Meeting 2 February 2025
Northern California Dowsers
American Society of Dowsers’ chapter
Roger Gray
Sunday 2 February 2025 @ 2 pm
Location: Shasta County Library, Community Rm.,
1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001
Donations: $5 or more is greatly appreciated
Feel free to bring snacks & refreshments
Roger Gray’s presentation Our Upper Limits will dive deep into finding out more about yourself.
How to identify it and how to resolve it. When the upper limits kick in we self-sabotage what we
want to achieve. You see this clearly with actors and politicians who struggle for years, if not
decades, to become successful only to wreck it all with drugs or some other form of self-sabotage.
I’ll be explaining all this, as well as how the Upper Limits keeps us playing small, dampens our
dreams and keeps us distracted from achieving our heart felt desires. Once we identify our Upper
Limits and when it kicks in, then we counter it with the proper attitude and tools. We can not only
stop the self-limiting behavior but direct our life energy into what we wish to manifest. This
information is a vital tool if you wish to experience more in your life than you’re currently
creating. Hope to see you there.
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