September 22nd Meeting
Northern California Dowsers
Awarded “Best Website 2017”
Barney Turner for “Outstanding Chapter leader”
Pearl Nicolino for “Legend Award”
Sharron Hope, MA
Dowser, Spiritual Consultant, Instructor, etc.
Saturday, 22 Sept 2018
Meeting at Noon
Shasta County Library
1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001
Suggested Donation: $5 (or any other amount).
Snacks & refreshments always welcomed & appreciated.
Sharron Hope was awarded “Chapter of the Year” for her Gold Country Dowsers chapter (Oroville, CA) at the West Coast Dowsers Conference (UCSC) 2018
Professional dowser Sharron (Sharry) Hope and her son, Dan Hope, the computer expert will demonstrate combining dowsing techniques and computer technology to save time and improve your dowsing results. Sharron and other dowsers use both Google and hand-drawn Maps for locating and diverting water, finding well sites, aquifers, detrimental energy fields, downed aircraft, missing people and pets, lost items, oil Reserves, minerals, archaeological artifacts, valuable items, etc. She finds Google Maps far superior to hand drawn sketches. Dan will share how he locates the property in question on Google Maps or Google Earth, with the property lines, increase the quality and print out a large color print of the property with the property lines clearly visible on the print. Sharron will show you how she dowses these images to find what she is hired to locate. The most popular requests are for water wells, aquifers, detrimental Energies and spirits or ghosts . What’s in your house?
After the intermission we’ll view a presentation on “Everything You May Want to Know About Map Dowsing” by Ed Stillman (21 Jan 2007). Ed presents dowsing water well location techniques from basic to advanced. Parts of the video show a UK TV show which Ed was part of along with famous dowser Ted Kaufman locating two missing men along with their car in the middle of a lake. The second part of the DVD is advance dowsing techniques locating potable water wells in an area known for their contaminated water. (Video 1:51 min.)
Sharron has a wealth of information, holds numerous degrees and is always ready to share her knowledge with others. She holds a BA in Psychology, MA in Interdisciplinary Studies/Education & the Arts, graduate work in hydrogeology, and is a certified hypnotherapist, acupressure massage therapist, photographer and avid learner and teacher. She has a ham radio technician license and helps at her local club in Oroville. Sharron has been recognized for her dowsing efforts and holds three ASD national awards for “Dowsing over 1,000 Successful Wells”, “Educator of the Year” and “Dowsing Chapter of the Year”. She started the Gold Country Dowser Chapter (Oroville CA) over thirty years ago, and currently hosts the Water Dowsers Mastermind Conference Calls on the third Monday of each month. She dowsed her first well in 1979 which is still going strong. Sharron’s humanitarian and compassionate nature is notable. We’re honored to have such an experienced and knowledgable person and friend in the dowsing community. Sharry Hope can be contacted at & 530.570.3697.
Thank You
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