May 7, 2023 Meeting
Northern California Dowsers
American Society Of Dowsers’ Chapter
“Psychic Development“
Sunday, 7 May 2023
1:30 PM
Location: Shasta County Library, Community Room, 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001
Donations: $10 is greatly appreciated
Feel free to bring snacks and refreshments
Join us for Roger Gray and Bobbie G’s “Psychic Development” presentation. Roger will be doing most of the lecture on how the brain process’s subconscious info.; how psychic senses work; how to identify psychic info; how to use bilateral eye movement to access higher understanding to identify and break through blocks. Bobbie will do a brief talk about the Gregory continuum her spiritual masters and how she uses Gregory information to help people access their guides and some short readings and Q and A time permitting.
Roger’s experience as a hypnotherapist and counselor for over 30 years, and an instructor of many mind-expanding classes, will help you break through any blocks or upper limit issues that impede your progress. This helps you to expand your awareness and develop your psychic gifts in a timely manner. Email: Hypnou@aol.com
Bobbie G is a very gifted and clear spiritual medium with over 30 years of experience. She channeled on Blog Talk Radio show for ten years; thousands listened to her every week worldwide. Her abilities to access spirit and answer your questions provide a unique and accurate perspective to teach from. Bobbie’s ability to channel not only serves as a guide for you, but allows you direct access to a spiritual source that enhances your own abilities. This is a talent that you, too, can learn. Email: BobbieG22@gmail.com, Web: www.BobbieG.com, Phone: 530-515-3826
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