October 26th Meeting
Northern California Dowsers
American Society of Dowsers’ Chapter
@ 1pm by
Sharron Hope, (CCHT, BA, MA)
Dowsing & Spiritual Consultant
& NCD Members
Saturday, October 26th
Shasta County Library, Community Rm.,
1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001
Suggested Donation: $5 or more (voluntary, not required).
Snacks & refreshments welcomed & appreciated.
12:30 – Doors open….Come early to learn Basic Dowsing
Part I Spirit & Protection: Sharry will share some of her stories about clients she has worked with, and will demonstrate the process of spirit releasement therapy. She combines dowsing with the process she learned at the American Institute of Hypnotherapy to make the process more effective. Come find out how to detect spirit in a room and release it via dowsing and body reactions. This is a perfect class for those wanting to understand and share more protection for one’s self and others.
Part II Psychic Dowsing: Sharry will also demonstrate the technique she uses when using psychic dowsing during personal consultations with a client. Psychic dowsing involves getting information for a person using dowsing methods and paying attention to your inner voice. Participants will have an opportunity to practice this method during the workshop. Charts will be provided.
Part III Ghost Stories & Awareness: Come bring your Ghost stories and any techniques that have helped you protect yourself, loved ones, properties, etc. Or you might like to share ways of becoming more aware.
SHARRON (Sharry) HOPE became a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist at the American Institute of Hypnotherapy in 1990. Shortly thereafter Sharry received certification in Spirit Releasement Therapy after a week-long workshop with Dr. Bruce Goldberg.
Sharry also studied Eugene Maurey’s work on spirit releasement and took a workshop from him at the West Coast Dowsing Conference. Since then Sharry has practiced Spirit releasement therapy on an ongoing basis. SHARRON (Sharry) HOPE (B.A., M.A., CCHT), M.A. in Education with an emphasis in the Arts and guided imagery, Graduate studies in Education & Hydrogeology, Psychology Bachelor of Arts, Professional Dowsing Consultant since 1989. Life Member of the American Society of Dowsers (ASD), ASD “Dowser of the Year”, her “Gold Country Outstanding Chapter”, Founder & co-host of ASD’s Water Mastermind Conference Call, etc. Sharry Hope’s contact information: PO BOX 6066 Oroville, CA 95966 (mailing), sharryhope@gmail.com (email), 530.570.3697 (Cell) & 530.534.3516 (Home).
Barney Turner, Nor Cal Dowsers Vice President, ASD’s “Outstanding Chapter Leader of the Year” (2018), Mad Scientist always creating something, organite artist, life time Dowser and Explorer, etc. Contact info.: bturner@frontiernet.net (email) & 530.691.4020 (landline).
Jeannette, M.A., B.A., life time learner & instructor, author, photographer, artist, dowser, etc. President of Nor Cal Dowsers. Contact info.: norcaldowsers@gmail.com or 530.222.2024 (landline).
Northern California Dowsers, Nor Cal Dowsers, has been awarded by American Society of Dowsers’ Best Website (2018) & Best Chapter (2015). Past NCD member awards: have gone to Pearl Nicolino (Legend Dowser twice), Sharron Hope (Educator of the Year, Dowser of the Year, etc.), Carl V. Bracy (Master Dowser), Walt Woods, Barney Turner (Outstanding Chapter Leader), etc. NCD was co-founded by Carl V. Bracy and other NCD Members almost 30 years ago. We’re a small group that focuses on dowsing, wellness and awareness. We usually meet monthly.
“Dowsing is spiritual awareness.” — Carl V. Bracy
Thank You.

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