October 22 Meeting
Northern California Dowsers
“Dowsing to Get Rid of Bad Habits”
Margaret VanLaanMartin
Sunday, 22 October 2017
Meeting at 1:45pm
Shasta County Library, Community Room,
1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001
Suggested Donation: $5 (voluntary, not required).
Snacks & refreshments welcomed & appreciated.
Dowsing is a process you can use to rid yourself of any of your bad habits. You can stop biting your nails, stop drinking alcohol, or even stop eating specific foods like french fries or ice cream. You can also stop bad habits like procrastination, being late and various obsessions and addictions.
Dowsing is a tool to instantly connect with your subconscious, your higher self and inner knowing. Dowsing is a search, looking for information or an answer. With Dowsing, you have tools to empower your life. The key to a successful Dowsing session for stopping a bad habit is being clear about your intent around why you want to quit the bad habit.
In order for Dowsing to be most effective for getting rid of bad habits, you must be clear about what the specific bad habit is that you want to quit. Be clear about how the bad habit has affected you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. And you must be clear about why you want to stop your bad habit, followed by what energy you intend to put in its place.
As an example, you wouldn’t want to say, “I want to remove sugar from my life”. Rather, it would be better to say, “I want to remove ice cream from my life,” (and only if you really do want to remove ice cream from your life). Being specific is important. Because there is going to be a space left in your body that used to want ice cream, you will need to choose something else that you really like, that you will replace it with. Unless you are a fiend for broccoli, even with Dowsing you won’t get as good a result unless you choose a replacement you are crazy about. So choose something you like that is realistic, perhaps fat-free flavored yogurt, or something else you can envision yourself easily enjoying.
Margaret VanLaanMartin is a psychic, medium, astrologer and Reiki Master Teacher who grew up around the world with parents who were missionaries. She moved to Chico in 1961, later graduating from Chico State with a degree in Business Administration. Margaret has been working as a psychic for more than 30 years. She owns a business called Age of Aquarius located in Chico. Margaret offers free Daily World Barometer readings on social media. Find her at Age of Aquarius Chico on Face Book, Twitter, You Tube, and LinkedIn.
I do this work because I love it.
I love seeing the benefits in the lives of my clients, seeing their lives become less stressful and more effective. I also see benefits in my own life, as I continue to grow spiritually and refine my techniques.
As an intuitive consultant, psychic, and healer, my job is to see what’s blocking your movement through the current issues in your life and to give you the tools to deal with it.
My focus is on clarity, and helping to reveal what may not be clear to you. I also teach classes on personal empowerment. I’ve developed many effective spiritual tools over the years, and yes, you absolutely can learn to use them too. To make your life smoother, more prosperous, and more fun!
Having more tools is like having more toys to play with in your life. Knowing you have more options makes life more fun. And isn’t that what it’s all about, increasing our fun while we’re here?
Contact Information: Email:Margaret@ageofaquariuschico.com
Call: 530-520-1900 Or drop by my office: 852 Manzanita Court, Suite 155
(At the Cohasset Exit off of Hwy 99), Chico, CA 95926
Thank you
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