March 15, April 19th & May 17 Dowser Video Teleconference Series
DOWSERS VIDEO TELECONFERENCE American Society of Dowsers Chapters The Gold Country Dowsers (Oroville, CA), Greater Boston Dowsers (Westford, MA) & Nor Cal Dowsers (Redding, CA) presents Roxanne Louise’s
Monday, 17 May 2021, 5 PM PDT/ 6PM MDT/ 7PM CDT/ 8PM EDT
The last of Part III topic discusses successful dowsing for one’s health.
Monday, 19 APRIL 2021, 5 PM PDT/ 6PM MDT/ 7PM CDT/ 8PM EDT
Join via computer, tablet or smartphone: Please log in 10 minutes before the start of the call to be sure you can connect. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/998075477 PLEASE POST QUESTIONS IN CHAT BOX.
Call: United States: +1 (571) 317-3116 Access Code: 998-075-477 – One-touch: tel:+15713173116,,998075477#
Part II The Infinite Intelligence Process – a free Video Presentation 4/19/21. Here is a simple modality codified by Roxanne Louise several years ago in her book, Accessing More – Tapping Into the Eternal Unlimited Self with the Infinite Intelligence Process. While ideally done in conjunction with dowsing, it works very well with meditation or hypnosis, or simply as intention. It is massively helpful in clearing the root cause of issues, especially when you do not know all or any of the details. It can get rid of mind clutter, so common with an overwhelming amount of information coming at us now in the internet age. It can tap into greater wisdom and resources to assist in solving problems and managing life with greater grace and ease. AND YOU WILL LEARN THE BASICS IN JUST ONE NIGHT! Roxanne will share successful dowsing experiences with references from her book Accessing More! Tapping into the Eternal, Unlimited Self with the Infinite Intelligence Process.
1. https://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com/2021/03/17/the-infinite-intelligence-process- a-free-video-presentation-4-19-21/
2. A more detailed article: https://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com/2019/03/20/the-infinite- intelligence-process/
Monday, 15 March 2021 of “How to Have….A Successful Dowsing Experience” Part I
Before the call:
- Write down any questions you might have about your current dowsing project
- Download my chart
- Have a pendulum handy.Dowsing is a multi-part process that adapts artfully to any subject matter and situation. It starts with identifying & clarifying what you want & stating it clearly & specifically in a positive & present tense.If something has been stopping you from reaching your goal, you will need to clarify what those issues are, and then dowse on how to overcome each aspect, and then do so.Each goal may involve some normal research, education or prior understanding about the subject matter.You need to know what questions to ask.You may need to develop a game plan or dowsing protocol to follow. Then action needs to be taken with your dowsing results. This may mean making decisions, shifting energy, or taking direct action. And finally, you will need to monitor your results, refine & repeat the process until you obtain the results you want.
In this seminar, we will go through the above especially focusing on areas not usually discussed or on those areas in which you have been stuck.
Roxanne Louise
Roxanne Louise is a nationally honored Hypnotherapist, Dowser, Reiki Master, & Author of 10 books. She is also past President & former Board Member of the American Society of Dowsers, for whom she has conducted 47 educational teleconferences. Roxanne received 7 awards from prominent hypnosis organizations including 2 for Lifetime Achievement, & 2 from ASD. She integrates multiple modalities for mental and emotional healing, stress management, mind-body healing for a powerful synergistic effect not possible with one modality alone, & in a way not previously done by others. Roxanne is located in central Virginia.
To Contact Roxanne Louise:
Roxanne Louise, 98 Gormes Drive, Faber, VA 22938 Landline: 434-263-4337, Cell: 540-470-8218
Email: Roxanne@RoxanneLouise.com
Websites: www.RoxanneLouise.com & Dowsing-Online.com Blog: UnlimitedPotentialHealingCenter.com
More international phone numbers for video teleconference meeting, call for: (For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)
Canada: +1 (647) 497-9373 – One-touch: tel:+16474979373,,998075477#
Ireland: +353 15 360 756 – One-touch: tel:+35315360756,,998075477#
United Kingdom: +44 20 3713 5011 – One-touch: tel:+442037135011,,998075477#
Gold Country Dowsers (est. 1988) SHARRY HOPE BA. MA.
Gold Country Dowsers was co-founded by Sharry Hope. She has graduate studies in Education , Arts & Hydrogeology, Professional Dowsing Consultant since 1985, Life Member of the American Society of Dowsers (ASD), ASD “Dowser of the Year, ASD “Paul Sevigny” award, ASD “Best Chapter of the Year” 530-570-3697 (Cell) 530-534-3516 (Home, leave a message) PO BOX 6066 OROVILLE CA 95966 Sharryhope@gmail.com
Greater Boston Dowsers (est. 1985)
A dowsing chapter that has been meeting since 1985.
The Boston chapter has also hosted speakers like
Gladys McCoy, Vernell Boyd, Raymon Grace, Joey
Korn, Jean Slatter, Bill Russell, Slim Spurling, Dan
Wilson and other international speakers. The Spuhlers
have held many events at their home and speakers stay
with them while the lectures are held at their home.
They are regularly assisting other dowsers, hosting
conferences, producing videos, etc. Susan McNeill
Spuhler is the President. You can reach her at the following website: https://dowserssouthwest.com phone (978) 340-9304 & email: susan.mcneill.spuhler@gmail.com
Nor Cal Dowsers www.norcaldowsers.com 🙏 Thanks ❣
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