June 30, 2024 LIVE meeting Preview of WCC
Save the Date. Northern California Dowsers, a chapter of the American Society of Dowsers, will hold a LIVE MEETING on Sunday, June 30th @ 2PM PDT, in the Shasta County Library Community Rm. 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001. Donations welcome to secure rental of room. It’s time to get together. Preview of the WEST COAST DOWSERS CONFERENCE at UC SANTA CRUZ in July….featuring Jeannette and Ted. Several of us from the Nor Cal Dowsers group are going.
Northern California Dowsers
American Society of Dowsers’ Chapter
by Jeannette & Ted
Sunday, 30 June 2024
2 PM P.D.T.
Location: Shasta County Library, Community Room
1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001
Donations: $5 or more is greatly appreciated
Feel free to bring snacks & refreshments
2 PM Introduction and Welcoming
2:15 PM Jeannette’s presentation is interactive and includes spoon bending, seeing auric fields, relaxation techniques, quantum jumping and seeing your future self. We will be working with both our conscious and subconscious minds to maximizing one’s life mission. Are you living your extraordinary life and if not then what’s stopping you from living your extraordinary life? What’s your message to share with others?
3:15 PM Break
3:30 PM Ted will give an introduction to the healing method of Nuro-Muscular Integration and how to ask the body questions for dowsing. Talking about the author Kyriacos C. Markides and his book about The Wisdom of the Magus of Strovolos.
ABOUT OUR PRESENTERS: As a change work therapist Jeannette Austin uses methodology including hypnotherapy, mediumship and dowsing. She is an advocate for living one’s authentic life and allowing love, abundance and wellness to flow within each individual. She does one to multi session work for people who’d like one on one training to master and upgrade their own success strategies. She spends most of her time between northern and southern California working in person and via internet. In her free time, she explores nature, gardens, writes, does photography, plays sports and games. She has spent many years studing various modalites promoting health, wellness, and psychic developement. Jeannette is President of Northern California Dowsers and holds a Masters Associates degree in National Security Studies. Her best contact: norcaldowsers@gmail.com or 530.222.2024 (landline).
Ted Dawson learned about herbs from his Native American great grandmother and obtained a degree in herbology from Global College of Natural Medicine in 2008, one of five master’s degrees. He also holds degrees from San Jose State in jewelry, gold and silver smithing (1972); MERRIL College UCSC Health Educator (1989); Chico State Ethnobotany (2000), where he wrote a paper on the 23 plants his ancestors used; American Blade Smith master blade smith (2011). In 2008 Ted opened Turtle Bay Museum with an exhibit that is still ongoing. Contributed to the book Journey to Justice, and has published articles in “Enjoy” and “Shasta Edibles” magazines. For over three decades he’s been a ceremonial leader for the Norrelmuk Wintu people. He was commissioned by the United States World Cup to design and manufacture jewelry for the race in Australia and then in Santa Barbera. Ted has spoken before numerous groups, including Nor Cal Dowsers and the West Coast Dowsers Conference. Contact information for Ted Dawson is P.O. Box 530, Shingletown, CA. 96088. He’s business is Nom Sus Wintu via eamil: nomsuswintu@gmail.com or call 530.474.3257 (landline).
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Dana martin
June 10, 2024
Is the meeting in Redding on the 29th or 19th? Like to attend.
July 13, 2024
Dana we’ve added you to our email list, which we aim to send out 2-4 times a month. Look forward to meeting you. All the best! Cheers, Jeannette & Nor Cal Dowsers Family