November 5th Meeting
Northern California Dowsers
Mark J. Ryan
Speaker, Author, Hypnonsis & NLP Certified Trainer,
Brain-Based Coach with over 30 years of Experience
Sunday, 5 November 2017
Meeting at 1:30pm
Shasta County Library, Community Room,
1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001
Suggested Donation: $5 (voluntary, not required).
Snacks & refreshments welcomed & appreciated.
What is the Workshop About?
The Workshop will be an EXPERIENTIAL – 3 Hours … of YOU getting to know more about who YOU
REALLY are! The Closer you are to your True Self…the Closer you are towards discovering your True
- I will Show you Several Methods of accessing the real YOU within Minutes
- Three Easy Steps to go From Stress to Relaxed almost INSTANTLY!!!
- Quickly Increase your Dowsing & Energetic Success Rate
These Amazing Simple Skills will ripple and Change every area of your life and wake you up to many NEW possibilities!
Who is Teaching? Mark J. Ryan is one of the most respected leaders in the world of Subliminal Video,
Neuro-Linguistic- Programming, Hypnosis and Coaching. With over 30 years of personal coaching and therapy, Mark delivers dynamic, interactive coaching that helps people get clear about what they want.
His unparalleled and heart-centered guidance helps his clients create rapid, measurable change in their lives, their businesses, and their plans for the future.
Mark collaborates with and has mentored some of the leaders in the field of personal development, success, and small business product generation. When the world’s top leaders in business and personal achievement need a coach behind the scenes, Mark is the guide they turn to for clarity and support.
Mark’s has spoken to audiences around the world, including extensive presentations in Moscow, Russia and Novosibirsk, Siberia. His speaking style challenges both the conscious and unconscious minds to open to new possibilities so that greater understanding, knowledge, and growth can occur.
Mark lives in Mount Shasta in far northern California. Visit Mark’s website for more information: www.markjryan.com
NOR CAL DOWSERS (NCD) was founded by Master Dowser Carl V. Bracy, Mary Farley, and others. Our objective is to promote, educate, investigate & experience those things related to increase awareness, and the general upliftment of consciousness and the environment.
The purpose of our group is to increase awareness and knowledge, promote health, and explore all aspects in the field of dowsing. Dowsing, also called divining or divination, is an ancient practice based on the dynamics of seeking and finding, or asking and receiving. Generally, simple tools or devices, such as “L” rods, pendulums, “Y” rods, bobbers, etc. are used. Dowsing is most frequently employed to find, locate, divert or remove something, or to gain answers to questions.
NCD is a non-profit club. Meetings usually held monthly, at which donations and foods are welcomed. Check calendar on website.
Thank you
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