November 17, 2024 Meeting
Northern California Dowsers
American Society of Dowsers’ chapter
“Secrets of Health and Longevity”
Yana Gocmanova
Numerologist and Wellness Consultant
Sunday 17 November 2024
2 pm
Location: Shasta County Library, Community Rm.,
1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001
Donations: $5 or more is greatly appreciated
Feel free to bring snacks & refreshments
In this presentation we will talk about the importance of the work of Linus Pauling, the famous American Nobel Prize winning biochemist. He developed the “Unified Theory of Vitamin C” and it’s role in preventing and reversing the plaque build up in the arteries. Other important aspects of maintaining the healthy body are vitamin D3, K2, hydrogenated water, ionic minerals, digestive enzymes and detoxification. You may follow this simple and essential program to improve your health and enjoy many years of happiness and well being.
Yana Gocmanova has studied numerology for the last 25 years. She has done professional readings to help her clients make important decisions in their lives, explain actions and peacefully resolve the conflicts with family members or friends. Yana is a holistic practitioner. She has been a certified Quantum biofeedback specialist for nearly 15 years. She uses the knowledge of numerology in working with her clients. The clients’ birth dates help her to choose the most appropriate program for their recovery. She lives in Redding.
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