May 14th Speaker
Northern California Dowsers
“Ritual Jades”
Carl Vincent, Ph.D.
Saturday, 14 May 2016
Meeting at noon
Shasta County Library, Community Room,
1100 Parkview Ave., Redding, CA 96001
Voluntary Donation: $5-$10 suggested (not required).
We welcome snacks & refreshments.
Dr. Carl Vincent…
is turning 100 years old in August 2016. He’ll give a presentation on Ritual Jades and talk about his life full of Travel, adventure and learning along the way. Moving to China as a child he learned to paint, talk and learn about the Chinese culture and ancient histories. His ancient jade collection is massive and he always looks to find new pieces. As an appraiser he has been doing antique appraisals for over 70 years. Graduating from Yale University, he has been part of archeology digs, traveled all over the country and currently resides in Redding, CA. He has 7 children, 6 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren among many others that call him grandpa.
For more info on Dr. Carl Vincent visit: Http:// or call 530-949- 6691.
Thank you
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