Feb 27 Meeting
Northern California Dowsers
with Jeanne Gehringer
Saturday, 27 February 2021
1:30 PST
(2:30pm MST/3:30pm CST/4:30pm EST)
Nor Cal Dowsers and Friends welcomes Jeanne Gehringer’s presentation “DOWSING ACCURATELY IN UNSETTLED TIMES”. A charts and a handout of techniques will be e-mailed to all participants before the dowsing class. If you do not receive a handout please email: northerncaliforniadowsers@gmail.com .
*VIRTUAL ONLINE MEETING: Nor Cal Dowsers will be using the GotoMeeting (GtM) format while we’re unable to meet in person. You can also dial in using your smart phone. (For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)
💻 📱 👨💻 Please join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/940330141
☎ 📱 Dial using your phone:
United States (Toll Free): 1 877 309 2073
United States: +1 (571) 317-3129
Access Code: 940-330-141
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when the meeting starts:https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/94033014
“We have been living in such a tumultuous time in so many areas of our lives. We are overloaded with information; good, bad, and ugly. We are faced with important decisions for ourselves and our loved ones.
As dowsers, we say “Just dowse it !!” to help determine facts, or what actions to take.
But are we dowsing Accurately? Thoroughly? And very importantly, are we keeping our own wishes, viewpoints and assumptions out of the way in order to achieve the best dowsing results?
The ability to be a good critical thinker is more important than ever. This is a great time to get back to the dowsing basics of asking the right question correctly; of formulating a question based on facts, not assumptions or belief systems.
We dowsers have the best tool to navigate all aspects of life, but it’s only as good as how well we use it.
This talk will be about how to better use dowsing to be an accurate critical thinker; how to identify any assumptions in dowsing questions. I’ll discuss specific techniques to improve dowsing accuracy and to identify and remove assumptions that reduce the accuracy of dowsing.” – Jeanne Gehringer
As a dowser for almost 40 years, Jeanne applies dowsing to all aspects of life. She co-founded the Dona Ana Dowsers and the Southwest Dowsing Conference in New Mexico, and was also the ASD Regional Coordinator for several years. She was a long-time member of the American Society of Dowsers and has been a frequent presenter at numerous dowsing chapters, regional dowsing conferences and the Ozark Research Institute. She was named the American Society of Dowsers “Dowser of the Year in 2015.”
Best Contact for Jeanne Gehringer: mjeanne@zianet.com
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