April 16, 2023 Meeting
Northern California Dowsers American Society Of Dowsers’ Chapter Presents
by Odile Dell’Aquila Starlight Journeys Extraordinary Awakenings Sunday 16 April 2023 1:30pm
Location: Shasta County Library, Community Rm., 1100 PARKVIEW AVE., REDDING, CA 96001
Donations: $10 or more is greatly appreciated, Feel free to bring snacks & refreshments
Come join us for a special journey beyond time as we are diving into the mysteries and sacred
energies of ancient Egypt. Allow yourself to travel to a land and culture far away, as Odile
presents her photos (slides) and shares her multidimensional experiences in these temples,
pyramids and the sphinx. Especially when she was gifted the great pyramid of Giza all to
herself on Spring Equinox of 2022.
Feel and see how the energy in the room will shift, as each one is accessing, to their own
capacities, these codes and energies embedded in these places, as you are being taken for a
private visit to the kings chamber of the great Pyramid, between the paws of the sphinx and
see the inflowing light in holy temple rooms. It will activate and bring forth distant memories.
We will look into some of their ancient initiations techniques and the tasks we have today, to
bring what we once experienced in that long ago past, forward, to seed and shape our future
of the new earth.
We will end our journey with a guided meditation with crystalline melodies of singing bowls, a
Starlight Journey as Odile calls it, to one of the sacred temples in Egypt. You will Travel great
distance from that chair you are sitting on, as we weave in and out of time, to our past
incarnation(s) when we walked the lands of the pharaohs, to receive gifts of understanding,
healing and blessings for our life journey today. This will be a very activating Sunday on many levels, far beyond a slide show, as we gather, to remember and create together. We are looking forward to being with you.
Odile Dell’Aquila assists on multidimensional levels in the awakening of consciousness and in
service for humanity. She offers intuitive clairvoyant guidance, clarity and support for your
highest potential, embodiment and mastery of self, retreats, classes and private sessions.
She has extensively traveled the world, and one of her greatest joys is to lead empowering
sacred retreats in Mount Shasta California, Egypt and in the near future bringing people to
visit the vortexes in the Swiss alps. She has been offering transformative, healing and
enlightening journeys at her Galactic Lighthouse in Mount Shasta through ceremonies, singing
crystal bowl immersions and sharing of her wisdom. Her deep love for people, animals music,
art, crystals and nature are reflected in everything she does, experiences you won’t forget to
easily. You can read more about her offerings on extraordinaryawakenings.com or
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