming Lunar month is marked by the Moon’s emotions and primal urges working in tandem with the Sun’s ego and personal motivation as Moon and Sun meet at 4 degrees Aries……” For the rest of her newsletter please contact Sandra at 530-410-3702 or sandrajennings85@gmail.com
Dr. Shanhong Lu, MD, PhD, often gives webinars and presentations. For more information she can be reached at www.drlumd.com, drlu@drlumd.com, 530-925-0565 cell, 530-926-1000 office. Below you’ll find Dr. Lu’s recent findings and a 48 minute webinar. Covid 19 Potential Mechanisms of Higher Risk for More Serious Diseases (to people living in the modern society):
(1) Potential: 5G increases permeability of all cellular and organelles, and increases overall oxidative stress levels
(2) Potential Glyphosate (main ingredient in roundup and other weedkillers, global soil, water and food contamination) does the same and destroys microbes in all living organisms-causing more mold growth and viral activity and leaky gut and leaky brain syndromes. (Impossible to control global glyphosate https://amp.abc.net.au/article/12063156
(3) Known: Covid 19 is new to our immune system – so NK cell activation is the key especially among old people (male over 60), immune compromised people (history of cancer), and people with cardiovascular and metabolic challenges. Post menopausal women on HRT as well as pregnant women appear to be protected (https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202003.0191/v1)
(4) Covid 19 attacks the lower respiratory directly causing pneumonia and profound oxidative & inflammation storm, and even coagulopathy (elevated D-dimer) and organ damages. ( Unlike most other viruses attacking upper respiratory tract first), and faster spread due to its Protein S affinity to ACE 2 much higher than SARS and regular flu.
(5) Join the solution based conversation: Please register for Covid 19 Update on Symptoms, Available Home Testing, and Most Important Actions to Support Our Body Through All Stages on Mar 22, 2020 5:00 PM PDT at:
https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/171316411900876300 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Brought to you by GoToWebinar®, Webinars Made Easy®
Nor Cal Dowsers 2020 Save the Dates:
April SPRING BREAK …..No meeting
May 3rd 1:30 pm TBD…details to come
June 7th 1:30 pm TBD
July 19th 1:30 pm TBD
Aug 2nd 1:30 pm TBD
Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Northern California Dowsers, Nor Cal Dowsers, (Redding) with Jeannette: norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope: divininghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke: karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers: donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Wayne: sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam: atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) NEW chapter, follow on FB.
2020 Save the Dates:
❤️Redding Holistic Psychic and Arts Faire at Win River (Anderson) Sat. April 18th CANCELLED
❤️ASD’s Annual convention June 3 – 7, 2020 at Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH. www.dowsers.org Stay tuned for details as events will be posted as they happen.
❤️West Coast Dowsers Conference July 3 – 7 2020 (approximately) at UC Santa Cruz again. www.dowerswestcoastdowsers.org Stay tune for details as events will be posted as they happen.
ASD’s Call for “10” Nominations for ASD Dowsing Awards 2019 Deadline 1 May 2020
Dowsers of the Year: Honors someone whose recent work has contributed significantly to the Society’s mission of preserving, promoting, and expanding the practice of dowsing in the USA
Volunteer of the Year: Honors someone who has given his or her time selflessly in service to ASD
Educator of the Year: Honors an outstanding teacher whose commitment to dowsing education goes “above and beyond”
Register of Recognition/Outstanding Service Award: Honors a dowser with long-standing or significant service to ASD
Legend Award: Awarded to someone 80 years or over who continues to be an active member of ASD and teaches dowsing
Paul Sevigny Award: Honors a person who has successfully dowsed 1,000 or more documented wells
Outstanding Chapter: Honoring a chapter for its hard work in recruiting new members, leading exciting meetings and giving service to its community during the previous year
Outstanding Chapter Leader: Honoring a person within a chapter whose efforts have made a significant difference to the work of that chapter during the previous year.
Best Website: Honoring a Chapter for creating and maintaining an attractive and informative local website with links to the ASD website over the past year
Best Chapter Newsletter: Honoring a Chapter for publishing an attractive and informative regular printed or electronic newsletter for its members over the past year and promoting ASD activities and memberships
Nominations (Deadline 1 May 2020)
- Nominee’s name and award category,
- Brief summary of reasons for nomination,
- Copies of supporting documents (e.g. newsletters, website addresses or list of achievements)
- Name and phone/email of contact of the nominator
- Email: lisa@dowser.org or Awards c/o ASD Headquarters, PO Box 24, Danville, VT 05828
ASD Trustee ballots need to be received by 20 April 2020 at ASD HQ.
Nor Cal Dowsers Info.: Interested in obtaining Carl V. Bracy’s DVDs? Or Interested in Speaking before Nor Cal Dowsers? Contact Jeannette 530.222.2024 or Barney 530.691.4020. Thanks.
❤️Need Dowsing Assistance with Projects? We have a dowsing support team that works with paranormal, water well location, treasure hunting, energy movement, wellness, instruction, etc. Call/email: Barney 530. 691.4020 bturner@frontier.net or Jeannette 530.222.2024. Other dowsers are available.
Ways to Get a Dowsing Groove On. © Jeannette
- Body, mind and spirit protocol: Breathe and tap your thymus gland to balance. Protect your chakras by tapping your shoulders with your fingers and then reaching your hands up to the sky. Meanwhile, visualize unneeded energy being released and balancing your light into perfect harmony. Once centered and relaxed program your body for a deviceless dowse.
2. Set intention and program your personal deviceless dowse:
- Whole body deviceless dowsing: If standing straight this would be a “neutral” position. If you sway your body forward (or left) this could be your “yes” and the backward (or right) sway could be your “no”, or vice versa as it’s your choice.
- Finger deviceless dowse: interlock both your thumbs with your pinky fingers, now pull and hold for a strong yes by saying yes. Now, try a now and your fingers and thumbs will spread apart for a no response.
- Rub finger deviceless dowse: Your index finger over thumb and rub. A smooth rub response is a no and a sticky rub response would indicate yes.
3. Now, write down a question or say a question. Examples are limitless
- “Is this a good time for me to buy a car?”
- “Is now a good time to buy toilet paper at ______?
- “Is this food good for me at this time?”
- “Is now a good time for me to detoxify?”
- “Is this a good time for me to go outdoors?”
4. Always say “thank you” when finished.
For further details on dowsing visit Walt Woods Letter to Robin: https://lettertorobin.wordpress.com or www.norcaldowsers.com. We also have Walt’s books available at our meetings.
Spring Wellness 2020 © Jeannette
Happy Vernal Equinox and April!
Spring is the perfect time to plant seeds of intention, mentally, spiritually and physically. There is so much positive support all around the globe, especially for finding beauty in nature and with humanity. Grateful that we’re all here to explore and create together. Now is an ideal time for slowing things down and reassessing where you are and the importance you play on this globe. I’m constantly writing, and thought that I might share some sources that may help you, and/or those that you know. Thrive and get inspired.

Picture shown is the largest amethyst geode ever to leave Brazil and it’s hinged to allow one to be encapsulated. It’s magical and was shown at the 2020 Tucsan Gem and Mineral show. Owner is Michal and Company.
❤️Love yourself completely. You are uniquely the only you. Share with yourself and others. Be kind and gentle with yourself. If you need rest, then REST. If you need technology breaks, happily take them. Spend some time in reflection, meditation, and prayer during the quiet time of this pandemic, or anytime you’re called to do so. Bless everything, from anything surrounding you, to global events, as an opportunity to become creative and thrive with this quickly changing world. The globe and local community need your authentic self now❣️
Hydration: Hydrate with clean water and fresh raw juices when possible. Reminders of healing plant foods to have on hand include: oil of oregano excellent remedy for almost anything internally &/or externally. Simple oil of oregano recipes include: mixing oil of 30 drops of oregano essential oil with olive oil in a 2 oz. dropper bottle and take daily via mixing with a beverage, placing under tongue, topical, or adding to food. One can also add essential oil of oregano 20 – 30 drops to a gallon of water mix well and drink if one is not well. Begin your day with warm water, lemon and ginger for wonderful cleansing and hydrating. Add minerals to your water such as Pyralyte minerals (pyradyne.com) and/or salt (Sea or Himalayan). The favorite supplements that I’ve used over the years are Pyradyne’s Full Spectrum Vitamins. Recently they added is their Leafy Greens Superfood, which I’m excited to try. Take an epson salt and baking soda bath with your favorite essential oils. Start growing sprouts in your kitchen and outside. Enjoy creating a compost pile and replenishing the earth. So many wonderful things to create and do.
Uplifting newsletters and/or websites:
- Shirley MacLaine has a monthly newsletter to subscribe to: https://shirleymaclaine.com/ (uplifting)
- Gregg Braden’s You Tube talk on Coronavirus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwiS37SYE6k&feature=youtu.be (basic understanding)
- A team of us work towards consciousness and wellness through dowsing and other avenues. If you’d like more information please visit Northern California Dowsers website: NorCalDowsers.com
- Cynthia Sue Larson’s website: realityshifters.com has a monthly ezine newsletter, life coach, Mandela effect, various videos, etc.
- Hay House excellent FREE resources page: https://www.discover.hayhouse.com/freeresources/?mt=8&at=11l7rL&utm_medium=email&utm_source=9988993_LH&utm_campaign=email_Newsletter_LH_Weekly_2020&sp_rid=NTYyMjM2NDE3MzMS1&sp_mid=64424956&spMailingID=64424956&spUserID=NTYyMjM2NDE3MzMS1&spJobID=1843662863&spReportId=MTg0MzY2Mjg2MwS2
- Dr. Jeffery Van Wigen 24 March 2020 on washing food 10 min video https://youtu.be/sjDuwc9KBps
- Empowering and Protecting Your Family with the COVID-19 22 March 2020 (Basic hygiene protection with Q/A) by Dr. David Price video (57 min.): https://vimeo.com/399733860
- Megan Bell is doing a noon meditation/prayer for 21 days for “health and prosperity to be fully restored to mankind….Everything we write, speak or listen to has a profound effect on ourselves as well as the people around us.” Also, if you’d like really excellent supplements and functional wellness products please support her and her efforts by visiting her website pyradyne.com Her supplements are our favorite and we love her. Megan is constantly updating her website and products as time shifts.
♂️Strengthening Things You Can Do❤️ © Jeannette
Fear: Replace fear with a sense of wonder, and focus on what will bring you joy. If you’re unable to move beyond that, then physically do something different. Write down the problem/situation on a piece of paper and then burn it and say a prayer. Help your neighbor or someone in need. If you can’t do anything about a situation, accept the past and move forward. Call in a higher power, your higher self, God, Heavenly Team, Buddha, Krishna, Jesus, Archangels, etc. There are angels and other higher beings (including humans) ready to assist us when asked, if appropriate. Seek to understand where you are and your place right now. Tap and/or dowse out fear. Visualize and feel a healing place, etc.
Physically: meditate, pray, exercise, breathe deeply, bless everything, relax, etc.
Diet: water, supplements (vitamin c, zinc, probiotics, mushrooms, vitamin D, multi-vitamins, essential oils, etc.). Get out in the sun and breathe fresh air. If not feeling well, sit in your car like a solarium, with windows mostly rolled up, and absorb the solar heat. Eat as much plant based, local foods as possible, organic and non-genetically modified organisms (non-GMO). Bless and give thanks for everything that enters your body, etc.
Spiritually: exercise, do yoga, be outdoors when possible, clean and organize, cleanse/bless yourself and properties daily, plant or amend your garden, do something new every day, listening and creating music, etc.
Action: watch what you entertain in your mind, as we’re in charge of what we think and how we feel. Physically do things to bring you love, peace, joy and awareness. Be a part of solutions to anything and everything that surrounds you. Be in a state of gratitude for all opportunities that have transpired and that will transpire. Be healthy in mind, body and spirit.
Prayers of love, wellness and happiness be upon you, your loved ones, and Earth today and always. I’ve been inspired Megan to add an additional noontime (PDT/Mountain time) meditation for the globe to increase light, love, health and peace. If you feel compelled join others around the globe for as long as you’re inclined, as the globe and humanity need you now. Thanks.
This spring wellness newsletter is dedicated to my grandfather.
Thank You❣️
Love and Namasté ,
Jeannette © Jeannette
“It is very important that we re-learn the art of resting and relaxing. Not only does it prevent the onset of many illnesses that develop through chronic tension and worrying, it allows us to clear our minds, focus and find creative solutions to problems.” —Thich Nhat Hanh
“Every time we meditate as a global community, we’re casting a larger, stronger coherent wave of love and altruism around the world.” – Dr. Joe Dispenza
“Stay quiet, be still, here you are. Stay as presence in your heart. Do not fear meeting the self, it is what you have always been.” —Papaji
“Whatever you are giving your attention too, already has a vibration of its own, and as you give your attention to it, you include its vibration in your vibration…and then your point of attraction is affected.” —Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” —Albert Einstein
“We are all family, and this planet is our home.” —Louise Hays
“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.” —Winston Churchill
In Memoriam

Robert Ryan (RIP: March 2020) was a kind hearted person who excelled as a professional career coach, astrologer, dowser, etc. He was a popular presenter at the West Coast Dowsing Conference. His website: ryancoaching.com He will be missed and is survived by his wife Carol.

Don Anderson (RIP: February 2020) was always a happy go lucky person. He contributed hundreds of L rods to the dowsers over the decades. He was a tool fabricator and fun person to be around. He helped Sharry Hope (Gold Country Dowsers) at many meeting before he moved to Ohio. He recently made L rods for third grade children for Farm Day in Kings County, which has been rescheduled. Don donated his time, monies and energy to the dowsing and historical communities. Thanks Don.

Ola Grace Kaufman (RIP: September 2019) attended Nor Cal Dowsers meetings for many years until she moved to Pasadena. She was optimistic and joyous to be around. She was a yogini, writer, meditator, grass roots organizer for the community, tai chi practitioner, etc. She wrote several books on dowsing and was a former Vice President of the Los Angelos Dowsing chapter decades ago. Thanks Ola for your grace and optimistic attitude.

Shirley Runco (RIP: September 2019) master dowser, writer, business woman, and teacher. She was former President of East Bay Women’s Network, writer for The Bay Area Business Woman Newspaper, etc. Shirley enjoyed fun and one could find her blowing “Bubbles for Peace.” She belonged to the American Society of Dowsers and the British Society of Dowses along with other organizations. She wrote Creating Global Peace and Prosperity Through Dowsing. Thanks Shirley for the laughs and you many other contributions.

George Mendoza (RIP: March 2020) War hero, psychic, medicine man, and Native American Shaman. Thanks for everything❣️
Thank you everyone for your help and donations. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Robin, Ted, Laura, Pearl, Sharron, Joy, Roger, Susan, Kristin, Sandra, Marianne, Linda, Deon, Dan, Pat, Al, Vicki, ASD, Roxanne Louise, Sky Dowsers (Don Anderson, Ola, Shirley, Carl, Walt, Dr. Gloria, etc.) and George
Happy Spring 2020
Sun., March 1pm Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting Presents “MAKING AND PROGRAMMING L-RODS, (AND OTHER DOWSING TOOLS)” by Barney, Jeannette, G & Ted, etc. at the Shasta County Library in the Community Room. All are welcome.
Tues., March 3rd “2020 Healthy Happy Strong Together are Environmental Toxins Eroding Your Muscular Skeletal System and Beyond? 3:30 – 5:30 FREE Workshop at Foundation Reading Room, Shasta Library, 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96002. 3:30 – 4:30 Oligoscan (20 minerals and 14 heavy metals and antioxidants and interpretation for $100 must know blood type; for $25 extra to determine blood type. RSVP for oligoscan. 4:30 – 5:30 1 hour cutting edge discovery of common dangerous chemicals, heavy metals and biotoxins, and how we can decrease exposure and accumulations in our bodies and become stress and toxin resilient! Making toxins visible is the first step to return health and longevity. Dr. Lu can be reached at: text 530.925.0565 or email drlu@drlumd.com.
⏰ Sun., March 8th Daylight Savings Time
☎ Tues., March 10th @ 5pm ASD Dowsers Support & Continuing Education Teleconference with Moderator Roxanne Louise. Usually held every second Tuesday Join by calling ☎ (646) 876-9923, Par- ticipant Code# 443-333-280. At prompt, please press # again. If you miss this talk, log on to Members Only on dowsers.org.
Thurs., March 19th Spring Begins
Mon., March 16th ASD Water Dowsers Mastermind conference call 5 pm Pacific time occurs every 3rd Monday, Monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) and Ed Stillman (AZ) featuring Sue Trumpfheller, a dowser for fifty year, is the author of six books on dowsing, two on color and numerous workbooks and articles. She was Dowser of the Year in 2003 and an ASD trustee in the 90’s. Sue was President and Program Chairman of the Orange County, CA chapter for 15 years. She uses the pendulum with her coaching clients and in space clearing. Sue is a product developer creating Chi PatternsTM, energy devices for your well-being inspired by Don Gerrard and Paper Doctor. She is also trained in radionics and alchemy, having created several dozen tinctures and devices. You can find a collection of water articles on Facebook at Virtual Rain Dancers.
Sue Trumpfheller, 949-300-3545, suetrump@att.net, www.pendulumdowsingproducts.com, www.energyexaminerblog.com. ☎ Participant Live Instructions: Call: (641) 715-0866 & Enter the access code: 175681#. Or archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only and scroll down to find your conference call.
☎ Tues., Feb 17th ASD Discover Dowsing Conference Call 5 p.m. with moderator is Roxanne Louise. Check ASD’s website for details: (www.dowsers.org) Roxanne’s website is www.RoxanneLouise.com and her blog is Unlim- itedPotentialHealingCenter.com. Archived talk available in members only section visit www.dowsers.org. Join by calling ☎ (646) 876-9923, Access Code 984 952 3909# At prompt, please press # again. If you miss this talk, log on to Members Only on dowsers.org.
Nor Cal Dowsers 2020 Save the Dates:
March 1 1:30 pm Nor Cal Dowsers presents…
April 18th PSYCHIC FAIR 10am – 4pm Win River May 3rd 1:30 pm TBD
Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Northern California Dowsers, Nor Cal Dowsers, (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope: divinghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke: karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers: donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Wayne: sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam: atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) NEW chapter, follow on FB.
2020 Save the Dates:
❤ Redding Holistic Psychic and Arts Faire at Win River (Anderson) Sat. April 18th 10am-4pm. The Dowsers and a number of Dowser Members will have booths. Stop on by.
❤ ASD’s Annual convention June 3 – 7, 2020 at Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH. www.dowsers.org ❤ West Coast Dowsers Conference July 3 – 7 2020 (approximately) at UC Santa Cruz again. www.dowerswestcoastdowsers.org Stay tuned for details as events will be posted as they happen.
Nor Cal Dowsers Info.: Interested in obtaining Carl V. Bracy’s DVDs? Or Interested in Speaking before Nor Cal Dowsers? Contact Jeannette 530.222.2024 or Barney 530.691.4020. Thanks.
“Becoming conscious of what we really are, that is what we call enlightenment.” —Zen saying
“Spring work is going on with joyful enthusiasm.” —John Muir
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” —Audrey Hepburn “I must have flower, always and always.” —Claude Monet
“Where flowers bloom so does hope.” —Lady Bird Johnson
“What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. They are but trifles, to be sure, but, scattered along life’s pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.” —Joseph Addison
“The happiness of one’s own heart along cannot satisfy the soul; one must try to include, as necessary to one’s own happiness, the happiness of others.” —Parmahansa Yogananda
❤ Thanks..
Thank you everyone for your help, donations & snacks. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Robin, Ted, Laura, Pearl, Sharron, Joy, Roger, Marianne, Linda, Deon, Dan, Pat, Al, Vicki, ASD, Roxanne Louise, the late Don Anderson, etc.
❤️ Happy Valentines ❤️ 2020
Sat., Feb 8th 2 pm Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting Presents “Heal Yourself to Heal Your World” by Roxanne Louise at the Shasta County Library in the Community Room. All are welcome.
☎Tues., February 11th @ 5pm ASD Dowsers Support & Continuing Education Teleconference with Moderator Roxanne Louise interviewing Jeanne Gehringer topic “Enhanced Shielding Protocols”. Join by calling ☎(646) 876-9923, Participant Code# 443-333-280. At prompt, please press # again. If you miss this talk, log on to Members Only on dowsers.org.
❤️❤️❤️ February 14th Happy Valentines Day….Self Care for Yourself, Loved Ones & Planet
Mon., Feb 17th ASD Water Dowsers Mastermind conference call 5 pm Pacific time occurs every 3rd Monday, Monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) and Ed Stillman (AZ) featuring Ginette Matacia Lucas. ☎️ Participant Live Instructions: Call: (641) 715-0866 & Enter the access code: 175681#. Or archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only and scroll down to find your conference call.
☎️Tues., Feb 18th ASD Discover Dowsing Conference Call 5 p.m. with moderator is Roxanne Louise. Check ASD’s website for details: (www.dowsers.org) Roxanne’s website is www.RoxanneLouise.com and her blog is UnlimitedPotentialHealingCenter.com. Archived talk available in members only section visit www.dowsers.org. Join by calling ☎️ (646) 876-9923, Access Code 984 952 3909# At prompt, please press # again. If you miss this talk, log on to Members Only on dowsers.org.
Nor Cal Dowsers 2020 Save the Dates:
Feb 8th ***2 pm Roxanne Louise ASD President visits “Heal Yourself and Heal Your World”
March 1 1:30 pm Nor Cal Dowsers presents…Making L Rods and Programing them along with Programing Pendulums.
April 18th No Meeting, as we’ll be at the PSYCHIC FAIR (Win River)
Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Northern California Dowsers, Nor Cal Dowsers, (Redding) with Jeannette: norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope: divinghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke: karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers: donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Wayne: sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam: atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) NEW chapter, follow on FB.
2020 Save the Date:
❤️ Redding Holistic Psychic and Arts Faire at Win River (Anderson) Sat. April 18th 10am-4pm. The Dowsers and a number of Dowser Members will have booths. Stop on by.
❤️ASD’s Annual convention June 3 – 7, 2020 at Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH. www.dowsers.org
❤️West Coast Dowsers Conference July 3 – 7 2020 (approximately) at UC Santa Cruz again. www.dowerswestcoastdowsers.org Stay tuned for details as events will be posted as they happen.
Nor Cal Dowsers Info.: Interested in obtaining Carl V. Bracy’s DVDs? Or Interested in Speaking before Nor Cal Dowsers? Contact Jeannette 530.222.2024 or Barney 530.691.4020. Thanks.
“In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” — Sir Paul McCartney
“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind it doesn’t matter.” – Mark Twain
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” —Henry David Thoreau
“What you think you become, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you create.” – Buddha
“Dowsing is a way to connect our human consciousness to the greater consciousness.” – G
“A study of health is vastly more profitable than disease…” Concept Therapy’s Special Concept-Therapy Text
Thank you everyone for your help, donations & snacks. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Robin, Ted, Laura, Pearl, Sharron, Marianne, Linda, Deon, Dan, Pat, Al, Vicki, ASD, Roxanne Louise, etc.
Happy New Year 2020
Sun., Jan 5 1:30 pm Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting Presents “Numerology and You” by Jana at the Shasta County Library in the Community Room. All are welcome.
Sun., Jan 5 at 2:00 – 4:00pm Kristen’s class will reveal how the moon affects you on a daily basis as we study its movement through the signs and houses in your chart. Fee:$45 Location: Redding Contact: Kristin for further details. www.stardiviner.com (website), kristin@stardiviner.com (email), 530-241-4588 (phone)
Sat., Jan 11 at 1:30- 4:30pm San Jose Dowser’s meeting featuring Ingrid Falk’s “The Everyday Hero’s Journey”. Location: Community of Infinite Spirit, 1540 Hicks Ave, San Jose, CA hosted by Wayne Hoff.
☎Tues., January 14 @ 5pm ASD Discover Dowsing Conference Call with Moderator is Roxanne Louise. Join by calling ☎(646) 876-9923, Access Code 984 952 3909# At prompt, please press # again. If you miss this talk, log on to Members Only on dowsers.org.
☎️Tues., Jan. 21 ASD Discover Dowsing Conference Call 5 p.m. with moderator is Roxanne Louise. Check ASD’s website for details: (www.dowsers.org) Roxanne’s website is www.RoxanneLouise.com and her blog is UnlimitedPotentialHealingCenter.com. Archived talk available in members only section visit www.dowsers.org. Join by calling ☎️ (646) 876-9923, Access Code 984 952 3909# At prompt, please press # again. If you miss this talk, log on to Members Only on dowsers.org.
Sat. Jan 25 White Metal Rat Chinese Zodiac begins. The rat represents yang and earthly energy, which it’s also the first sign in the Chineses Zodiac. Rats have been known to represent wealth. Also known as the Golden Rat. Be ready for a year of action and forward movement.
Mon., Jan 20th ASD Water Dowsers Mastermind conference call 5 pm Pacific time occurs every 3rd Monday, Monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) and Ed Stillman (AZ) featuring Susan Collins PART II. Susan Collins, Personal Management Consultant contact info.: susan@dowser.ca, www.dowser.ca, www.LifeCards.ca, Consulting www.dowser.ca/consult.html, Books and tools www.dowser.ca/ps.html, YouTube channel www.youtube.com/c/susancollinsdowser, Facebook www.facebook.com/susan.collinsdowser, www.GetMarriedOntario.ca ☎️ Participant Live Instructions: Call: (641) 715-0866 & Enter the access code: 175681#. Or archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only and scroll down to find your conference call.
Nor Cal Dowsers 2020 Save the Dates:
Jan 5th 1:30 pm Jana’s “Numerology and YOU”
Feb 8th 2 pm Roxanne Louise ASD President
March 1 1:30 pm TBD
April 18th No Meeting, as we’ll be at the PSYCHIC FAIR (Win River)
May 3rd 1:30 pm TBD
Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Northern California Dowsers, Nor Cal Dowsers, (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope: divinghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke: karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers: donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Wayne: sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam: atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) NEW chapter, follow on FB.
2020 Save the Date:
❤️ASD’s Annual convention June 3 – 7, 2020 at Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH. www.dowsers.org
❤️West Coast Dowsers Conference July 3 – 7 2020 (approximately) at UC Santa Cruz again. www.dowerswestcoastdowsers.org Stay tuned for details as events will be posted as they happen.
Nor Cal Dowsers Info.: Interested in obtaining Carl V. Bracy’s DVDs? Or Interested in Speaking before Nor Cal Dowsers? Contact Jeannette 530.222.2024 or Barney 530.691.4020. Thanks.
“Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.” —OVID
“The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage.” —Thucydides
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” —Henry David Thoreau
“Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher.”—William Wordsworth
“Live each day as if your life had just begun.” —Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
“Cheerfulness is the atmosphere in which all things thrive.” —Jean Paul Richter
Thank you everyone for your help, donations & snacks. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Pearl, Sharron, Marianne, Robin, Linda, Deon, Dan, Pat, Al, Vicki, ASD, etc.
Seasons Greetings 2019
Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Healthy New Year❣️
Happy Birthday Pearl Nicolino❣️Pearl jammed with her band again earlier this month to celebrate her birthday. Over the years she has given us some “Pearl’s of Wisdom” for LOVE in our lives. Pearl poses four questions for all of us regarding LOVE ❤️❤️❤️
How can I love you more?
Do I water your seeds of suffering?
Do I water your seeds of Joy?
Please tell me, How can I love you better?
© Pearl Nicolino
Certainly, Pearl knows what LOVE is; as she really is an ageless Goddess with great depth. Pearl has the right thinking, right actions and takes care of her temple. Thanks Pearl for being a role model and inspiration for many of us. What a great way to bring blessings of Love with the ending year and bring in the NEW YEAR with more LOVE!️️
Blessings of Love, Jeannette & Nor Cal Dowsers’ Team
Happy Thanksgiving 2019
Northern California Dowsers wishes you a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
☠︎ Happy Halloween ☠︎ 2019
☎️Tues., Oct. 8th 5pm PDT ASD’s Dowsing Support Conference Calls with Roxanne and Carol Gader. The topic is “Dowsing on Diseases Caused by Stress”. Carol Bader is an ASD member who can be reached at www.healthierlives.net (website). Roxanne’s website is www.RoxanneLouise.com and her blog is UnlimitedPotentialHealingCenter.com. Archived talk available in members only section visit www.dowsers.org.
☎️Tues., Oct. 15th ASD Discover Dowsing Conference Call 5 p.m. with Sharry Edwards on “Sound Healing”
Moderator is Roxanne Louise. Join by calling ☎️ (646) 876-9923, Access Code 984 952 3909# At prompt, please press # again. If you miss this talk, log on to Members Only on dowsers.org.
Sat., Oct. 19th, 1:30 – 4:30 pm Golden Gate Dowsers’ presents “Make IT Happen with Dowsing” by Susan Collins. Susan has a dynamic, global consulting practice, is the author of a successful series of books on dowsing techniques and is the creator of the Life Cards oracle system. Susan is a featured presenter on the 5D-TV network https://fived.tv/ . Canadian Society of Dowsers and Dowser of the Year – 2006. Location: Town Center of Corte Madera, Community Rm, 2nd Floor, Admin. Bldg. , Corte Madera.. Donation: $5 ASD/ $7 non-ASD members. Call for info & RSVP: ggdowsers@wans.com 415-897-4011.
Sun., Oct 20th Additional Event Sunday, “In Pharaoh’s Footsteps and the Energies of the Terracotta Warriors of China” with Susan Collins, Professional Dowser. Super Early Bird (by Sept 20) $120. Early Bird (By Oct 15) $135. Convenience $150. REGISTER NOW: www.dowser.ca/course.html or by calling 1-905-833-2440 or susan@dowser.ca (email). Join us and learn to use dowsing to interact safely with past, present and future multi-dimensional energies to help your Self, your Family and your Community. Location: private home in Saratoga, west of San Jose. Address provided on registration. Bring your lunch. All tools will be available for use during the workshop.
Mon., Oct. 21st ASD Water Dowsers Mastermind conference call 5 pm Pacific time occurs every 3rd Monday, Monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) and Ed Stillman (AZ) featuring Gladys McCoy (Arkansas). BIO: Gladys McCoy is the co-founder and director of the Ozark Research Institute in Fayetteville Arkansas, an on-site healing facilitator, and the leader of the healing meditation group at ORI. She’s a certified clinical hypnotherapist, past life regression therapist. Dowsing for over 30 years, she uses it for water wells in NW Arkansas, lost animals and objects. She is well known for her ability to block non – beneficial energy from homes, businesses, people and replacing it with beneficial energy. ☎️ Participant Live Instructions: Call: (641) 715-0866 & Enter the access code: 175681#. Or archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only and scroll down to find your conference call.
Wed. – Tues., Oct. 23 -29 FREE Hay House Heal Summit via internet click on link: hayhousehealsummit.com
Sat., Oct 26th 10am – 4pm Trinity Alliance for the Healing Arts 16th Annual Healing Arts Faire. For more info. please visit the following link: https://www.trinityallianceforthehealingarts.org/
Sat., Oct. 26th 1pm Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting Presents “Spirits, Protection & Ghost Stories” at the Shasta County Library in the Community Room. 12:30 Doors open with basic dowsing. All are welcome.
Sun., Oct 27th 4:00 – 6:00pm New Moon in Scorpio Class with Kristen. Fee:$25.00 with Chart or $31.00 if ordering chart. Location: Redding Contact: Kristin for further details. www.stardiviner.com (website) kristin@stardiviner.com (email) or 530.241.4588 (phone).
☿ Sun., Oct 27th New moon 7:38pm (PST) & on the 31st ☿ Mercury Retrograde at 7:41pm (PST)
Nor Cal Dowsers Save the Dates:
Oct 26th 1pm Doors open at 12:30 for basic dowsing. 1pm Presentation begins.
Nov 16th 1pm TBD
Holiday Break…NO Meeting in December⛷
Jan 5th, 2020 1:30 pm Jana’s “Numerology”
Feb 9th, 2020 1:30 pm Roxanne Louise ASD President
March 1, 2020 1:30 pm TBD
April 18th, 2020 NO Meeting, “Psychic Holistic Health Faire” at Win River
Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Nor Cal Dowsers, Northern California Dowsers (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divinghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Wayne: sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net & Dick: rtippett@ertechinc.com
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) NEW chapter, follow on FB.
2020 Save the Date:
ASD’s Annual convention June 3-7, 2020 at Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH.
West Coast Dowsers Conference July 2020 at UC Santa Cruz again. Stay tuned for details.
Nor Cal Dowsers Info.: Interested in obtaining Carl V. Bracy’s DVDs? Or Interested in Speaking before Nor Cal Dowsers? Contact Jeannette 530.222.2024 or Barney 530.691.4020. Thanks.
“A man who is not afraid is not aggressive, a man who has no sense of fear of any kind is really a free, a peaceful man.” —Jiddu Krishnamurti
“The first point of wisdom is to discern that which is false, the second to know that which is true.” —Lactantius
“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” —John
“To have anything that you desire, all you have to do is find the feeling of your desire and practice it until it is steady within you. Then, it must reveal itself to you.” —Abraham & Esther Hicks
“Freedom, in fact, is the very source of creativity for both individuals and society.”—Dalai Lama
“The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong.” —Carl Jung
“The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage.” —Thucydides
Thank you everyone for your help, donations & snacks. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Sharron, Pearl, Marianne, Robin, Linda, Deon, Dan, Pat, Al, Vicki, ASD, etc.
Happy Autumnal Equinox 2019
Tues., Sept 3rd 6pm Plant Empowered Redding potluck and movie “Secret Ingredients” with Dr. Mike Nelson. Michael D. Nelson, DDS contact: email: mnelsondds@gmail.com, www.NelsonFamily.Dental. Location: Cypress Community Center, 1318 East Cypress Avenue, Redding, CA.
Wed., Sept. 4th at 7:00 pm Chiron Society Astrological Conference on Zoom (zoom.us). Contact Sandra so she can give you the code to enter the call, study your chart, send you copies of relevant material, and prepare for your reading. $25.00 per person payable on PayPal prior to the call unless otherwise arranged. Astrologically Yours, Sandra Jennings, email: sandrajennings85@gmail.com or call 530-410-3702.
Thurs., Sept 5th 4 – 7pm Pleasanton, CA Health presentation and mineral scan by Dr. Lu. “Making Toxins Visible & Getting Less Toxic are the Primary Drivers of Fatigue, Autoimmune Dysfunction, ADD, Chronic Inflammation, Weight Gain, etc.” with Dr. Lu and Adriana. 4pm – 6pm hands on Oligoscan and 6:00-7:00 pm lecture. For more info. email or text drlu@drlumd.com and 530.925.0565. Location: 627 Rowell Ln. Pleasanton, CA 94566.
Fri., Sept 6th from noon – 6pm, Gem Faire & GeoEngineering Watch booth at Anderson-Shasta District Fair & Event Center, 1890 Briggs St. Anderson, CA 96007, $5 or FREE if visiting GeoEngineeringWatch.org booth, contact Lori for volunteer/activists 530.247.3925.
Fri., Sept 6th 12 – 2pm Danville, CA Health presentation & mineral scan by Dr. Lu “Making Toxins Visible & Getting Less Toxic are the Primary Drivers of Fatigue, Autoimmune Dysfunction, ADD, Chronic Inflammation, Weight Gain, etc.” 12 – 1pm lecture and 1- 2 pm hands-on detections of heavy metals & minerals at 352 La Questa Drive, Danville. For more info. email or text drlu@drlumd.com and 530.925.0565.
Fri., Sept 6th 4 – 6pm Berkeley, CA Health Presentation and mineral scan: “Making Toxins Visible & Getting Less Toxic are the Primary Drivers of Fatigue, Autoimmune Dysfunction, ADD, Chronic Inflammation, Weight Gain, etc.” with Dr. Lu and Dr. Shakeri. 4pm -5pm Oligoscan & 5:00-6:00 pm lecture, For more info. email/text drlu@drlumd.com and 530.925.0565. Location: Berkeley Chiropractic clinic, 1533 Shattuck Ave. Suite A, Berkeley, CA 94566.
Fri., Sept 6 – 9th (Mon) Ozark Research Institute Power of Thought School 2019. Location: Hilton Garden Inn, 1325 N Palak Dr., Fayetteville, AR. Live stream & 30 day play back videos available: 479.582.9197 or www.ozarkresearch.org
Sat., Sept 7th 10am – 6pm Gem Faire with FREE 1pm Film Documentary “Hacking The Planet” by Dane Wigington, Lead Researcher for GeoEngineeringWatch.org. 43 min viewing, followed by Q & A.*Dane is on site from 1-6pm ONLY. Visit GeoEngineeringWatch.org booth. Location: Shasta District Fair & Event Center,1890 Briggs St. Anderson, CA 96007, cost $5 or FREE if visiting. Contact Lori for volunteer/activists 530.247.3925. Gem Faire admits you for FREE if visiting the GeoEngineeringWatch.org booth!
Sun., Sept 8th 10-5pm Gem Faire with GeoEngineering Watch Location: Shasta District Fair & Event Center,1890 Briggs St. Anderson, CA 96007. Visit GeoEngineeringWatch.org booth, Contact Lori for volunteer/activists 530.247.3925. cost $5 or FREE if visiting GeoEngineeringWatch.org.
Sun., Sept 8th 5 – 7pm Novato, CA Health Presentation: (Oligoscan 5-6pm Lecture 6-7pm) “Making Toxins Visible & Getting Less Toxic are the Primary Drivers of Fatigue, Autoimmune Dysfunction, ADD, Chronic Inflammation, Weight Gain, etc.” with Dr. Lu and Dr. Shakeri. For more info. email or text drlu@drlumd.com and 530.925.0565. Location: 1510 Grant Ave. Suite 118 (backside of the building) Novato.
Sun., Sept 8th Grandparents Day
Tues., Sept 10th Suicide Prevention Day
☎️ Tues., Sept 10th 5pm – 6pm (PDT) ASD’s Dowsing Support and Continuing Education Teleconference: hosted by Roxanne Louise with Leroy and Diane Bull, Bess Cutter, Leedra Yablonsky and perhaps others for a fascinating panel discussion. Topic: WHY DOWSE? HOW HAS DOWSING CHANGED YOU, YOUR RELATIONSHIPS, YOUR LIFE? To me dowsing may start off as trying to get specific information, for example, where to drill a well. But the real part of dowsing to me is the daily process of coming into alignment with the SOURCE of that information, whatever you call it. Having a daily practice of grounding, centering, connecting while also putting your judgments and preconceived notions aside, and listening to the still voice within changes you profoundly. I consider it a spiritual discipline that makes for a better person. This program is offered on the second Tuesday of each month with experienced dowsers. Roxanne usually has a guest(s) speaker that she interviews. Her website is www.RoxanneLouise.com and her blog is UnlimitedPotentialHealingCenter.com. This conference call is open to anyone interested, and playback is available through ASD membership www.dowsers.org. ☎️Call: (646) 876-9923, enter Participant Code# 443-333-280, press # at next prompt.
☎️10 Sept RSVP Meet American Society of Dowsers President Roxanne Louise visiting Santa Cruz area, Northern California from Sept 11 – Sept 25. “COFFEE ANYONE? I WANT TO MEET YOU! I am COMING TO Santa Cruz area, CALIFORNIA” 9/11-9/25. “Want to set up a time/place to chat, maybe over coffee anywhere within an hour of Capitola during those 2 weeks?” Call Roxanne 434-263-4337 (Virginia landline) or 540-470-8218 (mobile) by 10th Sept for a meeting. She’s presenting at the San Jose Dowsers on 9/14 for the American Society of Dowsers Chapter Meeting at 1450 Hicks Avenue. Topic is: “Heal Yourself to Heal Your World”. Sat., Sept 14th 12:30pm San Jose Dowser’s Chapter meeting presents “Heal Yourself to Heal Your World” with ASD President Roxanne Louise. Location: 1450 Hicks Avenue, San Jose, CA. Cost: $5 ASD members & $7 visitors. Contact Wayne Hoff for further details at sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net.
❤️ Sun., Sept 15th at 1pm in Sacramento at the Sierra Dowsers’s “Path of Questions” by Floy Grace. Floy is a fun and dynamic speaker and dowser who will be leading us on a journey of self discovery and transformation. Location: 4145 Branch Center Road, Sacramento, CA 95827.
Mon., Sept 16th 5pm (PDT) ASD FREE Water Dowsers Mastermind conference call occurs every 3rd Monday, Monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) & Ed Stillman featuring guest water dowser, James Gamble. Mr. Gamble has been water dowsing professionally for 10 years and will share his personal water dowsing experiences. James can be contacted via email at tanro@att.net. Listen in and also find out how to protect yourself, house, and property. These hour long conference calls are held on the third Monday monthly and can be listened to live by anyone, who would like to learn from experienced water dowsers. ☎️Participant Live Instructions: Call: 605.313.5145 & Enter the access code: 175681#. Archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only, and scroll down to find your conference call.
☎️ Tues., Sept 17th 5pm (PDT) Discover Dowsing Teleconference. These conference calls are hosted by an ASD member who interviews other dowser(s). Discover Dowsing Teleconference calls are every third Tuesday at 8 PM Eastern Time (US) Dial (646) 876-9923, enter participant code# 126-360-394, & press # at next prompt.
Fri., Sept 20th @ 7pm ET- UFO Disclosure Series with Sandra Jennings. These meetings usually feature videos that deal with the disclosure phenomena. Topic: TBD. Location: Brahma Shanti Yoga, 2449 Athens Ave in Cypress Square. Cost: $10 per person. Please RSVP to Sandra Jennings via phone 530-410-3702 or email: mailto:sandrajennings85@gmail.com.
Sat., Sept 21st, Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting at 12:30 Doors open with Basic Dowsing by NCD members. 1pm Meeting begins with Pat Delafield (WA), “DOWSING THE DIVINE CONNECTION – OUR POWER TO MANIFEST” at the Community Room at the Shasta County Library, 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001
☮️☮️ Sat., Sept 21st International Day of Peace
Sat., Sept 21 @ 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. Golden Gate Dowsers’ presents “The Petroglyph Rock – A Walk through the Ages” with Steve Orsary. For the last 37 years, Steve & Mary have been doing energy-work as Attunement practitioners and have healing practice is at the North Star Healing Center in Corte Madera; the website is www.bioenergy-balancing.com Location: Meet in the Courtyard, outside the Administration Bldg. Town Center of Corte Madera, Corte Madera. 1:45 Carpool to field site. Donation: $5 ASD/ $7 non-ASD members. Email/call for info./RSVP: ggdowsers@wans.com or 415-897-4011.
September 22nd Autumnal Equinox (11:50pm P.D.T.) officially begins fall in the Northern Hemisphere (spring in Southern Hemisphere). This is the time when day and night share near equal lengths of day and night. Latin meaning of aequus is equal and nox means night. Hence, the day and night share roughly equal time. This is usually the beginning of cooler weather, especially as the days continue to get shorter through Dec 21st, Winter Solstice.
Sat., Sept 28th Redding Holistic, Psychic and Arts & Crafts Faire 10am – 4pm at the Win-River Casino, 2100 Redding Rancheria Road, Redding, CA. Cost $5 at the door and you’ll receive a $5 free casino play pass, plus door prizes. Come visit the Nor Cal Dowsers table, next to Sheila McNickles Acupuncturist (530.605.1982), along with many others representing wellness, aura photos, crystals & gemstones, psychic readings, music, etc.
Sun., Sept. 29th 1 p.m. Gold Country Dowsers presents “Take Charge of Your Own Health Dowsing Lessons” at the Oroville Public Library 1820 Mitchell Ave, Oroville, CA 95966 (corner of Lincoln and Mitchell Street). Details: 1 p.m. introductions, 1:15 p.m. beginning dowsing lessons, followed by intermediate dowsing lessons. Learn to take charge of your own health and learn to make decisions easily. Our club has dowsing tools and dowsing books for sale at the class. Donation $10 includes dowsing chart and some printed information. You must be pre-registered for this dowsing class prior to September 27th. RSVP to Sharry Hope at 530-570-3697 or email sharryhope@gmail.com.
Nor Cal Dowsers Save the Dates:
Sept. 22nd 1pm Pat Delafield
“Dowsing the Divine Connection – Our Power to Manifest”
Oct. 26th 1pm Sharron Hope, Barney, & Jeannette
“Ghost & Spirit Dowsing, Protection of Self & Properties”
Nov. 16th 1pm TBD
Dec. Holiday Break, NO meeting ⛷
Jan 5th2020 1:30 pm Jana’s “Numerology”
Feb 9th 2020 1:30pm ASD President Roxanne Louise
Other Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Nor Cal Dowsers, Northern California Dowsers (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divinghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Wayne Hoff at sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net &
Dick Tippett rtippett@ertechinc.com
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) NEW chapter with Kalina on FB.
❤️ Nor Cal Dowsers Info.: French Coils & Dowsing
Garden Time with French Coils © Jeannette
In January, we had snow fall which consisted of a foot of snow overnight. This is not common in Redding being only 640 feet above sea level. The surrounding mountains receive much more. Our neighborhood in the city seemed to be most impacted as 80 year old and older trees were uprooted and fell. This happened to the oak tree between our adjacent neighbor and us, along with the majority of the surrounding neighbors. Our backyard lost 2/3 of our jungle of trees just snapping in half or uprooting. After several months of removing broken trees from our yard, we’ve planted over a dozen new ones.
About thirteen years ago, I learned about French coils at our local Nor Cal Dowsers meeting, given by Carl Bracy (President and co-founder of Nor Cal Dowsers). Carl gave a handout about the french coil and shared that he had used them on his property and felt that they were beneficial. One of our dowsers, Slim (ex-engineer for Lockheed Martin) showed us his tree that has grown up strong, symmetrical, straight and beautiful from using a french coil. In fact the french coil is engulfed in the centre of his tree. We’ve used them over the years on other plants, both inside and outside the house. Barney, our Vice President of Nor Cal Dowsers, had half a dozen of them ready made in his Mad Scientist Lab. Once we ran out of those, it was time for me to make some more. It’s easy to do.
Directions & Tools for making French coils:
Dowel rod, you choose the width (We’ve used French coils from 1//3 inch to 2 inches)
Place braising wire adjacent to dowel rod. Tape wire. Place in a vice. Approximately 3 inches from the bottom of the wire, in the vice, use pliers to bend wire 90 degrees. Now wrap wire around dowel clockwise. You can dowse the number of times. Typically some people wrap the wire around the dowel anywhere from five to seven times. There is no wrong way when using intention, intuition and/or dowsing. Next, bend the wire 90 degrees. The bottom and top of the coil are typically the same length. Congratulations, you’ve now made a French coil. We’ve made or received most of our French coils this way and place them at the appropriate places. Our new trees are now growing and older ones are going strong and quickly. Here’s to happy gardening at any time of the year.
We usually place the French coil next to the plant or tree via intuition &/or dowsing.
Happy Gardening & Dowsing Everyone,
Jeannette © Jeannette
Nor Cal Dowsers Info.: Interested in obtaining Carl V. Bracy’s Nor Cal Dowsers DVDs?
Contact Jeannette 530.222.2024. Thanks.
Nor Cal Dowsers Info.: Interested in Speaking before Nor Cal Dowsers?
Contact Jeannette 530.222.2024 or Barney 530.691.4020. Thanks.
“I know very well that many scientists consider dowsing as a type of superstition. According to my conviction this is, however, unjustified. The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time.” -Al Einstein
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you ddid yo. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” —Mark Twain
“You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? —Rumi
“Today is the future I created yesterday.” —Louise Hay
“Enjoy the moment” —Al B.
“The path to salvation is narrow and as difficult to walk as the razor’s edge.” —Upanishads
Thank You Everyone, including NCD members Barney, Carole, Rachel, Steve, Dr. Tim, Reni Michele, David, Linda, Deon, Robin, Sharron, Sandra, Sharron, Pat, Al, Pearl, ASD, etc.
JULY 2019
☎️ Tues., July 9th 5pm – 6pm (PDT) ASD’s Dowsing Support and Continuing Education Teleconference: “Dowser, Gratitude, Prayers & Blessings” with Joey Korn, hosted by Roxanne Louise. Both Roxanne and Joey will discuss how to use gratitude, blessings, and prayer (including Ho’Oponopono), and to heal yourself in order to experience enormous positive benefits both personally and in your world. Joey in particular will discuss his remote clearing work, which he calls “Spiritual Space Clearing from the Inside-Out”. He will share what he considers are the primary causes of energy problems in people’s lives and in their homes, and how to clear them. He will also share how everyone can use the Blessing Process to improve their own lives and clear their own homes. Will speak on creating prosperity and how dowsing can assist us. This conference call is open to anyone interested, and playback is available through ASD membership. ☎️Call: (646) 876-9923, enter Participant Code# 443-333-280, press # at next prompt.
Sat., July 13th, 12:30 Doors open with Basic Dowsing by NCD members. 1pm Meeting begins with Katy Redmon’s “Demonstration of the 15th Step.” 2:30pm “Dowsing” with NCD members. Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting in the Community Room at the Shasta County Library.
Mon., July 15th 5pm (PDT) ASD FREE Water Dowsers Mastermind conference call occurs every 3rd Monday, Monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) & Ed Stillman featuring Adhi Two Owls PART II. The guest speaker will share her water dowsing experience. Adhi Two Owls states that “Dowsing for water is a vital dowsing technique for the planet. We are starting to see the affects of greed and pollution, and water now is the new “Gold”. Whoever controls the water controls everything else, e.g. agriculture, cities, people, country, governments etc. It is important that this is taught as part of any dowsing school.” Adhi has dowsed for water across the United states, Eastern Townships of Quebec, and in Egypt. She has dowsed over 100 wells. These hour long conference calls are held on the third Monday monthly and can be listened to live by anyone, who would like to learn from experienced water dowsers. ☎️Participant Live Instructions: Call: 605.313.5145 & Enter the access code: 175681#. Archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only, and scroll down to find your conference call.
☎️ Tues., July 16 5pm (PDT) Discover Dowsing Teleconference “Geopathic Stress” with Robert Egby, interviewed by Roxanne Louise. Discover Dowsing Teleconference calls are every third Tuesday at 8 PM Eastern Time (US) Dial (646) 876-9923, enter participant code# 126-360-394, & press # at next prompt.
☀️ July’s Astrology Calendar: 2nd & 31st New Moons, 2nd & 16th Eclipses, Mercury turns retrograde on the 7th & direct on the 31st, 16th Full moon & partial eclipse, 8th, 22nd, 25th, & 27th excellent days for all tropical signs. For more info visit our northern California astrologers: Sandra Jennings (call: 530-410-3702 or sandrajennings85@gmail.com), Margaret VanLaanMartin (margaret@ageofaquariuschico.com or call: 530-520-1900) , & Kristen Idema (www.stardiviner.com or kristin@stardiviner.com or 530.241.4588). For calendars visit www.SpaceAndTime.com with Drs. Ralph & Lahni DeAmicis.
Nor Cal Dowsers Save the Dates:
July 13th 12:30pm Basic Dowsing
1pm Meeting with Katy Redmon’s “15th Step”
2:30pm * Dowsing
August 10th 12:30pm Basic Dowsing
1pm * “UFO-athon” Meeting
*Bring stories, videos, pictures, etc. to share. Contact Jeannette if you have any questions. 530.222.2024 Thanks.
Other Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Nor Cal Dowsers, Northern California Dowsers (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divinghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Wayne Hoff at sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) with Kalina on FB.
Nor Cal Dowsing Info.:
☎️ Interested in speaking to the Nor Cal Dowsers? Contact Jeannette.
* Interested in participating in NCD’s August meeting on “UFO-athon” please contact Jeannette 530.222.2024. Thanks.

Sat., August 24th: 10am – 1pm “Dowsing for Health” by Ms. Pearl Nicolino. Location: Rocklin, CA. Ms. Pearl’s life’s work exemplifies a thirst for knowledge and healthy fun living. Come learn and get a refresher course on dowsing for your health in her workshop. Pearl is the only person to be awarded ASD’s “Legend Award” twice. She is a well accomplished 96 year young instructor, musician and artist who regularly plays gigs and sells her artwork. Pearl learned to dowse many decades ago from the late Hanna Kroeger. She’s a yogini, gardener, author, plays nine instruments, sings, dances, and teaches various subjects like art, wellness, life, and dowsing. If interested in attending Ms. Pearl’s dowsing workshop please contact her at pnicolino@surewest.net or 916.773.9071.
2019 American Society of Dowsers Awards
Congratulations Roxanne for being the recipient of ASD’s 2019 Special Recognition Award. You can learn more about dowsing from Roxanne Louise’s “Discover Dowsing” teleconference production as a host, interviewing a prominent dowser every third Tuesday monthly at 5pm Pacific time. She’s also instrumental with hosting and producing the “Dowsers Support & Continuing Education” series every second Tuesday monthly at 5pm Pacific time. For further information visit her websites at UnlimitedPotentialHealingCenter.com and www.RoxanneLouise.com.
Leedra Yablonsky was another recipient of ASD’s 2019 Special Recognition Award for her assistance with ASD’s convention and website.
2019 ASD Chapter of the Year was awarded to the Plymouth, New Hampshire Dowser Chapter. They were instrumental in helping with ASD’s Convention Committee.
2019 ASD’s Volunteer of the year Jane Cunningham (Plymouth, NH). Jane was instrumental in ASD’s annual June Convention.
Congratulations Sharron (Sharry) Hope of Oroville, CA for your recent American Society of Dowsers’ “Dowser of the Year” award for 2019. See article.
Courtesy of Ms. Pearl Nicolino
“There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don’t. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living.” —José N. Harris, PhD.
❤️Thanks..Thank you everyone for your help, donations & snacks❣️
JUNE 2019
☎️Tues., June 11th, 5pm – 6pm (PDT) ASD’s “Dowsers Support & Continuing Education” hosted by RDick Tippett & Gale West. Both Dick and Gale will speak on creating prosperity and how dowsing can assist us. This conference call is geared for beginner to advance dowsing. ☎️Call: (646) 876-9923, enter Participant Code# 443-333-280, press # at next prompt.
❤️Sat., June 15th, 12:30 Basic Dowsing & 1pm Speaker Presentation at Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting at the Shasta County Library in the Community Room with Margaret VanLaanMartin’s “Guided Meditation to Meet Your Heart Angel” at 1pm at the Shasta County Library.
June 16h Happy Father’s Day
Mon., June 17th 5pm (PDT) ASD FREE Water Dowsers Mastermind conference call occurs every 3rd Monday, Monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) & Ed Stillman featuring Adhi Two Owls. The guest speaker will share her water dowsing experience.
Adhi Two Owls states that “Dowsing for water is a vital dowsing technique for the planet. We are starting to see the affects of greed and pollution and water now is the new “Gold”. Whoever controls the water controls everything else, agriculture, cities, people, country, governments etc…. it is important that this is taught as part of any dowsing school.” Adhi has dowsed for water across the United states, Eastern Townships of Quebec, and in Egypt. She has dowsed over 100 wells. These hour long conference calls are held on the third Monday monthly and can be listened to live by anyone, who would like to learn from experienced water dowsers. ☎️Participant Live Instructions: Call: 646.876.9923 & Enter the access code: 478 146 038#. Or archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only, and scroll down to find your conference call.
☀️ June 21 Summer Solstice
Nor Cal Dowsers Save the Dates:
June 15th 1pm Margaret VanLaanMartin
(12:30 – 1pm Basic Dowsing)
July 13th 1 pm TBD
Other Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Nor Cal Dowsers, Northern California Dowsers (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divinghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Wayne Hoff at sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) with Kalina on FB.

Nor Cal Dowsing Info.: ☎️ If you’d like to be a speaker, or know of someone, for the Nor Cal Dowsers please contact Jeannette 530.222.2024. Thanks.

Wed., June 26 – Sun., June 30, 2019. American Society of Dowsers, Inc. Presents: The 2019 National Dowsing Convention & Metaphysical Expo and Annual Members Meeting Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH. The Universe can be at your fingertips…. Learn to develop the abilities that will find your truth! We can teach you. The 2019 Convention “Early Bird Rates” are now available until March 18, 2019. Keynote speaker Brian Besco. This gathering features fantastic workshops, lectures, wellness practitioners, vendors and formal training to develop your inner knowing using dowsing techniques. Just a few of the subjects covered are Geomancy, Vibration and Sound, Earth Energies, Radiesthesia, Psychic Development, Plant, Map and Water Dowsing, Sacred Geometry, and many Wellness modalities. www.dowsers.org
- Member Price for Individual – Convention (Thursday Evening – Sunday Noon) +$265.00
- Online Livestream of Convention (2 1/2 Days of Broadcasting) +$79.00
- Non-Member Price for Individual – Convention (Thursday Evening – Sunday Noon) ++$340.00
⛅️ Sky Dowsers ⛅️

Greg Storozuk from the Mile High Dowsers, CO. recently passed. He was helpful in the dowsing community and wrote a series of the following books: Asking Questions – No.1, Geopathic Zones – No.2, Getting Started – No.3, How To Dowse A Water Well – No.4. Greg was a featured guest speaker on the Water Dowser Mastermind Conference Call with hosts Sharron Hope & Ed Stillman. This recording is available at dowser.org with your ASD membership. Greg and the Mile High Dowser’s Team were helpful for the Nor Cal Dowser’s with their website also. If anyone is interested in getting any of his books please visit the following website: milehighdowsers.org . Thanks Greg for all your help.

Lee “Shorty” Barnes (100+ year) old from Granville Co.,N.C. Dr. Lee Barnes, (Ph.D. Environmental Horticulture, 1985, UF) was a professional Water Well Dowser for twenty years locating over 450 well sites with 85% – 95% success rate. Lee was active with the Appalachian Chapter of the ASD (“Appalachian Dowsers”) for over 20 years serving as President, Vice-President, long term Member-at-Large, and as Tutor of the Introduction to Dowsing classes. He was serving as their Chapter President. He has taught dowsing classes over the last 20 years to approximately 1000 people, including intuitive children for many years at the Profound Awareness Institute. He coordinated the Dowsing Schools at the Southeastern Dowsing Convention in 2015 and was honored with the 2012 Educator of the Year recognition from the ASD.

Hildegard Corona, a San Francisco native, passed on 29 April 2019. She was part of our Nor Cal Dowser family for many years and we think of her fondly. One of our favorite stories Hilde shared was about having her husband’s socks continually disappearing in the wash when they moved to their Weaverville home. Her good friend, Lydea, come over and cleansed her house. Both of them had a talk with the house to stop having socks disappear. The talk and clearing of her new home worked so well that she not only received her missing socks, but additional socks unknown to her. We’re thankful for the grace, joy, humor, and happiness she so generously shared.
Hilde will be remembered as a talented entertainer and creative artist. She was part of a mime and clown troupe for several years; entertaining children at small parties, and large groups of adults at prestigious functions such as the Black and White Ball. She authored 5 books, traveled extensively, worked at Pacific Telephone for 25 years, was married 55 years, loved animals and people, and had a constant, infectious smile that lit up a room. She practiced transcendental meditation for 45 years and became a Siddha via the Transcendental Meditation Society, with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. She used to defy gravity on a daily basis with the Siddhi technique after her daily meditation. She had great stories about flying in a room (in Iowa) with several thousand people. Hildegard will be missed.
“I’m still learning.” – Michelangelo
“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.” -Albert Einstein
“When you know better, you do better.” —Maya Angelo
“Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.” —William Shakespear (Twelfth Night)
“Moving forward may there be much grace and love in all space you occupy” -Jeannette
❤️Thanks..Thank you everyone for your help, donations & snacks❣️

MAY 2019
Join native Wintu Ted Dawson on a spring walk while he locates, identifies, and explains medicinal and general uses of native plants. Ted consulted and provided technical support at Turtle Bay for Native American exhibits. Today’s presentation will include making a natural poison oak remedy. Bring a jar to take some home. Meet at the HCCP parking area on Clear Creek Road, just west of the Clear Creek Bridge.
May 12th Happy Mother’s Day ❤️
☎️Tues., May 14th, 11am – noon (PDT) ASD’s Healers Mastermind Group, for healers. (646) 876-9923 Access Code 984 952 3909#.
☎️Tues., May 14th, 5pm – 6pm (PDT) ASD’s “Dowsers Support & Continuing Education” hosted by Roxanne Louise (www.RoxanneLouise.com) . Roxanne will be discussing Dowsing on Habits with Margaret VanLaanMartin (http://ageofaquariuschico.com/). This conference call is geared for beginner to advance dowsing. ☎️Call: (646) 876-9923, enter Participant Code# 443-333-280, press # at next prompt.
♀️Wed., May 15th, 7 – 8:30pm Basic Self-Hypnosis with Katy Redmon. This 1.5 hour self-self-hypnosis class is basic and can be used effectively for the following: stress relieve, improve meditation, headaches, job interviews, pre and post- surgery, insomnia, etc. People who practice dowsing may find it interesting, useful and helpful. Katy Redmon, 707-694-2952 or www.redmonhypnotherapy.com . Location: Heart of Yoga Studio,1325 Tehama St., Redding. Cost: $20
Sat., May 18th New Moon, Wesak Festivals around the world.
Sat., May 18th., Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting at the Shasta County Library in the Community Room with Dr. Shanhong Lu’s“How to Connect the Dots by Environmental Medicine Principles Make Stress & Toxins Visible and Create Nontoxic Communities” at 1pm at the Shasta County Library.
Mon., May 20th 5pm (PDT) ASD FREE Water Dowsers Mastermind conference call occurs every 3rd Monday, Monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) & Ed Stillman featuring a panel of 3 water dowsers Pat Delafield (WA), Marti Caine, Pearl Nicolino (CA). The guest speakers will share their water dowsing experience.These hour long conference calls are held on the third Monday monthly and can be listened to live by anyone, who would like to learn from experienced water dowsers. ☎️Participant Live Instructions: Call: 646.876.9923 & Enter the access code: 478 146 038#. Or archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only, and scroll down to find your conference call.
☎️ Tues., May 21st 5pm – 6pm (PDT) ASD’s FREE “Discover Dowsing” hosted by Roxanne Louise (www.RoxanneLouise.com). These third Tuesday monthly teleconferences are archived 24 hours after initial recording with playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: (Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only, and scroll down to find your conference call). To participate and listen during live conference ☎️ Call : (646) 876-9923, enter Participant Code# 126-360-394, press # at next prompt.
Nor Cal Dowsers Save the Dates:
May 18th 1pm Dr. Shanhong Lu
June 15th 1pm Margaret VanLaanMartin
July 13th 1 pm TBD
Other Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Nor Cal Dowsers, Northern California Dowsers (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divinghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Wayne Hoff at sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) with Kalina on FB.
Dowsing Info.:
☎️ If you’d like to be a speaker, or know of someone, for the Nor Cal Dowsers please contact Jeannette 530.222.2024. Thanks.

May 15th Deadline for submission of ASD award nominations. Visit www.dowers.org
Wed., June 26 – Sun., June 30, 2019. American Society of Dowsers, Inc. Presents: The 2019 National Dowsing Convention & Metaphysical Expo and Annual Members Meeting Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH. The Universe can be at your fingertips…. Learn to develop the abilities that will find your truth! We can teach you. The 2019 Convention “Early Bird Rates” are now available until March 18, 2019. Keynote speaker Brian Besco. This gathering features fantastic workshops, lectures, wellness practitioners, vendors and formal training to develop your inner knowing using dowsing techniques. Just a few of the subjects covered are Geomancy, Vibration and Sound, Earth Energies, Radiesthesia, Psychic Development, Plant, Map and Water Dowsing, Sacred Geometry, and many Wellness modalities. www.dowsers.org
- Member Price for Individual – Convention (Thursday Evening – Sunday Noon) +$265.00
- Online Livestream of Convention (2 1/2 Days of Broadcasting) +$79.00
- Non-Member Price for Individual – Convention (Thursday Evening – Sunday Noon) ++$340.00
“People only see what they are prepared to see.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Knowing is not enough; We must Apply. Willing is not enough; We must Do.” —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” —Eleanor Roosevelt
“The future depends on what we do in the present.” —Mahatma Gandhi
“When health is absent Wisdom cannot reveal itself, Art cannot become manifest, Strength cannot new exerted, Wealth is useless, and Reason is powerless.” —Herophilies, 300B.C.
“Whenever there is any doubt, there is no doubt.” —Robert De Niro, plays Sam in Ronin
Thank you everyone for your help, donations & snacks❣️ Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Deon, Linda, Marianne, Sharron, Pat, Pearl, the Beadman, ASD, etc.
Spring Break…No Nor Cal Dowsers’ meeting this month. 2019
☎️Tues., April 9th 11am – noon (PDT) ASD’s Healers Mastermind Group, for healers. (646) 876-9923 Access Code 984 952 3909#.
☎️Tues., April 9th 5pm – 6pm (PDT) ASD’s “Dowsers Support & Continuing Education” hosted by Roxanne Louise (www.RoxanneLouise.com) . Roxanne will be discussing Dowsing on Habits with Margaret VanLaanMartin (http://ageofaquariuschico.com/). This conference call is geared for beginner to advance dowsing. ☎️ Call: (646) 876-9923, enter Participant Code# 126-360-394, press # at next prompt.
Mon., April 15th 5pm (PDT) ASD FREE Water Dowsers Mastermind conference call presents Ed Stillman’s “Dowsing for Potable and Palatable Water Aquifers with Contaminated Aquifers at Different Depths in the same Borehole in Buckeye, Arizona.” Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA). This conference call occurs every 3rd Monday. Ed Stillman has been a professional water well dowser, dowsing numerous water wells in Northern Arizona. Ed worked together with Jack Baxter for 23 years. Ed and Jack have done some of the most advanced water well dowsing ever done in Arizona. Ed is a lifetime member of ASD and has been a teacher/instructor/and co-director of the ASD West Coast and Southwest Dowsing Conferences including Basic Dowsing Schools for 19 years. Ed has also served as ASD’s National Scientific Advisor. Ed was in charge of the Dowsers Brainwave Study. He has published the results of this study in the ASD Quarterly Journal, and presented keynote addresses on this study for the West Coast Conference and the Ozark Research Institute. Ed is now retired from all map and field dowsing for water wells, and he is now the co-host with Sharry Hope for the Water Dowsers Master Mind conference call Group. This hour long conference calls are held on the third Monday monthly and can be listened to live by anyone, who would like to learn from experienced water dowsers.
☎️Participant Live Instructions: Call: (646) 876-9923 & Enter the access code: 478-146-038# Or archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only, and scroll down to find your conference call.
☎️ Tues., April 16th, 5pm – 6pm (PDT) ASD’s FREE “Discover Dowsing” hosted by Roxanne Louise (www.RoxanneLouise.com). These third Tuesday monthly teleconferences are archived 24 hours after initial recording with playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: (Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only, and scroll down to find your conference call). To participate and listen during live conference ☎️ Call : (646) 876-9923, enter Participant Code# 126-360-394, press # at next prompt.
☎️Tues., April 23, 11am – noon (PDT) ASD’s Healers Mastermind Group, for healers. (646) 876-9923, at the prompt enter code 984 952 3909#
Nor Cal Dowsers Save the Dates:
July 13th 1pm TBD
May 18th 1pm TBD
June 15th 1pm Margaret VanLaanMartin
Save the Date
May 4th 10 am – 4 pm Holistic Faire for Body, Mind, and Spirit. The Nor Cal Dowsers will have a booth next to Sheila Keng McNickles the naturally gifted Acupuncturist. Other booths: include aromatherapy, aura photos, candles, astrology, essential oils, homeopathy, massage, sound therapy, spiritual jewelry, Reiki, hypnotherapy, healing touch, crystals, Ayurveda, native Wintu Ted Dawson’s hand crafted plants, etc. Cost: $5, www.holisticfairredding.com
Other Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Nor Cal Dowsers, Northern California Dowsers (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divinghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Wayne Hoff at sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Dowsers of the East Bay (East Bay) with Shirley Runco at dowsershirley@hotmail.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) with Kalina on FB.
Wed., June 26 – Sun., June 30, 2019. American Society of Dowsers, Inc. Presents: The 2019 National Dowsing Convention & Metaphysical Expo and Annual Members Meeting Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH. The Universe can be at your fingertips…. Learn to develop the abilities that will find your truth! We can teach you. Keynote speaker Brian Besco. This gathering features fantastic workshops, lectures, wellness practitioners, vendors and formal training to develop your inner knowing using dowsing techniques. Just a few of the subjects covered are Geomancy, Vibration and Sound, Earth Energies, Radiesthesia, Psychic Development, Plant, Map and Water Dowsing, Sacred Geometry, and many Wellness modalities. www.dowsers.org
Member Price for Individual – Convention (Thursday Evening – Sunday Noon) +$310.00
Online Livestream of Convention (2 1/2 Days of Broadcasting) +$79.00
Non-Member Price for Individual – Convention (Thursday Evening – Sunday Noon) ++$380.00
“Do not wait. The time will never be just right. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.” – George Herbert
“Don’t bunt. Aim out of the ball park. Aim for the company of immortals.” —David Ogilvy
“If you focus on success, you’ll have stress. But if you pursue excellence, success will be guaranteed. —Deepak Chopra
“Do not pray for an easy life pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.” —Bruce Lee
“What you seek is seeking you.” —Rumi
“Focus on the solution, not the problem.” —Jim Rohn
“A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.”—Albert Einstein
“Hitch your wagon to a star.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thank you everyone for your help, donations & snacks❣️Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Deon, Linda, Marianne, Sharron, Pat, Pearl, ASD, etc.
Spring is Nigh 2019
Fri., March 8th 7-9pm PT Marin IONS presents “Transformative Power of Perception” by Cynthia Sue Larson. Location: Marin IONS meeting at Unity in Marin, 600 Palm Drive, Novato, CA $10.00 Donation requested; bring a snack or drink to share. https://www.unityinmarin.org/events
Sun., March 10th 1:30 Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting Presents “Spring into Wellness” by Sheila Keng McNickels & Deon Pollett at the Shasta County Library in the Community Room. All are welcome.
⏰ Sun., March 10th Day Light Savings Time, reminder to move clocks 1 hour ahead.
☎️Tues., March. 12th 11am – noon (PDT) ASD’s Healers Mastermind Group, for healers. (646) 876-9923 Access Code 984 952 3909#.
☎️Tues., March 12th 5pm – 6pm (PDT) ASD’s “Dowsers Support & Continuing Education” hosted by Roxanne Louise (www.RoxanneLouise.com) and will be assisted by 1-2 other dowser(s). They will provide basic dowsing instruction followed by answering questions on any aspect of dowsing. This conference call is geared for beginner to advance dowsing. ☎️Call: (646) 876-9923, enter Participant Code# 443-333-280, press # at next prompt.
♀️Wed., March 13, 7 – 8:30pm Basic Self-Hypnosis with Katy Redmon. This 1.5 hour self-hypnosis class is basic and can be used effectively for the following: stress relieve, improve meditation, headaches, job interviews, pre and post- surgery, insomnia, etc. People who practice dowsing may find it interesting, useful and helpful. Katy Redmon can be reached at: 707-694-2952 or www.redmonhypnotherapy.com . Location: Heart of Yoga Studio,1325 Tehama St., Redding. Cost: $20
Mon., March 18th 5pm (PDT) ASD FREE Water Dowsers Mastermind conference call occurs every 3rd Monday, Monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) & Ed Stillman featuring Bill Getz (NY) with over 50 years of water dowsing experience. These hour long conference calls are held on the third Monday monthly and can be listened to live by anyone, who would like to learn from experienced water dowsers. ☎️Participant Live Instructions: Call: (641) 715-0866 & Enter the access code: 175681#. Or archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only, and scroll down to find your conference call.
☎️ Tues., March 19th 5pm – 6pm (PDT) ASD’s FREE “Discover Dowsing” hosted by Roxanne Louise (www.RoxanneLouise.com). These third Tuesday monthly teleconferences are archived 24 hours after initial recording with playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: (Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only, and scroll down to find your conference call). To participate and listen during live conference ☎️ Call : (646) 876-9923, enter Participant Code# 126-360-394, press # at next prompt.
Wed., March 20th first day of Spring Equinox
☎️Tues., March 26th 11am – noon (PDT) ASD’s Healers Mastermind Group,
for healers. (646) 876-9923, at the prompt enter code 430987#
Nor Cal Dowsers Save the Dates:
March 10th 1:30 “Spring into Wellness”
April 7th 1:30pm TBD
May 18th noon TBD
June 15th noon Margaret VanLaanMartin
July 13th noon TBD
Other… Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Nor Cal Dowsers, Northern California Dowsers (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divinghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Wayne Hoff at sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) with Kalina on FB.
Dowsing Info.:
Roxanne Louise ASD’s “Educator of the Year 2018” writes “Dowsing to Dump Bad Habits – Part I” on her 28 Feb 2019 blog:
by unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter in American Society of Dowsers, Dowsing, habits
These charts eventually became the book, Therapeutic Dowsing and Telepathic Healing.
As I studied all the reasons for overweight and what to do about them, I created dowsing charts for the physical reasons for weight gain and difficulties in losing. I had other charts for the emotional and psychological reasons for weight including the reasons why people binge or eat when they are not hungry. And I had many charts on various traumas, issues, and typical life events as well as the people and ages at which they may have originated.
The most important parts of getting rid of any problem behavior are:
↳A decision and commitment
Nothing happens until you do this.
↳ Having a big enough reason—your why.
What’s the downside if you don’t change? Be very clear about this. Then you can dowse the key issue/s.
What’s the upside if you do? Clarify this as well. Dowse out the most important.
What do you want more than ___ (the cigarette, ice cream/potato chips, beer, etc.)? This is all part of your clarity of purpose.
Anthony Robbins says that all motivation is carrot and stick. A donkey can be motivated to move forward if he wants to get the carrot held in front of him, or he can move because someone is hitting him on the rump with a stick and it hurts enough.
Do you go to work because you love your job and can’t wait to get there? Or do you grudgingly get out of a warm, comfortable bed because you don’t want to be fired and end up homeless?
Increase the appeal of moving forward to make the change, as well as increasing the distaste for the negative ramifications of not doing so.
↳Clearing, healing, resolving any resistance to change
Dowse out the percentage of resistance to getting rid of the bad habit. Perhaps your unconscious mind thinks it is helping you in some way by maintaining it. If so, use dowsing, EFT, or hypnosis to re-educate the unconscious of a constructive way to achieve the higher intention, and to agree to release the negative habit.
↳Increasing the allowance, even excitement for change
Dowse out this percentage as well. Then ask if you can increase it to the highest level possible at this time, and do so.
↳Knowledge of the issue at hand
Do some research on the habit you want to change. Then you can design your own dowsing checklists/charts. For example, overeating can be triggered by food cravings stemming from allergies, metabolic issues, fungal overgrowth, as well as psychological or emotional issues, particularly anger and guilt. If physical causes elicit a positive dowsing response, it would make sense to consult a physician.
Smoking can start as a desire to be grown-up, rebel against authority, seek acceptance by the ‘in crowd’. Unconsciously the person is still the kid trying to fulfill those original desires. List the possible reasons and dowse out what is relevant to you.
Knowing that addictions are filling a void will help you to look for what it is that is trying to be filled and address that. Is there an emotional or psychological wound that has to be healed? Dowse.
↳Substitution of a positive or constructive alternative
What are you going to do instead?
Understanding that overeating, taking drugs or alcohol, and smoking are coping strategies for many emotional states (boredom, loneliness, upset, depression), will make you aware of the need to learn healthy ways of coping with stress and emotional lows.
↳A well designed strategy.
Again by doing research on what has helped others will allow you to design your own program. List the possibilities and dowse out what will work for you. Having a buddy or someone to whom you place yourself accountable is helpful. Do a 30 day challenge with a friend.
This is needed to stay on track as it takes time of consciously doing things in the new way until it becomes routine and comfortable. But be aware that if you slouch off, the old behavior will resurface. Ask any person who despite years of not smoking picked up one cigarette as to just how quickly they reverted to full scale smoking habit again. Any habit that is also an addiction (smoking, drinking, gambling, etc) must be totally permanently eliminated.
↳Consistent action
The desired habit must be maintained through frequent, repeated action or it will not become internalized and automatic. The more you repeat the behavior, the stronger it becomes. The less you repeat it, the weaker.
So if I want set a new habit of cleaning the kitchen every night before bed, I have to make a point to do it, tired or not. I tell myself how little time it will take, and how good it will feel to wake up to a clean kitchen. It also helps to check it off on a calendar. I write down my goals and accomplishments for each day. Noting what I have done, even if many things on my list did not get done, is a reward in itself. Noting what I didn’t do creates greater urgency to do it the next day. I focus on making progress to avoid getting discouraged.
↳A positive attitude and belief in one’s ability to succeed.
If you don’t think it is possible, you won’t even try. This is what stops more smokers from quitting – they tell themselves they ‘can’t quit’. You will also need a positive attitude to deal with setbacks, challenges, delays, etc.
If you find yourself with a negative mindset, you can dowse, do EFT, or hypnosis to counter it. Hold a strong intention to let the negative belief go, and the belief you want to hold instead. “I release any belief, perception or judgment that ___ (negative belief). I now choose to believe that ___ (list at least 3 strong beliefs).”
American Society of Dowsers is holding a free teleconference, on Tuesday, April 9, at [5pm Pacific] 8 PM Eastern (US). Roxanne will be discussing Dowsing on Habits with Margaret VanLaanMartin (http://ageofaquariuschico.com/) Copyright 2/28/19 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com are included with the content.
[Come meet Margaret, as she’ll be presenting live at the Nor Cal Dowsers meeting June 15th, Redding CA at noon.]
Wed., June 26 – Sun., June 30, 2019. American Society of Dowsers, Inc. Presents: The 2019 National Dowsing Convention & Metaphysical Expo and Annual Members Meeting Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH. The Universe can be at your fingertips…. Learn to develop the abilities that will find your truth! We can teach you. The 2019 Convention “Early Bird Rates” are now available until March 18, 2019. Keynote speaker Brian Besco. This gathering features fantastic workshops, lectures, wellness practitioners, vendors and formal training to develop your inner knowing using dowsing techniques. Just a few of the subjects covered are Geomancy, Vibration and Sound, Earth Energies, Radiesthesia, Psychic Development, Plant, Map and Water Dowsing, Sacred Geometry, and many Wellness modalities. www.dowsers.org
- Member Price for Individual – Convention (Thursday Evening – Sunday Noon) +$265.00
- Online Livestream of Convention (2 1/2 Days of Broadcasting) +$79.00
- Non-Member Price for Individual – Convention (Thursday Evening – Sunday Noon) ++$340.00
“Nature never breaks her own laws.”—Leonardo Da Vinci
“In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments, there are consequences.” —Robert Ingersoll
“If greater attention were given to the universal laws which govern all forms of life, we would naturally mature with a respect for the guiding agencies which reveal themselves in the operation of nature.” —Manly Hall
“Before you can help make the world right, you must be made right within.” —John Miller
“For the best health and success, the outlook upon life must be cheerful, optimistic, buoyant and hopeful.”—Councillor
“Whatever is right or wrong in our world is exactly what is right or wrong in the individual human heart.” —Margaret Leckie
Thank you everyone for your help, donations & snacks. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Deon, Linda, Marianne, Sharron, Pat, Pearl, ASD, etc.
❤️ Happy Chinese New Year & Valentine’s Day❣️❤️ 2019
Tues., Feb. 5th Chinese New Year. It’s believed the origination of the Chinese zodiac dates back to the Han Dynasty (202BC – 220AD). 5 February 2019 begins the Yin Earth Pig. The pig represents the last of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals, a completion of the twelve year cycle. The five elements (wood, fire, Earth, metal, water) are also represented each year, which take approximately 60 years to go through the Chinese New Year’s calendar. The pig is known to be sturdy, generous, determined, etc. For those born under the sign of the Pig, luck, success, happiness and fun come with ease. So enjoy the moments and be responsible by keeping a healthy (mind, body & spirit) balance. This could also be applied to each of us non piglets.
☎️ Tues., Feb. 12th 11am – noon (PST) ASD’s Healers Mastermind Group, for healers. (646) 876-9923 Access Code 984 952 3909#.
☎️ Tues., Feb. 12th 5pm – 6pm (PST) ASD’s “Dowsers Support & Continuing Education” hosted by Roxanne Louise (www.RoxanneLouise.com) and will be assisted by 1-2 other dowser(s). They will provide basic dowsing instruction followed by answering questions on any aspect of dowsing. This conference call is geared for beginner to advance dowsing. ☎️Call: (646) 876-9923, enter Participant Code# 443-333-280, press # at next prompt.
❤️Thurs., Feb 14th Valentine’s Day. Do something loving for yourself and those you love. Sharing LOVE is the greatest gift to ourselves, community and Earth.❤️
Sat., Feb 16th @ 2pm Golden Gate Dowsers’ Meeting* presents “A Better World: Techniques for Transforming People, Places and Things” with Dr. Adhi Moonien Two Owls Location: Town Center of Corte Madera, Community Room, 2nd Floor, Administration Bldg. Doors opens:1:30 P.M. Speaker Starts: 2:00 P.M. Dr. Adhi offers private healing sessions, mentorships, Ceremonial designs, and teaches all over the world. The New Global Shaman: http://www.thenewglobalshaman.com/ Cost: $5 ASD members, $7 non-members.
Mon., Feb 18th ASD FREE Water Dowsers Mastermind conference call 5 pm Pacific time occurs every 3rd Monday, Monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) featuring a water dowser Jim Kuebelbeck. These hour long conference calls are held on the third Monday monthly and can be listened to live by anyone, who would like to learn from experienced water dowsers. ☎️Participant Live Instructions: Call: (641) 715-0866 & Enter the access code: 175681#. Or archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only, and scroll down to find your conference call.
☎️ Tues., Feb. 19th 5pm – 6pm (PST) ASD’s FREE “Discover Dowsing” Teleconference presents Dr. Robert W. Alcorn’s (www.dralcorn.us) “Spiritual Interference Patterns” hosted by moderator Roxanne Louise (www.RoxanneLouise.com). These third Tuesday monthly teleconferences are archived 24 hours after initial recording with playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: (Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only, and scroll down to find your conference call). To participate and listen during live conference ☎️ Call : (646) 876-9923, enter Participant Code# 126-360-394, press # at next prompt.
Thur., Feb. 21st at 7 pm Spiritual MeetUp presents Guest Speaker: TOMMIE MERCER with “Exploring The Energy of Water and Other Subtle Energies” Unity of Oroville, 1321 Robinson St., Oroville. Tommie (also a CAMP fire survivor), states the following: “I will demonstrate, with audience participation, all the different types of dowsing I designed, and how they are used in our research as well as sharing how they may benefit the attendee. Energy specimens will be shown and dowsed. I will share the inner secrets from work on color, and the living energy surrounding all of us.” Join us for a fascinating evening of exploring the living energy around us and its influence on the body, mind, and spirit. Presented by Tommie Mercer is the owner of Starchamber Products International, creator of the Bio-Chromatic Integrator and other amazing subtle energy tools available worldwide.
The VEW waters will be distributed in small containers for anyone interested. We suggest trying your own brand of water then adding VEW at our meeting. A full examination will be given to the VEW waters and how they are made as well as our pure silver and pure 24kt gold VEW colloidal waters. “You will be treated to a true next level experience from my 45 years of constant gathering data from every source, & as taken from my book on the Starchamber Research on Antediluvian Energies, & ancient techniques and devices used for awareness and healing.” To familiarize yourself with Tommie’s work visit: www.Starchamberproducts.com &/or https://www.facebook.com/tommie.mercer Organizer: Carmen Hironimus, 530.680.8330
Sun., Feb 24th 1:30 Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting Presents
“A Driller’s Perspective” by Mike & Gavin of Shasta Drilling
at the Shasta County Library in the Community Room. All are welcome.
☎️Tues., Feb. 26th 11am – noon (PST) ASD’s Healers Mastermind Group,
for healers. (646) 876-9923, at the prompt enter code 430987#
Nor Cal Dowsers Save the Dates:
Feb 24th 1:30pm Mike & Gavin from Shasta Drilling
March 10th noon TBD
April 7th 1:30pm TBD
Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Nor Cal Dowsers, Northern California Dowsers (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divinghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Wayne Hoff at sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) with Kalina. (FB)
Dowsing Info.: New to dowsing, or would you like to be with other like minded people? Visit the American Society of Dowsers website, as it has an extensive list of dowsing information at https://dowsers.org/. At ASD there are teleconference meetings regularly, reference materials, etc. Of course visit our website: NorCalDowsers.com for reference material and join our FB page.
Cynthia Sue Larson, writes and publishes a monthly ezine newsletter called RealityShifters®, which is filled with encouraging and inspiring stories from herself and others.
Below is an excerpt from her February 2019 Issue #233, “While reviewing Conversation with a Shaman from Mongolia, a paper I co-authored fifteen years ago about interviewing Mongolian shaman, Zorigtbaatar Banzar, at a shamanism conference, I was impressed by the way he emphasized that we need to improve the quality of our relationships with others. Zorigtbaatar pointed out that humanity’s greatest problem is that we’ve allowed ourselves to become disconnected. As our paper states,
“When doing healing work, Zorigtbaatar works with spirits from a time when people were more interdependent, and had a strong interpersonal interwoven fabric of support, encouragement, and respect. Their energy was therefore purer in comparison to our current modern-day practice of standing alone like a single thread, easily broken, and not associated with others. Unlike his ancestors whom he calls upon, we are disconnected from others. This disconnection is hurting us, and also damaging our civilization. As a shaman he is trying to reestablish the harmonious relationship his ancestors had with Nature and each other on the earth. Zorigtbaatar’s mission for coming to the United States is in hopes of reuniting the peoples of Earth into cohesive groups that will care for and nurture each other, as was the case in the past, for the preservation of humanity.”
If you’d ever like to feel a positive love connection please check her website and ezine, as she leaves the reader questioning “How good can it get?”
❤️What LOVE can do….
❤️❤️❤️We inherited a beautiful elderly black lab, named Sheba. Sheba was the last surviving animal from the ranch. As all the other animals transitioned to their demise, or we were able to get them adopted over the years. While living on the ranch Sheba and Mr. D would take walkabouts checking out the neighborhood. Occasionally, our banker would let us know that she saw Sheba leading the coyote pack in the morning. Eventually Sheba was the last surviving dog, but started wandering off too far, so she came home with us. Her isolated ranch life was not working for her. Our older cat, Kahuna eventually tolerated Sheba. Sheba seemed to be adjusting to her surroundings and smaller backyard, and now she had more interaction with us with walks and play time. It seemed that she was not doing well physically after a year or so. She just barely walked around. She seemed to lose her passion for life. It seemed as if it were time to take her to the vet’s for a check up. I told the neighbor girls, who were also my students. They were sad to hear about Sheba. Seven middle school girls came over to give Sheba love for about an hour in the backyard. Then, it was time to take her to the vets. Before we knew it, we ended up taking two vehicles, seven girls, and Sheba to the veterinarian’s office. Upon arrival, we noticed that Sheba had been healed. She was a different dog. Those seven girls gave much love, joy and inspiration to Sheba. The veterinarian and office staff was surprised, like the rest of us. Sheba lived for a few more years. This experience taught me how the power of love really does heal instantaneously. Love is our greatest gift to ourselves and others.
❤️❤️❤️It’s not surprising that February is considered heart month with the holiday of Valentine’s Day. A beautiful exercise one could do is to get in a relaxed meditative state while focusing on balancing your chakras. The root (reproductive organs) being a bright vibrant ruby color. Once the red color is balanced around the body, then move upwards to the naval (belly button) orange color of like a strong sun or volcano. Repeat a strong orange color around the body, meanwhile also keeping the red root chakra going. Do the same and repeat the rest of the chakras (solar plexus yellow, heart chakra’s green color, throat chakra’s blue, pineal gland’s (third eye) purple and the crown chakra white. Once all your chakra’s are strong and balanced, take a moment to address yourself and/or another situation with another being that needs more love or connection. Next, focus a white light of God (Source or Divine Light) energy coming into your body while inhaling your breath. Hold for a few to 10 seconds (which ever is comfortable). Then, slowly exhale visually through your heart chakra love, forgiveness, acceptance, etc. to yourself and/or the situation with a person(s). The effect is to take a centered loving breath in of Divineness, then bring light to the given situation. To solidify this more, one could try exhaling the blue throat chakra light through the green heart chakra. I did this experiment almost two decades ago and it was so powerful that I can still remember it. The unintended and unexpected results were having someone who had not called me in years leave a beautiful heartfelt birthday message to me and another person spoke to me with much grace and love within a short time. Both unrelated and unexpected phone calls received seemed to work within minutes to an hour. At the time I wanted to share this message with everyone and still enjoy knowing that our heart and minds are connected to all. Is there a situation that needs more love in your life? One could even dowse what area of their life needs special attention for more love? I’m grateful for this experience because it gave me permission to love all situations, a freedom that we all have. Happy love month to each of you❣️
❤️Blessings of Love & Deep Appreciation, Jeannette ©
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.”—Al Einstein
“The first point of wisdom is to discern that which is false; the second, to know that which is true.” —Lactantius
“The high minded man must care more for the truth than for what people think.” —Aristotle
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”—Lao Tzu
Thank you everyone for your help, donations & snacks. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Marianne, Sharron, Pat, Pearl, ASD, etc.
Happy New Year 2019
Sat., Jan 5th noon Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting Presents “Numerology and You” by Yana at the Shasta County Library in the Community Room. All are welcome.
☎️Tues., Jan. 8th 11am – noon (PST) ASD’s Healers Mastermind Group, for healers. Roxanne Louise is the moderator. TBD topic. Call 1.646.876.9923, access code 984 952 3909#.
☎️Tues., Jan. 8th 5pm – 6pm (PST) ASD’s Dowsing Support & Continuing Education Teleconference. Roxanne Louise is the moderator. TBD topic. Call 1.646.876.9923, access code 984 952 3909#.
Sat., 12th Jan. San Jose Chapter of Dowsers Meeting 12:30 – 4:30pm: Beginning Dowsing Class with Keith Smyth and Harmonizing Class with Joaquim Wippich are available at 12:30. 1:45 Presentation begins followed by Chris Selberg – Laughter Yoga and Susan Adams – Messages from Angels, Fairies, and Messengers of Light. $5 ASD Member & $7 visitors. Location: Community of Infinite Spirit (Formerly Divine Science Community Center) in San Jose 1540 Hicks Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125. (parking in rear of building). Office: (408) 293-3838 & Email: sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net
Sun., 13th Jan 2:30 – 4:30 pm Solar Eclipse in Capricorn Class @ Gratitude Center in Red Bluff (See The Gratitude Center — North State on Facebook) 407 Walnut St. above The Gold Exchange. $25.00 with astrology chart or $31.00 if you need a chart. the themes activated by the partial solar eclipse that will occur on January 5, 2019, at 15 degrees of Capricorn. This partial eclipse will most specifically affect people born with personal planets that are 10 to 20 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn). It will, of course, influence all of us collectively in some specific area of our life. Kristen will be explaining in detail how these energies will be affecting you personally. RSVP is required to attend as handouts and charts need to be prepared ahead of time. To fill out the astrology form with all your information link to: https://stardiviner.com/astro-form/ . To prepay go here: https://stardiviner.com/classes/. All are welcome, the class is geared to anyone with or without a background in the study of astrology. If you are unable to attend, consider a 20 minute reading over the phone on the material covered in class for $35.00 (not recorded) or a 1/2 hour reading recorded over the phone or in person for $55.00. Kristin Idema www.stardiviner.com 530-241-4588 kristin@stardiviner.com
☎️ Tues., Jan. 15th 5pm – 6pm (PST) ASD’s Discover Dowsing. Roxanne Louise is the moderator and will interview Jean Slatter (CA) Call 1.646.876.9923, access code 984 952 3909#.
Mon., Jan 21 ASD Water Dowsers Mastermind conference call 5 pm Pacific time occurs every 3rd Monday, Monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) and Ed Stillman (AZ) featuring a water dowser (TBD). These hour conference calls are held monthly on the third Monday and can be listened to live by anyone, who would like to learn from experienced water dowsers, and other dowsers who are interested in learning to dowse for water. ☎️Participant Live Instructions: Call: (641) 715-0866 & Enter the access code: 175681#. Or archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only and scroll down to find your conference call.
Nor Cal Dowsers Save the Dates:
Jan 5th noon Yana’s “Numerology and You”
Feb 24th 1:30pm Mike from Shasta Drilling
March 10th noon TBD
April 7th 1:30pm
Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Nor Cal Dowsers, Northern California Dowsers (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divinghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Wayne Hoff at sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) NEW chapter forming.
Dowsing Info:
New to dowsing or would you like to be with other like minded people? Visit the American Society of Dowsers website, as it has an extensive list of dowsing information at https://dowsers.org/. At ASD there are teleconference meetings regularly, reference materials, etc. Below is an article from Pearl Nicolino which show cases types of articles one could find in the ASD Digest as a member. Of course visit our website: NorCalDowsers.com for reference material and join our FB page. Thanks for your support!
Pearl Nicolino, Nor Cal Dowsers member, is the only ASD member to receive a 2nd Legend Award Winner has a few things to share in her recent article from the ASD Digest (Winter 2018) below. (Pearl Nicolino & ASD copyright in ASD Digest Winter 2018).
Pearl Nicolino
I have only four more years to reach the goal of 100 years of age. I also have a valid driver’s license until I reach 100.
I learned to dowse in 1984. John Wayne Blassingame and Tony Gehringer were my teachers. I learned from Hanna Kroeger about dowsing the body, and I have used my dowsing for health.
I was born December 10, 1922, on a 365-acre farm outside Durango, Colorado. I rode a horse to school and had only one broken bone in my life—a thumb. One day, my horse missed a culvert and I fell off. I didn’t go to a doctor because we lived nine miles from the hospital in Durango.
I learned to milk a cow at age five, and I used to squirt a little warm milk in my mouth. It tasted very good, and I give credit to good cow’s milk for still having my teeth.
We lost the family farm during the Depression and then moved to Durango. I joined the Methodist Church at age 12. Dancing was allowed in the church basement, and it was the only church in town that didn’t think dancing was a sin. I grew up with a deep faith that has taken me to where I am today.
My father died when I was 1½ years old, and my oldest brother had drowned three months before that. My mother lived to be 94 years old and was a good role model for me.
I remember going to school but never took any vaccinations. I would get in the vaccination line, then follow the person ahead of me who just been vaccinated and get right out of the line. And so, I never had any childhood vaccinations. I think my body was actually dowsing that vaccinations were not beneficial for my body even as a young child. When I travelled overseas in the 1970s, I took the doses in one-quarter strength. Even at such a low dose, my arm would swell to a large size. Good thing I got out of line earlier in my life!
I was number seven in my family but have out-lived all of my siblings by many years. Married in 1939, I had two boys and one girl. I have out-lived two of my children. Losing a child is by far the greatest pain a mother must endure.
I went back to school in 1960 with my two sons—the older son back home after serving 4½ years in the submarine service and the younger son just graduating from high school. I got my degree in Medical Assisting and made the dean’s honor roll with a 4.0 average. I am a certified massage therapist, kinesiologist, and nutritionist. Being healthy has always been at the top of the list.
I take no medications and still cook every day. I take vitamins and drink lots of good water. I go to yoga weekly, which helps with balance and inner peace. I took up painting as therapy after I lost my daughter in 1966. I still paint and have been teaching painting for the past 15 years.
Music also plays a big part in my life. I started singing in the choir at age 12, was in a barbershop quartet and chorus in 1950. By 1960, I also started to play the banjo, and I still play it. I am in a three-piece trio here in Sun City and outer areas, playing for nursing homes and private parties. I was emcee for the Dowser’s Fun Night in Santa Cruz for 23 years! Humor is very important for longevity. Without laughter and fun, you die.
One of the most recent things I have been aware of is loving oneself! People with physical ailments do not love themselves! Another major thing I have found is being able to let go of the past! Not letting go of the past is like crossing the river in a boat and putting all the old hurts, frustrations, anger, and disappointments in the boat and taking it all with you. I like the part of the Buddha philosophy that says: “resist nothing.” If you can accept whatever is presented to you, don’t resist. Resistance causes stress, and stress is at the bottom of all diseases and ailments.
I was awarded my second Legend Award at the West Coast Dowsing Conference in July of this year. In response, I said that the two things that have been the most helpful to me in my lifetime are numerology and dowsing. Numerology helps you to understand challenges and what you came to learn in this lifetime, and dowsing helps you to sort it all out.
Pearl Nicolino (Sun City, Roseville, California) is the only person to be awarded ASD’s “Legend Award” twice. She is a well accomplished 96 year young instructor, musician and artist who regularly plays gigs and sells her artwork. Pearl learned to dowse many decades ago from the late Hanna Kroeger. She’s an avid yogini, gardener, author, plays nine instruments, sings, dances, and teaches various subjects like art, wellness, life, and dowsing. She regularly presents at dowsing organizations and teaches painting. She’s a member of Northern California Dowsers, as well as Sierra Dowsers, West Coast Conference, ASD, etc.
“The most heartbreaking thing of all is how we cheat ourselves of the present moment.” —Pema Chōndrōn
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” —Oscar Wilde
“I’d rather be a failure at something I love than a success at something I hate.” —George Burns
“We’re not who we say we are, we’re not who we want to be. We are the sum of the influence and impact that we have, in our lives, on others.” —Carl Sagan
“You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.” – Epictetus
“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” —Buddha
“So I say to you, Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.” —Luke 11:9
“Have no fear of perfection – you’ll never reach it.” ― Salvador Dali
“Time is the only asset you can’t get more of.” —Clarissa Pinkola Estes
“Secrets are the parents of deception.” —G
Thank you everyone for your help, donations & snacks. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Marianne, Crystal, Sharron, Pat, Pearl, ASD, etc.
Happy Holidays❣️
Nor Cal Dowsers would like to extend our heart felt thoughts and prayers to each and everyone of you, especially all those affected by the fires. Thanks to all responders and everyone else for uplifting our community with your positive thoughts, prayers and assistance. Our community is filled with much gratitude and unselfishness. Merry Christmas and here’s to a bright New Year❣️
Happy Thanksgiving 2018
Sat., Nov 10th noon Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting Presents “True Healing Solutions” at the Shasta County Library in the Community Room. All are welcome.
Nor Cal Dowsers Save the Dates:
Nov 10 noon Crystal Sage “True Healing Solutions.”
⛷ Holiday Break…NO Meeting in December
Jan 5th noon Jana’s “Numerology”
Feb 24th 1pm Mike from Shasta Drilling
March 10th noon TBD
☎️Tues., Nov. 13th 11am – noon (PST) ASD’s Healers Mastermind Group for healers. Roxanne Louise is the moderator and will interview Rev. Keith Smyth discussing “Why the Devil Won’t My Dowsing Work?”.
Call 1.646.876.9923, access code 9849.
☎️Tues., Nov. 27th 11am – noon (PST) ASD’s Discover Dowsing. Roxanne Louise is the moderator and will interview Ginette Matacia Lucas 1.646.876.9923, access code 984 952 3909#
November through Dec 7th: Scavenger Hunt: Interested in some fun dowsing practice with immediate confirmation? Visit your local Cost Plus World Market and go on a scavenger hunt. Look for the Golden Bell, a clue is given for each day. If you find a Golden Bell, then you receive a gift certificate to spend
Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Nor Cal Dowsers, Northern California Dowsers (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divinghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Wayne Hoff at sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) NEW chapter now forming.
“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.” – Buddha
“You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” -Oprah Winfrey
“Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals. If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more.”-Roy T. Bennett
“Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty.” – Doris Day
“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.” – Epictetus
“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie
“Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude.” – Albert Schweitzer
“Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.” – Aesop
“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” —Willie Nelson
“The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest.” —William Blake
Thank you everyone for your help, donations & snacks. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Marianne, Sharron, Pat, Pearl, ASD, etc.
Happy Halloween 2018
☎️Tues., Oct. 9th 5pm PDT ASD’s Dowsing Support Conference Calls with Roxanne and Wayne Hoff. The topic is “Energy Clearing”. This program is offered on the second Tuesday of each month with experienced dowsers. Wayne can be reached at www.Biospiritus.net for more information. He’s contact number 831-818-6980. Wayne is President of the San Jose dowser chapter & specializes on clearing places and people. Roxanne’s (Charlottesville, Virginia, area) website is www.RoxanneLouise.com and her blog is UnlimitedPotentialHealingCenter.com. ☎️ Archived talk available in members only section visit www.dowsers.org.
Mon., Oct. 15th ASD Water Dowsers Mastermind conference call 5 pm Pacific time occurs every 3rd Monday, Monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) and Ed Stillman (AZ) featuring Greg Storozuk (Edgewater, CO). Greg’s dowsing of interested are as follows: Ancient Wisdom & Spirituality, Earth Energy & Geopathic Stress,Personal Well-Being Dowsing, Speakers & Instructors, Water Dowsing. Greg’s contact: 303-274-4158. These hour conference calls are held monthly on the third Monday and can be listened to live by anyone, who would like to learn from experienced water dowsers, and other dowsers who are interested in learning to dowse for water. ☎️Participant Live Instructions: Call: (641) 715-0866 & Enter the access code: 175681#. Or archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only and scroll down to find your conference call.
☎️ Mon., Oct. 16 ASD Discover Dowsing Conference Call 5 p.m. with Gladys McCoy “Using Your Spoken Words, Your Focused Thoughts And Intention, To Improve Your Dowsing Skills, Your Life And To Help Others”. BIO: Gladys McCoy is the co-founder and director of the Ozark Research Institute in Fayetteville Arkansas, an on-site healing facilitator, and the leader of the healing meditation group at ORI. She’s a certified clinical hypnotherapist, past life regression therapist. Dowsing for over 30 years, she uses it for water wells in NW Arkansas, lost animals and objects. She is well known for her ability to block non – beneficial energy from homes, businesses, people and replacing it with beneficial energy. Moderator is Roxanne Louise. Join by calling ☎️ 1 646 876 9923, Access Code 984 952 3909# At prompt, please press # again.
Sat., Oct. 20 noon Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting Presents “Paranormal Investigations Using Scientific Methods” (Part I) & “Clearing Properties and Organisms” (Part II (Time Permitting) at the Shasta County Library in the Community Room. All are welcome.
Sat., Oct. 20th 6pm – 9pm, Dane Wigington’s presentation of “Hacking The Planet: The Catastrophic Consequences of Climate Engineering” is his Geo Engineering Watch Event. Location: Holiday Inn, Redding CA. FREE. Powerpoint presentation 6 – 7:15pm. Q/A afterwards. For more info visit: GeoEngineeringWatch.org
Sundays in Oct. (7th, 14th, 21st, & 28th) 11am – 3pm North State Community Sanctuary is offering FREE Holistic Services for ALL affected by the fires. Location: Brahma Shanti Yoga, 2449 Athens Ave., Redding (Near Orchard Nutrition).
Nor Cal Dowsers Save the Dates:
Oct. 20 noon “Paranormal Investigations Using Scientific Methods” (Part I)
& “Clearing Properties and Organisms” (Part II)
Nov. 10 noon TBD
Dec. ⛷ Holiday Break NO Meeting
Jan. 5th noon Jana’s “Numerology”
Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Nor Cal Dowsers, Northern California Dowsers (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divinghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Wayne Hoff at sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) NEW chapter now forming.
“I know very well that many scientists consider dowsing as they do astrology, as a type of ancient superstition. According to my conviction this is, unjustified. The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the uncanny reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time.” —Albert Einstein
“A man who is not afraid is not aggressive, a man who has no sense of fear of any kind is really a free, a peaceful man.” —Jiddu Krishnamurti
“The first point of wisdom is to discern that which is false, the second to know that which is true.” —Lactantius
“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” —John
“To have anything that you desire, all you have to do is find the feeling of your desire and practice it until it is steady within you. Then, it must reveal itself to you.” —Abraham & Esther Hicks
“Freedom, in fact, is the very source of creativity for both individuals and society.”—Dalai Lama
“The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong.” —Carl Jung
Thank you everyone for your help, donations & snacks. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Marianne, Sharron, Dan, Pat, Al, Pearl, Vicki, Psychic Faire Team & Attendees, ASD, etc.
Happy September Autumnal Equinox 2018
Tues., Sept. 11 5pm PDT ASD’s Dowsing Support Conference Calls with Roxanne and Alan Handlesman. The topic is “Dowsing Through Your Fears”. This program is offered on the second Tuesday of each month with experienced dowsers. Alan Handlesman’s (Scottsdale, AZ) contact info can be found at his website: www.sourcehypnosis.com. Roxanne (Charlottesville, Virginia, area) like Alan works to help people with stress and healing upsetting emotions. Her website is www.RoxanneLouise.com and her blog is UnlimitedPotentialHealingCenter.com. Archived talk available in members only section of ASD, visit www.dowsers.org.
Sat., Sept 15th Redding Holistic, Psychic and Arts & Crafts Faire present by Vicki Lawarence 10am – 4pm at the WinRiver Casino, 2100 Redding Rancheria Road, Redding, CA. Cost $5 at the door and you’ll receive a $5 free casino play pass, plus door prizes. Come visit the Nor Cal Dowsers booth, along with many other booths representing wellness, aura photos, crystals & gemstones, psychic readings, music, etc.
Mon., September 17th ASD Water Dowsers Mastermind conference call 5 pm Pacific time occurs every 3rd Monday, Monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) and Ed Stillman (CA) featuring Marge Hefty. Marjorie, or Marge as she is known, is 87 years young and has been dowsing over 30 years & has done some dowsing jobs with Ed Stillman. Marge uses a walker now, usually doing map dowsing for water, as it’s a little hard for her to get around on some properties. She did however do an advanced course and dowsing on her own property earlier this year. So she’s still very active! These hour long conference calls are held monthly on the third Monday and can be listened to live by anyone, who would like to learn from experienced water dowsers, and other dowsers who are interested in learning to dowse for water. ☎️Call: (641) 715-0866 & Enter the access code: 175681#. Archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only and scroll down to find your conference call.
☮️☮️ Fri. Sept 21 International Peace Day
Sat., Sept 22 noon Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting Presents “High Tech Map Dowsing” with Sharron Hope at the Shasta County Library in the Community Room. All are welcome.
September 22 Autumnal Equinox (5:54pm P.D.T.) officially begins fall in the Northern Hemisphere (spring in Southern Hemisphere). This is the time when day and night share near equal lengths of day and night. Latin meaning of aequus is equal and nox means night. Hence, the day and night share roughly equal time. This is usually the beginning of cooler weather, especially as the days continue to get shorter through Dec 21st, Winter Solstice.
Nor Cal Dowsers Save the Dates:
Sept 22 noon Sharron Hope’s “High Tech Map Dowsing”
Oct 20 noon TBD
Nov 10 noon TBD
Dec ⛷ Holiday Break NO Meeting
Jan 5th noon Jana’s “Numerology”
National Dowsing Info:
12-minute interview link with John Wayne Blasingame (Johnsbury, VT)
John Wayne tells an amazing story of how he learned to dowse when he was in the military during World War II, in the below link. Blassingame’s background in the USN Seabees and his civilian schooling have been in engineering, an apt foundation for his life’s work. As a professional Dowser for over 40 years, dowsing for water well sites, electromagnetic and geopathic problems in homes and businesses, minerals and personal needs and as designer and developer of Labyrinths, John has become one of the most sought after consultants in these fields. John has conducted all day workshops, as well as, shorter classes teaching and building mobile labyrinths at 20 different conferences. He has taught Water Well Site Locating, Home and Business Detoxifying, Basic and Advanced Dowsing, Map Dowsing and Electromagnetic/Geopathic Zone Locating. John can be reached at 802-274-3861. Link:
Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Nor Cal Dowsers, Northern California Dowsers (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divinghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Wayne Hoff at sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) NEW chapter now forming.
“If we want to change existing conditions, we must first transform ourselves, which means that we must become aware of our own actions, thoughts and feelings in everyday life.” —Jiddu Krishnamurti
“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”—Al Einstein
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” —Nelson Mandela
“The universe is complete and perfect. There can be no mistakes. Nothing is random. The entire ‘onesong’ is exquisitely synchronized.” —Wayne Dyer
“We’re only here for a little while, and you’ve got to have some fun, right?”—Burt Reynolds
“The high minded man must care more for the truth than for what people think.” —Aristotle
Thank You Everyone for your help, prayers and assistance with these fires that have been ongoing since July. We continue to send blessings to all those affected by the fires and to those whose properties have and family members have been affected. Special thanks to our members for their donations and snacks. And of course our NCD team Barney, Carole, Rachel, Marianne, Linda, Deon, Jo, Sharron, Pat, Al, Pearl, ASD, etc.
Happy August 2018
☎️Tues., Aug. 14th 5pm PDT ASD’s Dowsing Support Conference Calls with Roxanne’s “Dowsing and Stress”. Recording available on the “Members Only” page at www.dowsers.org.
Sat., Aug 18 Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting CANCELLED UNTIL THE SMOKE CLEARS.
Next meeting scheduled for 22nd of Sept.
Mon., August 20th ASD Water Dowsers Mastermind conference call 5 pm Pacific time occurring every 3rd Monday, monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) and Ed Stillman (Auburn, CA), and this month featuring Master Water Dowser Lee Barnes, PhD. & President of ASD’s Appalachian chapter. These hour long conference calls can be listened to live by anyone, who would like to learn from experienced water dowsers. ☎️Participant Live Instructions: Call: (641) 715-0866 & Enter the access code: 175681#. Or archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only and scroll down to find your conference call.
☎️Tues., Aug. 21st 5pm PDT ASD’s Dowsing Support Conference Call with Susan McNeill Spuhler on
“Missing People, Pets and Other Items”. SUSAN MCNEILL SPUHLER: An industrial engineer, Susan has been dowsing for 27 years for wells, lost people, pets and other items, and clearing geopathic stress from property. Susan teaches others to do the same. She is President of the Boston Dowsers, a lifetime member of ASD, a past ASD Trustee, Co-Director of the West Coast Dowsing Conference, and Town Moderator for Westford, MA. See www.bostondowsers.com . The recording will be made available within 24 hours on the “Members Only” page at www.dowsers.org. Not a member? Sign up here: www.dowsers.org. ☎️Live call:Free Conference Call Number: (712) 775-7035 , Participant Code: 436564# (There is no charge from ASD or Free Conference Call, but be sure to check your personal telephone plan for possible charges).
Wed., Aug. 22 at 6:00 – 7:00 pm Emotional Support Carr Fire Recovery presented by Lynn E. Fritz (Licensed Marriage Family Therapist) & Euphrates Institute Subjects include grief processing, sharing of experiences, music, releasing ceremony, moving into recovery, etc. This event is FREE, all are welcome and no pre-registration required. Location: Pilgrim Church, 2850 Foothill Blvd, Redding. For more info call/text: 530.243.8862
Nor Cal Dowsers Save the Dates:
Sept 22 noon TBD
Oct 20 noon TBD
Jan 5th noon Jana begins the New Year with “Numerology”
West Coast Dowsers Conference CDs & DVDs available from the dowserswestcoast.org (which was held at UC Santa Cruz, Stevenson College, June 29 – July 3rd, 2018). Theme: Intuition into Action. If you didn’t make the conference or would like to revisit a talk, then visit dowserswestcoast.org for CDs & DVDs.
- ✪ Barry’s Intuition Practice Target #7045-2018. When you get in a relaxed state using all of your senses, you’re invited to use your intuition on the following target :# 7045-2018 The intent of this exercise is to determine the physical setting, structure, and purpose of the target. Answer revealed before quotes.
SAVE the DATE: Sat., Sept 15th Redding Holistic, Psychic, Arts & Crafts Faire presented by Vicki Lawarence 10am – 4pm at the WinRiver Casino, 2100 Redding Rancheria Road, Redding, CA. Cost $5 and you’ll receive a $5 free casino play coupon, plus door prizes. Come visit the Nor Cal Dowsers booth, along with many others representing wellness, aura photos, crystals & gemstones, psychic readings, music, etc.
Healthy Self Care Options:
Reminders: Choose healing foods that energize your body, mind and soul, stay hydrated, get rest, affirm positive self talk, connect with healthy people, be around plants, do something fun & learn something new daily, be of service, exercise, maintain gratitude, listen and play music, journal, love someone, love yourself, and meditate/pray.
How 174 Hz Solfeggio Frequency Music can help relieve pain
Every sound and every vibration has its own energy and effect on the body and mind of living beings. The frequency of every sound works differently on the human body and now a recent study has proved that particular frequency music can heal many kinds of diseases and health-related issues. This article is dedicated to healing music and the 174 Hz Solfeggio Frequency…Read More
Dawson Church, PhD offers an excellent source of Emotional Freedom and other Techniques on his website https://dawsonchurch.com . This source of wellness information could be helpful for people who would like improve themselves, overcome post traumatic stress disorders, etc.
Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Nor Cal Dowsers, Northern California Dowsers (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divinghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Wayne Hoff at sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) NEW chapter now forming.
Barry’s Answer
- ✪ “University of California Santa Cruz Arboretum including Norrie’s Gift Ship”. Barry’s envelope included the following links: https://arboretum.ucsc.edu/visit/garden/index.html. https://arboretum.ucsc.edu/visit/garden-map/index.html. https://arboretum.ucsc.edu/shop/index.html.
“Just to know I uplifted another person—I wouldn’t be doing anything else. In terms of helping people understand and know each other a little better, music is universal—universal and transporting.”—Aretha Franklin
“Without music life would be a mistake.” —Friedrich Nietzsche
“Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.” — Lao Tzu
“If music be the food of love, play on.” —William Shakespeare
“The price of greatness is responsibility.” ― Winston S. Churchill
“It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.” —Confucius
“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” —Kahlil Gibran
“Intuition is the whisper of the soul.” —Jiddu Krishnamurti
“Mind is the creator of everything. You should therefore guide it to create only good. If you cling to a certain thought with dynamic will power, it finally assumes a tangible outward form. When you are able to employ your will always for constructive purposes, you become the controller of your destiny.” —Paramahansa Yogananda
“There is a way out of the human problem and anyone can find it.” Vernon Howard
Recent Sky Dowsers
Marilyn Slough, Carl Bracy’s daughter, business woman, animal lover, etc.
Beth L., former Judge, minister, writer, musician, etc.
Ray Saxer, DC, natural healer, etc.
Maryse Bader-Smith, MA, educator, writer, Vedanta follower, etc. Maryse joins her husband Dr. Bob Smith and others.
Thank you everyone for your prayers, help, donations, snacks, etc. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Lauralyn, Sharron H., Marianne, Sharon B., Jana, Pearl, Pat, Linda, Deon, Jo, Al, Scott, Lydea, TAHA, Vicki, Susan, Barry, Dick, West Coast Dowsers Conference Team, ASD, Everyone assisting with squashing the fires, helping with relief efforts and positive thoughts.
July 2018
Happy Fourth❣
☎ Tues., July 10 5pm PDT ASD’s Dowsing Support Conference Calls with Roxanne. Roxanne and Susan McNeill Spuhler will talk about “Deviceless Dowsing”. Submission of questions in advance is encouraged. Email to Roxanne at roxannelouise@verizon.net. The recording will be made available within 24 hours on the “Members Only” page at www.dowsers.org. Not a member? Sign up here: www.dowsers.org This program is offered on each second Tuesday of every month with experienced dowsers. ☎ Live call: 641-715-0873. At the prompt, please enter code 335033# or visit www.dowsers.org for archived talk.
Sun., July 15th Dowser & Author Jean Slater’s workshop “Hiring the Heavens” 1-4pm at the Unity Church in Oroville, CA. Cost: $55. Jean will also be giving a free talk at the 10:30 am service at the Unity Church. 1321 Robinson St, Oroville, CA 95965. • Are you having trouble bringing things to fruition? • Are you overwhelmed and bogged down by details and deadlines? • Are you totally wiped and getting close to the breaking point? It is time to realize that you’ve got help! Roll up your sleeves and let’s Hire from the Heavens. In this workshop, we will be learning new techniques to access the most expansive resource in the universe. You’ll be creating your committees and solidifying requests using a Star Vision. Magic awaits!
Mon., July 16th ASD Water Dowsers Mastermind conference call 5 pm Pacific time occurs every 3rd Monday, Monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) and Ed Stillman (AZ) featuring Susan McNeill Spuhler. These hour conference calls are held monthly on the third Monday and can be listened to live by anyone, who would like to learn from experienced water dowsers, and other dowsers who are interested in learning to dowse for water. ☎ Participant Live Instructions: Call: (641) 715-0866 & Enter the access code: 175681#. Or archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only and scroll down to find your conference call.
Sun., July 29th 1:30PM Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting Presents “West Coast Dowsing Conference Summary” by NCD members at the Shasta County Library in the Community Room. All are welcome.
Nor Cal Dowsers Save the Dates:
July 29 1:30pm West Coast Dowsers Conf. Summary
Aug 18 noon TBD
Sept 22 noon TBD
Oct 20 noon TBD
Stream the West Coast Dowsers Conference (UC Santa Cruz at the Stevenson College) Theme: Intuition into Action. Couldn’t make the conference? Or want more time to see the conference? Then live stream for only $59.00 Visit: Watch over twenty dowsing presentations until August 3rd. To sign up for Streaming please go to: http://www.tikilive.com/ppv . (NOTE: The sign up page is a secure page and takes time to load). If you need assistance in signing up, or have ay other questions please email us at radiantmediaaz@aol.com. To see the Live-Stream page go to: http://www.tikilive.com/channel/west-coast-dowsers
✪ Barry’s Target: At the recent West Coast Dowser Conference, Barry offered an opportunity to do a remote view, focusing on what the following target might be: 7045-2018. When you get in a relaxed state using all of your senses, you’re invited to sense what his target was for July 2018. Stay tuned for the answer next month, August.
National Dowsing Info:
Congratulations to our Nor Cal Dowser Members & Club who’ve been recognized and awarded nationally by the American Society of Dowsers (ASD):
Barney awarded ASD’s “Outstanding Chapter Leader”. Barney started dowsing at 5 years, learning from his grandfather, and has since taught many others around the globe. He’s often busy creating new tools to assist others.
Nor Cal Dowsers was awarded ASD’s “Best Website”. We’d like to give a special thank you to our web & social media master Rachel! Rachel is an entrepreneur and keeps our website and social media events up to date. Rachel learned how to dowse from Premier Research Labs almost a decade ago. Thanks Rachel for all your efforts, and Jeannette for writing and editing.
Pearl is the only person to be awarded ASD’s “Legend Award” twice. She is a well accomplished 95 year young instructor, musician and artist who regularly plays gigs and sells her artwork. Pearl learned to dowse many decades ago from the late Hanna Kroeger. She’s a yogini, gardener, author, plays nine instruments, sings, dances, and teaches various subjects like art, wellness, life, and dowsing.
Sharron (Sharry) Hope’s Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville, CA) awarded ASD’s “Outstanding Chapter”. Sharron learned how to dowse in her twenties by determining the sex of a baby. It was the late Walt Woods that exposed her to a more in-depth study of dowsing with wells, energies, and many other things. Sharry dowsed her first water well, on her property, decades ago, which is still going strong. She has hosted regular dowsing meetings for over three decades in the Oroville area. We’re so delighted that her chapter has been recognized.
Other ASD Awards:
Dowser of the Year – Melinda Iverson Inn (CA)
Volunteer of the Year -Scott Pearce (OH)
Educator of the Year- Roxanne Louise (VA)
Register of Recognition/Outstanding Service Award: Robert Callhan (MN) & Sandra McKenzie (NH)
Paul Sevigny Award 1000 + Water Wells John Wayne Blassingame (VT)
Best Chapter Newsletter- Sierra Dowsers (CA)
Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Nor Cal Dowsers, Northern California Dowsers (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharry Hope at divinghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Wayne Hoff at sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Dowsers (Santa Cruz) NEW chapter now forming.
“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.” —Henry David Thoreau
“There is one path in the world that none can walk but you. Where does it lead? Don’t ask, walk!” —Friedrich Nietzsche
“When we start to feel anxious or depressed, instead of asking, ‘What do I need to get to be happy?’ The question becomes, ‘What am I doing to disturb the inner peace that I already have?’” —D.T. Suzuki
“All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present. Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry – all forms of fear – are caused by too much future, and not enough presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of nonforgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence.”—Eckhart Tolle
“I AM inviting all that I AM, to be one with the pure vibrational frequency of love – harmony – disharmony within this universe and throughout my destiny, 100%” —Joachim Wippich
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”—Mahatma Gandhi
“Always try to associate yourself with and learn as much as you can from those who know more than you do, who do better than you, who see more clearly than you.”—Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dowsing Fun Facts
Deviceless Dowsing by Jeannette
Carl Bracy was the first instructor to teach me deviceless dowsing. He kept saying, “It’s so easy”. Rub the bottom of your index finger on the top of your thumb nail. Program your “no” dowse to be a smooth or friction free response; with a sticky index finger over the nail representing a “yes”, (or vice versa). This becomes a quick way to get answers without using tools. Carl showed us a few other deviceless techniques, which I’ve used for a number of years. The main reason I prefer deviceless dowsing is because it’s quick and efficient, and can be used anywhere at any time. Whenever we’re learning a new skill it is highly effective to practice daily, even if it’s only for 5 – 15 minutes. I invite you to incorporate more deviceless dowsing on a regular basis. One might want to dowse for the cost of groceries, checking to see who might be calling on the phone, how hydrated one might be, finding a missing object, etc. Being in a relaxed state and staying positive increases one’s energetic field. For new dowsing techniques, or anything new, getting immediate feedback is a positive approach to faster learning and implementation.
Another deviceless dowse is to place your middle finger on top of your index nail. Program your fingers and muscles a yes and no response. The “yes” response for me would be that both the middle finger and index fingers remain strong against one another. For a “no” response the middle finger presses against the index finger nail and the index finger moves in a downward motion. This represents a weakness, which indicates a no.
I started implementing more deviceless dowsing simply for convenience, and to save time. I was impressed when one of our guest speakers came to visit our Nor Cal Dowsers chapter from out of town. The speaker got lost in the dark and it was late at night. She decided to dowse her way to safety. She dowsed to turn her car around and get back on another freeway. She followed her dowse to exit Cypress Avenue in Redding, California. Then, dowsed which way to turn to the ideal hotel for the evening. Not only did she get a hotel to stay at, but the price was of high value also!
Like any muscle testing the truth can be found. When the body is strong, then our meridian points, energetic fields and muscles remain in a strong position. Just as when we search and speak truth we gain confidence and strength. When there are partial truths or total untruths then the body becomes weak. Thanks Carl and all the other dowsers who donate their time for many hours and years teaching others. May we all become stronger with speaking, seeing, hearing, sensing and dowsing truth.
Happy Deviceless Dowsing,
Jeannette (NCD President)
❤ Thanks..
Thank you everyone for your help, donations & snacks. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Marianne, Linda, Deon, Jo, Sharron, Pat, Al, Pearl, West Coast Dowsers Conference Team, ASD, etc.
June 2018
Happy Fathers’s Day
☎Tues., June 5th at 5pm PDT. American Society of Dowsers National Phone Conference Call occurs every 1st Tuesday. Topic General Discussion with Question and Answer Session. ASD’s regional coordinators, members and leaders are often on these calls. This is offered every 1st Tues of the month. Call: 712-775-7460, Participant Code: 647381# ASD’s website (dowsers.org) usually has recorded calls available within 24 hours under the “Tuesday” Open Meetings tab for ASD members only. Not a member? Join at www.dowsers.org
Sat., June 9th noon Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting Presents “Dowsing Roundtable & LRod Search” by NCD members at the Shasta County Library in the Foundation Reading Room. Experienced and Novice Dowsers are welcome. Share dowsing stories, explore questions, and dowse. Bring your L rods or materials to make a pair. Any questions call: 530.222.2024.
☎Tues., June 12th 5pm PDT ASD’s Dowsing Support Conference Calls with Roxanne. While you can ask questions on the live call, we encourage submission in advance to roxannelouise@verizon.net. Roxanne and panelists will answer questions as time permits. The recording will be made available within 24 hrs on the “Members Only” page at www.dowsers.org. Not a member? Sign up here: www.dowsers.org This program is offered on each second Tuesday of the month with experienced dowsers. ☎Live call: 641-715-0873. At the prompt, please enter code 335033# or visit www.dowsers.org for archived talk
Mon., June 18th ASD Water Dowsers Mastermind conference call 5 pm Pacific time occurs every 3rd Monday Monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) and Ed Stillman (AZ). This month’s call features a panel of experienced water dowsers from coast to coast. These hour conference calls are held monthly on the third Monday and can be listened to live by anyone, who would like to learn from experienced water dowsers, and other dowsers who are interested in learning to dowse for water. ☎ Participant Live Instructions: Call: (641) 715-0866 & Enter the access code: 175681#. Or archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only & scroll to find your conference call.
SCAVENGER HUNT going on now until June 17th.
Twice a day at Cost Plus World Market (10am & 2pm). Find the Golden Seahorse and win a same day coupon ranging from $5 – $50. Five winners in the morning and five winners in the afternoon
Nor Cal Dowsers Save the Dates:
June 9th at noon “Dowsing Roundtable & L-Rod Search”
July 29 noon West Coast Conf. Recap
Aug 18 noon TBD
Sept 22 noon TBD
Oct 20 noon TBD
National Dowsing Info:
✈ June 13-17 American Society of Dowsers 58th annual Metaphysical and Dowsing Convention and Workshops at the State University of New York (SUNY) in New Paltz, N.Y. For details visit www.dowsers.org
June 29th – July 3rd West Coast Dowsers Conference (UC Santa Cruz at Stevenson College) Theme: Intuition into Action Keynote Speaker: Cynthia Sue Larson. The West Coast Dowsing Conference is a summer camp for dowsers and anyone interested in exploring consciousness, among the wisdom of the Redwood trees in beautiful Santa Cruz, California. Stay connected and find out about other dowsing events by signing up for their newsletter. http://www.dowserswestcoast.org
June 30th -July 30th Live Stream the West Coast Dowsers Conference (UC Santa Cruz at the Stevenson College) Theme: Intuition into Action. Can’t make the conference? Or want more time to see the conference? Then live stream for only $59.00. Watch over sixteen dowsing presentations over four days, livestreamed from Santa Cruz, California. 4 days of Live-Stream plus 30 days of unlimited viewing just $59.00! To sign up for the Live-Stream please go to: (NOTE: The sign up page is a secure page and takes time to load) http://www.tikilive.com/ppv NOTE: One talk per period – 4 per-day for 4 days – plus a few bonus tracks will be livestreamed.
All talks can be viewed in real time, and, they will be available for unlimited online viewing for thirty days following the conference, all for one low price! Schedule to be announced soon. If you need assistance in signing up for the livestream, or have ay other questions please email us @ radiantmediaaz@aol.com To see the Live-Stream page go to: http://www.tikilive.com/channel/west-coast-dowsers
Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Nor Cal Dowsers, Northern California Dowsers (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharron Hope at divininghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Wayne Hoff at sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at adamdirector@yahoo.com
“We deserve to feel joy—it’s our spiritual calling.” -Dr. Wayne Dyer
“I have no doubt that those who attempt to transform their minds, overcome their disturbing emotions, and achieve a sense of inner peace, will, over a period of time, notice a change in their mental attitudes and responses to people and events. Their minds will overcome more disciplined and positive.” – His Holiness Dalai Lama
“The middle of the road is all of the usable surface. The extremes, right and left, are in the gutters.” —Dwight D. Eisenhower
“It is not your passing thoughts or brilliant ideas so much as your plain everyday habits that control your life…” —Paramahansa Yogananda
“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”— William Shakespeare
“In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself.”—Jiddu Krishnamurti
“What we’ve got here a failure to communicate.” — the Captain (Warden) & Cool Hand Luke
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dowsing Fun Facts
“Basic House Clearing Properties” by Jeannette
Here are some simple techniques for clearing a house and/or property of disharmony.
Some simple tools and techniques proven helpful to increase harmony in a home and on property are: incense, essential oils, ringing bells, singing bowls, singing, chanting, using dowsing tools, orgonite, rocks, gems, minerals, opening air flow via windows, organization of house, living plants, candles, adjusting feng shui, bio geometry tools, prayers, blessings, music, sage, water bowls, flowers, wind chimes, etc.
One would want to center themselves and align one’s chakras. Be in a relax, hydrated and fearless state. Ask permission, and inquire as to any possible negative consequence. Walt Woods would use the May I, Can I, Should I, protocol as per his Letter to Robin. Call upon any Heavenly assistance, guides, and any other higher force that might be helpful. Perhaps run a Ho’oponopono protocol of I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you. Release any fear based disharmonies within yourself. Once, there’s a release of disharmony in the body, then a void has been created. To fill the void, place white healing love energy in one’s self.
On a scale from -100 to +100, dowse to find out what the reading is on yourself first. If it’s not a +100, then run corrections until it reaches +100, or as close as possible . Dowse to check if there’re any disharmonies in the dwelling or on the property by using the same scale as above. Check to see if there are any radiation or water veins running under the property, negative entities, sticky chi, curses, disharmonious memory on the walls of the structures, etc. If yes to any of the preceding, then see if it can be corrected by blessing or removal. Listening to, and acting on, your intuition will lead to the greatest success! Release any disharmonies if appropriate. Visualize how you’d like the property to be. Our minds are very powerful at manifesting things. Consciously place higher vibrational thoughts in all spaces related to you.
If there are negative entities present, then there are a number of ways to release them. The quickest way is to clap hands 1 – 3 times. This helps release dense energy often affiliated with entities. Clapping one’s hands, stating “begone”, and visualizing it gone, can be highly effective. Walt Woods would call upon the “Medics” (spiritual psychic guides) to escort the negative entities away. One could also call on their Spiritual Dowsing Team/Committee to assist with removal. That way your committee could deal with the entities and you would not have to get personally involved with them. One could dowse out how many entities there are. If more than one, on a scale of 1-10, what is the energy of the worst entity? What’s the energy of the least entity? This affords you knowledge with which to strategize. Ask your dowsing system if it can release it (or them) to the appropriate place. Once there’s a yes, then proceed. If a no, then ask questions about why that might be. Again, once the entities have been released, if appropriate, then fill the newly created void with love and light. Sometimes it’s a mere communication issue. You just need to communicate what is appropriate and healthy for you or your clients dwelling and property. If it’s not healthy and harmonious, then there’s an opportunity to make it so! “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”- Mahatma Gandhi
Say a prayer or blessing at the beginning and end. Of course, thank all those who help raise the vibrational frequency of the dwelling and property. Always say thank you at the end❣
Orgonite Harmonizer
Making an Orgonite Harmonizer, also known as a Chemtrail Buster, can be helpful to our environment on many levels. Our group has experienced the following: unnatural clouds dissipate over a range of many miles; there is a positive harmonic feeling to the property hosting the Harmonizer; and as an added bonus it has assisted in manifesting one’s personal goals by it’s positive frequency. For almost four years, at each meeting of our club, there’s been a drawing for a monthly caretaker of the Harmonizer, including four Northern California counties thus far. Nearly every person, except a few, has experienced noticeable positive effects. General observation has been that the unnatural clouds have vanished from the sky for some distance. What our club has discerned is that both “consciousness” and “intent” play a significant role in its functional success. For further information contact Jeannette via phone: 530.222.2024 or email: norcaldowsers@gmail.com .
Testimonials on the Orgonite Harmonizer:
“The Orgonite Harmonizer is highly effective from both a personal experience and collecting data over the years. The Harmonizer was placed in several inches of soil for a period of time. What was observable consistently was a noticeable multi mile radius of no unnatural clouds above the Harmonizer. I highly recommend creating an Orgonite Harmonizer for anyone who’d like to assist in neutralizing negativity in the air, and help manifest one’s personal goals as a side bonus.” —Jeannette
“…I loved the stately copper pipe look in my garden….I feel it does even more than perhaps keep the skies cleaned of chemtrail debris. I did watch the sky and noticed less cloud cover above my area. My life went through some very significant changes during that time which prompted my mother to move to an independent living facility and my new roommate moving in which freed up my life significantly. Was it circumstance, the planets, the orgonite harmonizer, or just time? We can’t know for sure, but I can tell you with great certainty that I am going to make one and return it to that area of my garden!! I love it!!” —Kristin
❤ Thanks..
Thank you everyone for your help, donations & snacks. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Marianne, Linda, Deon, Jo, Maryse, Dell, Sharron, Pat, Al, Pearl, ASD, etc.
Thank You
May 2018
Happy Mother’s Day
☎ Tues., May 1st at 5pm PDT. American Society of Dowsers National Phone Conference Call occurs every 1st Tuesday. Topic General Discussion with Question and Answer Session. ASD’s regional coordinators, members and leaders are often on these calls. Call: 712-775-7460, Participant Code: 647381# ASD’s website (dowsers.org) usually has recorded calls available within 72 hours under the “Tuesday” Open Meetings tab for ASD members. Not a member? Join at www.dowsers.org
Wed., May 2nd Chiron Society (Astrology Class) 6:00-8:00 p.m.✨ Topic: Uranus in Taurus & Full Moon recap. On Wed. 9th of May at 7pm ~ Topic: Taurus New Moon, Uranus moves into Taurus recap ~ Sandra discuss’s influences and their impacts for the group….and then transitions to educate you about how these effect each class participant. Location: ~ Online Classes & Wed. 9th, 1325 Tehama Street, Redding. $20 Sandra Jennings 530-410-3702 abwon@sbcglobal.net
Sat., May 5th noon Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting Presents “Using Physical Dowsing and Mental Dowsing for Clearing Locations” by Wayne Hoff (San Jose) at the Shasta County Library. Wayne (Pres. of San Jose Dowsers) will talk about clearing houses and other locations, using both physical dowsing tools and mental dowsing tools can improve your ability to find and correct detrimental energies. BioGeometry uses physical dowsing exclusively to make corrections. Wayne will talk about their system and why it is effective. GeoSafe uses mental dowsing. Also general dowsing techniques and corrections use mental dowsing. Each dowsing technique has advantages and disadvantages. This will be presented in this talk. If you are interested in having a clear home, business office, or land area, this talk will help you have more choices in how to measure and make corrections.
Sat., May 5th Psychic Faire 10 am to 4 pm Fair for Body, Mind and Spirit. Holistic Practitioners in the Sanctuary offer services such as: Massage, Essential Oils, Reiki, Bowen Therapy, Bach Flower therapy, Hypnotherapy, Crystal and Jewelry, Intuitive/Spiritual Readings, Aromatherapy, Acupressure and Astrology. Location: Center for Spiritual Living, 1905 Hartnell Ave. Redding, Cost: $5. www.holisticfairredding.com
☎ Tues., May 8th 5pm PDT ASD’s Dowsing Support Conference Calls “dowsing Do’s & Don’ts Etiquette and Ethics.” Panelists include Sandi Isgro and Lee Ann Potter, and Roxanne. While you can ask questions on the live call, we encourage submission in advance to roxannelouise@verizon.net. Roxanne and panelists will answer questions as time permits. The recording will be made available within 24 hrs on the “Members Only” page at www.dowsers.org. Not a member? Sign up here: www.dowsers.org This program is offered on each second Tuesday of the month with experienced dowsers. ☎ Live call: 641-715-0873. At the prompt, please enter code 335033# or visitwww.dowsers.org for archived talk.
Mon., May 21st ASD � Water Dowsers Mastermind Conference call 5 pm PDT occurs every 3rd Monday Monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) and Ed Stillman (AZ) featuring Leroy Bull (International Vice President, Dowser, American Society Of Dowsers) from Connecticut. These hour conference calls are held monthly on the third Monday and can be listened to live by anyone, who would like to learn from experienced water dowsers, and other dowsers who are interested in learning to dowse for water. ☎ Participant Live Instructions: Call: (641) 715-0866 & Enter the access code: 175681#. Or archived recorded playback available to “ASD MEMBERS ONLY”: Log in your ASD membership, click on Members Only and scroll down to find your conference call.
Nor Cal Dowsers Save the Dates:
May 5th noon Wayne Hoff (San Jose)
June 9th at noon TBD
July 29 noon TBD
Aug 18 noon TBD
Sept 22 noon TBD
Oct 20 noon TBD
Jo Madrid ✨ Classes & Readings
Jo is of Native American descent who has helped people all over the world for decades. She’s a psychic medium and dowser who is in the Redding, Sacramento & Reno areas. If you’re interested in readings or classes (“Candle Magic” &/or “The Healing Power of Your Spoken Word”), contact her at: www.jomadrid.com, jomadrid@aol.com, 530.222.5682.
National Dowsing Info:
✈ June 13-17 American Society of Dowsers 58th annual Metaphysical and Dowsing Convention and Workshops at the State University of New York (SUNY) in New Paltz, N.Y. For details visit www.dowsers.org
June 29th – July 3rd West Coast Dowsers Conference (UC Santa Cruz at the Stevenson College) Theme: Intuition into Action Keynote Speaker: Cynthia Sue Larson. The West Coast Dowsing Conference is a summer camp for dowsers and anyone interested in exploring consciousness, among the wisdom of the Redwood tress in beautiful Santa Cruz, California. Stay connected and find out about other dowsing events by signing up for their newsletter. http://www.dowserswestcoast.org
Northern California Dowsing Chapters:
Nor Cal Dowsers, Northern California Dowsers (Redding) with Jeannette at norcaldowsers@gmail.com
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharron Hope at divinghope@yahoo.com
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) with Karen Berke at karenbke@gmail.com
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) with Donna Ahlers at donnaahlers@aol.com
San Jose Dowsers (San Jose) with Wayne Hoff at sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net
North Bay Dowsers (North Bay) with Adam at atomdirector@yahoo.com
Pearl Nicolino’s Words of Wisdom: “The one thing I find that has helped me is being able to NOT RESIST! Letting go does not create stress. Stress is the thing that changes the body.”
Pearl Nicolino (Roseville) teaches in the Northern California. Her contact: pnicolino@surewest.net
“Dowsing is similar to mothers intuition with a readout device.”—Walt Woods
“Dowsing is the key to universal truth. It’s all very simple…Ask and ye shall receive. Always say thank you.”—Carl Bracy
Dowsing Fun Facts….
The late Carl Bracy and Walt Woods emphasized practice dowsing regularly and write down your questions. Dowsing works best when practicing daily, like learning an instrument or foreign language. Spending time before going to bed will enhance one’s dowsing, increase muscle memory, bring confidence, works on the subconscious mind while one sleeps, and brings confidence.
Both Carl Bracy (past President and co-founder of Nor Cal Dowsers), and late Major General J. Scott Elliot, (past President of the British Society of Dowsers) agreed that dowsing should be used when there is a “need to know” as this is when dowsing works best.
❤ Thanks..
Thank you everyone for your help, donations & snacks. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Linda, Deon, Jo, Marianne, Sharron, Pat, Al, Pearl, ASD, etc.
Thank You
April 2018
Happy Easter, April Fools & Earth Day
Sun., April 1 Happy Easter & April Fools
☎ Tues., April 3 at 5pm PDT. American Society of Dowsers National Phone Conference Call occurs every 1st Tuesday. Topic General Discussion with Question and Answer Session. ASD’s regional coordinators, members and leaders are often on these calls. Call: 712-775-7460, Participant Code: 647381# ASD’s website (dowsers.org) usually has recorded calls available within 72 hours under the “Tuesday” Open Meetings tab for ASD members.
Sun., April 8th 1:30 Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting Presents “ILL = I Lack LOVE ” by Pearl Nicolino (Roseville) at the Shasta County Library. Pearl Nicolino’s acronym for “ill” is “I Lack Love”. The third chakra is where self esteem and many other things happen. She’ll be talking about conditions and disease in the body and how most people DO NOT LOVE themselves; why we have pain, and how we go about getting rid of it.
☎ Tues., April 10 5pm PDT ASD’s Dowsing Support Conference Calls occurs every 2nd Tuesday Monthly hosted by Roxanne Louise. This is intended to provide information and support for all levels of dowsers from beginners to advanced. While you can ask questions on the live call, we encourage you to submit them in advance to roxannelouise@verizon.net. We will answer them as time permits. The recording will be made available within 24 hrs on the Members Only page at www.dowsers.org. Not a member? Sign up here: www.dowsers.org This program is offered on each second Tuesday of the month with experienced dowsers. ☎ Live call: 641-715-0873. At the prompt, please enter code 335033# or visit www.dowsers.org for archived talk.
Wed., April 11th Chiron Society (Astrology Class) 7:00 p.m.✨ Location: House of Conscious Living Yoga, 1325 Tehama St. Sandra will discuss the influence of the Aries New Moon. R.S.V.P. and newcomers, please forward her your birth day, place and time. $20 PER PERSON. Sandra Jennings 530-410-3702 abwon@sbcglobal.net
Mon., 16 April ASD Water Dowsers Mastermind Conference call 5 pm PDT occurs every 3rd Monday Monthly. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope (Oroville, CA) and Ed Stillman (AZ) featuring Betty Epstein (Dallas, TX). This call will last approximately one hour. These conference calls are held monthly on the third Monday and can be listened to live by anyone. This conference call is open to all who would like to learn from experienced water dowsers, and other dowsers who are interested in learning to dowse for water. ☎ Participant Instructions: Call: (641) 715-0866 & Enter the access code: 175681#. Archived recorded playback available to ASD MEMBERS ONLY: Log in your ASD membership , call (641) 715-3579 followed by 175681#.
Sat. 21 Whole Earth and Watershed Festival, is an all day event with 160+ vendors at Redding’s City Hall.
Sun., April 22 Earth Day
Nor Cal Dowsers Save the Dates:
April 8th 1:30pm Pearl Nicolino (Roseville) “ILL = I Lack LOVE”
May 5th noon Wayne Hoff (San Jose)
June 9th at noon TBD
June 29th – July 3rd Dowsers West Coast Conference (UC Santa Cruz)
July 29 noon TBD
Aug 18 noon TBD
Sept 22 noon TBD
Jo Madrid ✨ Classes & Readings
Jo is of Native American descent who has helped people all over the world for decades. She’s a psychic medium and dowser who is in the Redding, Sacramento & Reno areas. If you’re interested in readings or classes (“Candle Magic” &/or “The Healing Power of Your Spoken Word”), contact her at: www.jomadrid.com, jomadrid@aol.com, 530.222.5682.
Dowsing Info:
✈ June 13-17 American Society of Dowsers 58th annual Metaphysical and Dowsing Convention and Workshops at the State University of New York (SUNY) in New Paltz, N.Y. For details visit www.dowsers.org
June 29th – July 3rd West Coast Dowsers Conference (UC Santa Cruz at the Stevenson College) Theme: Intuition into Action Keynote Speaker: Cynthia Sue Larson. The West Coast Dowsing Conference is a summer camp for dowsers and anyone interested in exploring consciousness, among the wisdom of the Redwood tress in beautiful Santa Cruz, California. Stay connected and find out about other dowsing events by signing up for their newsletter. http://www.dowserswestcoast.org
“All dis-ease quickens aging and all healing begins that reversal.” – Crystal Sage’s Live for the Light
“Healing CANNOT be manufactured, Healing IS a biological and Spiritual experience!” – Crystal Sage’s Live for the Light
“Live each day as if your life had just begun.” Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind it doesn’t matter.” – Mark Twain
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” —Henry David Thoreau
“What you think you become, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you create.” – Buddha
“Dowsing is a way to connect our human consciousness to the greater consciousness.” – G
“A study of health is vastly more profitable than disease…” Concept Therapy’s Special Concept-Therapy Text
Dowsing Fun Facts….
Recognizable dowsers, &/or those who believe in dowsing: Albert Einstein, Hanna Kroeger, Sir Isaac Newton, Thomas Edison, Arch-Bishop of Salzburg, Henry the VIII, Vernon Cameron, Leonardo De Vinci, Robert Boyle, Uri Geller, Messr Jacques Aymar Vernay, Emperor Yu, General Paton, Barney Turner, Pearl Nicolino, Sharron Hope, Ed Stillman, Jeannette, G, Rachel, Louis Matacia, Carl Bracy, Walt Woods, Harold McCoy, Jana, Mary Farley, Marianne, Crystal Sage, Karen Ashley, Pat Delafield, Jo Madrid, etc.
International Association of Health Dowsers is an association with qualified health professions that use dowsing in their protocols. This organization is based out of Middlesex, England.
❤ Thanks..
Thank you everyone for your help, donations & snacks. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Jo, Sharron, Pat, Pearl, ASD, etc.
Thank You
March 2018
Happy Spring❣
Spring Equinox Tuesday, 20th of March @ 8:15 am PDT
☎Tues., March 13 8PM EST ASD’s Dowsing Support Conference Calls occurs every 2nd Tuesday Monthly The opening topic is “Formulating Your Dowsing Questions”. This will be followed by addressing your questions on any area of dowsing to the panelists that include Leroy Bull, Sharry Hope, and Roxanne Louise. This group is intended to provide information and support for all levels of dowsers from the beginners to advanced. While you can ask questions on the live call, we encourage you to submit them in advance to roxannelouise@verizon.net. We will answer them as time permits. The recording will be made available within 24 hrs on our Members Only page at www.dowsers.org. Not a member, sign up here. This program is offered on each second Tuesday of the month with experienced dowsers. ☎Live call: 641-715-0873 at the prompt, please enter code 335033# or visit www.dowsers.org
Wed., March 14th Chiron Society (Astrology Class) 7:00 p.m.✨ Location: House of Conscious Living Yoga, 1325 Tehama St. Sandra will discuss how and where the Pisces New Moon (Sat. March 17 will dissolve blockages to the eternal Cosmic sea of spiritual compassion, forgiveness and acceptance. Moon, Sun, Chiron and Neptune (which rules the sign) are in Pisces. Chiron, the wounded healer channels awareness of your ability to heal yourself and others using the profound spiritual energy emanating from the Pisces area of the sky. Your personal Astrological reading from me will help you to clarify your intentions and reach the quiet mindfulness which brings insight, clarity and direction from the Spirit which creates the Universe for the following: Pisces Moon cycle of 28 days at the dark of the Moon. Jupiter entered his Retrograde cycle this week. How this will affect your networking for success? Mars makes a 90 degree angle to Sun, Moon and Chiron at the New Moon. Could Martian conflict spoil your inner peace during the spiritual and compassionate Pisces cycle? R.S.V.P. and newcomers, please forward me your birth day, place and time. $20 PER PERSON. Sandra Jennings 530-410-3702 abwon@sbcglobal.net
Sat., March 17th Noon- 3pm Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting at the Shasta County Library. Topic “Dowsing” given by Nor Cal Dowser Members. This meeting will cover getting into an ideal dowsing state, provide tips on becoming a better dowser, and how to increase Chi in your house. Bring a writing instrument, along with a pendulum, L rods, or just be ready to do a deviceless dowse.
Sat.,March 17th Healing Psychic Faire, 10 am – 3 pm at Conscious Living Yoga, 1325 Tehama St. Astrology ( OF COURSE), Psychic Medium, Reiki Healing, Palmistry, Muscle Testing, Massage, Aura Reading, Tarot Card Reading, Essential Oils, Hand-crafted jewelry, incense, rattles, pendants, and more. Your admission price gives you an entry for drawings for gift baskets. If you attend the Faire-YOU WILL GET A READING!! Sandra Jennings 530-410-3702 abwon@sbcglobal.net
Mon., 19 March ASD Water Dowsers Mastermind Conference call 5 pm PDT. Hosted by Sharron (Sharry) Hope featuring two well known water dowsers John Wayne Blassingame & Rob Thompson. This call will last approximately one hour. These conference calls are held monthly on the third Monday and hosted by Sharry Hope and can be listened to live by anyone. This conference call is open to all who would like to learn from experienced water dowsers, and other dowsers who are interested in learning to dowse for water. ☎Participant Instructions: Call: (641) 715-0866 & Enter the access code: 175681#. Archived recorded playback: Log into you ASD membership, call (641) 715-3579 follow by 175681#.
☔Tues., 20 March Spring Equinox (Vernal Equinox) starts at 8:15 a.m. PDT. This day is when the day and night share equal time. Often the Vernal Equinox is associated with personal self awareness and enlightenment. Connecting one’s self with nature, source, oneness and their personal life journey is encouraged while the planets are in this particular alignment. Cultures around the world and over many thousands of years have celebrate
Sunday, March 25 12:00 p.m. to 5 p.m., Sierra Dowsers Chapter, Sacramento Area, presents “Clear Your Fear-Money Mindset and Magnetize Prosperity!” by Sharon Mahany. We will learn of 20 plus abundance blocks. Through dowsing, we will key in to which ones are affecting us, and rid them at our soul core level, then replace them with beliefs that will attract that which we desire. We typically want what we don’t have. Find out why that makes us have it LESS. Learn how important gratitude is in the equation of desire and manifestation. What is the difference between abundance and prosperity? Are your hormones holding you back from living like a king? Considering how much we rely on money, it could be our best friend. If not, let’s tweak our energy around money, using a simple dowsing technique. Sharon will share theories of prominent teachers as well as her own, and action steps to transform that you can continue to practice at home. And a few tricks to manifesting that The Secret left out!. Location: Hagan Community Ctr., 2197 Chase Dr., Building #1, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 Ms. Mahany’s email: insightstotruth@gmail.com or writetosharonb@yahoo.com
Nor Cal Dowsers Save the Dates:
March 17th noon NCD Members “Dowsing” (meeting inside main library, Foundation Rm)
April 8th 1:30pm Pearl Nicolino (Roseville)
May 5th noon Wayne Hoff (San Jose)
June 9th at noon TBD
June 29th – July 3rd Dowsers West Coast Conference (UC Santa Cruz)
Jo Madrid ✨Classes & Readings
Jo is of Native American descent who has helped people all over the world for decades. She’s a psychic medium and dowser who is in the Redding, Sacramento & Reno areas. If you’re interested in readings or classes (“Candle Magic” &/or “The Healing Power of Your Spoken Word”), contact her at: www.jomadrid.com, jomadrid@aol.com, 530.222.5682.
Dowsing Info:
✈ June 13-17 American Society of Dowsers 58th annual Metaphysical and Dowsing Convention and Workshops at the State University of New York (SUNY) in New Paltz, N.Y. For details visit www.dowsers.org
June 29th – July 3rd West Coast Dowsers Conference (UC Santa Cruz at the Stevenson College) Theme: Intuition into Action Keynote Speaker: Cynthia Sue Larson. The West Coast Dowsing Conference is a summer camp for dowsers and anyone interested in exploring consciousness, among the wisdom of the Redwood tress in beautiful Santa Cruz, California. Stay connected and find out about other dowsing events by signing up for our newsletter. http://www.dowserswestcoast.org
“Dowsing is a natural human ability that allows you to focus your intuition. You can get answers to questions you cannot answer rationally. But your accuracy will depend on your level of skill. Anyone can dowse. Almost anyone can master dowsing. But to master dowsing, you must invest time and effort in learning the skill and practicing it.” — Maggie & Nigel Percy
“Once these globally expanded dowsing brain wave patterns are learned by repeated dowsing, they are constantly reinforced as dowsing prowess and progress increases and improves. The dowsing brainwave patterns become a part of the dowser’s daily life…” —Ed Stillman
“If you dowse enough about a topic, and you have the intention of mastering it, you will succeed.” — Maggie & Nigel Percy
“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” —Stephen Hawking
Thank you everyone for your help, donations & snacks. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Jo, Ted, Hildegard, Sharron, Pat, Pearl, ASD, etc.
Thank You
Happy CHINESE New Year!
YANG EARTH DOG brings an excellent social and practical year.
Shasta County’s new non-profit community radio station: KFOI 90.9 fm is on air as of Feb. 1st. this month. This is a non-profit community radio. You can see the schedule at: http://www.kfoiradio.org Two of our dowsers members host shows: Linda’s “Esoteric Alchemy” airs on Sundays at 8 pm. Deon’s “Back in Time” airs Sunday at 9 p.m. Congratulations!
Tues., Feb. 6th at 5pm PST. American Society of Dowsers National Phone Conference Call (For all Members). Topic General Discussion with Question and Answer Session. ☎Call: 712-775-7460, Participant Code: 647381# ASD’s website (dowsers.org) usually has recorded calls available within 72 hours under the “Tuesday” Open Meetings tab.
Wed., Feb. 14th Happy Valentine’s Day❣
Wed., Feb. 14th Chiron Society (Astrology Class) 7:00 p.m.✨ Location: House of Conscious Living Yoga, 1325 Tehama St. (downtown Redding). We’ll meet the day before a Solar Eclipse at the dark of the Aquarius New Moon. This is a South Node eclipse, an entrenched pattern will be broken. The Aquarius New Moon is ruled by unpredictable Uranus; something will be let go, a new Future path will be revealed! The dark of the Moon traditionally favors intentional work, but this time expect the unexpected. You could receive sudden psychic flashes of brilliance from the Mind of God which is the realm of Uranus. All will receive an Astrological mini-reading and a complimentary birth chart. Be sure to R.S.V.P. and newcomers, please forward me your birth day, place and time. $20 PER PERSON. Sandra Jennings 530-410-3702 abwon@sbcglobal.net
⛩Thurs., Feb. 15th Chinese New Year New Moon with partial eclipse brings in the Yang Earth Dog. 2018 plans to be a social and practical year. It’s a great opportunity to focus on one’s health, physical sporting activities and release any bad habits that no longer serve you. Breaking down yang, earth and dog meanings for 2018 in its simplest form follows. Focusing on the external is the essence of Yang energy for 2018, as opposed to internal yin energy of 2017. Earth is the most grounding of the five classical ancient Greek elements (Earth, air, water, fire, and aetheric) and the Chinese elements (wood, fire, Earth, metal and water). Dogs are known for their unconditional love, loyalty and raw joy towards play. Finding a balance with projects and sleep towards forward movement brings social and practicality energies of this Yang Earth Dog 2018 year.
Sat.,March 17th Healing Psychic Faire, 10 am – 3 pm at Conscious Living Yoga, 1325 Tehama St. Astrology ( OF COURSE), Psychic Medium, Reiki Healing, Palmistry, Muscle Testing, Massage, Aura Reading, Tarot Card Reading, Essential Oils, Hand-crafted jewelry, incense, rattles, pendants, and more. Your admission price gives you an entry for drawings for gift baskets. If you attend the Faire-YOU WILL GET A READING!! Sandra Jennings 530-410-3702 abwon@sbcglobal.net
Feb 18th 1:30pm Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting with Ted Dawson “Kinesiology & Body Dowsing”. Also NCD’s Book Donation. Please bring books to donate & purchase others’ books. Sale of books helps with club expenses. Thanks.
NCD Save the Dates:
Feb 18th 1:30pm Ted Dawson “Kinesiology & Body Dowsing” & NCD Book Sale
March 17th noon NCD Members “Basic to Advance Dowsing”
April 8th 1:30pm Pearl Nicolino (Roseville)
May 5th noon Wayne Hoff (San Jose)
June 9th at noon TBD
June 29th – July 3rd Dowsers West Coast Conference (UC Santa Cruz)
Dowsing Info:
You Tube Video: How to Start Pendulum Dowsing From Scratch.(39:51). Leslie Baker states his video is “A brief explanation and demonstration of using a pendulum for dowsing or divination, enabling the newcomer to try for themselves to tap their intuitive faculty in a very practical way.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9S7iDQE5GI
✈ June 13-17 American Society of Dowsers 58th annual Metaphysical and Dowsing Convention and Workshops at the State University of New York (SUNY) in New Paltz, N.Y. For details visit www.dowsers.org
June 29th – July 3rd West Coast Conference (UC Santa Cruz)
“You can’t hide the truth forever. You can dowse everything.” — Sharron Hope
“Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Behind every veil I have drawn across the face of love, its light remains undimmed.” — A Course in Miracles
“I use the power of love to move through illusions and shift my awareness.” — James Van Praagh
“Cheerfulness is the atmosphere in which all things thrive.” -Jean Paul Richter
“I am a spark from the Infinite. I am not flesh and bones. I am light.” —Parmahansa Yogananda
“Many of us have felt the presence of our angels ever since we were children; as adults, however, we tend to explain away the feeling that an angel may be near. The truth is, our angels are always with us. Although we need not even believe in them in order to see one, the more we acknowledge our angels, the more we’ll see wonderful things happening around us as our angels enhance our lives.” —Dianne Morriseey, Ph.D. Anyone Can See The Light: The Seven Keys to a Guided Out-Of-Body Experience
“I have found that the greatest degree of inner tranquility comes from the development of love and compassion. The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater our own sense of well-being becomes.” —-Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
Thank you everyone for your help, donations & snacks. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Linda, Deon, Jana, Sharron, Pat, Pearl, & ASD.
Thank You
January 2018
Happy New Year! Here’s to Good Health and Positive Adventures.
MON., Jan 1st Full Moon & New Year.
Tues., 2 January at 5pm PST. American Society of Dowsers National Phone Conference Call (For all Members). Topic General Discussion with Question and Answer Session. Call: 712-775-7460, Participant Code: 647381# ASD’s website (dowsers.org) usually has recorded calls available within 72 hours under the “Tuesday” Open Meetings tab.
Wed., Jan 3rd Chiron Society (Astrology Class) Location: House of Conscious Living Yoga, 1325 Tehama St. (downtown Redding) at 7:30 pm. Sandra will explain how your life will be affected as Saturn moves towards major conjunctions with Jupiter and Pluto…and Uranus changes signs, moves into Taurus and squares Pluto AGAIN. We all can feel the shifting energy of their energetic fields when these huge planets change signs or come into significant aspect relationships. Our lives can be altered suddenly and irrevocably. It pays to get a peek at what Saturn and the rest of the planetary powerhouses have in store for YOU. Please RSVP so I can construct your complimentary birth chart so I can better provide your individual Astrological reading for this Cancer Full Moon and the coming years changes. $20 PER PERSON. Sandra Jennings 530-410-3702 abwon@sbcglobal.net
Sat., Jan 6th Redding Health Expo 10am – 5pm at the Redding Civic Auditorium, 700 Auditorium Drive, Redding 96001. For details visit www.ReddingHealthExpo.com Tickets $5 (12 years and younger free)
Sun., Jan 7th Nor Cal Dowsers Monthly Meeting 1:30pm at the Redding Public Library’S Community Rm. Jana speaks on “Numbers and Your Destiny.”
Wed., Jan 31st Blue Moon & Total Eclipse
NCD Save the Dates:
Jan 7th 1:30pm Jana “Numbers and Your Destiny”
Feb 18th 1:30pm
March 17th noon
April 8th 1:30pm
May 5th noon
June 9th at noon
June 29th – July 3rd West Coast Conference (UC Santa Cruz)
Dowsing Info:
New to dowsing or would you like to be with other like minded people? Visit the American Society of Dowsers website, as it has an extensive list of dowsing information at https://dowsers.org/. At ASD there are teleconference meetings regularly, reference materials, and many buying opportunities. Of course visit our website: NorCalDowsers.com for reference material and join our FB page. Thanks for your support!
“If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together… there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart… I’ll always be with you.” ― A.A. Milne
“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.” -Lao Tzu
“When you know who you are; when your mission is clear and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will; no cold can touch your heart; no deluge can dampen your purpose. You know that you are alive.” -Chief Seattle
“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.” –E.E. Cummings
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” –Nikola Tesla
Thank you everyone for your help, donations & snacks. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Reni, David, Marianne, Linda, Deon, Crystal, Sharron, Pat, Pearl, Vicki, & ASD.
Thank You
December 2017
Dear Nor Cal Dowsers,
Does anyone have suggestions or comments regarding our meetings and possible improvement? We’d like to hear feedback about favorite speaker(s), topics, discussions, etc.
This past year, two of our close dowser friends died, becoming sky-dowsers. Mary Farley transitioned June 14th and Karen Ashley died May 26th, 2017. I think of these women daily, along with some of our other sky dowsers. Mary and Karen, like many others (Carl Bracy, Walt Woods, Dr. Gloria Dodd, Harold McCoy, etc.), have generously helped our dowser community and made contributions towards better world. Thank you.
Mary Farley was instrumental with Nor Cal Dowser meetings from the beginning until her passing. She had a sweet spirit and desire to learn. She was consistently working on self improvement. There are a handful of you who helped her with wellness. Thank you.
Karen Ashley was the president of the Golden Gate Dowsers club and West Coast Conference. She and the West Coast Conference volunteers put on an excellent bi-annual event around the 4th of July weekend. Karen was the heart of the Conference. Karen was a thoughtful and kind person. She had presented to the Nor Cal Dowsers and was planning on coming back.
One of our dowser members lost everything in the Helena fire. He’s grateful that he and his family were able to get out alive. He took time to call a few neighbors to alert them to the oncoming fire and the necessity for immediate evacuation. We send love to him and his family, along with all the other fire victims.
Congratulations Sharron Hope for being recognized as American Society of Dowser’s Educator of the Year 2017! Your consistent passion and love for dowsing spanning over four decades is greatly appreciated. Thanks for being a good friend and instructor. For more information on Sharron’s Gold Country Dowser meetings, contact her directly. Sharron Hope’s contact info.: 530.570.3697 or sharryhope@gmail.com.
Thank you everyone for your participation in sustaining the club for 28 years. Special recognition goes out to members who’ve helped from the beginning &/or consistently help out: Barney, Carole, Marianne, Rachel, Dr. Tim, Lydea, Lennard, Helen, Vicki, Pat, Sharron, Pearl, Reni, David, Deon, Linda, Crystal, Shelly, Jana, Slim, special consultants, ASD, all our Sky Dowser friends, etc. Thanks for your support!
We’re excited about 2018 Nor Cal Dowser meetings to come. Planned tentative dates and times for the coming months are as follows: Jan 7th 1:30pm, Feb 18th 1:30pm, March 17th noon, April 8th 1:30pm, May 5th noon, June 9th at noon, and possible July West Coast Conference (UC Santa Cruz). Our first meeting of the new year starts off with Jana conducting an “Advanced Numerology” class on Jan 7th at 1:30pm. This year we may bring back several past speakers as well as new. As speakers are confirmed we’ll update our website (norcaldowsers.com) and send out our monthly emails.
Dowsing encompasses many fields including: wellness, water, noxious energies, ghost busting, energy work, searching for answers, protection of boundaries, spiritual-awareness, consciousness, locating, etc.
Thanks in advance for your contributions and sending us feedback as to where you’d like to see our club going in the future.
Happy Winter Solstice (Thursday, December 21st) and of course, wishing you and your families a healthy happy holiday season!
Blessings of Love & Namaste ,
Jeannette & NCD Team
October 2017
Save the Dates:
Sun. Oct 8th Sierra Dowsers Chapter Meeting 12:15 p.m. to 5 p.m. presents “Hiring the Heavens in Depth:Wield the Creative Power of the Universe!–It is Time to Learn How to Hire from the Heavens” by Jean Slatter. Location: Hagan Community Center, 2197 Chase Drive, Building #1, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Oct 12th & Oct 26th Astrology Class (2nd & 4th Thurs. monthly) Location: House of Conscious Living Yoga, 1325 Tehama St. (downtown Redding) at 7:30 pm. Love Donation: $20 RSVP Sandra Jennings 530-410-3702 abwon@sbcglobal.net
Oct Sat 14th 9am – 5pm & Sun 15th 10am – 4pm 63rd Annual Gem & Mineral Show presented by Shasta Gem & Miineral Society Description: Features exhibitors displaying and selling gems, gold panning, supplies and jewelry. Commercial Vendors, Crafts, Designated Parking, Handicapped Access, Public Transportation. Location: Shasta District Fairgrounds, 1890 Briggs Street, Anderson, CA, 96007 (Held in the Shasta Hall and Gazebo Lawn). www.facebook.com/shastagemandmineralsociety/
Oct 18th ET Meeting presents a government employee speaks of personal experience with extraterrestrials. (3rd Wed. monthly) Location: House of Conscious Living Yoga, 1325 Tehama ST. (downtown Redding) at 7:30 pm Love Donation. RSVP Sandra Jennings 530-410-3702, abwon@sbcglobal.net
Dowsing Info:
New to dowsing or would you like to be with other like minded people? Visit the American Society of Dowsers website, as it has an extensive list of dowsing information at https://dowsers.org/. At ASD there are teleconference meetings regularly, reference material to literature, and many buying opportunities. Of course visit our website: NorCalDowsers.com &/or join our facebook page for reference material and your invited to come our meetings. Thanks for your support!
“All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream.”– Edgar Allan Poe
“Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.”– Wayne W. Dyer
“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.”—E.E.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” –Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Nothing is impossible; the word itself says “I’m possible.” – Audrey Hepburn
“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.” –Hafiz
Thank you everyone for your help, donations & snacks. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Linda, Reni & David, Marianne, Crystal, Sharron Hope, Pat Delafield, Pearl Nicolino, Helen Clark, Vicki Lawerence & ASD.
Thank You
September 2017
2017 NCD Tentative Dates
Sat., Sept 16th noon
Sun., Oct 22nd 1:45pm
Sun., Nov 5th 1:45pm *End of Day Light Savings
Sat., Dec. 2nd noon (possible meeting in Fireside Reading Rm)
Save the Dates:
Thurs. Sept 21st International Peace Day
Sat. Sept 23rd Redding Holistic, Psychic and Arts & Crafts Faire presented by Vicki Lawrence 10am – 4pm Cost $5 Location: Win River Casino 2100 Redding Rancheria Road, Redding, CA. At this event you will be able to experience After-Life Communication, Psychic Readings, Astrology, Spirit Guides, Tarot, Crystals & Gemstones, Magnetic & other Therapies, Massage, Jewelry, Goddess Clothing, Dowsing, Aura Photos, Natural Skin & Body Care Products and much more. Also, there will be 2 door prizes for anyone who attends. For more info contact Vicki at 530.227.6605 or reiki1vicki@gmail.com
November 17th – 19th, (Fri. – Sun.), 9am – 6pm Qi Gong Class given in Mt. Shasta by Master Gui Sen Zhou visiting from Texas. Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese system of breathing exercises, body postures, movements, and mental concentration, intended to maintain good health, and control the flow of vital energy. Master Zhou has been practing Qi Gong since the age of 7 and has taught for many decades both in China & the states. Come learn the “Three Gates by Steps” which means “Smoothing the Body”, “Smoothing the Breath”, and Smoothing the Mind.” If you’re interested in learning theory and principle in Qi Gong, then please join in a private small group setting. Location: 5338 Davis Place Road, Mt. Shasta City, CA 96067. Cost $500 for three days. For more information contact Sheila McNickles 530.605.1982
Dowsing Info:
Tues., Sept. 5th at 5pm (PST) American Society of Dowsers Conference Call 712.775.7035 Participant Code: 647410#. These 1st Tues. monthly teleconferences are open to anyone interested in dowsing, and remind us of dowsing tips and tricks.
“You can’t hide the truth forever. You can dowse everything.” –Sharron Hope
“Everything in Life is Vibration.” –Albert Einstein
“Healing is not about ‘finding’ the cure, Healing is ‘realizing’ YOU are the cure!” –Crystal Sage
“Compassion for others begins with kindness to ourselves.” –Pema Chodron
“Our virtues and failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more.” –Nikola Tesla
“Love is powerful—your love and my love.” –Louise Hay (Publisher of Hay House transitioned Aug 30, 2017)
Thank you everyone for your help, especially those of you who brought snacks and donations. Special thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Deon & Linda, Marianne, Reni & David, Crystal, Sharron Hope, Pat Delafield, Pearl Nicolino, & ASD.
Thank You
August 2017
2017 NCD Tentative Dates
Sat., Aug 19th noon
Sat., Sept 16 noon
Sun., Oct 22 1:45pm
Sat., Nov 18 noon
Save the Dates:
Sat. Sept 23 Redding Holistic, Psychic and Arts & Crafts Faire presented by Vicki Lawrence 10am – 4pm Cost $5 Location: Win River Casino 2100 Redding Rancheria Road, Redding, CA. At this event you will be able to experience After-Life Communication, Psychic Readings, Astrology, Spirit Guides, Tarot, Crystals & Gemstones, Magnetic & other Therapies, Massage, Jewelry, Goddess Clothing, Dowsing, Aura Photos, Natural Skin & Body Care Products and much more. Also, there will be 2 door prizes for anyone who attends. No extra cost, just a blessing for attending. For more info contact Vicki at 530.227.6605 or reiki1vicki@gmail.com
Dowsing Info:
Dowsing Phamlet available on line Read or download A mini course in pendulum dowsing “Letter to Robin” by Walt Woods: https://lettertorobin.wordpress.com/
Wanting to know about Geopathic Stress, visit the following website: http://www.helios3.com/geopathic-stress.html
“The voice of nature is always encouraging.” – Henry David Thoreau
“Trees are the earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.” –Rabindranath Tagore
“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” –Rachel Carson
“In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.” –Aristotle
“In Wildness lies the hope of the world.” – John Muir
“But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself.” –William Blake
“And I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.” –Anne Frank
“The joy of looking and comprehending is nature’s most beautiful gift.” –Albert Eisnstein
THANK YOU EVERYONE for your help, especially those of you who brought DELIGHTFUL FOODS and donations. Special Thanks to Rachel, Barney, Carole, Marianne, Sharron Hope, Pat Delafield, ASD, & Pearl Nicolino.
Thank You
July 2017
2017 NCD Tentative Dates
Sat., July 29th noon
Sat., Aug 19th noon
Sat., Sept 16 noon
Sun., Oct 22 1:45pm
Sat., Nov 18 noon
Save the Dates:
Sat. July 22nd 10am – 3pm Healing Psychic Faire “a small, intimate event” Location: Conscious Living Yoga Center, 1325 Tehama Street, Redding. (North end of the Downtown Mall). General Admission $2 for Aura reader, astrology readings, Ayurvedic consultations, palm reader, psychic/medium readings, polarity treatment, muscle testing, Reiki energy healing, tarot card readings. Any questions call Sandra 530.410.3702 or Ava 530.515.3536
Chiron Society-Astrological Discussion Group-Meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday 7:30 pm at House of Conscious Living Yoga, 1325 Tehama St. North end of the Downtown Mall. Contact: Sandra Jennings for more information. 530-275-0637 or 530-410-3702 abwon@sbcglobal.net Love Offering: $20.00
Fri. July 28th 6pm – 9:45pm Free Public Awareness Event in Redding, CA: Real & Immediate Threats We Face Location: Red Lion Hotel, 1830 Hilltop Dr., Redding, CA 96002, 530.221.8700. Event Schedule: Doors open at 4pm. 6pm-6:50pm Dr. Sherri Tenpenny will present: “Vaccines 101-The Science You Need to Know.” 7pm-7:50pm Dane Wigington of GeoengineeringWatch.org will present “Geoengineering:Waging Weather Warfare on World Populations.” 8pm-8:50pm Former CIA officer, Kevin Shipp, will present “Shadow Government: The Unconstitutional Power of Government Secrecy.” 9pm-9:45pm Q & A will commence with all three speakers at the panel table.
Sat. Sept 23 Redding Holistic, Psychic and Arts & Crafts Faire presented by Vicki Lawrence 10am – 4pm Cost $5 Location: Win River Casino 2100 Redding Rancheria Road, Redding, CA. At this event you will be able to experience After-Life Communication, Psychic Readings, Astrology, Spirit Guides, Tarot, Crystals & Gemstones, Magnetic & other Therapies, Massage, Jewelry, Goddess Clothing, Dowsing, Aura Photos, Natural Skin & Body Care Products and much more. Also, there will be 2 door prizes for anyone who attends. No extra cost, just a blessing for attending. For more info contact Vicki at 530.227.6605 or reiki1vicki@gmail.com
Nor Cal Dowsers Members Description of Services: We are a dowsing club that meets usually once a month with like-minded people to explore all aspects of dowsing. Members of our group have dowsing specialties which include the following; Dowsing for water, treasure, lost valuables, people, other animals, etc. Clearing negative aspects attendant to properties, organisms, etc. Remote & Map Dowsing. Diversion of Negative energy, or conversion to positive. We are interested in all things related to wellness, consciousness and awareness.
“When you know who you are; when you mission is clear and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will; no cold can touch your heart; no deluge can dampen your purpose. You know that you are alive.” – Chief Seattle
“To me, the function and duty of quality human being is the sincere and honest development of one’s potential.” – Bruce Lee
“A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.” –Francis Bacon
“The brain is like a muscle. When we think well, we feel good. Understanding is a kind of ecstasy.” –Carl Sagan
“Do what you ca, with what you have, where you are.” Theodore Roosevelt
“You can change your world – including your body – simply by changing your perception of it.” -Deepak Chopra
THANK YOU EVERYONE for your help, especially those of you who brought DELIGHTFUL FOODS and donations. Special Thanks to Rachel, Barney, Carole, Marianne, Sharron Hope, Pat Delafield, ASD, & Pearl Nicolino.
The purpose of Nor Cal Dowsers is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects of dowsing. Dowsing often uses tools to access information unacknowledged by the conscious mind. The challenge is to have our wishes and wants not get in the way of “UNIVERSAL TRUTH.” Dowsing has helped many become more intuitive, and assists in all aspects of wellbeing. We usually meet monthly, at the Shasta County Library in Redding. Check website for details. Carl V. Bracy and others started this local non-profit dowsing club in 1990 as a way of bringing the tools and protocols of dowsing to help each person and their loved ones in their personal growth. We are also a branch of the American Society of Dowsers (est. 1961). Thanks Carl, Mary Farley, and ALL who’ve contributed towards helping our community and world become a better place!
Thank You
Dear Nor Cal Dowsers,
One of our members, Mary Farley, has passed on June 14, 2017, graduating to the position of sky dowser. She was the longest serving Nor Cal Dowser member, instrumental in conducting and assisting at meetings for many years, up to her passing (former NCD president, secretary, treasurer, and hospitality chairperson). Both Mary and her husband, Les, do our conventional mailings.
In honor of Mary a Memorial Service will be held at:
Center for Spiritual Living
1905 Hartnell Avenue, Redding, CA
Saturday, June 24, 2017
10:00 A.M.
In lieu of flowers, her family suggests making donations to Haven Humane or the Good News Rescue Mission in her memory. There is also an internet guest book at http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/redding/
We’ll always remember her sweetness, kindness, generosity, gratitude, and, of course, her famous deviled eggs, among other things. She was a good friend, and great contributor to the Nor Cal Dowsers! She is missed and remembered fondly.
Blessings of Love,
Jeannette & Nor Cal Dowser Team
“….Mary passed from this dark vale of tears into the glorious Eternal Light of God’s Love.” – Les Farley (Mary’s husband of 49 years).
May – June 2017
Wed., May 10th Wesak (aka Vesak) & Full Moon
Sun., May 14th Happy Mother’s Day
Sun., June 18th Happy Father’s Day
2017 NCD dates
Sun., May 21st 1:15pm- 4:45pm WORKSHOP, instead of meeting “Having a Healthy & Beneficial Relationship with Gold” by Pat Delafield in Redding.
“SUMMER VACATION”: No May or June Meetings
Save the Dates:
May 8th – May 22nd Pat Delafield, from Washington, is available for private readings Huna, Psychic, Astrological, & Healings. She’s an international speaker with vast experience in the study and practice of Huna, a Hawaiian philosophy of living a loving, strong relationship with the three selves (conscious, subconscious & higher). Pat’s also a facilitator for Walter Russell’s University of Science and Philosophy, where it is taught that science, when combined with spiritual understanding, leads to greater awareness and success in all endeavours. Cost: $100. Contact: Pat (425) 918-0854 Click Here to view her Bio
Fri. – Sun., May 12th – 14th, WESAK Pat Delafield will be representing Nor Cal Dowsers at the WESAK Conference in Mt.Shasta. Price for 3 day ticket $300. A small portion of the tickets purchased through our Nor Cal Dowsers website: norcaldowsers.com help Pat and the majority of sales go Meals on Wheels for seniors in the community. For detailed info visit http://wesak.us
Sat., May 20th 10am – 4pm: Annual Holistic Faire Location: Center for Spiritual Living, 1905 Hartnell Ave., Redding, CA 96002. Admission to faire: $5. Over fifty vendors will be present from Nor Cal Dowsers, astrology, psychics, essential oils, wellness, nutritional supplements, art work, food, live music to hypnotherapy. Nor Cal Dowsers will have a vendor booth. Pat Delafield will also be there.
Sun., May 21st 1:15pm – 4:45pm Pat Delafield (visiting from Washington) offers a Redding WORKSHOP “Having a Healthy Relationship with Gold” Pat Delafield is giving a workshop on “Having a Healthy & Beneficial Relationship with Gold” on Sun., 21st May 2017 1:15 – 1:45pm. In this workshop you will learn how to neutralize negative emotions and psychologies keeping you from acquiring and keeping gold. You will gain understanding about the frequency and positive energetic properties of the precious metal. Bring some with you.
Pat Delafield is an international speaker, traveler, instructor, & dowser visiting the Redding and Mt. Shasta areas. Workshop Location: Redding, Cost $50 Contact: Jeannette norcaldowsers@gmail.com or 530.222.2024
ASD Convention: 2017 National Convention and Expo will be held June 14 – 19, 2017 at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, NY. Now accepting speaker applications until 15 Jan. Visit website: https://dowsers.org/conventions/
Sat. June 17, 9 AM – 5 PM Mt. Shasta, CA Advanced Pendulum Dowsing Workshop HEALING & SELF EMPOWERMENT by NAKALA AKASIE & RAY EL Present Communicating with your Spiritual Guides: Building a Strong Foundation : Learn about your Dowsing System: formulating precise questions for clear communications, Meet and learn to communicate with your spirit guides, Reduce stress, Let go of old patterns, Heal using your pendulum, Clear your four lower bodies of unbeneficial influences, And much more! Call ahead to reserve your seat. Pendulums available for purchase at the class. For More Information Contact: Nakala @ 530-566-7890 Email: WhenAngelsSpeak5@aol.com www.PleiadianTraveler.com ***All Day Workshop $175*** Pay by June 1 to receive the Early Bird Special of $145.00
Chiron Society-Astrological Discussion Group-Meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday 7:30 pm at House of Conscious Living Yoga, 1325 Tehama St. North end of the Downtown Mall. Contact: Sandra Jennings for more information. 530-275-0637 or 530-410-3702 abwon@sbcglobal.net Love Offering: $20.00
Nor Cal Dowsers Members Description of Services : We are a dowsing club that meets usually once a month with like-minded people to explore all aspects of dowsing. Members of our group have dowsing specialties which include the following; Dowsing for water, treasure, lost valuables, people, other animals, etc. Clearing negative aspects attendant to properties, organisms, etc. Remote & Map Dowsing. Diversion of Negative energy, or conversion to positive. We are interested in all things related to wellness, consciousness and awareness.
Deviceless Dowsing
At our April dowser meeting Barney reviewed deviceless dowsing techniques. Some were familiar to us and others fun to experiment with. The Nor Cal Dowsers tried over twenty techniques written by Maggie and Nigel Perce’s. The following is the list: Blink, Finger-thumb, Hand-rub, Table-rub, Double-pinch, Two-ring, Squash-pinch, Pinch-and-Strike, Opposed-thumbs, Hand-jab, Slinky, Whole body, Wrist twist, Tongue rub, Signal arm, Thumbs up, Finger-wiggle, Nod, Body Response, Point-&-Sense, Invisible balloon, Robot-nose (field of view + blink), Clock’ system (ex. Visualize ex. Use your steering wheel & which hand moves according to answer). For more information visit “Deviceless Dowsing by Sixth Sense Consulting, Inc.” by Maggie & Nigel Perce at www.sixthsenseconsulting.com.
“Lord, guide my hands, enhance my sensitivity, and bless my purpose that I may be an instrument of your power and glory in locating what is searched for.” -American Society of Dowser’s Prayer (1977)
“People have given their soul to the priests and preachers. Their health to the doctors. Their money to the bankers. Their rights to the lawyers and politicians. Their kids to the school system. And in so doing have lost their power to control their lives. It is time to use our minds and abilities and take back our power.” – Chief Two Trees, as told by Raymond Grace
“The work with the dowsing rod and pendulum opens new vistas into God’s beautiful world and into the wonders of creation” – Father Kunibert Reisinger, South African Missionary, as told through Susan Collin’s book Bridge Matter and Spirit With Dowsing
“Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; they rod and thy staff they comfort me.” –Psalm 23:4
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “I’m possible.” – Audrey Hepburn
“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
“The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear.” – Aung San Suu Kyi
“To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all naturally come to him” -Buddha
THANK YOU EVERYONE for your help, especially those of you who brought DELIGHTFUL FOODS and donations. Special Thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Mary, Les, Marianne, Reni, David, Baba Dan, Chester, Sharron Hope, Pat Delafield, ASD, & Pearl Nicolino.
The purpose of Nor Cal Dowsers is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects of dowsing. Dowsing often uses tools to access information unacknowledged by the conscious mind. The challenge is to have our wishes and wants not get in the way of “UNIVERSAL TRUTH.” Dowsing has helped many become more intuitive, and assists in all aspects of wellbeing. We usually meet monthly, at the Shasta County Library in Redding. Check website for details. Carl V. Bracy and others started this local non-profit dowsing club in 1990 as a way of bringing the tools and protocols of dowsing to help each person and their loved ones in their personal growth. We are also a branch of the American Society of Dowsers (est. 1961). Thanks Carl and ALL who’ve contributed towards helping our community and world become a better place!
Thank You
April 2017
Mon., April 10th Full Moon, release items and thoughts that no longer serve you
Sat. April 22nd EARTH DAY
Wed., April 26th New Moon, time to set one’s intentions
2017 Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting Protocol and Dates:
Meeting begins shortly after introductions and testimonials. We take a break with libation & snacks in between presentation(s). Please feel free to bring snacks to share. We suggest a $5 donation (not mandatory) to help pay for related dowsing club expenses. Anyone interested in dowsing, fun, and learning is welcome.
2017 NCD dates
Sat., April 22nd noon (Earth Day): NCD’s Beginning to Advance Dowsing
Sat., May 20th 1pm “Huna” workshop by Pat Delafield in Redding $50
Sun., May 21st 1:15pm “Universal Law of Balance” workshop by Pat Delafield in Redding $50
Sat., May 27 noon TBD
Save the Dates:
Sunday, April 2nd at 1pm DOWSING FOR BEGINNERS & BEYOND, DOWSING WITH ANGEL CARDS & ARCHANGEL TAROT. Everyone can do this. Event is sponsored by the Gold Country Dowsers, a Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers www. dowsers.org Location: Oroville Library (corner of Lincoln & Mitchell in Oroville). 1pm-1:30 sign up and get acquainted, 1:30pm: Announcements, share dowsing stories & instruction, 2pm-3:30pm: Dowsing fun with Archangel tarot & Angel cards, 3:30pm: Dowsing help on any subject, any level, 4pm: Cleanup, New dowsing tools available. Our MASTER L Rod Maker, Don Anderson is visiting us from Iowa with his new L rods. $10/mini and small rods, $15/medium rods, $20/Large rods. What to bring: Finger foods & a drink, water is available, Bring Questions to ask your angels and dowsing guides, keep the questions on the positive side, include details, write your questions down, read them over and revise if needed. Start with simple questions first. You will be dowsing to see which deck to use and then dowse out your cards for the answer to your question. Above all have fun!!! Contact person (Sharry) Sharron Hope 530-570-3697 PO Box 6066, Oroville CA 95966 to join the Dowsers group and receive notices of activities: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GoldCountryDowsers/
Tues. April 4th 5pm (PST) LISTEN/PARTICIPATE TO American Society of Dowsers’ TUES. CONFERENCE CALL Call 712-775-7460 Participant Code: 647381#. Click *6 to mute/unmute. Or listen to past meetings on the internet by visiting website: dowsers.org. Click on Open Tues. Meetings. Click on any tab you’d like to listen to from past recordings. These conference calls are open to anyone interested in dowsing on the first Tues of the every month.
Sat., April 8 at 12:30pm San Jose Chapter of Dowsers – ASD Meeting. Beginning Dowsing Class with Keith Smyth and Harmonizing with Joaquim Wippich are available. Please come early to participate!!!!! Diana Borges’ “Understanding and Strengthening Your Dowsing Connection” Location: Community of Infinite Spirit, 1540 Hicks Avenue, San Jose, 95125, Office: (408) 293-3838, Email: sanjosedowsers@biospiritus.net Community of Infinite Spirit (Formerly Divine Science Community Center) in San Jose. Cost: $5 ASD/$7 Visitors
Sat., April 22nd 11am – 5pm The Whole Earth and Watershed Festival. This is an EARTH DAY EVENT and FUN. Location: City Hall in Redding, at 777 Cypress Ave.
Fri., May 5 at 2 pm Golden Gate Dowsers’ hosting Canadian Susan Collins presentation “Where do Dowsing Answers Come From?” Are they coming from you or the tool, our Higher Self, past or future life or from our unconscious or subconscious minds, or from the Superconscious Akashic records, from “Ascended Masters” or from Angels or Ghosts of even from Aliens? Let’s find out together, because if we don’t know where the answers come from, how can we trust them? Susan has developed dowsing protocols and test questions to help you know the source of your dowsed information. Location: Town Center Shopping Mall, 100 Corte Madera Town Center, Corte Madera, CA 94925 Donation: ASD members $5, Nonmembers $7 Contact: Karen (415) 823-9148, dowserina@earthlink.net
Sat., May 6, 11 am – 4 pm Susan Collins’ workshop “Soul Retrieval with Dowsing” Do you sometimes feel like a piece of your Self is missing? Or have trouble making connections with people? Dowsing is an easy way to access your subconscious to find the root cause of things that trouble you. Bring your Soul back into balance using techniques that are easy to learn and always available. We’ll discuss how to repair soul damage as well as create safe boundaries and psychic protection. Discover your true purpose, and integrate it with your human experience. Don’t worry if you’ve never asked these questions before – Susan will guide you through a gentle process that can provide answers to the questions you haven’t been able to answer. Location: Golden Gate Heights, San Francisco. Easy parking! (exact location provided on registration). Cost: Early Bird by April 22 $55, at the door US$65 Act now – seating will be limited! Susan is an excellent presenter! For more info contact Karen (415) 823-9148, dowserina@earthlink.net
May 8th – May 22nd Pat Delafield, from Washington, is available for private readings Huna, Psychic, Astrological, & Healings. She’s an international speaker with vast experience in the study and practice of Huna, a Hawaiian philosophy of living a loving, strong relationship with the three selves (conscious, subconscious & higher). Pat’s also a facilitator for Walter Russell’s University of Science and Philosophy, where it is taught that science, when combined with spiritual understanding, leads to greater awareness and success in all endeavors. Cost: $100. Contact: Pat (425) 918-0854
Fri. – Sun., May 12th – 14th, WESAK Pat Delafield will be representing Nor Cal Dowsers at the WESAK Conference in Mt.Shasta. Price for 3 day ticket $250. Tickets go up April 15th to $300. A small portion of the tickets purchased through our Nor Cal Dowsers website: norcaldowsers.com help Pat and the majority of sales go Meals on Wheels for seniors in the community. For detailed info visit http://wesak.us
Sat., May 20th 10am – 4pm: Annual Holistic Faire Location: Center for Spiritual Living, 1905 Hartnell Ave., Redding, CA 96002. Over fifty vendors will be present from Nor Cal Dowsers, astrology, psychics, essential oils, wellness, nutritional supplements, art work, food, live music, hypnotherapy, aromatherapy and herbal essential oils for healing, numerology, tarot and rune Readings, intuitive, spiritual readings, channelers of Pleadian wisdom, massage, Reiki, acupressure, Tai Chi, Loving, healing touch, acupuncture, candles, incense, labyrinth walks, spiritual jewelry and healing crystals, amazing selection of spiritual and metaphysical books and CD’s in CSL’S bookstore and by local authors, Yoga, Meditation, Authors, etc. Nor Cal Dowsers will have a vendor booth raffling $150 value map dowse. Admission: $5
Sat., May 20th 1 – 5pm: Pat Delafield (visiting from Washington) offers a Redding WORKSHOP: “Huna” Come meet your own Subconscious Mind. Huna – The Secret Knowledge: The Ancient Hawaiian Philosophy for Living. The Power of our Life Energy field is controlled by the Subconscious Mind. It is not Conscious control of input or output; it is automatic according to our thoughts, beliefs and memories. When we clear those beliefs and memories or change our perceptions, the connections to our High Self are whole and we can then engage our desires to bring fulfillment.
There are many areas in our lives that display proof of our understandings. What seems easy for one may be difficult for another, within the same family. Much of our past ‘karma’ is encased in beliefs that we have to ‘work it out’ or have equal problems to bring understanding. Unlike the Christian dialogue that we need to be forgiven by God to enter into Heaven, the Kahunas of ancient times knew that the Supreme God is far greater than we can ever imagine. So, we are directly responsible for our actions and need only to know One Law,to ‘Hurt no one with Hate’.
In this workshop, I desire to introduce you to your Subconscious Mind. My studies have been with Clearing Your Life Path, by Alan P. Lewis. I will provide excerpts from this book, as it is no longer in print. Points of interest: Breath, Subconscious Role in the Three Selves, The 10 Bodies, & Prayers for clearing energies. Location: Redding, Cost $50 Contact: Jeannette norcaldowsers@gmail.com or 530.222.2024
Sun., May 21st 1:15pm – 5pm Pat Delafield (visiting from Washington) offers a Redding WORKSHOP “Universal Law of Balance” Working with the Science of Energy.
The greatest desire of my life has been to Know God. To know the Power that is creation Itself. No one has diverted my attention from this driving force within me, but many have tried. Dowsing, by pendulum or body response, has paved the way for me to experience energy; increasing, decreasing, starting or stopping the flow. My discoveries have brought Truth to the forefront and opened the magic of a world unknown to even my visions.
Walter Russell has been my chosen mentor. He and his wife Lao brought to light what I have ‘known’ in my soul to be true.
Balanced Interchange, the Cube and the Sphere, Fire and Water are the bases for exploration. Numbers, Color, Sound are the tools.
Meeting Lao Russell in 1985 in Swannanoa, VA was a pivotal point in my life. At the time, I was fearing the dark forces and laid blame on them for my continuous predisposition for accidents and life threatening events. Lao calmly told me ‘There are no two things in this Universe, there is only God. There is only Love.’ After three days, this Truth set me free and I learned God, Mind and Energy are interchangeable words.
After receiving a Facilitators Certificate for the University of Science and Philosophy in 1999, the world went flat for me. So much to learn and no one to talk to. Self-pity was not a new feeling. The more I learned the less I belonged to the world. But, life had its own path for me to follow. In the scheme of things, eighteen years is not even noticeable. Today, after testing and experimenting with what has been thrown in my path, I feel strong and fearless in light of the New World beginnings of a New Age of Aquarius. More important than can be known, the Power of the Law of Balanced Interchange. This is the Essence of the Workshop: Law of Equal Balanced Interchange, The Elements of Fire and Water & The Tools of Sound, Color and Numbers. Location: Redding, Cost $50 Contact: Jeannette norcaldowsers@gmail.com or 530.222.2024
ASD Convention: 2017 National Convention and Expo will be held June 14 – 19, 2017 at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, NY. Now accepting speaker applications until 15 Jan. Visit website: https://dowsers.org/conventions/
Chiron Society-Astrological Discussion Group-Meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday 7:30 pm at House of Conscious Living Yoga, 1325 Tehama St. North end of the Downtown Mall. Contact: Sandra Jennings for more information. 530-275-0637 or 530-410-3702 abwon@sbcglobal.net Love Offering: $20.00
Jeannette’s TIPS & REMINDERS “Healing Foods” © Jeannette, MA
April is one of my favorite months of the year! It’s springtime which means longer daylight hours, blooming plants, wonderful smells in the air, perfect weather on the California West coast and an exceptional time to plant and eat healing foods.
This is a great time to continue eating healing raw organic (or at least non-Genetically Modified Organism) plants in salad, juice, or blended form. Often times when many of us ingest plant based foods we feel good and alive. If one can digest plant based foods, such as leafy greens, nuts, fruits, and vegetables, in any form, this supplies vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and other compounds which are beneficial to our minds and bodies.
One of my favorite sustaining healing foods is a delicious green drink. Over the past decade, I’ve enjoyed blending a variety of leafy greens (chard, kale, parsley, arugula, etc.) with fruit (banana, pineapple, apple, dates, orange, blueberry, etc.), protein (almonds, hemp, or protein powder), ginger, chlorophyll, spirulina, and seaweed (dulse, etc.). I’ve gradually cut out the fruit because my body has craved greens and protein with less sugar. What I’ve noticed, for me, is that a green drink (parsley, dandelion, kale, cilantro, etc.) with ginger, a variety of green powders, and dulse, is an excellent food, particularly in the morning. If I need to have more nutrients that last longer, then I add more protein in the form of sprouted almonds, hemp seed, avocado and/or protein powder (eg. Vega’s vanilla protein powder currently).
Digestion often begins in the mouth. Even if it is liquid, chewing is essential to start the digestive process. Some people may not be able to “eat” green drinks because they may not have the digestion required, may be allergic to some foods, or there may be some other health reason. If this is the case one can take digestive enzymes, abstain, or eat any other healing plant based foods.
Measuring Energy of Foods
Being a middle school teacher most of my life, I’ve enjoyed sharing a healthy lifestyle. My husband and I will sometimes bring to school a variety of raw fruits, nuts, and vegetables for my students. Sometimes friends will donate some fruits and nuts from their orchards. The kids are usually able to recognize that eating raw healing foods is delicious, easy and often not too expensive. In the beginning, my mason jar of green drink was too alien for the kids, and some adults. But over the years, they got used to it and now it’s popular. One way we were able to get the kids excited about making green drinks was having them make their own with lots of fruit, (strawberry, banana, grapes, nuts, etc.). Of course, some still protested in trying the leafy greens, but at least they made an effort..
Bringing healing foods to school has been a compelling mission. I could see children in pain. Some basic needs were not being met. Maybe they did not have breakfast, or their food choices were candy and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s), or it was just cool among the kids to eat shiny packaged foods. At first I would not let the kids eat candy and soda in the class, especially during the five – ten minute break time. Then, my husband said, “Maybe you should have them read the ingredients and explain what they are, and how they might be unhealthy.” I loved that idea and implemented it right away. I found out the kids often could not get through reading the entire ingredient list during break time and often would be unable to eat their candy or chips until lunch or after school. Shortly afterwards some of the kids’ vocabulary began to increase. Then, the idea of dowsing food quickly came to me.
With L rods (a dowsing tool) we could measure the level of energy each food item had before ingesting. First we explained that the L rods are a device to help find things like the energy of food. I have the kids’ measure raw foods compared to junk foods. Every time, there has been a consistently low or no energy with the GMO’s, candy, and junk food. And consistently the raw fruits, nuts and veggies measured much higher energy. In class there have been opportunities to use everyday examples for dowsing. Tune in next month for “self-concept”. Also, if the kids expressed gratitude, then this increased the energy of foods also. The simple word of “Thank You” raised food to a higher vibration.
If one prefers using a pendulum. Start the pendulum swinging in “ready position.” Of course, be hydrated, centered (tap thymus gland, good posture, and breath) and be ready to dowse. You can ask for assistance from your guides as well. Ask how much energy any food has. If you give thanks to the food, then re-ask how much energy this food has for you. Example, I have water in front of me as I type away. I just measured a reading of +75%. I bless my water by giving thanks for it and it now measures at 100+%. I’ll be doing the same thing for my green drink later this morning.
I love using this pendulum chart because it gives me a personal measuring for where I’m at. I may not be accurate all the time, but as long as I’m working towards truth daily, with intent and love, then I’d like to think progress is being made. Truth, awareness and love is what I seek on my journey.
Sharron Hope (President of Oroville’s Gold Country Dowsers, American Society of Dowsers lifetime member, former ASD’s Education chairperson) is an excellent dowser and friend. She is a huge advocate of using charts. We have her copyrighted chart on the Nor Cal Dowsers’ website for viewing, www.norcaldowsers.com, otherwise you can get in touch with Sharron for one of her charts, 530-570 3697. She also has regular dowsing meetings in Oroville. It was because of Sharron that I then started using her and Walt Woods’ charts more. The accuracy and specificity in finding answers for personal use and others has been extraordinarily helpful in my dowsing.
In the dowsing community we’ve had some great teachers and friends. It was the late Carl Bracy (co-founder of Nor Cal Dowsers, life time member and trustee to American Society of Dowsers, first “Master Dowser”) who was adamant about dowsing daily. Carl would say “You just need to dowse a little bit each day before you go to bed.” He’d add “You must take care of your best friend, the most important person, ‘yourself.’” Look in the mirror at yourself and say, “You’re my best friend and I will bring no harm to you and I’ll take care of you.” Carl would say when you dowse in the evening your subconscious will be working on what you need to do, generally, and assist in dowsing.
The late Walt Woods (former President to ASD, ASD trustee, and President of Sierra Dowsers, professor of x-ray technology) was also encouraging his dowser friends/students to dowse a little bit daily. Walt would say if you’d like to become better at dowsing, then it’s like learning to play the piano. You do a little dowsing every day because you’ll have the memory in your muscle and mind. Walt Wood’s Advanced Dowsing Research booklet recognizes the importance of food in the following passage: “Food is both a source of bulk and an energy carrier, in many ways, and at many levels. It may be possible that our Dowsing or other systems, possibly combined with ‘Focused intent’ may influence the energies and other aspects in both type and amount. It is in an area that you can experiment with, just to see what happens. Nothing ventured nothing gained.” His booklet provides procedures to transmute energy, food just being one item. Hence, he was an advocate in using charts and programing systems that would work for one’s highest and best good. The Nor Cal Dowsers has Walt’s five pamphlets available upon request.
Cheers to healthy happy loving foods and libations. ©Jeannette, MA
Nor Cal Dowsers Members Description of Services : We are a dowsing club that meets usually once a month with like-minded people to explore all aspects of dowsing. Members of our group have dowsing specialties which include the following; Dowsing for water, treasure, lost valuables, people, other animals, etc. Clearing negative aspects attendant to properties, organisms, etc. Remote & Map Dowsing. Diversion of Negative energy, or conversion to positive. We are interested in all things related to wellness, consciousness and awareness.
“Dowsing is tapping into the invisible field of knowledge that is all around us.” -G
“And if you want this world to see better days Will you carry the worlds of love with you?” –Yusuf Islam/Cat Stevens
“…the report of my death was an exaggeration.” –Mark Twain
“The path to salvation is narrow, and as difficult to walk as the edge of a razor.” –-Upanishads
“There is nothing to fear, but fear itself.” –FDR
“From delusion lead me to Truth; From darkness lead me to Light; From death lead me to immortality.” -The Upanishads
“Until we realize the unity of life, we live in fear.” –The Upanishads
“Instead of indulging in mere speculation, devote yourself here and now to the search for the Truth that is ever within you.” –Ramana Maharshi
“Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the light.” –Yogi Bhajan
“Instead of indulging in mere speculation, devote yourself here and now to the search for the Truth that is ever within you.” –Ramana Maharshi
“Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the light.” –Yogi Bhajan
“Dowsing is the KEY to the UNIVERSAL TRUTH” –Carl V. Bracy (co-founder Nor Cal Dowsers)
“My life has been saved more than 27,000 times in every way known to man through dowsing. If this information can save just one life, then it is worth all the effort.” –Louis Matacia
THANK YOU EVERYONE for your help, especially those of you who brought DELIGHTFUL FOODS and donations. Special Thanks to Barney, Carole, Rachel, Mary, Les, Marianne, Sharron Hope, Pat Delafield, Robin, Jana, ASD, After Five Magazine, Lotus Guide & Pearl Nicolino.
The purpose of Nor Cal Dowsers is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects of dowsing. Dowsing often uses tools to access information unacknowledged by the conscious mind. The challenge is to have our wishes and wants not get in the way of “UNIVERSAL TRUTH.” Dowsing has helped many become more intuitive, and assists in all aspects of wellbeing. We usually meet monthly, at the Shasta County Library in Redding. Check website for details. Carl V. Bracy and others started this local non-profit dowsing club in 1990 as a way of bringing the tools and protocols of dowsing to help each person and their loved ones in their personal growth. We are also a branch of the American Society of Dowsers (est. 1961). Thanks Carl and ALL who’ve contributed towards helping our community and world become a better place!
Thank You
Announcements March 2017
March 12th Calif. Daylight Savings Time &
FULL Moon (great time to release things)
March 20th 1st Day of SPRING, VERNAL EQUINOX
March 27th New Moon (new beginnings)
2017 NCD Meeting Dates:
Protocol for Nor Cal Dowser meetings: Meeting begins shortly after introductions and testimonials. We take a break with libation & snacks in between presentations. Please feel free to bring snacks to share. We suggest a $5 donation (not mandatory) to help pay for related dowsing club expenses. Anyone interested in dowsing, fun, and learning is welcome.
Sun., March 19th 1:30pm: Sharon Daphne (Southern CA)
“Reclaiming Our World With Orgone Energy”
Sat., April 22nd noon (Earth Day): TBD
Save the Dates:
Tues. March 6th 5pm (PST) LISTEN TO & PARTICIPATE IN American Society of Dowsers’ TUES. CONFERENCE CALL Topic: ASD’s Saratoga 2017 Annual Conference. Call 712-775-7460 Participant Code: 647381#. Click *6 to mute/unmute. Or listen to past meetings on the internet by visiting website: dowsers.org. Click on Open Tues. Meetings. Click on any tab you’d like to listen to from past recordings. These conference calls are open to anyone interested in dowsing on the first Tues of the every month.
Sat., March 11th 10 am – 3pm HEALING PSYCHIC FAIRE at Conscious Living Yoga Center, 1325 Tehama Street, Redding. Admission: $2 Small intimate faire with Nor Cal Dowsers, astrological readings with Sandra Jennings, Channeled Readings with Ray El & Nakala Akasie (NCD January presenters) and other psychic/mediums, etc., Essential Oils, Hypnotherapy, Pendulum Sales, Natural Healthcare supplements, Reiki Energy Healing.
Saturday, Mar. 18 at 1:00 P.M. The Golden Gate Dowsers’ presents “How Ancient Cycles and Patterns Reveal Modern-Day Changes” by Gail Minogue. Doors open at 1:00, speaker at 2:00. LOCATION : Town Center Corte Madera: We will meet in the Community Room, upstairs in the administration building of the Town Center Shopping Mall of Corte Madera, CA followed by a workshop Mar. 19: “How Numbers Direct Your Life—The Hidden Power in Your Name and Date of Birth.” For info call Karen 415-823-9148
Sat., April 1st 9am – 5pm Ray El and Nakala’s Advanced Pendulum Dowsing Workshop “Healing and Self-Empowerment,” Location: private residence in Mt. Shasta. This is an all day workshop $175. A nonrefundable $60 deposit is required. Call ahead to reserve your seat.** Prepay in full by March 17 to CATCH THE EARLY BIRD SPECIAL OF $145.*** For more information or to subscribe to their newsletter, you may phone or email Ray El ~ 530-925-4367; rayel816@gmail.com or visit www.pleiadiantraveler.com
Fri., May 5, 2 pm Golden Gate Dowsers’ hosting Canadian Susan Collins presentation “Where do Dowsing Answers Come From?” Are they coming from you or the tool, our Higher Self, past or future life or from our unconscious or subconscious minds, or from the Superconscious Akashic records, from “Ascended Masters” or from Angels or Ghosts of even from Aliens? Let’s find out together, because if we don’t know where the answers come from, how can we trust them? Susan has developed dowsing protocols and test questions to help you know the source of your dowsed information. Location: Town Center Shopping Mall, 100 Corte Madera Town Center, Corte Madera, CA 94925 Donation: ASD members $5, Nonmembers $7 Karen (415) 823-9148, dowserina@earthlink.net
Sat., May 6, 11 am – 4 pm Susan Collins’ workshop “Soul Retrieval with Dowsing” Do you sometimes feel like a piece of your Self is missing? Or have trouble making connections with people? Dowsing is an easy way to access your subconscious to find the root cause of things that trouble you. Bring your Soul back into balance using techniques that are easy to learn and always available. We’ll discuss how to repair soul damage as well as create safe boundaries and psychic protection. Discover your true purpose, and integrate it with your human experience. Don’t worry if you’ve never asked these questions before – Susan will guide you through a gentle process that can provide answers to the questions you haven’t been able to answer. Location: Golden Gate Heights, San Francisco. Easy parking! (exact location provided on registration). Cost: Early Bird by April 22 $55, at the door US$65 Act now – seating will be limited! Susan is an excellent presenter! For more info
Fri. – Sun., May 12th – 14th, WESAK Pat Delafield will be representing Nor Cal Dowsers at the WESAK Conference in Mt. Shasta. ***Price for 3 day ticket $200 (Early Bird Special). Prices go up March 15th to $250. By April 15th tickets go to usual price of $300. A small portion of the tickets purchased through our website: norcaldowsers.com or http://wesak.us/tickets/?ref=PatDelafield help Pat, and the majority of sales go to Meals on Wheels, for seniors in the community.
May 8th – May 22nd Pat Delafield from Washington is available for private readings Huna, Psychic, Astrological, & Healings. She’s an international speaker with vast experience in the study and practice of Huna, a Hawaiian philosophy of having a loving, strong relationship with the three selves (conscious, subconscious & higher). Pat’s also a facilitator for Walter Russell’s University of Science and Philosophy, where it is taught that science, when combined with spiritual understanding, leads to greater awareness and success in all endeavours. Cost: $100. Contact: Pat (425) 918-0854
Pat’s Tentative Workshops (details to come)
I. “Huna”
II.“Universal Law and Awakening our New Age Methods of Curing Our Illnesses, Past and Present.” (This can include the allergies we have and possibly the root cause of allergies.)
Contact: Jeannette norcaldowsers@gmail.com or 530.222.2024
Sat., May 20th Holistic Faire at the Spiritual Enrichment Center, Redding 10am- 4pm
ASD Convention: 2017 National Convention and Expo will be held June 14 – 19, 2017 at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, NY. Now accepting speaker applications until 15 Jan. Visit website: https://dowsers.org/conventions/
Chiron Society-Astrological Discussion Group-Meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday 7:30 pm at House of Conscious Living Yoga, 1325 Tehama St. North end of the Downtown Mall. Contact: Sandra Jennings for more information. 530-275-0637 or 530-410-3702 abwon@sbcglobal.net Love Offering: $20.00
Hydration is essential to our organisms, which are mostly water! One way to quickly hydrate is my personal favorite way of quickly hydrating is by drinking warm ginger water with a squeeze of lemon. Lately, I’ve been adding Sole again and/or other mineral electrolytes. There are a number of healing properties to this combination.
One recipe to make Sole is to use pink Himalayan salt (or one could use sea salt) that has been sitting in water overnight in a glass jar with either a glass or plastic lid. (1-2 cups of Himalayan Salt in a mason jar filled with filtered water). Add a portion of Sole water to your warm ginger lemon water in a non-metallic beverage container upon rising. Drink the water throughout the day and enjoy.
The squeeze of lemon in water has a chemical reaction releasing sodium hydroxide. A few drops of lemon changes the Ph level in the water to become more alkaline. The lemon water is refreshing and has a delicious taste. Lime could also be used. If one prefers to use electrolytic products, then there are many on the market. My personal favorite is Dr. Fred Bell’s creation by Pyradyne: “Pyralyte Mineral Electrolyte Drink.”
Ginger has many healing properties and is an excellent anti-bacterial food that has been used for thousands of years. Ginger helps digestion, nausea, morning sickness, tastes good, etc. One could simply peel off the skin, cut and put in the water being heated. It’s delicious and healthy.
As we know from the late Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work on water crystals, it’s important to bless and be in a state of gratitude to receive the highest benefit from our healing libations and foods! Emoto’s research led to physical evidence of frozen water crystals reflecting intent, thoughts and consciousness when viewed and photographed under a microscope. Words, thoughts and sounds such as love, Mozart’s music, joy, gratitude, etc. produced harmonious crystal shapes with perfect symmetry and structure. Negative thoughts, words and sounds such as heavy metal music, hate, Hitler, etc. produced a chaotic and asymmetrical structure. Thanks Dr. Emoto for reminding us the importance of awareness and being in a state of gratitude.
Happy Hydration Everyone!
Nor Cal Dowsers Members Description of Services : We are a dowsing club that meets usually once a month with like-minded people to explore all aspects of dowsing. Members in our group have dowsing specialties which include the following: Dowsing for water, treasure, lost valuables, people, other animals, etc. Clearing negative aspects attendant to properties, organisms, etc. Remote & Map Dowsing. Diversion of Negative energy, or conversion to positive. Wellness, answers to questions, teaching, tools & literature. Healthy consciousness experiments are welcomed. Many are interested in wellness, consciousness and awareness.
“He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.” –Marcus Aurelius
“One hour’s meditation on the work of the Creator is better than seventy years of prayer.” -Muhammad
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” -William James
“I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.” -Henry David Thoreau
“Stop the words now. Open the window in the center of your chest, and let the spirits fly in and out!” -Rumi
“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” -Plato
THANK YOU EVERYONE for your help, especially those of you who brought so much DELIGHTFUL FOODS and DONATED TO OUR BOOK SALE via books/DVDs/CDs & Monetary Reinforcements. Thanks Barney, Carole, Rachel, Mary, Les, Marianne, Sharron Hope, Pat Delafield, Robin, Jana, After Five Magazine, KIXE, Lotus Guide, ASD & Pearl Nicolino.
The purpose of Nor Cal Dowsers is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects of dowsing. Dowsing often uses tools to access information unacknowledged by the conscious mind. The challenge is to have our wishes and wants not get in the way of “UNIVERSAL TRUTH.” Dowsing has helped many become more intuitive, and assists in all aspects of well-being. We usually meet monthly, at the Shasta County Library in Redding. Check website for details. Carl V. Bracy and others started this local non-profit dowsing club in 1990 as a way of bringing the tools and protocols of dowsing to help each person and their loved ones in their personal growth. We are also a branch of the American Society of Dowsers (est. 1961). Thanks Carl and ALL who’ve contributed towards helping our community and world become a better place!
Thank You
February 2017
2017 NCD Meeting Dates:
Protocol for Nor Cal Dowser meetings: Meeting begins shortly after introductions and testimonials. We take a break with libation & snacks in between presentations. Please feel free to bring snacks to share. We suggest a $5 donation (not mandatory) to help pay for related dowsing club expenses. Anyone interested in dowsing, fun, and learning is welcome.
2017 NCD dates
Sun., Feb. 12th 1:30pm: Jana Gocmanova (Shasta Co.) “Dowsing For Your Numbers”
**** Book Donations & Exchange: donate books to the club & buy books.
Sun., March 19th 1:30pm: Sharon Daphne (L.A.) “Reclaiming Our World With Orgone Energy”
Sat., April 22nd noon (Earth Day): TBD
Save the Dates:
Sun, Feb 5th at 1:00p.m. – 4:30p.m. Gold Country Dowsers presents Francine Fields, ( MA, MEd, LPC, HTPA, Health Coach Energy Healing, etc.) techniques on teaching people how to feel comfortable with “muscle testing”, program pendulums, clear stuck emotions and more. Location: Oroville California Public Library located at the corner of Lincoln and Mitchell downtown Oroville. Donations welcomed.
Tues., Feb. 7th at 5pm (PST) American Society of Dowsers Conference Call 712-775-7460Participant Code: 647381#. These 1st Tues. monthly teleconferences are open to anyone interested in dowsing, and remind us of dowsing tips and tricks. If interested in listening to past conference calls, visit ASD’s website: dowsers.org & click on Tues Open Meetings.
Saturday, February 11 at 1:45pm San Jose Dowsers Chapter presents Tina Burgan’s “What Does Your Heart Line Have to Say” Location: Community of Infinite Spirit, 1540 Hicks Avenue, San Jose, CA
Sat., Feb. 18th at 1:30 P.M. TBD Golden Gate Dowsers’ meeting. Meets in Community Room at Town Center. Contact: Karen Ashley dowserina@earthlink.net 415-823-9148
Join Kristin Idema, local Redding, CA. astrologer, on the 2017 Beyond Words Caribbean Cruise, Valentine’s Week, February 12-18, 2017. If you’re looking for EXPLORATION and CELEBRATION combined with TRANSFORMATIONAL INSIGHTS and FUN IN THE SUN, then join world-renowned authority JOHN GRAY PHD (Men are from Mars) and 10 other EXPERTS ON LOVE AND LIFE for an exciting VALENTINE’S DAY CRUISE of the heart, you’ll never forget! Kristin will be doing astrological readings aboard ship. Ports of call include Georgetown, Cozumel and Costa Maya. Check it out from Kristin Idema’s website: http://stardiviner.com
Check out Dowser Joey Korn (Georgia) interviews on basic dowsing. Visit Joey’s website: www.dowsers.com or call: 1-706-733-0204, Email: Joey@dowsers.com , Click on videos links:
Pat Delafield from Washington will be in Shasta & Siskiyou_Counties in May, & will be offering workshops & private readings. She’s an international speaker with vast experience in the study and practice of Huna, a Hawaiian philosophy of living a loving, strong relationship with the three selves (conscious, subconscious & higher). Pat’s also a facilitator for Walter Russell’s University of Science and Philosophy, where it is taught that science, when combined with spiritual understanding, leads to greater awareness and success in all endeavours. Details to come regarding dates, times and locations.
ASD Convention: 2017 National Convention and Expo will be held June 14 – 19, 2017 at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, NY. Now accepting speaker applications until 15 Jan. Visit website: https://dowsers.org/conventions/
Local Practitioners
Helen Clark RN, MA, www.psychic-medium-redding.com, psychic@c-zone.net, 530-227-6318
Chiron Society-Astrological Discussion Group-Meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday 7:30 pm at House of Conscious Living Yoga, 1325 Tehama St. North end of the Downtown Mall. Contact: Sandra Jennings for more information. 530-275-0637 or 530-410-3702 abwon@sbcglobal.net Love Offering: $20.00
Bobbie G is channeling Gregory Readings, last Friday monthly 7-9pm. Come join the group to hear Gregory Wisdom & Readings at their home. Cost: $20. For more info. BobbieG22@gmail.com 530-554-2000 or www.BobbieG.com
Jeannette’s TIPS & REMINDERS
When using charts or asking specific questions, you just need to use one L rod or pendulum. Begin by centering yourself. Breathe, and tap thymus gland. Next step is calibrating yes, no and neutral with dowsing device, (e.g. pendulum or L rod). Focus on known questions. For example, “Is my name____?” Wait for the response. Say thank you. Next, ground out (tap dowsing device on surface) and go back to neutral for the next question. Perhaps ask an opposite known question. Wait for answer and then say thank you.
When using your chart (or wide spread opened hand, visualize -100 to +100), try dowsing the percentage you have for “self-love” (or peace, harmony, energy, abundance, etc.). What reading do you get for yourself? You can ask the dowsing system to make improvement to the appropriate rate and level. Watch you pendulum swing toward the +100. The late Walt Woods would recommend dowsing one’s own health and then make appropriate corrections.
Reminder: ground one’s self on a daily basis. I prefer using the late Carl Bracy’s method of holding a faucet with one hand and a pendulum in the other before retiring for the night. I ask, “If there are any holes in my auric fields please remove them, and fill me up with God (or source) holy energy.” I watch the pendulum make a counter clockwise rotation & then it’s followed by clockwise. The next question, “Where is my health level at this time?”, etc. Carl and Walt gave reminders to dowse a little bit daily, especially before bedtime as this will increase one’s awareness. The subconscious will also be working on adjusting and attuning.
Mantras…have been used for thousands of years. Instead of saying mantras just once a day, say them ten times each and three times a day. Rosemary Altea in her book You Own The Power suggests stating a personal mantra ten times, three times a day, to achieve the most benefit. For example, “I am an excellent dowser and I take steps towards seeking the highest truth in all that I do.” Personally, I’ve enjoyed using mantras for decades, but stating them ten times each, three times a day, has brought success, rewards, and positive feelings.
“Take chances, make mistakes. That’s how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave.” -Mary Tyler Moore’s
“I gave it all that I had, and it’s gratifying that others seem to be receiving it so well.” -Debbie Reynolds
“Do something wonderful, people may imitate it.” -Albert Schweitzer
“Act the way you’d like to be and soon you’ll be the way you act.” -Leonard Cohen
“The soul grows by subtraction. Not addition.” – Henry David Thoreau
“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” – Dalai Lama
“The greatest power in the world is love.” –Al Einstein
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
“War is not the answer, because only love can conquer hate.” –Marvin Gaye
“People only see what they are prepared to see.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thank you everyone for your help, especially Rachel, Carole, Barney, Mary, Les, Marianne, Sharron Hope, Pat Delafield, ASD & Pearl Nicolino.
The purpose of Nor Cal Dowsers is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects of dowsing. Dowsing often uses tools to access information unacknowledged by the conscious mind. The challenge is to have our wishes and wants not get in the way of “UNIVERSAL TRUTH.” Dowsing has helped many become more intuitive, and assists in all aspects of wellbeing. We usually meet monthly, at the Shasta County Library in Redding. Check website for details. Carl V. Bracy and others started this local non-profit dowsing club in 1990 as a way of bringing the tools and protocols of dowsing to help each person and their loved ones in their personal growth. We are also a branch of the American Society of Dowsers (est. 1961). Thanks Carl and ALL who’ve contributed towards helping our community and world become a better place!
Thank You
January 2017
Happy New Year, and here’s to an “excellent and bright” year ahead. The NCD Team sincerely hopes that everyone continues to live their life’s purpose. We love and support you.
2017 NCD Meeting Dates:
Protocol for Nor Cal Dowser meetings: Meeting begins shortly after introductions and testimonials. We take a break with libation & snacks in between presentations. Please feel free to bring snacks to share. We suggest a $5 donation (not mandatory) to help pay for related dowsing club expenses. Anyone interested in dowsing, fun, and learning is welcome.
2017 NCD dates
Sat., Jan. 14th noon: Raymond Fuller & Nakala Akasie
Sun., Feb. 12th 1:30pm: Jana Gocmanova
Sun., March 19th 1:30pm: Sharon Daphne
Sat., April 22nd noon (Earth Day): TBD
Save the Dates:
Tues., Jan. 4th at 5pm (PST) American Society of Dowsers Conference Call 712.775.7035 Participant Code: 647410#. These 1st Tues. monthly teleconferences are open to anyone interested in dowsing, and remind us of dowsing tips and tricks.
Sat., Jan. 7th Redding Health Expo 10AM – 5PM at Redding Civic Auditorium. Expo consists of medical services, products, professional, fitness and nutrition. Free Admission.
Sun, Jan. 8th at 1:00p.m. – 4:30p.m. Gold Country Dowsers presents Francine Fields, ( MA, MEd, LPC, HTPA, Health Coach Energy Healing,) techniques on teaching people how to feel comfortable with “muscle testing”, program pendulums, clear stuck emotions and more. Francine has been a Licensed Professional Counselor since 1987. She will also teach programing by Melinda. and spinning the pendulum to clear issues. We will talk about programming the pendulum, reading the percentage chart and practice with food and supplements. When most have accomplished that, we will go on to reading the body and emotions, and then learning to clear stuck emotions. A few pendulums and basic charts will be available for the class to borrow. or buy.. if they like. Location: Oroville California Public Library located at the corner of Lincoln and Mitchell downtown Oroville. Donations welcomed.
Sat., Jan. 14th at 1:45p.m. – 4:30p.m. San Jose Dowsers Chapter presents Wayne Hoff’s “Precision Dowsing Using Charts, Scales, Maps and Other Tools.” When you are dowsing, especially pendulum dowsing, using charts, scales, maps and other tools greatly enhances your accuracy and precision. Wayne Hoff uses these tools every day in his business. Wayne will go through many of these tools and talk about their advantages and disadvantages. Wayne Hoff is the President of the San Jose Dowsers. Check his website at www.biospiritus.net. You can contact Wayne at energymedicinespecialist@gmail.com or call or text him at 831-818-6980. Location: Community of Infinite Spirit, 1540 Hicks Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125. Cost: $5-$7.
Fri., Jan. 27th 10am – 6pm. Quantum Mechanics Meets Neurodynamics: An Emerging 21st Century Science of Consciousness at California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), San Francisco. Confirmed speakers include: Ruth Kastner, George Weissmann, Liz Rauscher, Henry Stapp, Russell Targ, Cynthia Sue Larson. For more info: http://www.foundationsofmind.org/fom-2017-announcement.html
Sat., Jan. 28, 2017, “Year of the Red Fire Rooster” The rooster is known for its integrity and adaptiveness. This is the year where focused hard work and patience will reap the rewards of goals being achieved. Use time and energy wisely for career and financial investments. This Yin year is a good time for meditation, solicitude, and harmonious relationships with loved ones. Keep stress levels down with alternative healing therapies, meditation, exercise, eating healing foods, and self-love.
Feb. 18th at 1:30 P.M. TBD Golden Gate Dowsers’ meeting. Meets in Community Room at Town Center.
Join Kristin Idema, local Redding, CA. astrologer, on the 2017 Beyond Words Caribbean Cruise, Valentine’s Week, February 12-18, 2017. If you’re looking for EXPLORATION and CELEBRATION combined with TRANSFORMATIONAL INSIGHTS and FUN IN THE SUN, then join world-renowned authority JOHN GRAY PHD (Men are from Mars) and 10 other EXPERTS ON LOVE AND LIFE for an exciting VALENTINE’S DAY CRUISE of the heart, you’ll never forget! Kristin will be doing astrological readings aboard ship. Ports of call include Georgetown, Cozumel and Costa Maya. Check it out from Kristin Idema’s website: http://stardiviner.com
ASD Convention: 2017 National Convention and Expo will be held June 14 – 19, 2017 at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, NY. Now accepting speaker applications until 15 Jan. Visit website: https://dowsers.org/conventions/
“Always laugh when you can; it is cheap medicine. Merriment…it is the sunny side of existence.” -Lord Byron
“Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that’s very important for good health.” -Dalai Lama
Hanna Kroeger stated, “…for years Cal-Tech was teaching the use of pendulum to especially bright and interested graduate students….So let’s join the smart and intelligent crowd and use the pendulum.” (For more info visit Kroeger’s daughter Gisela Kroeger Hoffman at www.peacefulmeadow.com/)
“I am not afraid…I was born to do this.” -Joan of Arc
“The season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success.” -Paramahansa Yogananda
“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.” -Albert Schweitzer
“The older I get, the surer I am that I’m not running the show.” – Leonard Cohen
“Mediocrity is self-inflicted and genius is self-bestowed.” Walter Russell
Thank you everyone for your help, especially Barney, Carole, Mary, Les, Rachel, Marianne, Pat Delafield, Sharron Hope, Pearl, KIXE, After Five Magazine, Lotus Guide, & ASD.
The purpose of Nor Cal Dowsers is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects of dowsing. Dowsing often uses tools to access information unacknowledged by the conscious mind. The challenge is to have our wishes and wants not get in the way of “UNIVERSAL TRUTH.” Dowsing has helped many become more intuitive, and assists in all aspects of wellbeing. We usually meet monthly, at the Shasta County Library in Redding. Check website for details. Carl V. Bracy and others started this local non-profit dowsing club in 1990 as a way of bringing the tools and protocols of dowsing to help each person and their loved ones in their personal growth. We are also a branch of the American Society of Dowsers (est. 1961). Thanks Carl and ALL who’ve contributed towards helping our community and world become a better place!
Thank You
December 2016
By American poet, writer and attorney Max Hermann
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and ignorant,
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself to others,
you may become vain or bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let not this blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideas,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be Yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham,
drudgery and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
Written by American poet, writer and lawyer Max Hermann
Originally copyrighted in 1927 (Copyright Number 962402)
Became a popular inspiration in 1971; maybe needed today.
November 2016
Thank you to everyone praying and visualizing a safe and quickened recovery of Sherri Papini.
2016 NCD Meeting Dates:
Protocol for Nor Cal Dowser meetings: The first 15 minutes are introductions & testimonials. The meeting begins shortly afterwards. We take a break with libation & snacks in between the presentations. Please feel free to bring snacks to share. We suggest a $5 donation (not mandatory) to help pay for related dowsing club expenses. Anyone interested in dowsing, fun, and learning is welcome.
Sat., Nov. 12nd noon- Last meeting for the year.
Part I: “Channeling” with Psychic – Medium Shannon James.
Part II: “Dowsing” with NCD Members.
Sat., Jan. 14th noon
Sun., Feb. 12th 1:30pm
Sun., March 19th 1:30pm
Sat., April 22nd noon (Earth Day)
Save the Dates:
Sun., Nov. 6th at 1:30P.M. Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) with Sharron Hope
Tue., Nov. 8th Meditate on Election Date 3pm PST upliftconnect.com Send waves of peace, unity, calm and care to all our brethren. Let’s raise the consciousness together.
Wed., Nov 9th 7:30PM: Chiron Society-Astrological Discussion Group– Meets every 2nd & 4th Wed. 7:30PM at House of Conscious Living Yoga, 1325 Tehama St., Redding, Calif., (North end of the Downtown Mall, across from Crown Camera with ample free parking). Contact Sandra with your birth stats (date, place & time), and RSVP for your complementary birth chart. Sandra’s Chiron group will offer three parts 1).she’ll give a mini reading relative to the Taurus Super Moon. 2). Preview “Deep Space” a disclosure video comparing the U.S. secret space program to archaeological evidence from an older space exploring race of beings. 3).Sibley Chart for birth of the U.S., chart for Washington DC on Election Day, candidates charts, etc. This should be an exciting. Contact: Sandra Jennings for more information. 530.275.0637 or 530.410.3702 , or email: abwon@sbcglobal.net. Love Offering: $20.00
Sun., Nov. 13th at noon – 2pm PST (3-5pm EST): Shift Network Presents Day of Healing & Reconciliation Reunity Our County After the Election. Access free video boadcast. For more info visit: dayofhealing.us
Mon., Nov. 14th at 5:52 A.M. PST Super Moon in Taurus: Largest and closest moon since 1948.
Sat., Nov 19th at 2P.M. Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera) presents Steve and Mary Ann Orsary “Tune-up for the Soul – Technologies for Feeling Like Your Radiant Self Again”. Steve and MaryAnn, drawing on their work as Bioenergy Balancing practitioners, will talk about and demonstrate how they dowse/muscle-test the body’s energy template to find out what is in the way of clarity, and forward movement – and how old patterns and experiences, old hurts and traumas can be released to make room for what wants to come next. What emerges may be physical healing, release of pain, emotional clarity, more confidence or spiritual awakening. During their talk, they will lead experiential demos in various clearing and healing technologies that you can use on your own.
Dowsers…DVDs & CDs available from West Coast Dowsing and Metaphysical Conference: www.dowserswestcoast.org Next Conference expected to be held first weekend of July 2018. WCD seems to always offer a safe, and happy go lucky group of people from around the world that meet for five days of play. Save the date for the next conference summer of 2018.
Join Kristin Idema, local Redding, CA. astrologer, on the 2017 Beyond Words Caribbean Cruise, Valentine’s Week, February 12-18, 2017. If you’re looking for EXPLORATION and CELEBRATION combined with TRANSFORMATIONAL INSIGHTS and FUN IN THE SUN, then join world-renowned authority JOHN GRAY PHD (Men are from Mars) and 10 other EXPERTS ON LOVE AND LIFE for an exciting VALENTINE’S DAY CRUISE of the heart you’ll never forget! Kristin will be doing astrological readings aboard ship. Ports of call include Georgetown, Cozumel and Costa Maya. Check it out from Kristin Idema’s website: http://stardiviner.com
“If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we are not really living. Growth demands a temporary surrender of security.” –Gail Sheehy
“Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing those you hold, well.” –Josh Billings
“Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains, losses and disappointments, but let us have patience and we soon shall see them in their proper figures.” –Joseph Addison
“When thinking won’t cure fear, action will.” –William Clement Stone
“As long as you’re alive you can improve your health.” Dr. Joel Fuhrman
“Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength.” –Sigmund Freud
“Your life today is the result of your attitude and the decisions you made yesterday. Your life tomorrow will be the result of your attitude and decisions you make today.” –Unknown
Thank you everyone for your help, especially Jo Madrid, Barney, Carole, Mary, Les, Rachel, Marianne, Maryse, Sharron Hope, Pat Delafield, Tammy, KIXE, After Five Magazine, Lotus Guide, & ASD.
The purpose of Nor Cal Dowsers is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects of dowsing. Dowsing often uses tools to access information unacknowledged by the conscious mind. The challenge is to have our wishes and wants not get in the way of “UNIVERSAL TRUTH.” Dowsing has helped many become more intuitive, and assists in all aspects of wellbeing. We usually meet monthly, at the Shasta County Library in Redding. Check website for details. Carl V. Bracy and others started this local non-profit dowsing club in 1990 as a way of bringing the tools and protocols of dowsing to help each person and their loved ones in their personal growth. We are also a branch of the American Society of Dowsers (est. 1961). Thanks Carl and ALL who’ve contributed towards helping our community and world become a better place!
Thank You
October 2016
Protocol for Nor Cal Dowser meetings:
The first 10 minutes are introduction & testimonials. The meeting begins shortly afterwards. We take a break with libation & snacks in between the presentations. Please feel free to bring snacks to share. We suggest a $5 donation (not mandatory) to help pay for related dowsing club expenses. Anyone interested in dowsing, fun, and learning is welcome.
Sat., Oct. 22nd noon – Part I: Emotion & Body Code with Cliff & Part II of Carl’s “Map Dowsing” video
Sat., Nov. 12nd noon- Part I Shannon channeling for the NCD group & Part II: Dowsing
Dec. No meeting, possible field trip
Save the Dates:
Sat., Oct. 1st 2pm: Jozef Pinter from Princeton Holistic Clinic, N.J., visits Mt. Shasta. Cost: FREE Location: One Song Center (private home) 1215 Audubon Rd., Mt. Shasta 96067. Hosted by: Caroline Hamlet.
Jozef Pinter, warmly regarded by many who’ve been in his presence and experienced his healing work, is returning to Mount Shasta for a Saturday afternoon presentation and potluck. Please join in welcoming Jozef’s return to Mount Shasta from the Princeton Holistic Clinic and this opportunity to learn from his 30 years of experience as a holistic physical therapist and intuitive healer specializing in nutrition. (Please scroll down for yellow highlighted presentation details.)
- A protocol for healing facilitators. Jozef will make explicit the steps and system he uses to assess a client’s health needs and monitor treatment outcomes.
- Types of frequencies and their healing effects
- Use of the Vortex Energy Channelizer Board in healing work
Use of pre/post energy measurements in Bovis units to support the client’s and facilitator’s awareness of healing needs and progress.
- 2:00 – 4:30 PM, Presentation
- 4:30 – 5:00 PM, Pendulum Practice
- 5:00 – 7:00 PM, Potluck and Conversation with Jozef
Potluck: 1). Locals are asked to please bring dishes with 8-12 servings so out-of-town guests, for whom food preparation combined with travel is not easy, can experience Mount Shasta’s generosity. 2). Please bring only fully prepared, ready-to-serve foods. There will be limited time to assemble foods, so preparation in advance will be greatly appreciated. 3). Entrees will be especially welcomed! Thank you to those who have already offered to bring a main dish!
Jozef will also be available for appointments Sunday, Oct. 2nd, and Monday, Oct. 3rd. Contact Caroline Hamlet for rates & openings at onesongcentermt.shasta@gmail.com. Subject line: Request for an Appointment with Jozef from… (your name)…
In the body of the email, please include your full name, cell phone number, if you use a cell, and your contact preference, voice message or text. If you prefer landline communications, please note that so a text will not be sent to that number.
Parking: Please park in the yard or on property border at the street. If you will, please avoid parking in front of neighbors’ homes. Thank you!
If you have a pendulum, please bring it... and a friend! Extra pendulums will be provided. No experience with pendulum work is needed; we’ll partner-up for practice. Thanks.
Tue., Oct. 4th American Society Dowsers Conference Call at 5pm (PDT) Phone:712.775.7035 Participant Code: 647410#. TOPIC: ? 1st Tuesday monthly meetings are open to anyone interested in dowsing, and remind us of dowsing tips and tricks.
Sat., Oct 8th TAHA Faire 10am – 5pm TAHA Community Wellness Center Faire, Weaverville, CA. Congratulations TAHA on the purchase of your new property. 120 South Minor St., Weaverville, CA. Come join the fun.
Tues., Oct 18th at 5PM – 6PM (PDT) Discover Dowsing Conference Call: ASD FREE conference call with Mary “Mo” Wheeler, Ph.D. Dr. Wheeler is a regular presenter at ASD’s National Convention. Conference Call Number: 641-715-0700, Participant Code: 799038#
In honor of Halloween, you may want to check out the below utube video:
At the West Coast Conference (UC Santa Cruz), Wayne Hoff did an good job showing various ways to protect one’s home. Thanks Wayne for sharing the info. & if you’d like to more about Wayne’s work visit his website: www.biospiritus.com A small part of his presentation was a Brazilian Public Service Announcement video clip on drinking in Portuguese with English subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyuDnGvjLu8
Master Dowser Sharron Hope is interviewed on the radio with Lee Edwards on KROV91.1: (50:02) visit the following website:
Sharron does an excellent job communicating the art of dowsing. She is a master dowser for over four decades and has a geology, psychology, photography, spiritual and wellness background. The dowsing community is fortunate to have her as an ambassador. To reach Sharron for dowsing assistance, her contact info: sharryhope@gmail.com
Dowsers…DVDs & CDs available from West Coast Dowsing and Metaphysical Conference: www.dowserswestcoast.org Next Conference expected to be held first weekend of July 2018. WCD seems to always offer a safe, and happy go lucky group of people from around the world that meet for five days of play. Save the date for the next conference summer of 2018.
Join Kristin Idema, local Redding, CA. astrologer, on the 2017 Beyond Words Caribbean Cruise, Valentine’s Week, February 12-18, 2017. If you’re looking for EXPLORATION and CELEBRATION combined with TRANSFORMATIONAL INSIGHTS and FUN IN THE SUN, then join world-renowned authority JOHN GRAY PHD (Men are from Mars) and 10 other EXPERTS ON LOVE AND LIFE for an exciting VALENTINE’S DAY CRUISE of the heart you’ll never forget! Kristin will be doing astrological readings aboard ship. Ports of call include Georgetown, Cozumel and Costa Maya. Check it out from Kristin Idema’s website: http://stardiviner.com
6 – 10 October 2017: Southwest Dowsing Conference in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Contact SWC Committee: swcdowsers@zianet.com or Jeanne Gehringer 575.522.4667
Carl V. Bracy’s “Map Dowsing” video is now available
Nor Cal Dowsers is excited to announce the availability of the late Carl V. Bracy’s “Map Dowsing” for $25. This is one of his best, in terms of both quality and content, and was produced, literally, in his own backyard. We feel that the information contained within is too important to price it out of reach, for many. Proceeds from the sale of Carl’s DVD go to his surviving daughter, Marilyn.
We showed most of this DVD at our Sept. 2016 meeting and the demand for personal copies greatly exceeded supply. We are now making copies on a per order basis, and your patience is much appreciated. See contact page to order.
Happy Viewing, NCD Team
“If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough.” –Elon Musk
“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” –Martin Luther King, Jr.
“If you want to awaken all of humanity then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is your own self-transformation.” –Lao Tzu
“To me, the function and duty of a quality human being is the sincere and honest development of one’s potential.” –Bruce Lee
Thanks…Thank you everyone for your help, especially Jo Madrid, Barney, Carole, Rachel, Marianne, Maryse, Sharron Hope, Pearl, Pat Delafield, KIXE, After Five Magazine, Lotus Guide, & ASD.
The purpose of Nor Cal Dowsers is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects of dowsing. Dowsing often uses tools to access information unacknowledged by the conscious mind. The challenge is to have our wishes and wants not get in the way of “UNIVERSAL TRUTH.” Dowsing has helped many become more intuitive, and assists in all aspects of wellbeing. We usually meet monthly, at the Shasta County Library in Redding. Check website for details. Carl V. Bracy and others started this local non-profit dowsing club in 1990 as a way of bringing the tools and protocols of dowsing to help each person and their loved ones in their personal growth. We are also a branch of the American Society of Dowsers (est. 1961). Thanks Carl and ALL who’ve contributed towards helping our community and world become a better place!
Thank You
September 2016
2016 NCD Meeting Dates:
Protocol for Nor Cal Dowser meetings:
The first 10 minutes are introduction & testimonials. The meeting begins shortly afterwards. We take a break with libation & snacks in between the presentations. Please feel free to bring snacks to share. We suggest a $5 donation (not mandatory) to help pay for related dowsing club expenses. Anyone interested in dowsing, fun, and learning is welcome.
Sun., Sept. 25th 1:30 PM – Basic – Advance Dowsing & Map Dowsing Film
Sat., Oct. 22nd noon – To Be Determined
Sat., Nov. 12nd noon- TBD
Save the Dates:
Tue., Sept. 6th American Society Dowsers Conference Call at 5pm (PDT) Phone:712.775.7035 Participant Code: 647410#. TOPIC: ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTION. 1st Tuesday monthly meetings are open to anyone interested in dowsing, and remind us of dowsing tips and tricks.
9 – 12 Sept 2016: Ozark Research Institute Power of Thought School at the Hilton Garden Inn, Fayetteville, AR. For more information call (479)582-9197 or visit: www.ozarkresearch.org
Fri., Sept. 9th I AM Water Synchronized Meditation 2pm (PDT) Native Americans and others will be sending Peace in regards to the endangered water rights from the Keystone Pipeline. Many native tribes and their supporters will gather at Cannon Ball, North Dakota. Please send Peace for all WATERS for 15 minutes. Thanks for helping focus light, love, calm and healing to our sacred waters and our planet.
Sat., Sept. 10th TAHA Faire 10am – 5pm TAHA Community Wellness Center Faire, Weaverville, CA. Congratulations TAHA on the purchase of your new property. 120 South Minor St., Weaverville, CA. Come join the fun.
Sat., Sept. 10 at 1:45pm San Jose Chapter of Dowsers meeting. Theresa Wiles presents “Energy Psychology” with two powerful muscle-testing modalities, (PSYCH-K & Body Code). Location: Community of Infinite Spirit (Formerly Divine Science Community Center), San Jose. Cost: $5 – $7 donation.
Sat., Sept. 17th Redding Psychic & Holistic Arts Faire 10am – 4pm Win River Casino, Redding, CA. Helen Clark, RN, MA, Psychic-Medium, etc. will be hosting this event again. She has vendors, dowsers, metaphysicians, psychics, healers, wellness practitioners, artists, etc., that showcase their talents at this annual event. Come by our booth and say hello. Entrance fee $5 and $5 free casino play. It appears that every year people have actually won. This must be a good luck faire.
Sat., Sept. 17th, Golden Gate Dowsers’ meeting at 2:00pm. Karen Ashley presents “Face Reading”. Face Reading includes the knowledge of physiology, neurophysiology, physiognomy, phrenology, personology and genetics. Karen has been doing this since she was a kid. Location: Community Room, upstairs in the administration building of the Town Center Shopping Mall of Corte Madera, CA. If you’d like more info contact Karen at 415-823-9148 or dowserina@earthlink.net.
Sept. 21st U.N. International Day of Peace
Tues., Sept. 27th Master Your Destiny Become Your Own Best Healer by Crystal Sage. Weekly Ongoing class meets 12noon – 3pm. Cost: $25. Location: TBD. * limited to 1st 10 people. Must be able to attend all classes weekly. The day may change to fit class needs. Crystal 530-356-6322
6 – 10 October 2017: Southwest Dowsing Conference in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Contact SWC Committee: swcdowsers@zianet.com or Jeanne Gehringer 575.522.4667
Dowsers…DVDs & CDs available from West Coast Dowsing and Metaphysical Conference: www.dowserswestcoast.org Next Conference expected to be held first weekend of July 2018. WCD seems to always offer a safe, and happy go lucky group of people from around the world that meet for five days of play. Save the date for the next conference summer of 2018.
Join Kristin Idema, local Redding, CA. astrologer, on the 2017 Beyond Words Caribbean Cruise, Valentine’s Week, February 12-18, 2017. If you’re looking for EXPLORATION and CELEBRATION combined with TRANSFORMATIONAL INSIGHTS and FUN IN THE SUN, then join world-renowned authority JOHN GRAY PHD (Men are from Mars) and 10 other EXPERTS ON LOVE AND LIFE for an exciting VALENTINE’S DAY CRUISE of the heart you’ll never forget! Kristin will be doing astrological readings aboard ship. Ports of call include Georgetown, Cozumel and Costa Maya. Check it out from Kristin Idema’s website: http://stardiviner.com
“…Don’t trust people who don’t laugh” – Maya Angelou
“A problem is a chance for you to do your best” –Duke Ellington
“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.” –Lao Tzu
“The most powerful fighter is an ordinary man with laser precision focus.” –Bruce Lee
“Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain and most fools do.” –Ben Franklin
“…That inner ecstasy of the mind is the secret fountain of perpetual youth and strength in any man. He who finds it finds omnipotence and omniscience.”–Walter Russell
“I have trust that we humans can resolve the problems that we have created. There is a Sanskrit saying that I subscribe to and I like very much, that ‘God sleeps in the minerals, awakens in plants, walks in the animals, and thinks in Man.’ ” –Edgar Mitchel
Thank you everyone for your help, especially Barney, Carole, Mary, Slim, Rachel, Marianne, Crystal, Deon, Linda, Sharron Hope, Helen Clark, Pearl, KIXE, After Five Magazine, Lotus Guide, & ASD.
The purpose of Nor Cal Dowsers is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects of dowsing. Dowsing often uses tools to access information unacknowledged by the conscious mind. The challenge is to have our wishes and wants not get in the way of “UNIVERSAL TRUTH.” Dowsing has helped many become more intuitive, and assists in all aspects of wellbeing. We usually meet monthly, at the Shasta County Library in Redding. Check website for details. Carl V. Bracy and others started this local non-profit dowsing club in 1990 as a way of bringing the tools and protocols of dowsing to help each person and their loved ones in their personal growth. We are also a branch of the American Society of Dowsers (est. 1961). Thanks Carl and ALL who’ve contributed towards helping our community and world become a better place!
Thank You
August 2016
Northern California Dowsers (Nor Cal Dowsers) has been awarded “OUTSTANDING CHAPTER 2016” by the American Society of Dowsers (ASD). The award was presented to our president, Jeannette, by Karen Ashley at the West Coast Dowsing Conference in Santa Cruz, CA on Friday, 1 July 2016. We thank ASD for the recognition, and thank Karen, Dick and their team for putting on the West Coast Conference in this inspiring setting of University California Santa Cruz.
2016 NCD Meeting Dates:
Protocol for Nor Cal Dowser meetings:
The first 15 minutes are introduction & testimonials. The speaker begins shortly afterwards. We take a break with libation & snacks in between the speaker’s presentation. Please feel free to bring snacks to share. We suggest a $5 donation (not mandatory) to help pay for speakers & other related dowsing club expenses. Anyone interested in dowsing, fun, and learning is welcome.
Sat., Aug 13 at noon – Double Feature: “Orbs and Lights in the Night” & “The Great Pyramid”
Sat., Sept. 25th 1:30 PM – To Be Determined
Sat., Oct. 22nd noon – To Be Determined
Save the Dates:
Fri. 5th Aug at 4:15 PM (PDT) Hiroshima Synchronized Global Meditation for 15 min. World Peace Prayers for Hiroshima and the nuclear fallout that affected the globe and took over 100,000 lives 71 years ago. You’re invited to elevate consciousness through love and compassion to all people around the globe. www.worldpeace.org
Sun., Aug 7th at 1p.m.: “FUN-da-Mentals of Dowsing” by Renowned Dowser – Sharron Hope at her Gold Country Dowsing Clinic. Sharron is one of the experts in the dowsing arena. She is offering a small intimate gathering for novice to advanced dowsers. Bring your own map (BYOM) & be ready to dowse for gold &/or other treasures or anything else you’re looking for.
What do you want to Find? Gold? Water? Oil? Lost treasures? Gemstones? Or your car keys? Whatever it is you can find almost anything with dowsing. So quit wasting your time trying to figure out where the treasure is, or remember where you hid that item. Grab a dowsing tool and learn the FUNdamentals of dowsing. And learn how to combine the magic of the internet to aid your dowsing & (wait for it) after a snack intermission, we will show: Susan Collins Keynote talk to the WCC 2016. (DVD)
Details of the meeting Aug 7th & new additions for FUN-da-Mentals of dowsing
1 pm: Basic dowsing for beginning dowsers and review for others, including dowsing tools, how to use them and what they are for. Tools are available for sale at the meeting.
1:30pm: New advances in map and chart dowsing using the internet and intuition. A month ago my guides advised me to introduce a new tool for map dowsing. Hint: Find that needle in the haystack.
Break time
Following the FUNdamentals of dowsing we are planning on showing Susan Collins’ Keynote talk to the WCC 2016. Highly recommend watching this presentation as Susan has a wealth of knowledge on dowsing.
And remember, when in doubt, dowse it out.
Location: Oroville Public Library at 1p.m. (1820 Mitchell). Library is on the corner of Mitchell & Lincoln. If interested please contact Sharron at DiviningHope@yahoo.com or 530.534.3516 or 530.570.DOWSE. Donations and snacks are always appreciated.
Sat., Sept 10th TAHA Faire 10am – 5pm TAHA Community Wellness Center Faire, Weaverville, CA. Congratulations TAHA on the purchase of your new property. 120 South Minor St., Weaverville, CA. Come join the fun.
Sat., Sept 17th Redding Psychic & Holistic Arts Faire 10am – 4pm Win River Casino, Redding, CA. Helen Clark, RN, MA, Psychic-Medium, etc. will be hosting this event again. She has vendors, dowsers, metaphysicians, psychics, healers, wellness practitioners, artists, etc. that showcase their talents at this annual event. Come by our booth and say hello. Entrance fee $5 and $5 free casino play. It appears that every year people have won anywhere from $5 to $500. This must be a good luck faire.
Dowsers…DVDs & CDs available from West Coast Dowsing and Metaphysical Conference: www.dowserswestcoast.org Next Conference expected to be held first weekend of July 2018. WCD seems to always offer a safe and happy go lucky group of people from around the world that meet for five days of play. Save the date for the next conference summer of 2018.
Reminder: 1st Tues Monthly 5pm (PST) American Society Dowsers Conference Call 712.775.7035 Participant Code: 647410#. These meetings are open to anyone interested in dowsing and reminding us of dowsing tips and tricks.
9 – 12 Sept 2016: Ozark Research Institute Power of Thought School at the Hilton Garden Inn, Fayetteville, AR. For more information visit: www.ozarkresearch.org
6 – 10 October 2017: Southwest Dowsing Conference in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Contact SWC Committee: swcdowsers@zianet.com or Jeanne Gehringer 575.522.4667
“…you are a powerful, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, eternal being…nothing on this planet or off can ever do anything to affect you…unless you allow it. So do not allow it. Be powerful and strong and it cannot affect you.” – David Morehouse
“Play is the highest form of Research.” –Albert Einstein
“All peoples everywhere should have free energy sources.” –Nikola Tesla
Thank you everyone for your help, especially Barney, Carole, Mary, Slim, Rachel, Marianne, Crystal, Deon, Linda, Sharron Hope, Helen Clark, Pearl, ASD, KIXE, After Five Magazine, & Lotus Guide.
No Man Is An Island – Poem by John Donne
No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend’s
Or of thine own were:
Any man’s death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.
The purpose of Nor Cal Dowsers is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects of dowsing. Dowsing often uses tools to access information unacknowledged by the conscious mind. The challenge is to have our wishes and wants not get in the way of “UNIVERSAL TRUTH.” Dowsing has helped many become more intuitive, and assists in all aspects of wellbeing. We usually meet monthly, at the Shasta County Library in Redding. Check website for details. Carl V. Bracy and others started this local non-profit dowsing club in 1990 as a way of bringing the tools and protocols of dowsing to help each person and their loved ones in their personal growth. We are also a branch of the American Society of Dowsers (est. 1961). Thanks Carl and ALL who’ve contributed towards helping our community and world become a better place!
July 2016
Northern California Dowsers (Nor Cal Dowsers) has been awarded “OUTSTANDING CHAPTER 2016” by the American Society of Dowsers (ASD). The award was presented to our president, Jeannette, by Karen Ashley Tippet at the West Coast Dowsing Conference in Santa Cruz, CA on Friday, 1 July 2016. We thank ASD for this recognition, and thank Karen, Dick and their team for putting on the West Coast Dowsing Conference in the inspiring setting of University California Santa Cruz.
2016 NCD Meeting Dates:
Protocol for Nor Cal Dowser meetings:
The first 15 minutes are introduction & testimonials. The speaker begins shortly afterwards. We take a break with libation & snacks in between the speaker’s presentation. Please feel free to bring snacks to share. We suggest a $5 – $10 donation (not mandatory) to help pay for speakers & other related dowsing club expenses. Anyone interested in dowsing, fun, and learning is welcome.
Sun., July 24 at 1:30 pm – West Coast Conference Summary
Sat., Aug 13 at noon – To Be Determined
Sat., Sept. 25 th 1:30 PM – To Be Determined
Sat., Oct. 22 nd noon – To Be Determined
Save the Dates:
July 1 – 5 th (Fri – Tues) West Coast Conference (UC SANTA CRUZ) www.dowserswestcoast.org
“Absolutely Divine! Entertainment Your Way” is this year’s theme for the West Coast Conference (WCC). WCC offers 3 ½ days of dowsing school classes ranging from beginning to advance, four workshops, and a youth program. Children (ages 6 through 12) may attend for FREE at the young people’s mystery school. Pre-Conference begins Friday July 1 st . This year’s celebration is planned with Susan Collins as the keynote speaker, Fun night’s talent show, fun, meeting new friends and see familiar ones. There are over 60 speakers presenting on various topics from basic to advance dowsing, wellness, consciousness & more.
Conference is now on YouTube — Watch this amazing video by award-winning producer Heidi Irgens showcasing the various events at the Conference. See consciousness in action!
Just click on the link — https://youtu.be/Ryk_XrpjvwA
The West Coast Conference has over 60 speakers over 3 days. Twelve of the sixty-eight classes will be broadcast live from one of the five lecture rooms. Watch presentations live over 3 days for only $49.00! The presentations will continue to be available on line for viewing till August 1st. We will broadcast LIVE from 9 a.m. thru 5 p.m. on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. http://www.tikilive.com/show/west-coast-dowsers
The below planned presentations will be available for viewing for the month of July
9:00 AM: Joey Korn’s, Divine Wizardry with Joey Korn
10:45 AM: Alan Handelsman’s Nothing To Fear – Especially Fear Itself
2:00 PM: Rob Thompson’s Oil Well Dowsing
3:45 PM: Grahame Gardner’s Grids, Geometry, Geomancy and Gnosis
9:00 AM: Robert Gandrup & Rob Ryan’s Dowsing Remedies
10:45 AM: Richard Feather Anderson’s Using Labyrinths for Humanity’s Conscious Evolution
2:00 PM: Linda Lenore’s Transforming Lives through Landscape
3:45 PM: Angela Burr-Madsen’s Utilizing the Energy Body as a Living Radionic Instrument
9:00 AM: Marilyn Harper’s Optimal Health – Holographic Healing
10:45 AM: Susan Collins’ Soul Retrieval with Dowsing
2:00 PM: Susan Spuhler’s Map Dowsing
3:45 PM: Wayne Hoff’s Keeping Your Space Clear after You Clear It
Sat., Sept 10 th TAHA Faire 10am – 5pm TAHA Community Wellness Center Faire
Sat., Sept 17 th Redding Psychic & Holistic Arts Faire 10am – 4pm Win River Casino
Thank you everyone for your help, especially Marianne, Mary, Crystal, Barney, Carole, Rachel, ASD, KIXE, After Five Magazine, & Lotus Guide.
Albert Einstein’s response to a question on how does it feel to be the smartest man alive? Einstein’s response, “I don’t know, you’ll have to ask Nicola Tesla.”
“If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.” -Nikola Tesla
“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” -Winston Churchill
The purpose of Nor Cal Dowsers is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects of dowsing. Dowsing often uses tools to access information unacknowledged by the conscious mind. The challenge is to have our wishes and wants not get in the way of “UNIVERSAL TRUTH.” Dowsing has helped many become more intuitive, and assists in all aspects of wellbeing. We usually meet monthly, at the Shasta County Library in Redding. Check website for details. Carl V. Bracy and others started this local non-profit dowsing club in 1990 as a way of bringing the tools and protocols of dowsing to help each person and their loved ones in their personal growth. We are also a branch of the American Society of Dowsers (est. 1961). Thanks Carl and ALL who’ve contributed towards helping our community and world become a better place!
June 2016
June 21st Summer Solstice
2016 NCD Meeting Dates:
Protocol for Nor Cal Dowser meetings:
The first 15 minutes are introduction & testimonials. The speaker begins shortly afterwards. We take a break with libation & snacks in between the speaker’s presentation. Please feel free to bring snacks to share. We suggest a $5 – $10 donation (not mandatory) to help pay for speakers & other related dowsing club expenses. Anyone interested in dowsing, fun, and learning is welcome.
Sun., June 12 at 1:30 pm – Jann Holden (Red Bluff) www.jannholden.webs.com
Sun., July 24 at 1:30 pm – West Coast Conference Summary
Sat., Aug 13 at noon – To Be Determined
Save the Dates:
Wed. – Mon., June 15 -20: 56 th American Society of Dowsers Convention in Saratoga Springs, NY. For details visit www.dowsers.org or call 802.684.3417
1:00pm Helen Clark (RN, MA) hosts monthly mediumship group readings. Group is limiting to eight participants and the location is at her home in Cottonwood. The cost is $10.00. Please call to reserve a spot if you wish to come. Call 227-6318 and please leave a message if I am unable to answer. Helen’s contact info: psychic@c-zone.net , 530-227- 6318, www.psychic-medium-redding.com , Facebook
Ongoing last Friday of the month, 7-9 pm Bobbie Gray has “ The Gregory Reading Circles”. Come join the group to hear Gregory Wisdom and receive a Gregory Reading at their home. Cost: $20. For more information, contact Bobbie at BobbieG22@gmail.com 530-515-3826 or www.BobbieG.com
Sat. June 25 The Holistic Fair 10am-4pm at the Center For Spiritual Living, 1905 Hartnell Ave., in Redding. The dowsers will be participating in this event. There will be psychic readers, astrologers, holistic practitioners, arts and crafts objects, and much more. Helen Clark will be doing mini-readings for $20. Contact Ava Malinovsky for additional information at amalin57@gmail.com
July 1 – 5 th (Fri – Tues) West Coast Conference (UC SANTA CRUZ) www.dowserswestcoast.org
“Absolutely Divine! Entertainment Your Way” is this year’s theme for the West Coast Conference (WCC). WCC offers 3 ½ days of dowsing school classes ranging from beginning to advance, four workshops, and a youth program. Children (ages 6 through 12) may attend for FREE at the young people’s mystery school. Pre-Conference begins Friday July 1 st . This year’s celebration is planned with Susan Collins as the keynote speaker, Fun night’s talent show, fun, meeting new friends and see familiar ones.
Thank you everyone for your help, especially Mary, Crystal, Marianne, Barney, Carole, ASD, KIXE, After Five Magazine, & Lotus Guide.
“I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered together at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone. –J. F. Kennedy
“If man does find the solution for world peace it will be the most revolutionary reversal of his record we have ever known.” –George C. Marshall
“There is real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment.” – Norman Vincent Peale
“When you know who you are; when your mission is clear and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will; no cold can touch your heart; no deluge can dampen your purpose. You know that you are alive.” – Chief Seattle
“Do not veil the truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth knowingly.” – The Koran
“There is no drought.” – Donald Trump
The purpose of Nor Cal Dowsers is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects of dowsing. Dowsing often uses tools to access information unacknowledged by the conscious mind. The challenge is to have our wishes and wants not get in the way of “UNIVERSAL TRUTH.” Dowsing has helped many become more intuitive, and assists in all aspects of wellbeing. We usually meet monthly, at the Shasta County Library in Redding, check website for details. Carl V. Bracy and others started this local non-profit dowsing club in 1990 as a way of bringing the tools and protocols of dowsing to help each person and their loved ones in their personal growth. We are also a branch of the American Society of Dowsers (est. 1961). Thanks Carl and ALL who’ve contributed towards helping our community and world become a better place!
May 2016
Nor Cal Dowsers has been nominated for Best Chapter and Best Website by the American Society of Dowsers. Thanks everyone.
Renowned dowser Sharron Hope was interviewed on a local radio station: http://krov.fm/ by Dr. Lee Edwards for an hour on May 3 rd . The broadcast should be available for listening soon. Congratulations Sharron and thanks for exposing people to dowsing.
2016 NCD Meeting Dates:
Protocol for Nor Cal Dowser meetings:
The first 15 minutes are introduction & testimonials. The speaker begins shortly afterwards. We take a break with libation & snacks in between the speaker’s presentation. Please feel free to bring snacks to share. We suggest a $5 – $10 donation (not mandatory) to help pay for speakers & other related dowsing club expenses. Anyone interested in dowsing, fun, and learning is welcome.
Sat., May 14 at noon – Carl Vincent, Ph.D. www.antiqueappraisalsredding.com
Sun., June 12 at 1:30 pm – Jann Holden (Red Bluff) www.jannholden.webs.com
Sun., July 24 at 1:30 pm – West Coast Conference Summary
Sat., Aug 13 at noon – To Be Determined
Save the Dates:
Ongoing 1 st Sun. of the month at 1pm: Gold Country Dowsers’ Dowsing Lessons with Sharron Hope at the Oroville Public Library Oroville, CA. Sharron’s group usually meets the first Sunday of the month.
Ongoing 1 st Tuesday (May 3 rd ) of the month at 5pm PST dowsing conference call is offered by the American Society of Dowsers. This FREE national phone conference call is open to anyone interested in dowsing. Call 712-775- 7035 & enter participant code: 647410#.
May 18–20, The Foundations of Mind III Conference: Science as if Being Mattered (Berkeley, CA). www.foundationsofmind.org. Cost: $300 early bird through May 8 th ; Regular Price $450; Cal Students Free. Speakers & Panalist: Ashok Narasimhan, Beverly Rubik, Cynthia Sue Larson, Edward Frenkel, Fred Alan Wolf, Henry Stapp, Leslie Combs, Menas Kafatos, Neil Theise, Peter Russell, Seán Ó Nualláin, Wolfgang Baer, etc.
May 20-22, 2016, The 22nd Annual Wesak Celebration
Honoring the energies of The Buddha Full Moon. Theme: “Finding Our Own Path to Spirit” in Mount Shasta. www.wesak.us LOCAL TICKETS: $75.
June 15 -20 (Wed. – Mon.): 56 th American Society of Dowsers Convention in Saratoga Springs, NY. For details visit www.dowsers.org or call 802.684.3417
July 1 – 5 th (Fri – Tues) West Coast Conference (UC SANTA CRUZ) www.dowserswestcoast.org
“Absolutely Divine! Entertainment Your Way” is this year’s theme for the West Coast Conference (WCC). WCC offers 3 ½ days of dowsing school classes ranging from beginning to advance, four workshops, and a youth program. Children (ages 6 through 12) may attend for FREE at the young people’s mystery school. Pre-Conference begins Friday July 1 st . This year’s celebration is planned with Susan Collins as the keynote speaker, Fun night’s talent show, fun, meeting new friends and see familiar ones.
Thank you everyone for your help, especially Mary, Crystal, Marianne, Barney, Carole, Don, Sharron, ASD, KIXE, After Five Magazine, & Lotus Guide.
Inspirational Quotes
“Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.” – Buddha
“Watch your thoughts; They become words. Watch your words; They become actions. Watch your actions; They become habits. Watch your habits; They become character. Watch your character; It becomes your destiny.” – Lao Tzu
“Where there is love there is life.” Mahatma Gandhi
“Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” –A.A. Milne
“…selfish and boundless thirst for money is destroying the earth.” Pope Francis
“The earth is the mother of all people, and all people should have equal rights upon it.” – Chief Joseph
“As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.” – Henry David Thoreau
“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light” – Plato
The purpose of Nor Cal Dowsers is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health and well-being, and explore all aspects of dowsing. Dowsing typically uses simple tools or devices to access information unacknowledged by the conscious mind. This often leads to valuable insights, and a more rewarding life experience. We usually meet monthly, at the Shasta County Library in Redding. Check website for details.
NCD was founded in 1990 by Carl V. Bracy, and others, as a way of exposing people to the tools, protocols, and benefits of dowsing. We are also a branch of the American Society of Dowsers (est. 1961). Thanks to Carl and ALL who’ve contributed towards the general upliftment of our community and world!
April 2016
April 22 Earth Day. Thank you Gaia.
2016 NCD Meeting Dates:
Protocol for Nor Cal Dowser meetings:
The first 15 minutes are introduction & testimonials. The speaker begins shortly afterwards. We take a break with libation & snacks in between the speaker’s presentation. Please feel free to bring snacks to share. We suggest a $5 – $10 donation (not mandatory) to help pay for speakers & other related dowsing club expenses. Anyone interested in dowsing, fun, and learning is welcome.
Sat., April 16 at noon – Laurie McDonald (Sacramento) www.trueyouhypnotherapy.com
Sat., May 14 at noon – Carl Vincent, Ph.D. www.antiqueappraisalsredding.
Sun., June 12 at 1:30 pm – Jann Holden (Red Bluff) www.jannholden.webs.com
Sun., July 24 at 1:30 pm – West Coast Conference Summary
Save the Dates:
Sun., April 3rd at 1pm: Gold Country Dowsers’ Dowsing Lessons with Sharron Hope at the Oroville Public Library Oroville, CA.
Ongoing 1st Tuesday of every month at 5pm PST dowsing conference call is offered by the American Society of Dowsers. This monthly FREE national phone conference call is open to anyone interested in dowsing. Call 712-775-7035 & enter participant code: 647410#
Tues., April 12th: The Truth About Cancer FREE video series is being aired again. See link below for a series of one hour videos.
Sat. April 23rd 1pm – 2:30 pm: Helen Clark is offering “group” mediumship reading.
This event is limited to the first nine people with a nominal cost of $10.00. If interested contact Helen 530.227.6318.
Sat. April 23rd 11am – 5pm: Whole Earth & Watershed Festival. Location: Redding City Hall.
Sat. April 30th. 2 – 5:30pm: Health and Medical Impacts from Geo engineering Programs. Location: Redding library. This is a FREE forum is given by several local speakers with question and answers to address the growing concerns of health & medical impacts of Geo-engineering. Details: Orchard staff consultant to overview the basics of daily & heavy metal detox, the helpful nutritional supports. A mental health integrative clinician , Lori Bridgeford, will address the pressing dynamics of stress/ loss/ grief and trauma. Dane Wigington, local lead researcher, will offer an update on current ways to take more control of this immediate health issue upon water, soil and air and lab options we can consider in the days ahead. Join us for this collaboration of experts. If you’d like to know more contact Lori Bridgeford (530.247.3925).
Fri.- Sun., April 29 – May 1: Intuitive Mastery Seminar presented by Rob Douglass. Location: The Gratitude Center, 407 Wanut St., Red Bluff, CA 96080. The weekend workshop will be on Intuitive Mastery from the Alohem Center, helping students to start their journey on accessing/improving intuitive development and personal empowerment. Friday is a FREE Introduction from 6pm – 9:30pm. Sat & Sun 9am – 6pm bring a potluck lunch. Costs: $150, plus one book to read. If in need of discounts please contact Rob Douglass: admin@alohem.org or 503-680-8084.
Fri.- Sun., April 29 – May 1: New Living EXPO. Friday 2pm-9pm, Sat 10am – 8pm, Sun 11am –7pm. Location: San Mateo Event Center, San Mateo, CA. 180 booths, special events, workshops, lectures, well known speakers, etc. Cost for a one day pass $15 & cost for a three day pass $30. For details visit: www.newlivingexpo.com
Wed. – Mon., June 15 -20: 56thAmerican Society of Dowsers Convention in Saratoga Springs, NY. For details visit www.dowsers.org or call 802.684.3417
July 1 – 5th (Fri – Tues) West Coast Conference (UC SANTA CRUZ) www.dowserswestcoast.org “Absolutely Divine! Entertainment Your Way” is this year’s theme for the West Coast Conference (WCC). WCC offers 3 ½ days of dowsing school classes ranging from beginning to advance, four workshops, and a youth program. Children (ages 6 through 12) may attend for FREE at the young people’s mystery school. Pre-Conference begins Friday July 1st. This year’s celebration is planned with Susan Collins as the keynote speaker, Fun night’s talent show, fun, meeting new friends and see familiar ones.
Thank you everyone for your help, especially Mary, Crystal Sage, Marianne, Barney, Linda Schreiber, ASD, KIXE, After Five Magazine, & Lotus Guide.
Gaia Ho’oponopono video by Linda Schreiber’s You Tube link:
“Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” –A.A. Milne
“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” – Plato
“Use, do not abuse; neither abstinence nor excess ever renders man happy.” – Voltaire
“…selfish and boundless thirst for money is destroying the earth.” Pope Francis
“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don’t believe is right.” — Jane Goodall
“Person to person, moment to moment, as we love, we change the world.” – Samahria Lyte Kaufman
“You’ve got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was.” – Irish Proverb
“Man’s goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished.” – Nelson Mandela
The purpose of Nor Cal Dowsers is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects of dowsing. Dowsing often uses tools to access information unacknowledged by the conscious mind. The challenge is to have our wishes and wants not get in the way of “UNIVERSAL TRUTH.” Dowsing has helped many become more intuitive, and assists in all aspects of wellbeing. We usually meet monthly, at the Shasta County Library in Redding, check website for details. Carl V. Bracy and others started this local non-profit dowsing club in 1990 as a way of bringing the tools and protocols of dowsing to help each person and their loved ones in their personal growth. We are also a branch of the American Society of Dowsers (est. 1961). Thanks Carl and ALL who’ve contributed towards helping our community and world become a better place!
March 2016
Sun., March 13: Daylight Savings (Our next meeting).
2016 NCD Meeting Dates:
Protocol for Nor Cal Dowser meetings:
The first 15 – 20 minutes are introduction & testimonials. The speaker begins shortly afterwards. We take a break with libation & snacks midway through speaker’s presentation. Please feel free to bring snacks to share. We suggest a $5 – $10 donation (not mandatory) to help pay for speakers & other related dowsing club expenses. Anyone interested in dowsing, fun, and learning is welcome.
Sun., March 13 at 1:30 pm – Roger Q. Gray www.ReddingHypnosis.com
Sat., April 16 at noon – Laurie McDonald (Sacramento) www.trueyouhypnotherapy.com
Sat., May 14 at noon – Carl Vincent, Ph.D. https://www.pinterest.com/tan65/currently-up-for-sale/
Sun., June 12 at 1:30 pm – Jann Holden (Red Bluff) www.jannholden.webs.com
Save the Dates:
American Society of Dowser’s FREE Monthly Conference Calls: 712-775-7035, Participant Code: 647410# ASD’s scheduled meetings are usually held 1st Tues., 1st & 2nd Thurs. monthly.
- Thur., March 3rd at 5pm “Discover Dowsers” interview professionals who dowse daily.
- Tues., March 8 at 5pm: ASD’s FREE National Phone Conference Call for ALL Members & Anyone Interested.
- Thurs., March 10th at 5pm is hosted by Leroy Bull for map dowsers & all those interested.
March 15 – 20, 2016 (Mon – Sat) BioGeometry Class (Ashland, OR) (6 days)
Doreya and Laila Karim, the daughters of Dr. Ibrahim Karim, the founder of BioGeometry, will teach you to use measurement tools to evaluate energy patterns, as well as how to use shapes, colors, sound, and movement to transform and balance environments, living spaces, and assist in healing yourself or others. You will be taught how to neutralize the effects of many of the environmental stressors that impact the body, and understand many ancient principles of energy balancing. If you are interested please contact Shady Sirotkin, 541.778.0650 or Oilsofthegods@igc.org. Foundation Level Training, Ashland, OR dates: March 15-20, 2016. (6 days). Hours: 10-5, (one hour lunch break ) Location: Hidden Springs Wellness Center, Ashland Cost: $1295 (fee includes tools and materials needed to practice). http://www.biogeometry.ca
July 1 – 5th (Fri – Tues) West Coast Conference (UC SANTA CRUZ) www.dowserswestcoast.org
Over 60 presenters, annual dowsing school training day, post conference workshops, youth program, vendor tables, Susan Collins (Canada) as keynote speaker, and so much more.
Special Thanks
Thank you everyone for your help, especially Mary, Crystal, Marianne, Barney, Carole, Don, Sharron, Rachel, Maryse, Lennard, ASD, KIXE, After Five Magazine, & Lotus Guide.
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art & science.” – Albert Einstein
“The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
“And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.” – Beatles
“The greatest conflicts are not between two people but between one person and himself.” – Garth Brooks
“Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate.” – John Fitzgerald Kennedy
“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” – Benjamin Franklin
The purpose of Nor Cal Dowsers is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects of dowsing. Dowsing often uses tools to access information unacknowledged by the conscious mind. The challenge is to have our wishes and wants not get in the way of “UNIVERSAL TRUTH.” Dowsing has helped many become more intuitive, and assists in all aspects of wellbeing. We usually meet monthly, at the Shasta County Library in Redding, check website for details. Carl V. Bracy started this local non-profit dowsing club in 1990 as a way of bringing the tools and protocols of dowsing to help each person and their loved ones in their personal growth. We are also a branch of the American Society of Dowsers (est. 1961). Thanks Carl and ALL who’ve contributed towards helping our community and world become a better place!
February 2016
2016 NCD Meeting Dates:
Protocol for Nor Cal Dowser meetings:
The first 20- 30 minutes are geared towards introduction & testimonials. The speaker begins shortly afterwards. We take a break with libation & snacks in between the speaker’s presentation. Please feel free to bring snacks to share. We suggest a $5 – $10 donation (not mandatory) to help pay for speakers & other related dowsing club expenses.
Anyone interested in dowsing, fun, and learning is welcome.
Sun., Feb 13th at 1:30 pm – Robert Winston Mercy www.robertwinstonmercy.com
Sun., March 13 at 1:30 pm – Roger Q. Gray www.ReddingHypnosis.com
Sat., April 16 at noon – Laurie McDonald (Sacramento) www.trueyouhypnotherapy.com
Sat., May 14 at noon – Carl Vincent, Ph.D. https://www.pinterest.com/tan65/currently-up-for-sale/
Sun., June 12 at 1:30 pm – Jann Holden (Red Bluff) www.jannholden.webs.com
Save the Dates:
Monday, Feb 1st at 7am PST
Global Peace Meditation in Syria, or from wherever you are. We can send peace & love through ALL space time continuums.
Tuesday Evening. Feb 2nd at 5 pm PST American Society of Dowsers (ASD) phone call series
Finding the cause of a situation. The best way to resolve an issue is to find and correct the cause. Dowsing the Cause is a powerful way to resolve issues! Join us! If you are unable to join us then, try Thursday & next Tues for the Discover Dowsers Series. Same time, same number.
Telephone call in number: 712-775-7035 , Participant Code: 647410# (There is no charge from ASD for Free Conference Call).
Thursday Evening Feb 4th 5pm PST ASD 712-775-7035 , Participant Code: 647410#
Tuesday Evening Feb 9th 5pm PST ASD Energy Work 712-775-7035 , Participant Code: 647410#
February 19, 4:00 PM EST- February 22 4:00 AM EST www.raymongracefoundation.org/class.html
Self-Empowerment Webinar: Stacking the deck of life in your favor with intent, by Raymon Grace. Cost: $250.
July 1 – 5th (Fri – Tues) West Coast Conference (UC SANTA CRUZ) www.dowserswestcoast.org
Special Thank You to our Supporters….
Mary Farley was acknowledged for her, long standing service to NCD and the community at large at our last dowsing meeting. Thank you Mary.
Thanks Crystal Sage & Marianne for welcoming and logistics.
Thanks Mad Scientist Barney for all your new inventions.
Thanks Carole for your readiness to help.
Thanks Don for making sleeved L –rods.
Thanks Les for your assistance over the years.
Thanks Sharron Hope for your inspiration and assistance is a continual blessing.
Thanks Pearl Nicolino for your donations of journals, tapes, books, inspiration, etc.
Thanks Rachel for keeping the website & FB updated.
Thanks Local Informational Sponsors: KIXE, After Five Magazine, & Lotus Guide.
Thanks to our last speakers Cynthia Sue Larson & Richard for sharing quantum logic. Lots of scientific data shared with a positive upliftment for ALL.
Thanks everyone for your contributions at the meetings, and to those of you who continue to share information.
“In the middle of a difficulty lies opportunity.” — Albert Einstein
“You can learn more through joy, beauty, wonder, laughter, excitement, love and curiosity than through pain.” — Lazaris
“Dowsing is Mother’s Intuition with a read out device.” — Walt Woods
“It is difficult to make a man miserable while he feels worthy of himself and claims kindred to the great God who made him.” — Abraham Lincoln
“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” – Marcus Aurelius
The purpose of Nor Cal Dowsers is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects of dowsing. Dowsing often uses tools to access information unacknowledged by the conscious mind. The challenge is to have our wishes and wants not get in the way of “UNIVERSAL TRUTH.” Dowsing has helped many become more intuitive, and assists in all aspects of wellbeing. We usually meet monthly, at the Shasta County Library in Redding, check website for details. Carl V. Bracy started this local non-profit dowsing club in 1990 as a way of bringing the tools and protocols of dowsing to help each person and their loved ones in their personal growth. We are also a branch of the American Society of Dowsers (est. 1961). Thanks Carl and ALL who’ve contributed towards helping our community and world become a better place!
January 2016
Happy New Year Everyone….Here’s to a Brilliant 2016 for you and your families!
Leap Year, which means every four years we have a Feb 29th according to the Gregorian calendar.
Chinese New Year will be year of the Fire Monkey (Feb 8th, 2016).
The ancient Chinese culture understood dowsing thousands of years ago. Emperor Yu has been depicted as using a ruyi sceptre in various writings and pictures. A ruyi sceptre is an “S” shaped dowsing device, which translates to and is known for “every wish granted”. Emperors would regularly have “state diviners” as part of their staff.
The Nor Cal Dowsers would like to give a very special thank you to Louis J. Matacia for his contributions towards the dowsing community. After being unable to get in touch with Louis for several months, we finally called his daughter, Ginette, who informed that Louis had a heart attack in August, and has other health challenges as well. We hope that everyone will join us in wishing Louis good health, and safe passage on his journey.
Northern California Dowsers thanks all who participated in the search for Monty Busbee, 43, who has not returned from an excursion into the snow at Snoqualmie Pass, Washington on Saturday, 19 December 2015. Our profound condolences to Monty’s family and friends. Fare thee well Monty.
2016 NCD Meeting Dates:
Protocol for Nor Cal Dowser meetings:
The first 20- 30 minutes are introduction & testimonials. The speaker begins shortly afterwards. We take a break with libation & snacks in between the speaker’s presentation. Please feel free to bring snacks to share. We suggest a $5 – $10 donation (not mandatory) to help pay for speakers & other related dowsing club expenses. Anyone interested in dowsing, fun, and learning is welcome.
Sun., Jan 31st at 1:30 pm – Cynthia Sue Larson (Oakland) www.realityshifters.com
Sun., Feb 13th at 1:30 pm – Robert Winston Mercy www.robertwinstonmercy.com
Sun., March 13 at 1:30 pm – Roger Q. Gray www.ReddingHypnosis.com
Sat., April 16 at noon – Laurie McDonald (Sacramento) www.trueyouhypnotherapy.com
Sat., May 14 at noon – Carl Vincent, Ph.D. https://www.pinterest.com/tan65/currently-up-for-sale/
30 Jan 2016, Past Life Hypnotic Regression Session presented by Helen Clark RN, MA on Sat., 2 pm – 3:30 pm in Cottonwood, CA. Helen is a psychic, medium, psychotherapist, and nurse. Her training and delightful sense of humor ensure a safe and fun environment is created to learn new skills. In the workshop, she’ll lead the class into a guided hypnosis to explore a few fun times in a couple past lives. Workshop is limited to 10 participants. Preregistration required: Call 530-227-6318 or e-mail psychic@c-zone.net Cost: $25.00 Send payment to Helen Clark at P.O. Box 1114, Cottonwood, CA 96022. Once payment in received your spot in the class will be confirmed. Please call before you send the payment so she can put you on the list. www.psychic-medium-redding.com
1 July – 5 July, 2016 West Coast Dowsing Conference in Santa Cruz.
This year’s title is “Absolutely Divine: Dowsing Your Way”. This is a safe & fun conference where dowsers from all over participate in a lecture – seminar setting at scenic UC Santa Cruz. If you have questions or comments, then feel free to contact: email: dowserswestcoast@gmail.com. Or write to: West Coast Dowsers, c/o Karen Ashley, 26 Cragmont Ave., San Francisco, CA 94116. Phone: 415-823-9148.
15 June – 20 June, 2016: American Society of Dowsers presents the 56th National OPEN Convention, & Members Annual Meeting in Saratoga Springs, NY. www.dowsers.org/convention or 802.684.3417
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) Contact: Sharron Hope Phone: 530-534-3516 Email: kupiedolls@yahoo.com Chapter Info.: This chapter meets about four times a year so please contact for which months the meetings will be. There are also group field trips that the public is welcome to join, so contact if you are interested in finding out when these trips are.
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera or San Francisco) Contact: Karen Ashley Phone: 415-564-6419 Email: dowserina@earthlink.net Chapter Info.: Meetings are the usually the third Saturday in the months Sept., Nov., Jan., March, and May. From 1:30pm to 5pm, different locations so please email to find out where we will be meeting next. After the meetings we often go out for a no host dinner with the guest speaker.
Mother Lode Dowsers (Columbia) Contract: Ralph Squire Phone: 209-533-3759 Email: ralph@goldrush.com Chapter Info.: Meets occasionally in Columbia.
North Bay Area (Benicia, Vallejo) Contact: Adam Email:atomdirector@yahoo.com
Northern California Dowsers / Nor Cal Dowsers (Redding) Contact: Jeannette or Barney Phone: Jeannette 530-222-2024 / Barney 530-474-1938 Email: norcaldowsers@gmail.com Chapter Info.: Usually meets monthly at Shasta County Library, Community Rm., 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001. Check schedule & calendar at website: norcaldowsers.com
San Diego Chapter (San Diego) Contact: Inez Lindsey Phone: 619-563-9782 Email: inezlindse@aol.com Chapter Info.: Monthly meetings check website for info at www.sddowsers.com
San Jose Chapter (San Jose) Contact: Wayne Hoff Phone: 831-818-6980 Email: waynehoff@biospiritus.net Website: sjdowsing.wordpress.com/ Meeting Address: Divine Science Center 1540 Hicks Blvd San Jose Chapter Info.: www.meetup.com/Dowsers
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) Contact: Donna Ahlers Phone: 916-564-9552 Email: sierradowsers@comcast.net Chapter Info.: Meets several times a year.
Sonoma County Dowsers (Santa Rosa or Sebastopol) Contact: Dianna Coulombe Phone: 707-575-9237 Email: Dianna@sonic.net Chapter Info.: website: www.sonomacountydowsers.blogspot.com
Valley of the Dowsers (Winnetka) Contact: Jim Schultz or Susan Schultz, Phone: 818-667-4417 or 818-667-4416 Email: jimmy_eddy@hotmail.com / susangel@concentric.net Chapter Info.: Contact Jim for meetings.
Energy Dowsers of the Pacific NW (Lynwood, Washington) Contact: Pat Delafield Phone: 425-778-9665 Meeting address: 20108 56th Ave West, Lynnwood, WA 98036. Email: dowsers.water@gmail.com Chapter Info.: website: www.energydowsers.com.
Shirley A. Runco – Northern California Region – 510-278-3136
Inez Lindsey – Southern California Region – 619-563-9782
Jeanne Gehringer – Southwest Region – 575-522-4667
It’s important to keep your mind open, but not so open that your brain falls out.” – Andrew Neher.
“Always do right. This will gratify some people, and astonish the rest.” — Mark Twain.
“We can’t allow logic to be our goddess: it has powerful muscles, but it lacks personality. The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and logic is a faithful servant; unfortunately, we created a society that honors the faithful servant and forgets the sacred gift. The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time.” — Albert Einstein
“Success in life has little to do with education, degrees, physical beauty, wealth, or how many awards you have. True success is learning the ability to heal and evolve to higher states of consciousness, no matter how you get there.” — Crystal Sage
The purpose of Nor Cal Dowsers is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects of dowsing. Dowsing often uses tools to access information unacknowledged by the conscious mind. The challenge is to have our wishes and wants not get in the way of “UNIVERSAL TRUTH.” Dowsing has helped many become more intuitive, and assists in all aspects of wellbeing. We usually meet monthly, at the Shasta County Library in Redding, check website for details. Carl V. Bracy started this local non-profit dowsing club in 1990 as a way of bringing the tools and protocols of dowsing to help each person and their loved ones in their personal growth. We are also a branch of the American Society of Dowsers (est. 1961). Thanks Carl and ALL who’ve contributed towards helping our community and world become a better place!
We welcome volunteer assistance.
November 2015
Dec 6: Renowned Dowser – Sharron Hope’s Gold Map Dowsing Clinic: Sharron is one of the experts in the dowsing arena. She is offering a small intimate gathering for a “Map Dowsing Clinic”. Bring your own map (BYOM) & be ready to dowse for gold &/or other treasures. Location: Oroville Public Library at 1p.m. (1820 Mitchell). Library is on the corner of Mitchell & Lincoln. If interested please contact Sharron at DiviningHope@yahoo.com or 530.534.3516 or 530.570. DOWSE.
2015 NCD Meeting Dates:
Sat., Nov. 7th with featured speaker Crystal Sage. Last meeting of 2015.
NO December Meeting. Everyone enjoy your holiday vacation!
Thank You
Helen Clark. A special thank you to Helen Clark, RN, MA who has contributed for a number of years to our dowsing club & other local events in her monthly newsletter. Helen is a psychic – medium who can be reached at www.psychic-medium-redding.com, 530.227.6318, & psychic@c-zone.net. She also mentions in her latest newsletter that on Jan. 9th, 2016 John Edwards is visiting Redding at the Holiday Inn from 2 – 4pm. Tickets $150. www.John Edward.net. Thanks Helen for also putting on your annual Psychic Faire and being a big supporter for us.
Rachel is our webmaster for norcaldowsers.com. She continues to keep things updated & refreshes the website when needed. Thanks!
Barney, the Mad Scientist, keeps making new inventions, helps with the facebook page & website, and is always ready to contribute to our club. Thanks for all you do.
Mary, (the secretary/hospitality/greeter), thanks for sending out mail for over a decade. She has helped with speakers, mailings, bringing supplies so all of us can enjoy libations and snacks. Thanks for taking care of us Mary!
A special thanks to Marianne who helps set up & clean up.
And thanks to everyone else who volunteers and supports NCD.
2016 NCD Meeting Dates:
Sun., Jan 31st at 1:30 pm – Cynthia Sue Larson (Oakland). www.realityshifters.com
Sun., Feb 13th at 1:30 pm – Robert Winston Mercy. www.robertwinstonmercy.com
Sun., March 13 at 1:30pm
Sat., April 16 at noon
Fun & Simple Brain Yoga Exercise Video:
FREE INSTRUCTION: After you watch this, below is another link to another website (there are quite a few on the net) which explains how to do this correctly.
MT Kesh “Free Energy in Exchange for World Peace” video
Billions in Change Official Film – Shattering The Matrix philanthropist Manoj Bhargava
October 2015
Oct 10th – 11th (Sat – Sun) Shasta Gem & Jewelry Show (Sat: 9am – 5pm) & (Sun: 10am – 4pm) at the Shasta District Fairgrounds in Anderson.
Oct 11th (Sun) Butte Ions Meeting (Paradise). Scheduled speaker Dr. Mark Light’s presentation, “Whole Health Medicine,” as presented by Dr. Lissa Rankin.
Oct 24th (Sat) Trinity Alliance for Healing Arts Faire in Weaverville 10am – 5pm will be held at Veterans Memorial Hall in Weaverville. The dowsers will have a booth.
Nov 1 & Dec 6: Renowned Dowser – Sharron Hope’s Gold Map Dowsing Clinic:
Sharron is one of the experts in the dowsing arena. She is offering a small intimate gathering for a “Map Dowsing Clinic” soon. Bring your own map (BYOM) & be ready to dowse for gold &/or other treasures. Location: Oroville Public Library at 1p.m. (1820 Mitchell). Library is on the corner of Mitchell & Lincoln. If interested please contact Sharron at DiviningHope@yahoo.com or 530.534.3516 or 530.570.DOWSE.
2015 NCD Meeting Dates:
NO October Meeting
Sat., Nov. 7th with featured speaker Crystal Sage. Last meeting of 2015.
NO December Meeting
2016 NCD Meeting Dates:
Sat., Jan 9th at noon – Cynthia Sue Larson (Oakland). www.realityshifters.com
Sun., Feb 13th at 1:15pm
Sun., March 13 at 1:15pm
Fun & Simple Brain Yoga Exercise Video:
FREE INSTRUCTION: After you watch this, below is another link to another website (there are quite a few on the net) which explains how to do this correctly.
“If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on it, I would use the first 55 minutes determining the proper questions to ask” –Albert Einstein
September 2015
Sept 12th (Sat) Helen Clark RN, MA presents The Annual Redding Psychic, Holistic, Arts & Crafts Faire
At Win River Casino, 2100 Redding Rd. 10am – 4pm. Cost $5 at the door & you receive a $5 voucher to play in the casino. Last year, there were at least five people that we know about that won $50 to $500 in the casino from their voucher. For more information or if you have questions contact Helen at 530.227.6318 or psychic@c-zone.net. There will be 25 vendors and there will be talks going on at the center stage. The dowsers will have a booth & will speak on “Uses for & Benefits of Dowsing” at 11:30.
Sharron Hope’s Gold Map Dowsing Clinic:
Sharron is one of the experts in the dowsing arena. She is offering a small intimate gathering for a “Map Dowsing Clinic” soon. Bring your own map (BYOM) & be ready to dowse for gold &/or other treasures. If interested please contact Sharron at DiviningHope@yahoo.com or 530.534.3516 or 530.570.DOWSE.
Sept 23rd (Wed) Autumnal Equinox (1:20 am PST)
Sept 27th (Sun) Total Lunar Eclipse (7:48 pm)
Oct 10th – 11th (Sat – Sun) Shasta Gem & Jewelry Show
Sat: 9am – 5pm & Sun: 10am – 4pm at the Shasta District Fairgrounds in Anderson.
Oct 11th (Sun) Butte Ions Meeting (Paradise).
Scheduled speaker Dr. Mark Light’s presentation, “Whole Health Medicine,” as presented by Dr. Lissa Rankin.
Oct 24th (Sat) Trinity Alliance for Healing Arts Faire in Weaverville
10am – 5pm will be held at Veterans Memorial Hall in Weaverville. The dowsers will have a booth.
“Intelligence is an innate integrity abiding in the soul, and intellectualism is an education of the mind by external study and training.” -Manly P. Hall
“If you knew who walked beside you at all times, on the path that you have chosen, you could never experience fear or doubt again.” – Wayne W. Dyer
Through dowsing, we can tap into this “river of knowledge,” – Edgar Cayce
November 2014
Nor Cal Dowsers Mission Statement: The purpose of our group is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects in the field of dowsing.
Nor Cal Dowsing meetings are scheduled monthly at Shasta Public Library, 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA. Check calendar for details.
Upcoming NCD Meetings:
Nov 8th (Sat at noon) NCD Meeting with Lotte Bowen.
Dec 13th (Sat at 11 a.m.) Kids Dowsing Program Inaugural Event. RSVP by Dec 3rd. See Carole if you’d like to help.
Jan 17th 2015 (Sat at noon) NCD Meeting with Nina Brown (visiting from Oakland).
Feb 15th (Sun at 1:30 p.m.) NCD Meeting TBA
March 15th (Sun at 1:30 p.m.) NCD Meeting TBA
April 18th (Sat) NCD Meeting with Suzan Collins (visiting from Canada). www.dowser.ca
Orgone Cloud Harmonizer Update: The price to build the harmonizer was almost $400 at our September meeting, but we have gotten bulk pricing down to $320. If interested in purchasing one, then please put up a deposit of $240 for materials to start the process.
“All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man’s life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom.” – Albert Einstein
“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” -John F. Kennedy
Thank You
October 2014
NorCal Dowsers Presents a Special FREE Event: Beginner Dowsing Program for KIDS and for the Young at Heart!
Saturday Dec 13th at 11am at the Shasta County Library
Activities include:
Make your own Pendulum
Make your own L-Rods
Measure your Aura/Energy Fields
Find lost objects
See whats good to eat
Answer Yes or No questions
Find out what energy is
Mandala Coloring
Mystery Dowsing – is this good for me?
Come have fun, learn about the ancient art of dowsing and how to tune in to subtle energies that can greatly improve your life.
Free presentations and every child receives a pendulum and gift bag!
Please RSVP before Dec 3rd so we can provide enough materials and gifts for all the children.
530-474-1938, 530-222-2024 or northerncaliforniadowsers@gmail.com
September 2014
Nor Cal Dowsers Mission Statement: The purpose of our group is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects in the field of dowsing.
Nor Cal Dowsing meetings are scheduled monthly on Saturdays usually at noon, Shasta Public Library, 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA.
Upcoming class: Sept 27th “Chemtrail Harmonizer”, requested class for those interested in Geoengineering/ Aerosol Spraying (aka Chemtrails). We’ll be making a Harmonizer. This class begins at 1pm.
Upcoming NCD Events & Meetings
NO October meeting for Nor Cal Dowsers.
Oct 11th (Sat) Health & Wellness Faire in Red Bluff, 10 am – 4pm at the Hampton Inn (Main Street & Adobe Rd.), FREE faire in the Round-Up Room. Come support Professor Barney.
Oct 25th (Sat) TAHA, Trinity Alliance for the Healing Arts, faire is from 10am – 5pm at the Veterans Memorial Hall in Weaverville. Nor Cal Dowsers will be a supporting member at this event again.
Nov 8th (Sat) NCD Meeting
Dec 13th (Sat) Kids Dowsing Program Inaugural Event. See Carole if you’d like to help.
Jan 17th (Sat) NCD Meeting
Jeannette’s Dowsing Tips & Reminders:
Take three deep breaths, tap your thymus gland, & relax. Before one begins with a question, Walt Woods & Sharron Hope have a beginning protocol that is very effective. Walt would ask, “May I, Can I, Should I?” Sharron also adds to it by asking, “Is it safe & appropriate?” Once you have the go ahead, begin with your question.
Recently, at the Win River Redding Holistic, Psychic, Arts & Crafts Faire, two people asked if I could address their health challenges, during the last part of a dowsing class. I used the above protocol & received a “no” response. Once I receive the “no”, that literally is the red light to stop! Then one of the persons asked, “Why can you not help me?” I seemed to be repeating Carl Bracy’s words, “We do not know if we are interfering with someone else’s karma, or if their guides are getting them ready for a life lesson”, etc. Perhaps it was because of a lack of time, maybe I was not the person who was qualified to assist, maybe there was someone else who was to help them. There are many possibilities. However, I’ve learned (hopefully) that when the beginning protocol produces “no(s)” then I must “stop” or else there could be inaccurate answers or unintended consequences for myself & others. After the dowsing class, we went back to our Nor Cal Dowser booth where I was able to assist the young woman, so it seemed that there was a time constraint. The other gentleman was able to get assistance from someone else at our booth. Thanks Sharron, Walt & Carl.
Other Community Events…Save the Date:
Sept 27th (Sat.) Geoengineering Global Awareness Day.
Sept 28th (Sun.) Butte Ions
Dr. Bob Smith’s “Materials Versus the Invisible” presentation for the Butte IONS meeting noon – 2:30 pm, at Center for Spiritual Living, 789 Bille Rd. Paradise. Suggested Donation: $5 – $10 appreciated to help cover the costs. All are welcome… regardless of ability to pay. For further info contact Maryse 873-3088 or email IONS.BUTTE@gmail.com
October 11 (9am-5pm) & 12 (10am-4pm) Gem Mineral & Jewelry Show
Location: Shasta County Fairgrounds, Anderson, CA
Exhibits & vendors with vast amounts of rocks, gemstones, jewelry, beads, jewelry making supplies, silent auction, raffle, door prizes, demonstrations, gold panning & much more.
Email:shastagemandmineral@gmail.com & club blog: shastagemandmineral.com
FREE admission.
Oct 11th (Sat) Health & Wellness Faire
Location: Hampton Inn, in Red Bluff, 10 am – 4pm. FREE faire in the Round-Up Room.
Oct 25th (Sat) TAHA, Trinity Alliance for the Healing Arts Faire
Location: Veterans Memorial Hall in Weaverville. 10am – 5pm.
Helen Clark’s Classes (RN, MA, Psychic-Medium)
Contact info: www.psychic-medium-redding, psychic@c-zone.net, or 530.227.6318
Classes held in Cottonwood &/or Redbluff.
Oct 18th 9am – noon. Beginner’s Psychic Development Class $35.
Nov 1st 9am – 11am. Past Life Hypnotherapy Workshop $25
Nov 15th 9am – noon. Adv. Psychic Development Class $35
Redding Senior Center On Going Classes,
Location: 2290 Benton Drive, Redding
Tai Chi 8:30 am Tues. & Thur.
Qui Gong 9:30 am Tues. & Thur.
Jo Madrid Classes & Readings
Jo is Native American descent who has helped people all over the world. She’s a psychic medium who is in the Redding, Sacramento & Reno areas. If you’re interested in readings or classes (“Candle Magic” &/or “The Healing Power of Your Spoken Word”), contact her at: www.jomadrid.com, jomadrid@aol.com, 530.222.5682.
Thank You
This Saturday, Sept 13th, is the Psychic Wellness Faire in the smoke free Win River Casino, 10am – 4pm. $5 entrance fee & receive a free $5 coupon to play in the casino. Nor Cal Dowsers will have a booth. There will be over two dozen vendors & many 20 minute presentations throughout the day. NCD opens up the presentations at 10:30am.
Sat., Sept 13th is the Psychic Wellness Faire at the smoke free Win River Casino, 10am – 4pm. $5 entrance fee & receive a free $5 ticket to play at the casino.
Sat., Sept 27th Geoengineering Global Awareness Day. There are scheduled peaceful demonstrations around the globe. There may be an event in Redding consult this website: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Uniting-For-Our-Planet-Redding-CA/623381344356124
Sunday, Sept 28th Butte IONS first meeting of the season will feature Dr. Bob Smith’s presentation on “Materialism and the Invisible.” in Paradise.
Thank you
August 2014
Sunday, Aug 17th Mt. Shasta Dowsers’ “Dowsing from the Heart” 1:00 – 3:00pm
Mount Shasta Dowsers’ welcomes Jozef Pinter from the Princeton Holistic Clinic (N.J.) for its inaugural meeting. Beginners and experienced dowsers are invited to this informal, at-home gathering. Jozef will work directly with workshop participants in demonstrating his Bioenergy Protocol, a highly efficient system developed over 29 years for diagnosing and treating health concerns, especially as related to nutrition. Participants will have an opportunity to dowse with each other and explore solutions to everyday concerns such as car repair, relationship building, health enhancement and work satisfaction. Dowsing is a path connecting the truth of one’s heart to clear, joyful living. Simply bring a sincere intention – and a pendulum if you have one. Pendulums will be provided for beginners. Caroline is hosting this event for free.
Location: The One Song Center, 1215 Audubon Road, Mt. Shasta, CA 96067.
Contact: Caroline Hamlet’s email: OneSongCenterMt.Shasta@gmail.com
Save the Date: Redding’s Psychic & Holistic Arts Faire Sept 13th
Redding Psychic & Holistic Arts Faire, presented by Vicki Lawrence and Helen Clark, will be at the Win-River Casino on Sept 13th from 10am-4pm. The casino is now smoke free. If you’d like to be a vendor space is available for all Psychics, Card Readers, Holistic Practitioners and Artists on a first come basis. This is a fun & supportive environment. Nor Cal Dowsers are looking forward to being a vendor again.
Contact Helen 227.6318 or psychic@c-zone.net for further info.
Health & Wellness Faire (Oct 11th) Vendors wanted
Contact: Jann Holden of Purple Sage jannholden@att.net or her Facebook page.
Location: Hampton Inn Red Bluff & Vendors table $30. Barney will be there as a vendor.
Nor Cal Dowsers officially welcomes our NEW Secretary/Treasurer: Vicki Lawrence & our NEW Internet Technician: Rachel Ortlieb. Thank you Vicki & Rachel for assisting our club!
Nor Cal Dowsing meetings are scheduled monthly on Saturdays at noon, Shasta Public Library, 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA.
Upcoming class: Aug 16th “Healing with Dowsing” by guest speaker Jozef Pinter from N.J. & “Energizing Water” video with Raymond Grace.
Sept 27th “Orgone Chemtrail Harmonizer”, requested class for those interested in Geoengineering/ Aerosol Spraying (aka Chemtrails). We’ll be making a Harmonizer.
Dowsing Tip: “Feeling” Light & Heavy
When we feel lighter, then we know that we are doing the correct thing. When we feel heavier, then we know another direction might be best for us. Deviceless dowsing can work in the same way. Ask a question & feel your internal response of either a “yes”, feeling light, or “No”, feeling heavy.
Thank you.
July 2014
If you’d like to know more about the Shasta County Board of Supervisor’s Geoengineering meeting, you can view the video yourself right now.
Board of Supervisors Meeting RE: Geoengineering/ Aerosol Spraying
View 4 hr 21min video on line for FREE now:
Or you can purchase DVD:
Call Board of Supervisors directly: 530.245.6600
$30 gets you 4:21 of meeting placed on 3 DVDs
(The county charges $10 per DVD & stated due to the length of video, it needed 3 DVDs).
Purchase Media through AV Capture ALL for $19.95
Video will be download a link via email:
The board said that the information & DVD would be sent to state & federal officials.
If you’re unable to connect to the previous Board of Supervisor’s meeting, then try the following:
View Shasta County Board of Supervisor Air Pollution Control Board’s Meeting on 7 – 15 – 2014 RE: Geoengineering/Aerosol Spraying by visiting the following website: www.co.shasta.ca.us
Click on Board of Supervisors Agenda
Click on Agendas, Minutes, Videos, and Minute Summaries (under BOS Agendas and Minutes)
Click: Video on the line of Board of Supervisors 07-15-2014 (duration 4:21)
Happy Viewing!
Please help get the word out…. Tues, July 15, 8:30 to 10:30 am, 2nd floor of Shasta County Admin Center, 1450 Court St. (building adjacent to Court House)
What they are spraying in our skies!!!…..10 speakers……a geoengineer, 2 commercial airline pilots, 1 former military pilot and flight instructor, a Neurologist, a game Biologist, a Meteorologist, and others…….
Search stopsprayingcalifornia.com and geoengineeringwatch.org
and keep praying……no spraying!!
June 2014
Sat., June 21st, Summer Solstice
Orgone Generator Class: If interested in making your own orgone generator sign up for the class by emailing northerncaliforniadowsers@gmail.com. Supplies cost $100.
Nor Cal Dowsing meetings are scheduled Sat, noon – 4pm, at the Shasta Public Library, 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA. Upcoming dates: June 14th, July 12th, Aug 16th, Oct 11th, Nov 8th. (Psychic Faire at Win River Sept 13th 10am – 4pm in lieu of Sept meeting).
WEST COAST CONFERENCE July 3rd – 7th (Dowser WCC)
http://dowserswestcoast.org or contact: Karen Ashley, 415-564-6419, Irene Healy, 831-402-8101, or email Karen: dowserswestcoast@gmail.com. Meet like minded people at UC Santa Cruz for a weekend of fun, speakers & dowsing.
Protection BLUE color: In the dowsing community, dowsers know blue is considered a negative color & red is considered a positive color. If the colors are treated as a magnetic force, then when like magnets try to connect they will naturally repel from one another. The blue color can be used with transportation vehicles, maps, properties, etc. One can use a blue marker to trace around the driving carriage (motorcycle, cars, truck, etc.) or put a blue strip of ribbon along the dashboard of ones vehicle. One can draw the outline of one’s dwelling, clear the property via map dowsing & then encircle the property with blue pen/marker & color the bottom of the paper with blue. When traveling one can make a protection map with blue. On a blank piece of paper mark your start and stop destinations with intent of safe travel. Write thank you on the paper & know that you will be protected on the journey. Taking a further step, asking for a traveling angel of protection seems to be most beneficial. The color blue is excellent protection for traveling. Always say, “Thank you.”
“Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.” – The Golden Rule
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind.” – Bob Dylan
“The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you and you don’t know how or why.” – Albert Einstein
“The truly valuable thing is the intuition.” – Albert Einstein
April 2014
Dear Nor Cal Dowsers and Friends,
We are currently in a state of transition, and will be taking a Spring Break in lieu of the April meeting. Scheduling and timing issues require flexibility around future meeting dates. Currently, our next scheduled meeting is on Saturday, May 17th from noon to 4pm at the Shasta Public Library, 1100 Parkview Ave, Redding. Thank you for your understanding.
Thanks everyone for supporting our club via donations and by purchasing tools and aids. Thanks Barney for all your fabrications, Marjorie’s & Carole’s technical support, Jana’s treasurer/secretary assistance, and Mary’s hospitality.
Happy Spring Break! – Thanks, Jeannette
More on Dowsing
Carl Bracy, Walt Woods & others emphasize dowsing daily. Dowsing before retiring helps our subconscious.
Anti-aging dowsing technique: Use a chart (Walt, Sharron’s or another) & pendulum. Walt says to phrase the longevity question as follows, “What is my health for my age, gender, and peer group in a 100 mile radius?” Ask the system to make corrections. Ask how long will it take? This can be done at night before retiring. As one gets healthier the radius can be extended.
“May I, Can I, Should I?” program by Walt Woods. After “yes” responses, then proceed to dowsing question.
Need to become more focused with questions & intention? Breathe, ask your angels &/or source for help. Think of the 5 Ws (Who, What, Where, When, Why) & how before you begin to dowse. “Know” dowsing works.
Barney’s (Nor Cal Dowsers) interview by a reporter recently: http://motherboard.vice.com/en_uk/read/how.-californias-water-witches-divine-water-in-a-drought . Mistakes in article, but “Nice” feature on Barney.
Barney was also recently part of another dowsing instructional audio video at Dowsing Fest 2014 with discoveringdowsing.com (Nigel & Maggie Percy’s Sixth Sense Consulting).
Sharron Hope (Gold Country Dowsers) recently interviewed. Sacramento Fox40 interviews Sharron Hope & Robert Mondovi:
A reporter interviews Sharron from NY: http://www.vice.com/read/meet-the-water-witcher-who-is-helping-california-farmers-deal-with-drought. Mistakes & inaccuracies, but good feature piece on Sharron and dowsing.
Al Jazeera interviews Sharron Hope & Prof Dizard, aired on Friday 3/14: https://ajam.box.com/s/lok3z8e3p1dmmh6w9099
Indalgo Felix (Fruitful Search)
February 2014
1st Sunday Superbowl, therefore NCD meets the 2nd Sunday.
BOOK SALE for Nor Cal Dowsers at next meeting, Feb 9th. Donated books welcomed & purchasing books helps our club. Thank you.
Mercury in Retrograde 2014
Feb 6 -28, June 7 – July 2, Oct 4 – 25
Mercury usually goes retrograde three times a year (sometimes four). During retrograde, Mercury appears to be moving backwards in relation to the sun, but it is just moving slower. Mercury is known as the communication planet or “winged messenger” by the Romans. Because Mercury rules communication & travel this is a perfect time to be aware of the following: aim to not misinterpret others & information, allow extra time, be more flexible, use your intuition, recheck appointments, review projects, electronics could be effected, do not take things personally, complete unfinished projects, & use caution when signing important documents.
Other Dates of Interest
Sharron Hope is looking for dowsing stories to submit to ASD. Please email her at divininghope@yahoo.com.
West Coast Conference (July 4 – 8, 2014) is looking for a few volunteers to help with pre-conference set up, and someone who would coordinate the AV equipment at the conference. The reward is WCC conference fee is waived. If interested please contact Karen dowserina@earthlink.net or 415.564.6419.
Butte IONS meeting: Institute of Noetic Science meets 2nd Sunday Monthly 2-4pm, at Center for Spiritual Living, 789 Bille Rd, Paradise. Suggested donation $5, but everyone is welcomed regardless of ability to pay.
2014 Active Northern CA Dowsing Chapters
Chapter |
Meets |
East Bay Dowsers (Oakland) Shirley RuncoDowserofthewest.org or 510.278.3136 | 1st Sat monthly12:45 – 4:454499 Piedmont Ave., Oakland |
Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville) Sharron Hope sharryhope@gmail.com or 530.534.3516 | 1st Sat meets quarterly & field trips1pm |
Golden Gate Dowsers (Corte Madera or SF) Karen AshleyDowserina@earthlink.net or 415.564.6419 | 3rd Sat during months of:Sept, Nov, Jan, March, & May1:30-5pm |
Mother Lode Dowsers (Columbia) Ralph Squire, Seri-worldwide.org ralph@goldrush.com or 209.533.3759 | 1st Sat monthly, 10am – 3 pmMarble Quarry RV Park. Audience participation & brown bag lunch at noon. |
Nor Cal Dowsers (Redding) (area code 530) Jeannette 222.2024 or norcaldowsers@gmail.com Barney 474. 1938 or bturner@frontiernet.netnorcaldowsers.com | 1st Sun monthly, except 2nd Sun Feb & July 12:30 dowsing & 1pm presentation2139 Hilltop Dr., Redding |
San Jose Chapter (San Jose) Cathy Coultrip wesendlove@aol.com or 925.462.8576 | 2nd Sat monthly, except June-Aug12:30pm – 4:30pm1540 Hicks Ave., San Jose |
Sierra Dowsers (Sacramento) Donna Ahlerssierradowsers@comcast.net or 916.564.9552 | Sunday, meets quarterlynoon – 5pm |
Possible Videos of Interest
http://youtu.be/lDq-GFQfdv0 Llyod Mear/Frequency Healing interview with Jamie Foxx, Awake & Empowered Expo (1:31:12)
http://youtu.be/1N48hjI-XnE Llyod Mear/Frequency Healing interview with Jamie Foxx, Awake & Empowered Expo (32:47). This video is a sample session of Llyod dowsing with a bobber.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJOHw3mq-Uo&feature=em-share_video_user Ralph & Marsha Ring at a Panel Discussion #03 at the Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference (2:31:35)
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