January 14th Meeting, 2017
Northern California Dowsers
American society of dowsers’
Presents a Double feature
“How I Met the Ascended Masters & Learned to Love!”
By Raymond Fuller
“Communicating with Your Spirit Guides: Keys to Success”
By Nakala Akasie
Saturday, 14 January 2017
Meeting at noon
LOCATION: Shasta County Library, Community Rm., 1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001
Suggested Donation: $5 (voluntary, not required).
Snacks & refreshments welcomed & appreciated.
“How I Met the Ascended Masters and Learned to Love!”
By Raymond Fuller
Raymond presents his inner experiences and lessons learned while studying and applying the teachings of the Ascended Masters – followed by Q & A.
Raymond found the teachings of the Ascended Masters over thirty years ago through a book published by The Summit Lighthouse. Until that time, he regularly attended the Presbyterian Church, yet he had an inner sense that there was far more to God than was explained within the Bible. Though raised in San Diego, he lived in Chicago for 47 years before moving to Mt Shasta in 2008. Since then he has conducted weekly study and prayer groups, and is always available to answer questions about the Masters. He and his second wife, Nakala Akasie, reside in Weed, California. Raymond’s contact info: rnfuller102@sbcglobal.net, 530-925-4367.
“Communicating with Your Spirit Guides: Keys to Success”
By Nakala Akasie
Nakala will speak on how her spiritual guidance used dowsing as a connection, and progression to telepathic communications. Now as a messenger for the Pleiadian Council of Light, she will share how you, too, can learn to communicate with your guides and learn the key points to success in developing precise language as a channel and/or dowser.
Kansas native, Nakala Akasie, contemporary Pleiadian Messenger, channel, and author of several metaphysical books, currently resides in the spiritual mecca of Mt. Shasta, in northern California, with her husband, Ray El, to serve as a bridge for the Higher Realms of Light during the planetary and cosmic shifts taking place.
Nakala works with the angelic realm in assisting people in their creative process, and healing different issues through her group and individual channeled readings, as well as her presentations and workshops on “Communicating with your Spirit Guides”.
Nakala, wife, mother, and grandmother, enjoys the disciplines of yoga and daily meditations. She teaches workshops on how to connect with your spirit guides using a pendulum. In her spare time she loves to garden, watch the sun rise and set, create different artistic projects, and go hiking on sacred Mt. Shasta with her husband.
Nakala’s contact info.: 530-566-7890, Whenangelsspeak5@aol.com, www.PleiadianTraveler.com, PleiadianPublishing.com, whenangelsspeaktous.wordpress.com, Like Pleiadian Traveler on Facebook.
Thank You
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Nancy Frabel
January 3, 2017
Sounds like wonderful topics! What time does it start? I look forward to seeing you there.
March 5, 2017
Hi Nancy,
Thanks for your query. Sorry for the delay. On Saturdays we start at noon. When going to the website norcaldowsers.com, then one can click on the picture and it will be enlarged with details. Thanks for your support to the dowsers!